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Neues Projekt FlexiTeams


gefördert aus dem Landesprogramm zur Stärkung der Digitalisierung an den Hochschulen in Rheinland-Pfalz, 2021-2023)
► Presse 29. Juli 2021

Projektteam: Prof. B. Weyers (Projektsprecher) (Human-Computer-Interaction, Trier), Prof. R. Bergmann, Prof. I. Timm (Wirtschaftsinformatik, DFKI Trier), Prof. T. Ellwart (Wirtschaftspsychologie)

Inhalt: Ziel ist die Entwicklung von KI-Methoden als digitale Instrumente zur Unterstützung der flexiblen Reorganisation von Arbeitsteams bei der Bewältigung von Krisensituationen. Die KI-basierte Anwendungen sollen dazu dienen, Entscheidungsvorschläge zu generieren und transparent zu erklären, sowie Alternativen und Entscheidungsvarianten prospektiv und retrospektiv zu bewerten.

  • Mathew, D. Bergmann, R., Weyers, B., Ellwart, T., Bohrmann, D., & Hölzchen, E. (2022). FlexiTeam: Flexible Team and Work Organization using Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning.

Aktuelle Publikationen


Schmidt, I., Schauffel, N., & Ellwart, T. (2022). Uncovering latent profiles of ICT self-concept among adults in Germany and their relation with gender. Behaviour & Information Technology. https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2022.2151937

Müller, R., Graf, B., Ellwart, T., & Antoni, C. H. (2022). How Software Agents Can Help to Coordinate Emergency Response Teams: Adaptive Team Performance Comparing Manual and Automated Team Communication. Journal of Business and Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-022-09858-4

Timm, I. J., Reuter, L., Berndt, O. J., Müller, R., Antoni, C. H., Ellwart, T., & Graf, B. (2022). Fire, Crime, and Injury (FCI). An agent-based simulation and experimentation platform for socio-digital team analysis. Open Science Framework. https:///doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/BJ6HU

Müller, R., Antoni, C. H., Ellwart, T., & Graf, B. (2022). Effects of Meta-Knowledge on Team Adaptive Performance Comparing Manual and Automated Communication. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 16998. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.16998abstract

Mathew, D., Bergmann, R., Weyers, B., Ellwart, T., Bohrmann, D., & Hölzchen, E. (2022). FlexiTeam: Flexible team and work organization using process-oriented case-based reasoning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Books and Book Chapters (peer review)

Ellwart, T., Schauffel, N. (2023). Human-Autonomy Teaming in ship inspection: Psychological perspectives on the collaboration between humans and self-governing systems. In M.J. Tafsir et al. (Eds.) Autonomous Vessel in Maritime Affairs: Law & Governance Implications. Palgrave Macmillan.


Ausgewählte Vorträge 2022

Ellwart, T. & Antoni, C. H. (2022, July). Comparing Coordination Processes in Human, and Human-Agent Teams and Their Effects on Team Emergent States, and Performance. Symposium, INGRoup Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Graf, B., Ellwart, T., Müller, R., Reuter, L., Berndt., J. O., Timm, I. J., & Antoni, C. (2022, July). Effects of automated communication on a teams‘ activity and social presence awareness, team commitment and motivation. INGRoup Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Ellwart, T., Ewerz, B., Graf, B., Müller, R., Reuter, L., Berndt, J. O., Timm, I., & Antoni, C. H. (2022, July). The impact of agent-related knowledge on trust and acceptance in human agent teams. INGRoup Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

Antoni, C. H. & Ellwart, T. (2022, July). Virtual team collaboration and adaptation processes – Their antecedents and effects on team performance [Paper presentation]. INGRoup Conference, Hamburg, Germany.