Anne-Katrin Blass
Anne-Katrin Blass joined the department in August 2013. She studied English and German at the Universities of Trier and Essex, and received her degree (1. Staatsexamen) in 2013. She is currently working on her PhD thesis under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Hoffmann. The thesis will use both synchronic and diachronic corpus data to investigate a construction deviating from the prototypical structure of the English noun phrase (the “Big Mess Construction“). Besides the English noun phrase, her main research interests include corpus linguistics, morphosyntactic variation and change and variationist sociolinguistics.
Blass, Anne-Katrin (2012) "Textual functions of extended lexical units: A case study of phrasal constructions built around by way of". ICAME Journal 36: 5-29.
Hoffmann, Sebastian, Anne-Katrin Blass and Joybrato Mukherjee (In press) "Canonical Tag Questions in Asian Englishes: Forms, Functions and Frequencies in Hong Kong English, Indian English and Singapore English". In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Devyani Sharma (eds.) Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.