Dr. rer. oec. and El. Ing. HTL Reto Tanner

Assoziierter Wissenschaftler

Forschungsteam CIRKLA

Tel.: + 49 651 201 2667 (Sekretariat Lehrstuhl)

E-Mail: retannergmxch



Qualifications (Stand 10/2024)

  • Economist (Dr. rer. oec., Bern University, 2012)
  • Economist (Lic.rer.pol., Fribourg Université, 2004)
  • Electronics Engineer (El. Ing. HTL, BFH Bern/Burgdorf, 1995)

Working Experiences

  • Research Economics and Transportation (ETH Zurich,etc.)
  • Economist Financial Industry (Credit Suisse, etc.)
  • Engineer in Industry (Digmesa AG)