
Trier University offers postdocs a variety of options for funding research and publication projects, financial support for conference travel, holding academic events and establishing networks and cooperation relationships at national and international levels:

Start-Up Funding for Research and Qualification Projects

Funds of up to € 5,000 can be applied for from the Research Fund’s budget for the start-up funding of third-party-funded projects and for funding qualification projects (habilitation, “second book”). The funding decision is made by the Senate Research Commission.

Publication Projects

To support publications in genuine open-access journals, funding can be requested from the open-access publication fund funded by the DFG.

Grants for Academic Events

For the preparation and implementation of workshops, meetings and conferences at Trier University, grants of up to € 3,000 per event can be requested from the research fund budget. The funding is advertised separately twice a year with an application deadline for the 1st of April and October. The Presidium will decide where the funding will be awarded.

UniGR – Funding for Academic Events

The UniGR supports the organization of academic events with a cross-border character – the format of the academic events can vary from conferences, colloquiums and workshops to summer schools.