

2021PhD in Early Modern History from the University of Heidelberg , Germany. Doctoral Dissertation title: ‘La Religion du Tribunal: The Colonial Legal Regime in Eighteenth-Century French India.’
Oct 2007– June 2008M.A. in European Humanities from University of St Andrews, United Kingdom and University of Perpignan, France. Master’s dissertation title: ‘Perception of India in Twentieth-Century French-Language Travel Writing based on the Works of Henri Michaux, Nicolas Bouvier and Muriel Cerf.’ 
Aug 2005–April 2007M.A. in French from Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India. Master’s dissertation title: ‘Literary Translation: between creativity and technicality.’ 
Dec 2001–Oct 2004B.A. in Political Science, English, French and Hindi from Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Puducherry, India. 


Since April 2021Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte (Frühe Neuzeit) (Prof. Dr. Damien Tricoire), History Faculty, University of Trier, Germany.
Oct. 2020–March 2021Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Frühe Neuzeit (Prof. Dr. Antje Flüchter), History Faculty, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
Aug 2017–March 2018Research Associate at Project B1 “Order in diversity: Practices of comparing in intercultural jurisdiction (17th–19th century)” of the Sonderforschungsbereich 1288 “Practices of Comparison. Ordering and Changing the World. (17th –19th centuries). University of Bielefeld, Germany.
July 2009–June 2012Member of the research group ‘Cultural Transfer as a Factor of State-Building’ conceived and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Antje Flüchter, Cluster of Excellence ‘Asia and Europe in a Global Context’, Heidelberg University,
Aug 2008–May 2009Employed as an Assistant Project Manager at the Lycée Français de Pondichéry to establish a New Section of Excellence in Science, Pondicherry. This project was designed to help integrate English-speaking students without prior knowledge of French at the Lycée, at a pre-secondary level. 
Aug 2008–May 2009

Employed as a networker and coordinator for fundraising in the Department of City Planning, Auroville

Fellowships and Awards

2012-2013Doctoral Fellowship at the Leibniz Institute of European History, Mainz, Germany
2009-2012Doctoral Fellowship at the Cluster of Excellence, Aisa and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
2007-2008Erasmus Mundus scholarship for an M.A. in “Crossways in European Humanities”