Howon Rhee, M.Sc.


  • Warchałowska-Śliwa, Rhee, Heller and Grzywacz (2020): Tribal affiliation of endemic Macaronesian katydids similar toTettigonia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): inference from chromosome and taxonomy. European Journal of Entomology. (117) 157-163.
  • Rhee (2019): A high percentage of brown colour Tettigonia viridissima when reared in the laboratory. ARTICULATA 34 (1/2), 71-79.
  • Rhee (2013): Disentangeling the distribution of Tettigonia viridissima (Linnaeus, 1758) in the eastern part of Eurasia using acoustical and morphological data. ARTICULATA 28 (1/2), 103-114.