BA Geoarchaeology
In the Bachelor's programme in Geoarchaeology, foundational courses on the topic “Introduction to the Structure of DNA and Forensic Analysis” are offered in the form of a lecture (1 credit hour) and a laboratory exercise (2 credit hours).
The lecture provides the theoretical foundations on the structure and composition of nucleic acids. Students will then learn and understand basic cellular mechanisms such as transcription, translation, and replication. To distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, their differences are highlighted, and important molecular processes are discussed. In the laboratory exercise, practical foundations for forensic DNA analysis are taught. This includes the extraction and purification of nucleic acids from various tissues or fresh and aged sample material, as well as the determination of the quality and concentration of isolated DNA. During the exercise, students will also learn how to analyse DNA using PCR techniques, evaluate the obtained data, and present the results.
BA Geoarchaeology: [See link]