Rebekka Kanesu

Rebekka is a doctoral researcher in human geography. She is interested in human-environmental relations, more-than-human geographies and socio-technical intraactions. Her PhD project 'Liquid Lines - on rivers and borders in the Anthropocene' is situated in the Greater Region between Germany, Luxembourg and France. There, she studies the relation between people, fish, infrastructure and the transboundary Moselle River. She uses qualitative research methods like mulit-sited fieldwork, mobile interviews, participant observation, autoethnography and archival research. In her work she combines political ecology of water approaches with feminist STS, new materialist and posthuman theory.

Rebekka holds a B.A. and M.A. degree in social and cultural anthropology (University of Cologne & LMU Munich). She also obtained a B.A. degree in romance languages and literature (French) (University of Cologne & University Guadeloupe, FR).

From 2018 to 2021 she worked as project assistant for the Interreg VI project "UniGR-Center for Border Studies". She is still part of the working group "Bordertextures".

Rebekka is also a member of the regional Scientists4Future group in Trier.



  • WiSe 2023/24: "Methoden III" (Seminar, 3. Semester BA), "Klimawandel und nachhalitges Denken" (Wahlbereich)
  • SoSe 2023: "Methoden II" (Seminar, 2. Semester BA)
  • SoSe 2022: Exkursionsbegleitung/Assistenz "Rund ums Bier. Eine Kartierung der urbanen politischen Ökologien von Münchens Brauereien" mit Sahar Zavareh Hofmann
  • WiSe 2020/2021- SoSe 2022: „#LecturesForFuture-Klimawandel in den Weitblick nehmen“ (Ringvorlesung für hochschulinterne und -externe Öffentlichkeit, Organisation zusammen mit Tobias Kranz und Petra Wolf; Würdigung mit dem Lehrpreis der Uni Trier)
  • WiSe 2019/2020: „Nachhaltigkeit und Großprojekte in der Großregion“ (Lehrforschungsprojekt, 5. Semester BA)
  • SoSe 2018: „Einführung in die räumliche Planung und Entwicklung“ (Seminar, 3. Semester BA)



Conference papers

  • Session Katrin Singer & Rebekka Kanesu (chairs): Flussspaziergang – eine Erkundung kreativer Ökologien des Wasser; Audiowalk: Mosel (Ge)Schichten: multiple Perspektiven auf Wasser als Ökosystem und Infrastruktur,  2023, "Geographies of overlapping crises", Neue Kulturgeographie Konferenz, Universität Halle
  • Infrastructuring water beyond pipes and canals: a dialogue on more-than-material infrastructures, mit Rossella Alba, 2020, "Technocultures und Technoscapes", Neue Kulturgeographie Konferenz 17, Universität Bonn.
  • Swimming across scales: on eel conservation in the liquid Anthropocene, 2020, "Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future", Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) conference, London (UK).
  • Session: Rebekka Kanesu & Eva McGrath (chairs): Rivers as Borders ? (I+II). presentation: Seeing like a Riverborder: rethinking liquid boundaries along the Moselle River, 2021, Konferenz: "Borders, Borderlands, Bordering", Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG) annual conference, London (UK).
  • Exploring the hydrosocial Anthropocene: relational political ecologies of the Moselle, 2021, Delta Projetkt Kolloquium, Universität zu Köln
  • Liquid lines – an exploration of hydrosocial borders, 2022, Symposium | Riverine Borders: On rivers and other border materialities, MUDAM - Museum of contemporary Art, Luxembourg
  • Politische Ökologie und neue Materialismen: eine Annäherung, 2022, "The plurality of political ecology", Zweite Augsburger Forschungswerkstatt, Universität Augsburg