Série de Publications - Volume 2

The Ethnic Strain - Place & Vernacular Musings
Wolfgang Klooss, Herbert Zirker (Eds.).
Trier, 1992.



Victor G. Doerksen
Geography - Literature - Ethnicity. German-Canadian Mennonite Literature

Di Brandt
dancing naked: narrative strategies for writing across centuries

Leo Driedger
Urbanization of Mennonites in Post-War Canada

Ernest Skublics
Religion and Ethnicity in Canada

Rosemary Finlay
The Teaching of German at the University of Manitoba

Judith P. Flynn
Some Observations on the Creation of a Literary Climate

Dennis Cooley
Reading, Writing, and a Rhythm Tick: Land and Language in Canadian Poetry

Paul Ruest
L'éducation au Canada, miroir d'un pays

Rosemarin Heidenreich
The Postwar Novel in Canada from the Perspective of German Reception Theory

Di Brandt & Dennis Cooley