
Ludwig Vogl-Bienek
Die historische Projektionskunst
Eine offene geschichtliche Perspektive auf den Film
als Aufführungsereignis
pp 11-32
Refocuses the attention of film historiography away from the products towards the projection; presents examples of projection spectacles (magic lantern, phantasmagory etc.) in the 19th century and inscribes film projection in this historical tradition of projection arts.

Albert Wangemann
Meine Lehrzeit im Hause Messter, 1898 – 1901
Mit Anmerkungen von Martin Koerber
pp 33-41
First publication of Albert Wangemann's personal memoir of his apprenticeship at Messter's between 1898 and 1901.

Babett Stach
Der Nachlaß Oskar Messter im Bundesarchiv   
pp 43-51
Presents the history of Oskar Messter's personal archive which is now preserved at the Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Koblenz.

Harald Pulch
Messters Experiment der Dirigentenfilme
pp 53-64
The author presents Oskar Messter's unique experiment with films of famous conductors which were used for conducting actual orchestras in a horizontal split-screen projection.

Ennio Simeon
Giuseppe Becces Musik für RICHARD WAGNER
Paradoxien der ersten deutschen Filmpartitur   
pp 65-71
Essay on Giuseppe Becce's musical score for the Oskar Messter production of "Richard Wagner", a bio-pic of the composer's life.

Ivo Blom
Filmvertrieb in Europa 1910 – 1915
Jean Desmet und die Messter-Film GmbH
pp 73-91
The relation between the Dutch distributor/exhibitor Jean Desmet and the Oskar Messter company.

Oskar Messter
Der Film als politisches Werbemittel (1916)   
pp 93-102
Reprint of Oskar Messter's 1916 paper on the use of film as a propaganda instrument during World War I.

Wolfgang Mühl-Benninghaus
Oskar Messters Beitrag zum Ersten Weltkrieg   
pp 103-115
On Messter's various activities during World War I, from the production of war newsreels to the invention of aerial photography devices for military use.

Tiziana Carrozza
The Eye Over the Hill
Aerial Photography up to the First World War   
pp 117-128
The development of aerial photography up to World War I.

Jeanpaul Goergen
„Soldaten-Lieder„ und „Zeichnende Hand„
Propagandafilme von John Heartfield und George Grosz
im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amtes 1917/18   
pp 129-142
On John Heartfield's and George Grosz's work in animated propaganda films for the German ministry of foreign affairs in 1917-18.


Tjitte de Vries
Arthur Melbourne-Cooper, Film Pioneer
Wronged by Film History
pp 143-160
Provides evidence for claims that the 1900 film "Grandma's reading glass", attributed to George Albert Smith, is actually the work of the forgotten film pioneer Arthur Melbourne-Cooper.

Evelyn Hampicke
DIE SUFFRAGETTE – Asta Nielsen und ihre Kleider
Gedanken zu einem Filmfragment
pp 161-172
On the basis of unknown material from Urban Gad's "Die Suffragette" featuring Asta Nielsen, the author presents an alternative reading of the actress's portrayal of a militant suffragette: the way clothes and costumes are used by the actress is the basis of the reading.

Brigitte Schulze
D. G. Phalke´s RAJA HARISCHANDRA in British India of 1913. Pioneering a National Cinema Under Colonial Rule
pp 173-189
The author discusses the problems of conceptualizing early cinema in India as a national cinema.

Frank Kessler
Filme im Zeichen des Hahns
Fragmente einer analytischen Filmographie der Firma Pathé Frères
pp 191-194
Of 'Path‚ 1900. Fragments d'une filmographie analytique du cinèma des premiers temps' edited by André Gaudreault.

Livio Jacob
Arbeiten für den stummen Film
Die Geschichte der Cineteca del Friuli und der
Giornate del Cinema Muto in Porderone
pp 195-199
L.J., one of the founders of the Giornate del Cinema Muto in Pordenone, tells the history of this festival and the Cineteca del Friuli.

Jean Paul Kusters
Schwarzer Traum und weiße Sklavin
Deutsch-dänische Filmbeziehungen 1910 – 1930
pp 201-203
Cinegraph-Kongress 1993 in Hamburg on German/Danish film relations 1910-30.

Giorgio Bertellini
New York – Domitor 1994: „Cinema Turns 100„
Projecting Contexts, Receptions, Technologies, and Films
pp 205-207
'Cinema Turns 100'. (Conference Report).

Martin Loiperdinger
Erhaltene Spielfilme aus der Messter-Produktion, 1909 – 1918
pp 209-210
Of preserved feature films produced by Oskar Messter 1909-18.
Stroemfeld Verlag: Basel, Frankfurt am Main 1994
ISBN 3-87877-783-3
Stroemfeld Verlag: Basel, Frankfurt am Main 1994
ISBN 3-87877-783-3
