DGPT Congress 2024: 90th Anniversary of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT)

From March 13th. to 15th. 2024, the conference for the 90th anniversary of DGPT took place in Munich, Germany.

The Department of Environmental Toxicology contributed two presentations.

The Effects of the Irritant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Upregulation of Costimulatory Molecules on Dendritic Cells by Skin Sensitizers
S. Schmidt, O. Aruna, C. Conen, J. Cavelius, N. Lobes, U. Bock, B. Blömeke

Point of contact: Osmond Aruna (Doktorand) (arunauni-trierde)


Impact of the Irritant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on Dendritic Cell Activation of Skin Sensitizers in 3D Coculture with Reconstructed Human Epidermis
D. Henseler, N. Peter, N. Lobes, U. Bock, K. Egele, B. Blömeke

Point of Contact: Dr. Darja Henseler (henseleruni-trierde)


Is Benzoyl Peroxide a Relevant Occupational Contact Allergen?
K. Egele, H. Drexler, M. Fartasch, V. van Kampen, H. F. Merk, D. Nowak, A. Schnuch, W. Uter, P. Kreis, A. Hartwig, B. Blömeke

Point of Contact: Dr. Kerstin Egele (egeleuni-trierde)


Response of Innate Immune Cells and Alveolar Type 1 Cell Line to 4,4′-Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate
A. Weßendorf, M. Jax, J. Lichter, L. Stief, N. Lobes, K. Egele, U. Rolle-Kampczyk, B. Engelmann, M. von Bergen, U. Bock, B. Blömeke

Point of Contact: Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Blömeke (bloemekeuni-trierde)


View the abstracts of the presentations here: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol (2024) 397 (Suppl 1):S1–S92; DOI 10.1007/s00210-024-02974-3