List of Technical Reports Mathematics / Computer Science 1994
- 01: P. Gritzmann, V. Klee, D. Larman
Largest j-Simplices in n-Polytopes - 02: R. Hettich, H. Th. Jongen
On Continuous Deformations of Semi-Infinite Optimization Problems - 03: J. Bern, Ch. Meinel, A. Slobodová
Some Heuristics for Generating Tree-like FBDD Types - 04: Ch. Meinel, St. Waack
The Möbius Function, Variations Ranks, and Theta(n)-Bounds on the Modular Communication Complexity of the Undirected Graph Connectivity Problem - 05: Ch. Meinel, A. Slobodová
On the Complexity of Constructing Optimal OBDD's - 06: St. Jukna
Finite Limits and Lower Bounds for Circuits Size - 07: P. Gritzmann, V. Klee
On the Complexity of some Basic Problems in Computational Convexity: II. Volume and mixed volumes - 08: R. Horst, M. Nast, N. V. Thoai
A New LP-Bound in Multivariate Lipschitz Optimization: Application to Unconstrained and Linearly Constrained Problems and to Systems of Inequalities - 09: N. V. Thoai
Global Optimization Techniques for Solving the General Quadratic Integer Programming Problem - 10: N. V. Thoai
A Decomposition Method in Nonconvex Mixed-Integer Programming - 11: M. Gugat
A Fast and Robust Algorithm for a Class of Generalized Fractional Programs - 12: C. Damm, M. Holzer
Inductive Counting below LOGSPACE - 13: R. Horst, N. V. Thoai
An Integer Concave Minimization Approach for the Minimum Concave Cost Capacitated Flow Problem on Networks - 14: D. Baum
Approximate Analysis of Multi-Queue Stations with 1-Limited Service - 15: M. Luckow, N. Th. Müller
Cascade: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Priority Queues - 16: J. Bern, Ch. Meinel, A. Slobodová
Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD Beyond Current Limits - 17: Ch. Meinel, A. Slobodová
A Unifying Theoretical Background for Some BDD-based Data Structures - 18: Ch. W. Keßler
Integrating Scalable Parallel Libraries and Automatically Parallelizing Compilers