[Translate to Englisch:] Inhalt

Thomas Elsaesser
Wilhelminisches Kino: Stil und Industrie
pp 10-27
A general discussion of stylistic features in early German cinema and the problem of conceptualizing these films, because of the way German silent cinema is traditionally seen by film historians. The article is based on Elsaesser's contribution to the 1990 Pordenone catalogue

Sabine Lenk
Prolegomena zur Geschichte der französischen Filmproduktionsgesellschaft Eclair im Deutschen Reich und in der K.u.K. Monarchie Österreich-Ungarn
pp 29-57
A first approach to the history of French production company Éclair in Germany and Austria

Jan-Christopher Horak
Deutsche Filmkomödien und Karl Valentin
pp 58-74
German version of Horak's article, published in the 1990 Pordenone catalogue, on the films by German comedian K.V.

Heide Schlüpmann
„Ich möchte kein Mann sein„
Ernst Lubitsch, Sigmund Freud und die frühe deutsche Komödie
pp 75-92
An analysis of Ernst Lubitsch's "Ich möchte kein Mann sein", telling a story based on female cross-dressing. The author is drawing on feminist theories of masquerade and Freud's 'Der Witz'.

Eric de Kuyper
Filmgeschichte gegen den Strich
pp 93-99
The author addresses the problem of how to discuss and historically evaluate early German cinema if one wants to avoid seeing it as just 'pre-Caligari'. This article is also an expanded review of Heide Schlüpmann's book 'Unheimlichkeit des Blicks. Das Drama des frühen deutschen Kinos' which proposes a new perspective on early German cinema from a feminist point of view.

Roland Cosandey
Das Kabinett des Liebhabers
In memoriam Fritz Güttinger (1907 – 1992)   
pp 100-102
Compiler of two collections of contemporary writings by journalists, poets, novelists, etc. on silent cinema.


Yuri Tsivian
Cutting and Framing in Bauer`s and Kuleshov`s Films
pp 103-113
A comparative analysis of cutting rates in films by Evgenij Bauer and Lev Kuleshov. The author tries to understand the stylistic principles governing Bauer's film in the context of contemporary aesthetics debates.

Martin Loiperdinger
Wie der Film nach Deutschland kam
Ludwig Stollwerck, Köln, an Herrn E. Searle, 30. Januar 1896
pp 115-118
Facsimile of and commentary on an original letter by the chocolate company Stollwerck which represented the Cinématographe Lumière in Germany.

Sabine Lenk
Die Autochrome- und Filmsammlung des Albert Kahn
pp 120-122
Short presentation of the Albert Kahn collection, and the opening of the new museum in Boulogne.

Frank Kessler
Eine internationale Vereinigung zur Erforschung des frühen Kinos
pp 123-126
Short presentation of the association for research on early cinema, Domitor.

Claire Dupré La Tour
Cinéma sans Frontières / Images across Borders
Aspects de l´internationalité dans la cinema mondial 1896 – 1918
Deuxième Colloque International de DOMITOR, Lausanne 29.6. – 4.7.1992
pp 127-133
Review of the Domitor congress.

Herbert Birett
Standortverzeichnis früher deutscher Filmzeitschriften
pp 136-144
Of early German film journals in German libraries.
Stroemfeld Verlag: Basel, Frankfurt am Main 1992



Stroemfeld Verlag: Basel, Frankfurt am Main 1992 ISBN 3-87877-781-7