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Basic Literature "EU Trade Policy in Times in the Age of Geopolitics"

1. Basic Literature on EU Trade Policy

Bilal, San; Hoekmano, Bernard (eds.) (2019) Perspectives on the Soft Power of EU Trade Policy. London, UK: CEPR Press (A VoxEU.org eBook).

CIDOB Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (ed.) (2016): Different glances at EU trade policy. Barcelona.

Gstöhl, Sieglinde; De Bièvre, Dirk (2018) The Trade Policy of the European Union. London: Macmillan Education Palgrave.

Khorana, Sangeeta; Garcia, Maria (eds.) (2018) Handbook on the EU and International Trade. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Young, Alasdair R. and Peterson, John (2014) Parochial Global Europe: 21st Century Trade Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2. EU Trade Policy in the Age of Geopolitics

Bauer, Matthias; Erixon, Fredrik (2020) Europe's Quest for Technological Sovereignty: Opportunities and Pitfalls. Ed. by ECIPE. Brussels (ECIPE Occasional Paper, 02/2020).

Bluth, Christian Johannes (2021) Europe's Trade Strategy for the Age of Geoeconomic Globalisation. The EU, China and the US Competing in the Face of the Global Megatrends of Climate, Technology and Demographic Change. London: CEPR Press.

Eliasson, L.J., and Garcia‐Duran, P. (2023) New is old? The EU 's Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy. Global Policy, 14 (S3), 9–18.

Eliasson, L. Johan; Costa, Oriol; Garcia-Duran, Patricia (2023) Is the EU’s Trade Policy Aligning with America’s Trade Policy? In: Journal of World Trade 57 (2): 231-252.

Erixon, Fredrik, et al. (2022) The New Wave of Defensive Trade Policy Measures in the European Union: Design, Structure, and Trade Effects. Brussels: ECIPE.

Felbermayr, Gabriel (2018) Ein Schaf unter Wölfen? Die Europäische Union und der Freihandel. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 4-5(68): 18-23.

Felbermayr, Gabriel (2022) European trade policy at the service of geopolitics? Requirements for new instruments from the perspective of family businesses. München: Stiftung Familienunternehmen.

Garcia-Duran, Patricia; Eliasson, L. Johan (2022) Was the European Union’s 2021 Trade Strategy a Critical Juncture? In: European Foreign Affairs Review 27 (4): 563–584. DOI: 10.54648/EERR2022037.

Garcia-Duran, Patricia; Eliasson, L. Johan; Costa, Oriol (2023) Commerce and Security Meet in the European Union’s Trade Defence Instruments. In: Politics and Governance 11 (4): 165–176.

Gehrke, Tobias (2022) EU Open Strategic Autonomy and the Trappings of Geoeconomics. In: European Foreign Affairs Review 27 (Special Issue), 61–78. DOI: 10.54648/EERR2022012.

Leonard, Mark; Pisani-Ferry, Jean; Ribakova, Elina; Shapiro, Jeremy; Wolff, Guntram (2019) Redefining Europe’s Economic Sovereignty. Bruegel; European Council on Foreign Relations. Brussels (Policy Contribution, 9).

Matthijs, Matthias; Meunier, Sophie (2023) Europe's Geoeconomic Revolution: How the EU Learned to Wield its Real Power. In: Foreign Affairs 102 (5), S. 168–179.

Meissner, Katharina L. (2018) Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy. Competing for Economic Power in Asia and the Americas. Milton: Routledge (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies).

Meunier, Sophie; Nicolaïdis, Kalypso (2019) The Geopoliticization of European Trade and Investment Policy. In: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (S1): 103–113. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12932.

Nagy, Csongor István (2023) The EU’s New Regime on Foreign Subsidies: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm-Shift?. In: Journal of World Trade 57 (6): 889-908.

Olsen, Kim B. (2022) Diplomatic Realisation of the EU’s “Geoeconomic Pivot”: Sanctions, Trade, and Development Policy Reform. In: Politics and Governance 10 (1): 5–15. DOI: 10.17645/pag.v10i1.4739.

Schild, Joachim; Schmidt, Dirk (2024): EU and US Foreign Economic Policy Responses to China. The End of Naivety. Abindgdon and New York: Routledge (UACES Contemporary European Union Series).

Schaus, Malorie (2021) EU Trade Policy in Light of the New Industrial Strategy for Europe. Intereconomics, 56 (3): 144-149.

Schmitz, Luuk; Seidl, Timo (2022) As Open as Possible, as Autonomous as Necessary: Understanding the Rise of Open Strategic Autonomy in EU Trade Policy. In: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 62 (3): 834-852. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13428.

Verellen, Thomas; Hofer, Alexandra (2023) The Unilateral Turn in EU Trade and Investment Policy. In: European Foreign Affairs Review 28 (Special Issue): 1–14. DOI: 10.54648/EERR2023011.

Ville, Ferdi de (2019): "Naïve no longer"? The hardening of EU trade policy discourse and practice towards China and its limits. Conference: Politicologenetmaal 2019. Antwerp University.

Ville, Ferdi de; Happersberger, Simon; Kalimo, Harri (2023) The Unilateral Turn in EU Trade Policy? The Origins and Characteristics of the EU’s New Trade Instruments. In: European Foreign Affairs Review 28 (Special Issue): 15–34. DOI: 10.54648/EERR2023012.

3. EU Foreign Economic Policies and China

Brugier, Camille M. (2017) The EU’s Trade Strategy Towards China: Lessons for an Effective Turn. Asia Europe Journal, 15 (2), 199–212.

Christiansen, Thomas; Kirchner, Emil, and Wissenbach, Uwe (2019) The European Union and China. London: Red Globe Press.

Dadush, Uri, Domínguez-Jiménez, Marta., and Gao, Tianlang (2019) The State of China-EU Economic Relations. Bruegel.

Matthes, Jürgen (2020) Die europäische Handelspolitik und China. Schritte zu einer neuen Balance mit fairem Wettbewerb. Köln: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln Medien GmbH, IW Medien.

Matthes, Jürgen, 2023, Entwicklung des Konkurrenzdrucks durch China auf dem EU-Markt, IW-Report, Nr. 39, Köln IW.

Schild, Joachim; Schmidt, Dirk (2024) EU and US Foreign Economic Policy Responses to China. The End of Naivety. Abindgdon and New York: Routledge (UACES Contemporary European Union Series).

4. EU Screening of Foreign Direct Investments

Bourgeois, Jacques H.J (ed.) (2020) EU Framework for Foreign Direct Investment Control. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.

Chan, Zenobia.T., and Meunier, Sophie (2022) Behind the Screen: Understanding National Support for a Foreign Investment Screening Mechanism in the European Union. The Review of International Organizations, 17 (3), 513–541.

Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten; Schild, Joachim; Schmidt, Dirk (2018): Das Ende der Naivität gegenüber China? Die Reform des europäischen Investitionskontrollregimes. In: integration 42 (2): 134-148.

Grieger, Gisela (2019) EU Framework for FDI Screening. Brussels: European Parliamentary Research Service.

Grieger, Gisela (2021) Screening of Foreign Direct Investment in Strategic Sectors: European Parliament.

Huotari, Mikko, and Kratz, Agatha (2019): Beyond Investment Screening. Expanding Europe’s toolbox to address economic risks from Chinese state capitalism: Rhodium Group and MERICS.

Schill, Stephan W. (2019) The European Union’s Foreign Direct Investment Screening Paradox: Tightening Inward Investment Control to Further External Investment Liberalization. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 46 (2), 105–128.

5. EU Export Control Policy

Alavi, H. and Khamichonak, T. (2016) A European Dilemma: The EU Export Control Regime on Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. DANUBE: Law and Economics Review, 7(3) 161–172.

Barkin, N. (2020) Export controls and the US-China tech war: Policy challenges for Europe. Berlin: Mercator Institute for China Studies.

Bauer, S. and Remacle, E. (2018) Theory and practice of multi-level foreign policy: The European union’s policy in the field of arms export controls. In: B. Tonra and T. Christiansen (eds.) Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy. Manchester University Press. 114-125.

Chorzempa, Martin; von Daniels, Laura (2023) New US Export Controls: Key Policy Choices for Europe. Recommendations for a robust European export control policy, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), SWP Comment No. 20, March 2023.

Gehrke, T. and Ringhof, J. (2023) The power of control: How the EU can shape the new era of strategic export restrictions, Policy Brief, European Council on Foreign Relations.

Hoekman, B., Fiorini, M. and Yildirim, A. (2020) COVID-19: Export controls and international cooperation. In: R.E. Baldwin and S.J. Evenett (eds.) COVID-19 and Trade Policy: Why Turning Inward Won’t Work. UK: CEPR Press, 77–87.

Micara, A.G. (2012) Current Features of the European Union Regime for Export Control of Dual‐Use Goods. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(4) 578–593.

Whang, C. (2021) Trade and Emerging Technologies: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and the European Union Dual-Use Export Control Regulations. Security and Human Rights, 31(1-4) 11–34.

6. EU Critical Raw Material Policy

Baars, J., Domenech, T., Bleischwitz, R., Melin, H. E. and Heidrich, O. (2021) Circular economy strategies for electric vehicle batteries reduce reliance on raw materials, Nature Sustainability, 4(1) 71–79. DOI: 10.1038/s41893-020-00607-0.

Carry, I., Godehardt, N. and Müller, M. (2023) The future of European-Chinese raw material supply chains, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP Comment 2023/C27.

Findeisen, F. and Wernert, Y. (2023) Meeting the costs of resilience: The EU's Critical Raw Materials Strategy must go the extra kilometer, Hertie School, Jacques Delors Center, Policy Brief. Available at https://www.delorscentre.eu/en/publications/eu-critical-raw-materials.

Gröschl, J., Zimmer, M., Kuhanathan, A., Moneta, L. and Holzhausen, A. (2023) Critical raw materials – Is Europe ready to go back to the future?, Allianz, Allianz Research. Available at https://www.allianz.com/en/economic_research/publications/specials_fmo/critical-raw-materials.html

Gstöhl, S. and Schnock, J. (2024) Towards a Coherent Trade-Environment Nexus? The EU’s Critical Raw Materials Policy. Journal of World Trade, 58(1) 35–60.

Kalantzakos, S. (2020) The Race for Critical Minerals in an Era of Geopolitical Realignments, The International Spectator, 55(3) 1–16.

Le Mouel, M. and Poitiers, N. (2023) Why Europe’s critical raw materials strategy has to be international. Berlin: Bruegel.

Müller, Melanie, Saulich, Christina, Schöneich, Svenia, and Schulze, Meike (2023) From competition to a sustainable raw materials diplomacy, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP Research Paper.

Reisch, Victoria (2022) The race for raw materials, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP Journal Review 2022/JR 01.

Theodosopoulos, V. (2020) The Geopolitics of Supply: towards a new EU approach to the security of supply of critical raw materials? Institute for European Studies. Policy Brief 2020/05.

7. EU Trade Policy Documents

European Commission, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (2023) European Economic Security Strategy, Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Brussels, JOIN(2023) 20 final.

European Commission (2021) Trade Policy Review - An Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Brussels, 18.2.2021 COM(2021) 66 final.

European Commission (2021) Reforming the WTO. Towards a sustainable and effective multilateral trading system. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union.

European Commission (2020) White Paper on levelling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies. Brussels: European Commission COM(2020) 253 final.

European Commission, 2017. Commission Staff Working Document on Significant Distortions in the Economy of the People's Republic of China for the Purposes of Trade Defence Investigations. Brussels.