Beiträge in begutachteten Journals, sowie Publikationsliste

Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auflistung der publizierten Beiträge in begutachteten Journals von Prof. Bernhard Swoboda. Eine detaillierte Liste aller Publikationen können Sie hier einsehen:
149. | Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2025), “The Role of Regulative Institutions in the Effects of Social, Environmental, and Economic CSR Dimensions across Nations”, Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 47(1), 5-19 (VHB‐RANKING at time of acceptance: C). |
148. | Müller, Marius and Bernhard Swoboda (2025), “Effects of International E-Commerce Firms’ Depth versus Breadth of Control on Foreign Sales Performance and the Role of Market Size and Growth as Context Factors”, Management International Review (VHB‐RANKING at time of acceptance: B, accepted for publication 20.01.2025). |
147. | Schütz, Adrian and Bernhard Swoboda (2024), “Institutional Distances and E-Commerce Firms’ Standardization of Online Offers and Services”, European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Alto, December 12-14, 2024. Awarded as the best paper in the "International Marketing Track" & awarded as the GSJ Global Strategy Research Best Paper Prize Runners-up. |
146. | Jacobs, Nele and Bernhard Swoboda (2025), "How Perceived Stakeholder Orientations Affects Consumers’ Perceived Firm Innovativeness Across Nations," Journal of Business Research (VHB‐RANKING at time of acceptance: B, accepted 10.11.2024). |
145. | Klink, Angelina and Bernhard Swoboda (2025), “Roles of Traditional, Online-Specific, and Cross-Channel Marketing Instruments in Multi- and Omnichannel Fashion Retail Brand Equity”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour (VHB-RANKING at time of acceptance: B, accepted 19.12.2024). |
144. | Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2024), "Joint Role of Corporate Communication Budget Allocation and Internet Penetration in Multinationals' Corporate Brand Equity Cross-National Effects. A hierarchical three-way interaction", European Journal of International Management (VHB-RANKING at time of acceptance: B, accepted 30.06.2024). |
143. | Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2024), “Reciprocity of Cognitive, Affective and Social Customer Experience and Their Effects on Customer Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth”, Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 46(4), 3-18 (VHB‐RANKING at time of acceptance: C). |
142. | Zimmer, Lukas, Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Hälsig (2024), “How communication budgets adjusted to Internet penetration affect corporate brand equity effects across nations”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Bucharest, May 26-31, 2024. Awarded as the best paper of the conference based on doctoral work. |
141. | Jacobs, Nele and Bernhard Swoboda (2024), "Effects of National Institutions on Corporate Brand Ability Associations during the Pandemic," Management International Review, 64 (2), 129-163 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
140. | Müller, Marius and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), “Antecedents of E-Commerce Firms' Wholly Owned Foreign Direct Investment”, European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Lisbon, December 15-17, 2023. Awarded as the best paper in the "Internationalization Process of SMEs and International Entrepreneurship Track". |
139. | Jacobs, Nele and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "The Role of National Institutions in the Effects of Consumers' Perceived Customer Orientation and Firm Innovativeness," International Business Review, 32 (5), 102172 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
138. | Jacobs, Nele and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "General and Changed Effects of National Institutions on Cross-National Differences in Corporate Brand Ability Associations during the Pandemic", Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Warschau, July 5-9, 2023. Nominee (short list) for the Aalto University "That's interesting!" Award. |
137. | Fränzel, Nils and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), "Innovative In-Store-Technologien - Nützlichkeit und Wirkung aus Kundensicht,“ Marketing Review St. Gallen, 23 (3), 888-895 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
136. | Zimmer, Lukas and Bernhard Swoboda (2023), “Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Effects across Nations - The Role of National Institutions,” International Business Review, 32 (3), 102073 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
135. | Mueller, Marius and Bernhard Swoboda (2022), “Effects of Intangible Resources on E-Commerce Firms’ Geographic Scope”, American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, August 12-14, 2022 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Awarded as the best paper in the “International and Cross-Cultural Marketing Track”. |
134. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Nils Fränzel (2022), “Links and effects of channel integration in the pre-purchase and purchase stages of omnichannel retailers,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 26 (3), 331-354 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
133. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Marius Müller (2022), “E-Commerce Firms’ Geographic Scope. Roles of Intangible Resources and Country-Specific Moderators,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 44 (1), 3-22 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
132. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Carolina Sinning (2022), “Effects of Internationalization Rhythm and Speed on E-commerce Firms’ Growth and the Role of Institutional Distances,” Management International Review, 62(2), 169-201 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
131. | Grzeskowiak, Stephan, M. Joseph Sirgy, Thomas Foscht, Bernhard Swoboda, Veronique Plichon and Marie‑Christine Lichtle (2021), “How do seniors evaluate retirement homes? The effects of functional congruity, self‑congruity, and lifestyle congruity”, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, November, 1-21 (fehlt im VHB-JOURQUAL). |
130. | Sinning, Carolina and Bernhard Swoboda (2021), “Effects of E-commerce Firms’ Internationalization Rhythm and Speed on Firm Growth: Do Institutional Distances Play a Role?”, European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Madrid, December 10-12, 2021. Awarded as best conference paper: International Entrepreneurship, EIBA and Lazaridis Institute. |
129. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Amelie Winters (2021), "Effects of the Most Useful Offline-Online and Online-Offline Channel Integration Services for Consumers", Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce, 145, 113522 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
128. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Amelie Winters and Nils Fränzel (2021), “How Online Trust and Online Brand Equity Translate Online- and Omni-Channel-Specific Instruments into Repurchase Intentions,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 43 (1-2), 37-53 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
127. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Carolina Sinning (2021), “Endorsed Branding of Global Corporate and Product Brands from the Consumers’ Perspective across Nations,” Management International Review, 61(4), 563-598 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
126. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Amelie Winters (2021), "Reciprocity within Major Retail Purchase Channels and their Effects on Overall, Offline and Online Loyalty", Journal of Business Research, 125 (3), 279-294 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
125. | Sinning, Carolina and Bernhard Swoboda (2020), "The Role of Endorsed Branding of Global Corporate and Global Product Brands for Consumers Across Nations", Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Miami, July 2-6, 2020. Nominee for the 2020 Temple/AIB Best Paper Award. |
124. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Carolina Sinning (2020), "How Country Development and National Culture Affect the Paths of Perceived Brand Globalness to Consumer Behavior Across Nations", Journal of Business Research, 118 (9), 58-73 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
123. | Batton, Nadine, Bernhard Swoboda and Katharina Freude (2020), “Joint Role of Digital Media and MNCs’ Communication Budgets for Corporate Brand Effects”, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference Proceedings, Budapest, May 27-29, 2020 (accepted as competitive paper, conference cancelled; VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). Nominee (short list) for the best paper award based on a doctoral work. |
122. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Nadine Batton (2020), "Cross-national Roles of Perceived Reputation Dimensions for MNCs", International Marketing Review, 37 (6), 1051-1081 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
121. | Sinning, Carolina and Bernhard Swoboda (2019), “How Effects of MNC’s Perceived Brand Globalness Differ Across Nations”, European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Leeds, December 13-15, 2019. Awarded as the best paper in the International Marketing Track and nominee for the short list for the best conference paper. |
120. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Nadine Batton (2019), "National Cultural Value Models and Corporate Reputation of MNCs", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 26 (2), 166-198 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
119. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Lukas Morbe (2019), "International Grocery Retailers' Country Environment, Resources and Loyal Performancee. A Cross-classified Multi-level Approach", Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 41 (1), 4-23 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
118. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna and Bernhard Swoboda (2018), "Handelsmarken und Handelsmarkenpolitik: Aktuelle Fragen und Forschungserkenntnisse", Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 47 (11), 12-19 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
117. | Batton, Nadine and Bernhard Swoboda (2018), "Examining the Diverse Roles of Corporate Reputation Dimensions for Multinational Corporations: A Cross-national Analysis", American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference, Boston, August 10-12, 2018 (VHB-JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Awarded as the best paper in the Global Marketing Track. |
116. | Batton, Nadine and Bernhard Swoboda (2018), "Investigating Corporate Reputation Dimensions Across Nations: Diverse Roles for Multinational Corporations", European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference Proceedings, Glasgow, May 29-June 1, 2018 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Awarded for the conference best paper on International Marketing: The Susan P. Douglas Award, and nominee (short list) for the best paper award based on a doctoral work. |
115. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Lukas Morbe and Johannes Hirschmann (2018), „International Strategy’s Effects on Retailers’ Local Implementation and Performance,” International Business Review, 27 (3), 642-653 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
114. | Hirschmann, Johannes, Nadine Batton and Bernhard Swoboda (2017), „Diverse Roles of Corporate Reputation Dimensions for MNCs: An Analysis across Nations,” European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Milano, December 14-16, 2017. Awarded as the best paper in the International Marketing Track and International Marketing Review Award for best paper in International Marketing. |
113. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Lukas Morbe and Christian Dabija (2017), „International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats. An Inter- and Intraformat Comparison Study in Germany, France and Romania,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 39 (4), 24-36 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
112. | Hirschmann, Johannes and Bernhard Swoboda (2017): „Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling in Marketing and Management Research,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 39 (3), 50-75 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
111. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Johannes Hirschmann (2017), “Perceptions and Effects of Cross-National Corporate Reputation: The Role of National Culture,” Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Dubai, July 2-5, 2017. Awarded as the best paper in the International Marketing Track and nominee for the short list for the best conference paper. |
110. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Johannes Hirschmann (2017): „The Role of National Culture in Cross-National Corporate Reputation Perceptions and Effects,” International Marketing Review, 34 (6), 909-944 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). Awarded with the International Marketing Review 2018 Highly Recommended Award. |
109. | Schuh, Matthias, Dirk Morschett, and Bernhard Swoboda (2017), „Internationalization Speed of Online Retailers: A Resource-based Perspective on the Influence Factors,” Management International Review, 56 (5), 733-757 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
108. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Cathrin Huber, Tassilo Schuster and Johannes Hirschmann (2017), „Corporate reputation effects across countries: The impact of country distances and firm-specific resources,” Management International Review, 57 (5), 717-748 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
107. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Johannes Hirschmann (2016), „Does Being Perceived as Global Pay Off? An Analysis of Leading Foreign and Domestic MNCs in India, Japan, and the United States Management International Review,” Journal of International Marketing, 24 (1), 1-30 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
106. | Weindel, Julia and Bernhard Swoboda (2016), „A Cross-Lagged Analysis of the Reciprocal Effects of Perceived Value and Retail Brand Equity,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 38 (2), 92-104 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
105. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Julia Weindel and Frank Hälsig (2016), „Predictors and effects of retail brand equity – A cross-sector analysis,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31 (4), 265-276 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
104. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Julia Weindel and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2016), „Crosswise and reciprocal interdependencies within retailers’ multichannel structures,” International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 26 (4), 347-374 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
103. | Grzeskowiak, Stephan, Joseph Sirgy, Thomas Foscht and Bernhard Swoboda (2016), „Linking Retailing Experiences with life satisfaction: The concept of store-type congruity with shopper’s identity,” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44 (2), 121-138 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
102. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Cathrin Puchert and Dirk Morschett (2016), „Explaining the differing effects of corporate reputation across nations: A multilevel analysis,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 44 (4), 454-473 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: A). |
101. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Edith Olejnik (2016), „Linking Processes and Dynamic Capabilities of International SMEs: The Mediating Effect of International Entrepreneurial Orientation,” Journal of Small Business Management, 54 (1), 139-161 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
100. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Joachim Zentes, Sascha Steinmann, Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett (2016), “Retailer Corporate Social Responsibility is Relevant to Consumer Behavior,” Business & Society, 2016, 55 (4), 550-575 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
99. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Johannes Hirschmann (2015), „Does Being Perceived as Global Pay Off? - An Analysis of Leading Foreign and Domestic MNCs in India, Japan, and the United States,” European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015. Awarded as the best paper in the International Marketing Track, International Marketing Review Award for best paper in International Marketing and nominee for the short list for the best conference paper. |
98. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Dirk Morschett and Bernhard Swoboda (2015), „Retailer Corporate Social Responsibility: Shedding light on CSR’s Impact on Profit of Intermediaries in Marketing Channels,” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43 (4/5), 403-431 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
97. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Christoph Seibel und Andrea Schlüter (2015): „ Successful GAM Organisation for Companies that Supply International Retailers and the Role of International Marketing Strategy,” European Retail Research, 28 (1), 27-48 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
96. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Thomas Foscht (2015): „ Co-operation Activities of Middle-Sized Retailers and Manufacturers in the Fashion Industry – A Look at Competences, Potentials, Realization and Success Factors in Value Chain Activities,” European Retail Research, 28 (1), 103-118 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
95. | Puchert, Cathrin, Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Hälsig (2015), „Do External and Internal Factors Determine Corporate Reputation Across Nations,” European Academy of Marketing (EMAC), Leuven, May 26-29, 2015 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Award for the conference best paper on International Marketing: The Susan P. Douglas Award. |
94. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Stefan Elsner and Edith Olejnik (2015), „How do past mode choices influence subsequent entry? A study on the boundary conditions of preferred entry modes of retail firms,” International Business Review, 24 (3), 506-517 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
93. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Stefan Elsner and Dirk Morschett (2014), „Preferences and Performance of International Strategies in Retail Sectors: An Empirical Study,” Long Range Planning, 47 (4), 319-336 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
92. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Karin Pennemann (2014): „Reciprocity of a Retailer´s Corporate Image and Store Image: Moderating Roles of Evaluation Approach and Corporate Brand Dominance,” European Retail Research, 2014, 27 (2), 21-54 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
91. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Karin Pennemann (2014), „Do International Retailers benefit from being Global in Emerging Countries? A Multilevel Study in China,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 36 (2), 141-150 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
90. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Bettina Berg and Christian Dabija (2014), „International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats: A Comparison Study in Germany and Romania,” International Marketing Review, 31 (2), 155-180 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
89. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Stefan Elsner (2014), „What our Name Stands for: Retail Store Owners and their Employees in Retail Store Flyer Advertising,” European Retail Research, 27 (1), 59-78 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
88. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Karin Pennemann (2014), „Purchasing the Counterfeit: Antecedences and Consequences from Culturally diverse Countries,” European Retail Research, 2013, 27 (1), 23-41 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
87. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann and Frank Hälsig (2013), “Being Global Brands Within a Local Business? Lessons Learned from International Retailers,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, August 9-11, 2013 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E). Awarded as the best paper in the “Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing Issues Track”. |
86. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Bettina Berg and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2013), „Reciprocal Effects of the Corporate Reputation and Store Equity of Retailers,” Journal of Retailing, 89 (4), 447-459 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: A). |
85. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Bettina Berg, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Thomas Foscht (2013), „The importance of retail brand equity and store accessibility for store loyalty in local competition,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20 (2), 251-262 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
84. | Foscht, Thomas, Karin Ernstreiter, Cesar Maloles III, Indrajit Sinha and Bernhard Swoboda (2013), „Retaining or Returning? Some Insights for a Better Understanding of Return Behaviour,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 40 (2), 113-134 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
83. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Sascha Steinmann, Dirk Morschett; Bernhard Swoboda and Joachim Zentes (2013), “Do they take it Seriously? The Impact of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Consumer Behavior in retailing,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Las Vegas, February 15-17, 2013 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). Awarded as best paper of the “Social Responsibility & Sustainability Track”. |
82. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Stefan Elsner (2013), „Transferring the Retail Format Successfully into Foreign Countries,” Journal of International Marketing, 21 (1), 81-109 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
81. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Edith Olejnik (2013), „A taxonomy of small- and medium-sized international family firms,” Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 11 (2), 130-157 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
80. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann and Markus Taube (2012), „The Effects of Perceived Brand Globalness and Perceived Brand Localness in China: Empirical Evidence on Western, Asian, and Domestic Retailers,” Journal of International Marketing, 20 (4), 72-95 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
79. | Olejnik, Edith and Bernhard Swoboda (2012), „SMEs’ Internationalisation patterns: descriptives, dynamics and determinants,” International Marketing Review, 29 (5), 466-495 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
78. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Andrea Schlüter, Edith Olejnik and Dirk Morschett (2012), „Does Centralising Global Account Management Activities in Response to International Retailers Pay Off?,” Management International Review, 52 (5), 727-756 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
77. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann, Markus Taube and Thomas Foscht (2012), „The Globalness Route toward Brand Equity: How Consumer and Brand Level Factors change the Route to Success," Advances in Consumer Research, Ahluwalia, Rohini, Tanya L. Chartrand and Rebecca K. Ratner (Eds.), 39, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Duluth, MN, pp. 122-133 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
76. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Stefan Elsner (2012), „Bedeutung institutionalisierter Markteintrittsstrategien in internationalen Handelsunternehmen,“ Markteintrittsstrategien – Dynamik und Komplexität – Tagungsband Kommission Internationales Management, Zentes, Joachim (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler, 95-121 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
75. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Stefan Elsner (2011), „Standardization of Frontend Offers and Back-end Processes of International Store Retailers,” European Retail Research, 25 (2), 39-62 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
74. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Andrea Schlüter und Edith Olejnik (2011), „Erfolgsrelevanz von KAM Strategien und Strukturen gegenüber internationalen Handelskunden,“ Marketing ZFP– Journal of Research and Management, 33 (4), 278-292 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
73. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Edith Olejnik and Dirk Morschett (2011), „Changes in Foreign Operation Modes: Stimuli for Increases versus Reductions,” International Business Review, 20 (5), 578-590 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
72. | Olejnik, Edith (2011), „Scanning and Planning as SME’s Success Drivers: Is Entrepreneurial Orientation the missing Piece?,” 11th Vaasa Doctoral Tutorial on International Business, Vaasa, August 24-26. Awarded as the "Best dissertation proposal”. |
71. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann and Markus Taube (2011), „The Globalness Route toward Brand Equity: How Consumer and Brand Level Factors change the Route to Success," American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators´ Conference Proceedings, August 05-07 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E). Awarded as the best paper in the “Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing Issues Track”. |
70. | Olejnik, Edith (2011), „The Importance of Information and Planning Processes for SMEs entrepreneurial Orientation and international Performance” AIB-UKI Doctoral colloquium, Edinburgh, April 14-16. Awarded with the “The Michael Z. Brooke Doctoral Prize”. |
69. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann, Markus Taube, and Cristian Dabija (2011): "Purchase Intention toward Counterfeits - Antecedents and Consequences from Culturally Diverse Countries," Advances in Consumer Research, Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar, and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (eds.), Association for Consumer Research (ACR), 39, Duluth, MN, 402 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
68. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann, Klaus Taube and Dirk Morschett (2011), „Do Foreign Brand Preferences Lead to Counterfeiting? Cross-Country Insights,” Advances in Consumer Research, Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar, and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (Eds.), Association for Consumer Research (ACR), 39, Duluth, MN, 399-405 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
67. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht, Markus Meierer and Dirk Morschett (2011), „International SME Alliances: The Impact of Alliance Building and Configurational Fit on Success,” Long Range Planning, 44 (4), 271-288 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
66. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Nicolae A. Pop and Cristian Dabija (2010), „Vertical Alliances between Retailers and Manufacturer Companies in the Fashion Industry,” Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 12 (28), 634-649 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
65. | Sirgy, Joseph, Bernhard Swoboda et al. (2010), „Quality of College Life (QCL) of Students: Further Validation of a Measure of Well-Being,” Social Indicators Research, 99, 375-390 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: A). |
64. | Morschett, Dirk, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „Decades of research on market entry modes: What do we really know about external antecedents of entry mode choice?,” Journal of International Management, 16 (1), 60-77 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
63. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Stefan Elsner, Thomas Foscht and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2010), „Doing the Right Things and Doing the Things Right – Endorsers in Retail Store Flyer Advertising,” Advances in Consumer Research, Campbell, M.C., J. Inman, and R. Pieters (Eds.), Association of Consumer Research (ACR) 37, Provo, 399-406 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
62. | Foscht, Thomas, Cesar Maloles III, Judith Schloffer, Bernhard Swoboda and Swee-Lim Chia (2010), „Debit and credit card usage and satisfaction: Who uses which and why - evidence from Austria,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28 (2), 150-165 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
61. | Foscht, Thomas, Bernhard Swoboda, Cesar Maloles III, Judith Schloffer and Swee-Lim Cha (2009), „Exploring the Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Food Retailers’ Evolution: Managerial Lessons From Austria,” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 21, 67-82 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
60. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Joachim Zentes and Stefan Elsner (2009), „Internationalisation of Retail Firms: State of the Art after 20 Years of Research,” Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 5 (2), 105-126 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
59. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett (2009), „Moderating role of involvement in building a retail brand,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 37 (11), 952-974 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
58. | Schlüter, Andrea and Bernhard Swoboda (2009), „Consequences of Grocery Retailer Internationalization on KAM Organization – Research Framework and Hypotheses,” European Retail Research, 23 (2), 23-49 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
57. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Martin Jager, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2009), „A Behavior-Based Analysis of the Changes of the Structure, Systems, and Culture in the Internationalization Processes over Time,” Research on Knowledge Innovation and Internationalization. Progress in International Business Research, Larimo, Jorma and TIja Visak (Eds.), 4, Bingley: Emerald, 41-65 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
56. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer, Dirk Morschett and Margot Löwenberg (2009), „Endorsing Product Brands Through a Standardized Corporate Brand – Cross National Perceptions and Effects,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators? Conference Proceedings, 21., Chicago (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E). Awarded as best paper of the “Global & Cross Cultural Track”. |
55. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht, Cesar Maloles III, and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2009), „Exploring how garment firms choose international sourcing- and sales-country markets,” Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13 (3), 406-430 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
54. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Martin Jager und Cristian Dabija (2009), „Schritt für Schritt: Erfolgreiche Internationalisierungsstufen von KMU,“ Marketing Review St. Gallen, 26 (3), 10-15 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
53. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Bettina Berg, Alexander Pop, Alexander and Cristian Dabija (2009), „Consumer Perceptions of Grocery Retail Formats in Romania: The Varying Impact of Retailer Attributes,” European Retail Research, 23 (1), 101-123 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
52. | Flecker, Johannes, Thomas Foscht, Cesar Maloles III and Bernhard Swoboda (2009), „Using Music to Create and Enhance Brand Personality,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, 20, Tampa, 54-56 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Awarded as best paper of the “Brand Marketing & Communications Track”. |
51. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Dirk Morschett, and Bernhard Swoboda (2008), „Verticalization: The impact of channel strategy on product brand loyalty and the role of involvement in the fashion industry,” Advances in Consumer Research, Lee, A.Y and D. Soman (Eds.), Association for Consumer Research (ACR), 35, Provo, 188-198 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
50. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2008), „International Business – Strategy, Management, and the New Realities – Biblio Service,” Management International Review, 48 (6), 793-798 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
49. | Morschett, Dirk, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda (2008), „Entry Modes for Manufacturers´ International After-Sales Service: Analysis of Transaction-specific, Firm-specific and Country-specific Determinants,” Management International Review, 48 (5), 525-549 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
48. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Martin Jager und Markus Meierer (2008), „Dekonstruktion von Wertschöpfungsketten – Ausprägungen, Strukturierungsoptionen und Entscheidungsschritte,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 37 (10), 532-539 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
47. | Foscht, Thomas, Cesar Maloles III, Bernhard Swoboda, Morschett, Dirk and Sinha Indrajit (2008), „The Impact of Culture on Brand Perceptions: A Six-Nation Study,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 17 (3), 131-142 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
46. | Morschett, Dirk, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda (2008), „What do we Really Know about Foreign Market Entry Strategy Decision? A Meta-Analysis on the Choice Between Wholly-owned Subsidiaries and Cooperative Arrangements,” 50th Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting Proceedings, Milan, June 30 – July 3, 206. Selected for inclusion in the inaugural AIB Best Paper Proceedings. |
45. | Morschett, Dirk, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2008), „Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahl einer Markteintrittsstrategie: Eine meta-analytische Untersuchung der Entscheidung zwischen Tochtergesellschaft und Kooperation,“ Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 78 (5), 509-551 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
44. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Michael Anderer (2008), „Coordinating the international retailing firm – Exploratory models and evaluations of structural, systemic and cultural options,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15 (Special Issue 2), 104-117 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
43. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht and Gérard Clique (2008), „International Value Chain Processes by Retailers and Wholesalers - A General Approach,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15 (Special Issue 2), 55-77 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
42. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Martin Jager (2008), „Investments und Divestments - Gründe für den Wandel der Betätigungsformen aus Managementsicht,“ Ausländische Direktinvestitionen – Tagungsband der Kommission Internationales Management 2007, Moser, Reinhard (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler, 55-77 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
41. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2007), „An intersector analysis of the relevance of service in building a strong retail brand,” Managing Service Quality Journal, 17 (4), 428-448 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
40. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Markus Janz (2007), „Wertkettengestaltung in der Fashion-Branche – „Vertikales“ Marketing von Systemmarken,“ Thexis, 24 (3), 11-16 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
39. | Foscht, Thomas, Thomas Angerer und Bernhard Swoboda (2007), „Der demographische Wandel als Herausforderung für das Marketing“, Demographischer Wandel als unternehmerische Herausforderung, Kongressdokumentation, Ballwieser, Wolfgang und Clemens Börsig (Hrsg.), 60. Deutscher Betriebswirtschaftler-Tag, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 159-173 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
38. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett (2007), „Internet vs. brick-and-mortar stores – analysing the influence of shopping motives on retail channel choice among internet users,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6 (1), 19-36 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
37. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Sandra Schwarz, Frank Hälsig (2007), „Towards a Conceptual Model of Country Market Selection: Selection Processes of Retailer and C&C Wholesaler,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 17 (3), 253-282 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
36. | Fosch, Thomas, Thomas Angerer und Bernhard Swoboda (2006), „Das Kundenalter als Einflussfaktor auf den Erfolg in Kundenbeziehungen im Handel – Analyse direkter und moderierender Effekte im Textileinzelhandel,“ Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 52 (4), 397-417 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D). |
35. | Swoboda, Bernhard and Martin Jager (2006), „Analysis of the Satisfaction Factors in International Cooperation Activities with and without Capital Investment in SMEs,” Management & Marketing, 1 (2), 15-36 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
34. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Martin Jager (2006), „Analyse der Zufriedenheitsfaktoren in internationalen Kooperationen von KMU,“ Oeconomica, 51 (1), 47-58 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
33. | Angerer, Thomas, Thomas Foscht und Bernhard Swoboda (2006), „Mixed Methods – Ein neuerer Zugang in der empirischen Marketingforschung,“ Der Markt, 45 (178), 115-127 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
32. | Morschett, Dirk, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda (2006), „Competitive strategies in retailing – An investigation of the applicability of Porter’s framework for food retailers,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13 (4), 275-287 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
31. | Morschett, Dirk, Bernhard Swoboda and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2006), „Shopping Orientations as Determinants of Attitudes towards Food Retailers and Perception of Store Attributes,” European Advances in Consumer Research, Ekström, Katrin M., Helene Brembeck (Eds.), 7, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Provo, 160-167 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
30. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Sara Samadi and Thomas Foscht (2006), „Could the Results of Consumer Research in the Case of Manufacturers’ Brand Extension be transferred to the Brand Extension of Private Labels – An Exploratory Study,” European Advances in Consumer Research, Ekström, Katrin M. and Helene Brembeck (Eds.), 7, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Provo, 84-91 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
29. | Foscht, Thomas, Bernhard Swoboda and Drik Morschett (2006), „Electronic commerce-based internationalisation of small, niche-oriented retailing companies: the case of Blue Tomato and the Snowboard industry,” International Journal of Retailing and Distribution Management, 33 (7), 556-572 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
28. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Klaus Harnack, Markus Janz und Thomas Foscht (2006), „Sortimentsmanagement in der Fashion-Branche – Was in zweistufigen Systemen von vertikal integrierten Unternehmen zu lernen ist,“ Thexis, 23 (2), 38-46 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
27. | Morschett, Dirk, Bernhard Swoboda and Thomas Foscht (2005), „Perception of Store Attributes and Overall Attitude towards Grocery Retailers: The Role of Shopping Motives,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 15 (4), 432-447 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C). |
26. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht und Sandra Schwarz (2005), „Enormously Dynamic and Differing Strategies in Retailing Internationalisation: A Case Study on the Largest Food Retail Companies,” The European Retail Digest, 46, 55-63 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
25. | Foscht, Thomas, Thomas Angerer, Laura Moazedi und Bernhard Swoboda (2004), „Loyalty Marketing for 50+ Consumers: Findings for a better understanding of loyalty behaviour,” The European Retail Digest, 46, 14-17 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
24. | Morschett, Dirk und Bernhard Swoboda (2003), „Repositionierungsentscheidungen im Einzelhandel am Beispiel der kanadischen Kaufhauskette Eaton´s - Lösungsskizze,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 32., 243-247 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
23. | Morschett, Dirk und Bernhard Swoboda (2003), „Repositionierungsentscheidungen im Einzelhandel am Beispiel der kanadischen Kaufhauskette Eaton´s,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 32, 183-188 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
22. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2003), „Postmoderne Organisationstheorie und Organisationsgestaltung – Besprechung des Buchs von Dirk Holtbrügge,“ Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 73 (1), 101-104 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
21. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Dirk Morschett (2002). „Unternehmensentwicklung in internationalen Märkten am Beispiel der KBE GmbH – Lösungsskizze,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 31 (8), 481-484 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
20. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Dirk Morschett (2002), „Unternehmensentwicklung in internationalen Märkten am Beispiel der KBE GmbH – Fallstudie,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 31 (7), 417-420 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
19. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2002), „Entry and Cooperative Strategies in International Business Expansion – Biblio Service,” Management International Review, 42 (1), 107-111 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
18. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2001), „Retailing from a Behavioural Point of View and Convenience-orientation – Consumer Preferences and Measurement with Conjoint Analysis,” European Advances in Consumer Research, Gröppel, Andrea and Franz-Rudolph Esch (Eds.), 5, Provo, 101-106 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL). |
17. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2000), „Auswirkungen des Electronic Commerce auf den Handel,“ Die Betriebswirtschaft, 60 (6), 687-706 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B). |
16. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2000), „Methoden der empirischen Messung der Preissensibilität gegenüber Einkaufsstätten - Verfahrens- und Ergebnisvergleich,“ Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 70 (11), 1281-1304 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
15. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2000), „Messung von Einkaufsstättenpräferenzen auf der Basis der Conjoint-Analyse,“ Die Betriebswirtschaft, 60 (2), 149-166 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
14. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2000), „Allied groups on the road to complex networks,” Technology In Society, 22 (1), 133-150 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
13. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Dirk Morschett (2000), „Urban Entertainment Center,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 30 (2), 105-108 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
12. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2000), „Unterschiedliche Perspektiven und Ebenen der Erfolgsmessung,“ Die Betriebswirtschaft, 60 (1), 128-133 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
11. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Dirk Morschett (1999), „Cross Docking in der Konsumgüterdistribution,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 29 (6), 331-334 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
10. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1999), „Ausprägungen und Determinanten der zunehmenden Convenienceorientierung von Konsumenten,“ Marketing – ZFP, 21 (2), 95-104 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
9. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (1999), „Neuere Entwicklungen im Handelsmanagement - Umfeldbedingungen und Strategische Konzepte,“ Marketing – ZFP, 21 (1), 75-90 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
8. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (1999), „Motive und Erfolgsgrößen internationaler Kooperation mittelständischer Unternehmen – Überprüfung kontingenztheoretischer Hypothesen,“ Die Betriebswirtschaft, 59 (1), 44-60 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
7. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Dirk Morschett (1998). „Entwicklungspfade der Handelslogistik: Neuorientierung der Logistikkonzepte international tätiger Handelsunternehmen“, Thexis, 15 (1), 45-49 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
6. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1998), „Conditions of consumer information seeking: theoretical foundations and empirical results of using interactive multimedia systems,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 8 (4), 361-381 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: C). |
5. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1998), „Multimedia Customer Information Systems at the Point of Sale: Selected Results of an Impact Analysis,” European Advances in Consumer Research, English, Basil G. and Anna Olofsson (Eds.), 3, Association for Consumer Research, Provo, 239-246 (missing in VHB‐JOURQUAL 1). |
4. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1997), „Wertschöpfungspartnerschaften in der Konsumgüterwirtschaft. Ökonomische und ökologische Aspekte des ECR-Managements,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 26 (9), 449-454 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
3. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Multimediale Systeme im Handel – Einsatzgebiete und Wirkung elektronischer POS-Kundeninformationssysteme,“ Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 26 (1), 50-55, 81-82 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: E). |
2. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Multimediale Kundeninformationssysteme im Handel. Der Kaufhof-Info-Desk,“ Thexis, 13 (4), 54-57 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E). |
1. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Wirkungen interaktiver Medien am Point of Sale. Strukturelle Analyse und empirische Befunde,“ Marketing – ZFP, 18 (4), 253-266 (VHB‐JOURQUAL 1: B). |
62. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Hanna Schramm-Klein und Tilo Halaszovich (2022), „Internationales Marketing. Going and Being International,“ 4. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
61. | Foscht, Thomas, Bernhard Swoboda and Hongxia Zhang (2020), „Consumer Behavior – Focus on the Buying Behavior of Individuals and Organizations,“ Beijing: Peking University Press. (托马斯· 富诗德,伯恩哈德· 斯沃伯得,张红霞. 消费者行为学—关注个体与组织的购买行为(第5版) [M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,2020). |
60. | Foscht, Thomas, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein und Bernhard Swoboda (2020), „HandelsMonitor®: Mega-Trends 2030,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
59. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2019), „Handelsmanagement,“ 4. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
58. | Foscht, Thomas, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2017), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ 6. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
57. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Hanna Schramm-Klein und Julia Weindel (2016), „HandelsMonitor: Retail Branding: Handelsunternehmen als Marken,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
56. | Foscht, Thomas, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2015), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ 5. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
55. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna; Gerhard Wagner, Florian Neus, Bernhard Swoboda und Thomas Foscht (2014), „HandelsMonitor: (R)Evolution des Mehrkanalhandels – Von Multi-Channel- über Cross-Channel- zu Omni-Channel-Retailing,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
54. | Foscht, Thomas, Dirk Morschett, Rudolph, Thomas, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2015), „European Retail Research 2014, Volume 28 Issue I,“ Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
53. | Foscht, Thomas, Dirk Morschett, Rudolph, Thomas, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2014), „European Retail Research 2013, Volume 27 Issue II,“ Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
52. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Rudolph, Thomas, Peter Schnedlitz, Bernhard Swoboda (2014), „European Retail Research 2013, Volume 27 Issue I,“ Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
51. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2013), „Internationales Marketing,“ 3. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
50. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Rolf Weiber (2013): Grundlagen betrieblicher Leistungsprozesse: Marketing, Innovation, Produktion, Logistik und Beschaffung, München: Vahlen. |
49. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2013), „Handbuch Handel,“ 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
48. | Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Rudolph, Thomas, Peter Schnedlitz, Bernhard Swoboda (2013), „European Retail Research 2012, Volume 26 Issue II,“ Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
47. | Rudolph, Thomas, Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2012), „European Retail Research Volume 26 Issue I,“ Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. |
46. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Thomas Foscht (2012), „Handelsmanagement,“ 3. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
45. | Foscht, Thomas, Judith Schloffer und Bernhard Swoboda (2011), „HandelsMonitor 2011: Soziodemographische Entwicklung – Konsequenzen für schrumpfende Märkte,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
44. | Foscht, Thomas und Bernhard Swoboda (2011), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ 4. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
43. | Rudolph, Thomas, Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2011), „European Retail Research Volume 25 Issue II,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
42. | Morschett, Dirk, Thomas Rudolph, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2011), „European Retail Research Volume 25 Issue I,” Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
41. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Dirk Morschett (2011), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management,“ 4. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
40. | Morschett, Dirk, Thomas Rudolph, Peter Schnedlitz, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „European Retail Research Volume 24 Issue II,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
39. | Schnedlitz, Peter, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph, Hanna Schramm-Klein, und Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „European Retail Research Volume 24 Issue I,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
38. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Margot Löwenberg (2010), „The global sustainability initiative „Quality & Responsibility“ and the concept of „Performance based on Sustainability“ – The Henkel Example,“ Chair for Marketing and Retailing, Trier University, Henkel KGaA, Trier – Düsseldorf. |
37. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2010), „Internationales Marketing,“ 2. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
36. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht und Karin Pennemann (2009), „HandelsMonitor 2009: Internationalisierung des Handels – Erfolgreiches „Going“ und „Being International“,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
35. | Schnedlitz, Peter, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph, Hanna Schramm-Klein, und Bernhard Swoboda (2009), „European Retail Research Volume 23 Issue II,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
34. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph, Peter Schnedlitz und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2009), „European Retail Research Volume 23 Issue I,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
33. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Thomas Foscht (2008), „Schriftenreihe Handel und Internationales Marketing (Retaling and International Marketing),“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
32. | Swoboda, Bernhard, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph, Peter Schnedlitz und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2008), „European Retail Research Volume 22,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
31. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Dirk Morschett (2008), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management,“ 3. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
30. | Clique, Gérard, Thomas Foscht und Bernhard Swoboda (2008), „International Value Chain Activities of Retailers and Wholesalers,” Special Issue of the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15 (2). |
29. | Liebmann, Hans-Peter, Joachim Zentes und Bernhard Swoboda (2008), „Handelsmanagement,“ 2. Aufl., München: Vahlen. |
28. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Judith Giersch (2007), „International Corporate Brand Management – The Henkel Example,” Chair for Marketing and Retailing, Trier University, Henkel KGaA, Trier – Düsseldorf. |
27. | Foscht, Thomas und Bernhard Swoboda (2007), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ 3. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
26. | Janz, Markus und Bernhard Swoboda (2007), „Vertikales Retail-Management in der Fashion Branche,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
25. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2006), „Internationales Marketing,“ München: Vahlen. |
24. | Foscht, Thomas und Bernhard Swoboda (2005), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
23. | Swoboda, Bernhard u.a. (2005), „Neuere Entwicklungen in der industriellen Beschaffung – Dokumentation des Seminars in Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen Boehringer Ingelheim,“ Professur für Marketing und Handel der Universität Trier, Trier. |
22. | Zentes, Joachim, Dirk Morschett und Bernhard Swoboda (2005), „Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke – Grundlagen, Ansätze, Perspektiven,“ 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
21. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2004), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management. Instructor´s Manual,“ 2. Aufl., Institut für Handel und Internationales Marketing an der Universität des Saarlandes und Professur für Marketing und Handel an der Universität Trier. |
20. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2004), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management,“ 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
19. | Foscht, Thomas und Bernhard Swoboda (2004), „Käuferverhalten – Grundlagen, Perspektiven, Anwendungen,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
18. | Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Dirk Morschett (2004), „Internationales Wertschöpfungsmanagement,“ München: Vahlen. |
17. | Zentes, Joachim, Dirk Morschett und Bernhard Swoboda (2003), „Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke – Grundlagen, Ansätze, Perspektiven,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
16. | Zentes, Joachim, Dirk Morschett und Bernhard Swoboda (2002), „B2B Handel: Perspektiven des Groß- und Außenhandels,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
15. | Zentes, Joachim, Markus Janz, Peter Kabuth und Bernhard Swoboda (2002), „Best-Practice-Prozesse im Handel – Customer Relationship Management und Supply Chain Management,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
14. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2002), „Arbeitsbuch Marketing-Management,“ Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel. |
13. | Swoboda, Bernhard (2002), „Dynamische Prozesse der Internationalisierung – Managementtheoretische und empirische Perspektiven des unternehmerischen Wandels,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. (Habilitationsschrift). |
12. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2001), „Grundbegriffe des Marketing – Marktorientiertes globales Management-Wissen,“ 5. Aufl., Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel/Absatzwirtschaft. |
11. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2001), „Perspektiven der Zentralregulierung,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
10. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2000), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management. Instructor´s Manual,“ Institut für Handel und Internationales Marketing an der Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. |
9. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (2000), „Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. |
8. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Stephan Meyer (1999), „MittelstandsBarometer 1999. Internationalisierung mittelständischer Unternehmen,“ Institut für Handel und Internationales Marketing an der Universität des Saarlandes und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mittelstandsberatung, Saarbrücken - Stuttgart. |
7. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (1998), „HandelsMonitor I/98: Wo wird Handel im Jahre 2005 `gemacht´?,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
6. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (1998), „Profilierungsdimensionen des Tankstellen-Shopping,“ Empirische Forschungsstudie auf Basis der Conjoint-Analyse, Institut für Handel und Internationales Marketing an der Universität des Saarlandes und Lekkerland Deutschland GmbH, Saarbrücken/Frechen. |
5. | Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (1998), „Globales Handelsmanagement,“ Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag. |
4. | Swoboda, Bernhard und Joachim Zentes (1997), „Grundbegriffe des Internationalen Managements,“ Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel. |
3. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Multimedia-Verkaufsterminals in der Musikindustrie,“ München: HighText. |
2. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Interaktive Medien am Point of Sale. Eine verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse der Wirkung multimedialer Systeme,“ Wiesbaden: Gabler. (Dissertation). |
1. | Swoboda, Bernhard (1996), „Akzeptanzmessung bei modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien,“ in Thexis. Fachbericht für Marketing, Nr. 3, Belz, Christian und Torsten Tomczak (Hrsg.), St. Gallen. |