Prof. Dr. Roland Pfister
Raum: JU3.70
Tel.: +49 651 201-1867
Termine nur nach Vereinbarung.
Public Outreach
I spoke with journalists from the German newspapers DIE ZEIT and Volksfreund about the importance of rules and why and how people break different kinds of rules.
The following articles are selected highlights from topics that I am genuinely interested in. For a full list of publications, please see below or have a look at my profile at Google Scholar.
Deliberate rule violations
Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Weller, L., Foerster, A., & Schwarz, K. A. (2019). Taking shortcuts: Cognitive conflict during motivated rule-breaking. Journal of Economic Psychology, 71, 138-147. | OSF |
Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Schwarz, K., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). Burdens of non-conformity: Motor execution reveals cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations. Cognition, 147, 93-99.
| OSF |
Perception & action control
Pfister, R. (2019). Effect-based action control with body-related effects: Implications for empirical approaches to ideomotor action control. Psychological Review, 126(1), 153-161.
| |
Pfister, R., Dignath, D., Hommel, B., & Kunde, W. (2013). It takes two to imitate: Anticipation and imitation in social interaction. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2117-2121. | OSF |
Statistics & methodology
Pfister, R. (2021). Variability of Bayes Factor estimates in Bayesian analysis of variance. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 17(1), 40-45. | OSF |
Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2013). Confidence intervals for two sample means: Calculation, interpretation, and a few simple rules. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 9(2), 74-80. | OSF |
History of psychology
Schwarz, K. A., & Pfister, R. (2016). Scientific psychology in the 18th century: A historical rediscovery. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(3), 399-407. | |
Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Harleß' Apparatus of Will: 150 years later. Psychological Research, 76(5), 561-565. |
Journal Articles
2023/2024/ in press
139 | Foerster, A., Mocke, V., Moeller, B., Pfister, R. (in press). Guess what? Only correct choices forge immediate stimulus-response bindings in guessing scenarios. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. | OSF |
138 | Seubert, O., van der Wel, R., Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (in press). The one exception: The impact of statistical regularities on explicit sense of agency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. | |
137 | Reis, M., Foerster, A., Zettler I., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2024). Sticky tradition impedes selection of creative ideas. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(1), 268-273. | OSF |
136 | Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Holzmann, P., Reis, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Kunde, W. (2023). Headlines win elections: Mere exposure to fictitious news media alters voting behavior. PLOS ONE. | OSF |
135 | Reis, M., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Foerster, A. (2023). Creative thinking does not promote dishonesty. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), 1-9. | OSF |
134 | Frings, C., Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Pastötter, B., & Pfister R. (2023). The relation between learning and stimulus-response binding. Psychological Review. | |
133 | Schwarz, K. A., Tonn, S., Büttner, J., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2023). Sense of agency in social hierarchies. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(10), 2957–2976. | OSF |
132 | Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2023). The value of control. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4). | OSF |
131 | Bogon, J., Köllnberger, K., Thomaschke, R., & Pfister, R. (2023). Binding and retrieval of temporal action features: Probing the precision level of feature representations in action planning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(7), 989–998. | OSF |
130 | Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2023). What is left after an error? Towards a comprehensive account of goal-based binding and retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(1), 120–139. | OSF |
129 | Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2023). Post-execution monitoring in dishonesty. Psychological Research, 87(3), 845–861. | OSF |
128 | Janczyk, M., Giesen, C. G., Moeller, B., Dignath, D., & Pfister, R. (2023). Perception and action as viewed from the Theory of Event Coding: A multi-lab replication and effect size estimation of common experimental designs. Psychological Research, 87(4), 1012–1042. | OSF |
127 | Pfister, R., Neszmélyi, B., & Kunde, W. (2023). Response durations: A flexible, no-cost tool for psychological science. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32(2), 160–166. | OSF |
126 | Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Foerster, A. (2023). Cognitive load promotes honesty. Psychological Research, 87(3), 826–844. | OSF |
125 | Tonn, S., Schaaf, M., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2023). Action representations in prevention behavior: Evidence from motor execution. Cognition, 234, 105370. | OSF |
124 | Eck, J., Dignath, D., Kalckert, A., & Pfister, R. (2022). Instant disembodiment of virtual body parts. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(8), 2725–2740. | OSF |
123 | Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Huffman, G., Kunde, W., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2022). The human cognitive system corrects traces of error commission on the fly. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(6), 1419–1432. | OSF |
122 | Foerster, A., Schiltenwolf, M., Dignath, D., & Pfister, R. (2022). Binding error-induced control states. Journal of Cognition, 5(1), 24. | OSF |
121 | Foerster, A., Steinhauser, M., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2022). Error cancellation. Royal Society Open Science, 9(3), 210397. | OSF |
120 | Moeller, B., & Pfister, R. (2022). Ideomotor learning: Time to generalize a longstanding principle. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 140, 104782. | |
119 | Neszmélyi, B., Weller, L., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2022). Social action effects: Representing predicted partner responses in social interactions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 837495. | |
118 | Parmar, J., Foerster, A., Pfister, R., & Rothermund, K. (2022). Frankly, my error, I don’t give a damn: Retrieval of goal-based but not coactivation-based bindings after erroneous responses. Journal of Cognition, 5(1), 34. | OSF |
117 | Pfister, R., Bogon, J., Foerster, A., Kunde, W., & Moeller, B. (2022). Binding and retrieval of response durations: Subtle evidence for episodic processing of continuous movement features. Journal of Cognition, 5(1), 23. | OSF |
116 | Pfister, R., & Foerster, A. (2022). How to measure post-error slowing: The case of pre-error speeding. Behavior Research Methods, 54(1), 435–443. | OSF |
115 | Reis, M., & Pfister, R. (2022). Being observed does not boost rule retrieval. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 18(3), 173–178. | OSF |
114 | Schwarz, K. A., Klaffehn, A. L., Hauke-Forman, N., Muth, F. V., & Pfister, R. (2022). Never run a changing system: Action-effect contingency shapes prospective agency. Cognition, 229, 105250. | OSF |
113 | Varga, S., Pfister, R., Neszmélyi, B., Kunde, W., & Horváth, J. (2022). Binding of task-irrelevant action features and auditory action effects. Journal of Cognition, 5(1), 35. | OSF |
112 | Dignath, D., Born, G., Eder, A., Topolinski, S., & Pfister, R. (2021). Imitation of action-effects increases social affiliation. Psychological Research, 85(5), 1922–1933. | OSF |
111 | Foerster, A., Rothermund, K., Parmar, J. J., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2021). Goal-based binding of irrelevant stimulus features for action slips. Experimental Psychology, 68(4), 206–213. | OSF |
110 | Klaffehn, A. L., Sellmann, F. B., Kirsch, W., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2021). Temporal binding as multisensory integration: Manipulating perceptual certainty of actions and their effects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(8), 3135–3145. | OSF |
109 | Pfister, R. (2021). Variability of Bayes Factor estimates in Bayesian Analysis of Variance. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 17(1), 40–45. | OSF |
108 | Pfister, R., Klaffehn, A. L., Kalckert, A., Kunde, W., & Dignath, D. (2021). How to lose a hand: Sensory updating drives disembodiment. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(3), 827–833. | OSF |
107 | Pfister, R.*, Tonn, S.*, Weller, L., Kunde, W., & Schwarz, K. A. (2021). To prevent means to know: Explicit but no implicit agency for prevention behavior. Cognition, 206, 104489. (* equal author contribution) | OSF |
106 | Tonn, S., Pfister, R., Klaffehn, A. L., Weller, L., & Schwarz, K. A. (2021). Two faces of temporal binding: Action- and effect-binding are not correlated. Consciousness and Cognition, 96, 103219. | OSF |
105 | Frings, C., Hommel, B., Koch, I., Rothermund, K., Dignath, D., Giesen, C., Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Moeller, B., Möller, M., Pfister, R., & Philipp, A. (2020). Binding and retrieval in action control (BRAC). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24(5), 375–387. | |
104 | Kirsch, W., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2020). On why objects appear smaller in the visual periphery. Psychological Science, 31(1), 88–96. | OSF |
103 | Lelonkiewicz, J. R., Gambi, C., Weller, L., & Pfister, R. (2020). Action–effect anticipation and temporal adaptation in social interactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46(4), 335–349. | OSF |
102 | Liesner, M., Kirsch, W., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2020). Spatial action–effect binding depends on type of action–effect transformation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(5), 2531–2543. | OSF |
101 | Pfister, R., Weller, L., & Kunde, W. (2020). When actions go awry: Monitoring partner errors and machine malfunctions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(9), 1778–1787. | OSF |
100 | Richardson, B., Pfister, R., & Fournier, L. R. (2020). Free-choice and forced-choice actions: Shared representations and conservation of cognitive effort. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(5), 2516–2530. | |
99 | Thébault, G., Pfister, R., Michalland, A.-H., & Brouillet, D. (2020). Flexible weighting of body-related effects in action production. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(9), 1360–1367. | |
98 | Weller, L., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2020). Anticipation in sociomotor actions: Similar effects for in- and outgroup interactions. Acta Psychologica, 207, 103087. | OSF |
97 | Weller, L., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2020). Something from nothing: Agency for deliberate nonactions. Cognition, 196, 104136. | OSF |
96 | Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2020). Design choices: Empirical recommendations for designing two-dimensional finger-tracking experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 52(6), 2394–2416. | OSF |
95 | Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Berghoefer, F. L., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). Capacity limitations of dishonesty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(6), 943–961. | OSF |
94 | Fröber, K., Pfister, R., & Dreisbach, G. (2019). Increasing reward prospect promotes cognitive flexibility: Direct evidence from voluntary task switching with double registration. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(8), 1926–1944. | |
93 | Jusyte, A., Pfister, R., Gehrer, N., & Schönenberg, M. (2019). Risky business! Behavioral bias and motivational salience of rule-violations in children with conduct disorder. Psychiatry Research, 271, 740–746. | |
92 | Klaffehn, A. L., Baess, P., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). Sensory attenuation prevails when controlling for temporal predictability of self- and externally generated tones. Neuropsychologia, 132, 107145. | OSF |
91 | Moeller, B., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Frings, C. (2019). Selective binding of stimulus, response, and effect features. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(5), 1627–1632. | |
90 | Pfeuffer, C. U., Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Stecher, F., & Kiesel, A. (2019). Binding lies: Flexible retrieval of honest and dishonest behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(2), 157–173. | OSF |
89 | Pfister, R. (2019). Effect-based action control with body-related effects: Implications for empirical approaches to ideomotor action control. Psychological Review, 126(1), 153–161. | |
88 | Pfister, R., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2019). The role of congruency for distractor-response binding: A caveat. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 15(2), 127–132. | OSF |
87 | Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Weller, L., Foerster, A., & Schwarz, K. A. (2019). Taking shortcuts: Cognitive conflict during motivated rule-breaking. Journal of Economic Psychology, 71, 138–147. | OSF |
86 | Riechelmann, E., Weller, L., Huestegge, L., Böckler, A., & Pfister, R. (2019). Revisiting intersubjective action-effect binding: No evidence for social moderators. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(6), 1991–2002. | OSF |
85 | Schwarz, K. A., Sprenger, C., Hidalgo, P., Pfister, R., Diekhof, E. K., & Büchel, C. (2019). How stereotypes affect pain. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8626. | |
84 | Schwarz, K. A., Weller, L., Klaffehn, A. L., & Pfister, R. (2019). The effects of action choice on temporal binding, agency ratings, and their correlation. Consciousness and Cognition, 75, 102807. | OSF |
83 | Schwarz, K. A., Weller, L., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2019). Connecting action control and agency: Does action-effect binding affect temporal binding? Consciousness and Cognition, 76, 102833. | OSF |
82 | Weller, L., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2019). Sociomotor actions: Anticipated partner responses are primarily represented in terms of spatial, not anatomical features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(8), 1104–1118. | OSF |
81 | Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). How not to fall for the white bear: Combined frequency and recency manipulations diminish negation effects on overt behavior. Journal of Cognition, 2(1), 11. | OSF |
80 | Dignath, D., Lotze-Hermes, P., Farmer, H., & Pfister, R. (2018). Contingency and contiguity of imitative behaviour affect social affiliation. Psychological Research, 82(4), 819–831. | OSF |
79 | Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Schmidts, C., Dignath, D., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2018). Focused cognitive control in dishonesty: Evidence for predominantly transient conflict adaptation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(4), 578–602. | OSF |
78 | Holtfrerich, S. K., Pfister, R., Gammal, A. T., Bellon, E., & Diekhof, E. K. (2018). Endogenous testosterone and exogenous oxytocin influence the response to baby schema in the female brain. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 7672. | |
77 | Klaffehn, A. L., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Similar task-switching performance of real-time strategy and first-person shooter players: Implications for cognitive training. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 2(3), 240–258. | OSF |
76 | Kunde, W., Weller, L., & Pfister, R. (2018). Sociomotor action control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(3), 917–931. | |
75 | Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2018). Should we pre-date the beginning of scientific psychology to 1787? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2481. | |
74 | Schwarz, K. A., Burger, S., Dignath, D., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Action-effect binding and agency. Consciousness and Cognition, 65, 304–309. | OSF |
73 | Schwarz, K. A., Pfister, R., & Büchel, C. (2018). The being a patient effect: Negative expectations based on group labeling and corresponding treatment affect patient performance. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(1), 99–105. | |
72 | Schwarz, K. A., Pfister, R., Kluge, M., Weller, L., & Kunde, W. (2018). Do we see it or not? Sensory attenuation in the visual domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(3), 418–430. | OSF |
71 | Schwarz, K. A.*, Pfister, R.*, Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2018). Dissociating action-effect activation and effect-based response selection. Acta Psychologica, 188, 16–24. (* equal author contribution) | OSF |
70 | Trafimow, D., Amrhein, V., Areshenkoff, C. N., Barrera-Causil, C. J., Beh, E. J., Bilgiç, Y. K., Bono, R., Bradley, M. T., Briggs, W. M., Cepeda-Freyre, H. A., Chaigneau, S. E., Ciocca, D. R., Correa, J. C., Cousineau, D., De Boer, M. R., Dhar, S. S., Dolgov, I., Gómez-Benito, J., Grendar, M., … Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2018). Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 699. | |
69 | Weller, L., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Disarming the gunslinger effect: Reaction beats intention for cooperative actions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(2), 761–766. | OSF |
68 | Weller, L., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). My mistake? Enhanced error processing for commanded compared to passively observed actions. Psychophysiology, 55(6), Article e13057. | |
67 | Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Herbort, O., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). This is how to be a rule breaker. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 14(1), 21–37. | OSF |
66 | Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Rendel, H., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Rule-violations sensitise towards negative and authority-related stimuli. Cognition and Emotion, 32(3), 480–493. | |
65 | Eder, A. B., Pfister, R., Dignath, D., & Hommel, B. (2017). Anticipatory affect during action preparation: Evidence from backward compatibility in dual-task performance. Cognition and Emotion, 31(6), 1211–1224. | |
64 | Foerster, A.*, Pfister, R.*, Reuss, H., & Kunde, W. (2017). Commentary: Feeling the conflict: The crucial role of conflict experience in adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1405. (* equal author contribution) | OSF |
63 | Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Herbort, O., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Lying upside-down: Alibis reverse cognitive burdens of dishonesty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(3), 301–319. | OSF |
62 | Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). The dishonest mind set in sequence. Psychological Research, 81(4), 878–899. | |
61 | Hommel, B., Lippelt, D. P., Gurbuz, E., & Pfister, R. (2017). Contributions of expected sensory and affective action effects to action selection and performance: Evidence from forced- and free-choice tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(3), 821–827. | |
60 | Jusyte, A., Pfister, R., Mayer, S. V., Schwarz, K. A., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Schönenberg, M. (2017). Smooth criminal: Convicted rule-breakers show reduced cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations. Psychological Research, 81(5), 939–946. | |
59 | Muth, F. V., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Feeling watched: What determines perceived observation? Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 4(3), 298–309. | OSF |
58 | Pfeuffer, C. U., Moutsopoulou, K., Pfister, R., Waszak, F., & Kiesel, A. (2017). The power of words: On item-specific stimulus–response associations formed in the absence of action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(2), 328–347. | |
57 | Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Wirth, R., & Lindner, I. (2017). My command, my act: Observation inflation in face-to-face interactions. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 13(2), 166–176.
| OSF |
56 | Pfister, R., Weller, L., Dignath, D., & Kunde, W. (2017). What or when? The impact of anticipated social action effects is driven by action-effect compatibility, not delay. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(7), 2132–2142. | OSF |
55 | Weller, L., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Non-action effect binding: A critical re-assessment. Acta Psychologica, 180, 137–146. | OSF |
54 | Weller, L., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Was it me? – Filling the interval between action and effects increases agency but not sensory attenuation. Biological Psychology, 123, 241–249. |
53 | Kirsch, W., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2016). Spatial action-effect binding. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(1), 133–142. | |
52 | Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2016). The structure of distractor-response bindings: Conditions for configural and elemental integration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(4), 464–479. | |
51 | Moeller, B., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Frings, C. (2016). A common mechanism behind distractor-response and response-effect binding? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(4), 1074–1086. | |
50 | Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2016). schoRsch: An R package for analyzing and reporting factorial experiments. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(2), 147–151. | |
49 | Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Schwarz, K. A., Foerster, A., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). The electrophysiological signature of deliberate rule violations: Electrophysiology of deliberate rule violations. Psychophysiology, 53(12), 1870–1877. | |
48 | Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Schwarz, K. A., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). Burdens of non-conformity: Motor execution reveals cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations. Cognition, 147, 93–99. | |
47 | Schroeder, P. A., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., Nuerk, H.-C., & Plewnia, C. (2016). Counteracting implicit conflicts by electrical inhibition of the prefrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(11), 1737–1748. | |
46 | Schwarz, K. A., & Pfister, R. (2016). Scientific psychology in the 18th century: A historical rediscovery. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(3), 399–407. | |
45 | Schwarz, K. A., Pfister, R., & Büchel, C. (2016). Rethinking explicit expectations: Connecting placebos, social cognition, and contextual perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20(6), 469–480. | |
44 | Wirth, R., Dignath, D., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Eder, A. B. (2016). Attracted by rewards: Disentangling the motivational influence of rewarding and punishing targets and distractors. Motivation Science, 2(3), 143–156. | OSF |
43 | Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Brandes, J., & Kunde, W. (2016). Stroking me softly: Body-related effects in effect-based action control. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(6), 1755–1770. | |
42 | Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Huestegge, L., & Kunde, W. (2016). Pushing the rules: Effects and aftereffects of deliberate rule violations. Psychological Research, 80(5), 838–852. | |
41 | Wirth, R., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2016). Asymmetric transfer effects between cognitive and affective task disturbances. Cognition and Emotion, 30(3), 399–416. | |
40 | Wunsch, K., Pfister, R., Henning, A., Aschersleben, G., & Weigelt, M. (2016). No interrelation of motor planning and executive functions across young ages. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1031. | |
39 | Janczyk, M., Yamaguchi, M., Proctor, R. W., & Pfister, R. (2015). Response-effect compatibility with complex actions: The case of wheel rotations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77(3), 930–940. | |
38 | Melcher, T., Pfister, R., Busmann, M., Schlüter, M.-C., Leyhe, T., & Gruber, O. (2015). Functional characteristics of control adaptation in intermodal sensory processing. Brain and Cognition, 96, 43–55. | |
37 | Schroeder, P. A., & Pfister, R. (2015). Arbitrary numbers counter fair decisions: Trails of markedness in card distribution. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 240. | |
36 | Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2015). Through the portal: Effect anticipation in the central bottleneck. Acta Psychologica, 160, 141–151. |
35 | Dignath, D., Pfister, R., Eder, A. B., Kiesel, A., & Kunde, W. (2014a). Representing the hyphen in action–effect associations: Automatic acquisition and bidirectional retrieval of action–effect intervals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(6), 1701–1712. | |
34 | Dignath, D., Pfister, R., Eder, A. B., Kiesel, A., & Kunde, W. (2014b). Something in the way she moves—Movement trajectories reveal dynamics of self-control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(3), 809–816. | |
33 | Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Hommel, B., & Kunde, W. (2014). Who is talking in backward crosstalk? Disentangling response- from goal-conflict in dual-task performance. Cognition, 132(1), 30–43. | |
32 | Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Wallmeier, G., & Kunde, W. (2014). Exceptions to the PRP effect? A comparison of prepared and unconditioned reflexes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(3), 776–786. | |
31 | Pfister, R., Dolk, T., Prinz, W., & Kunde, W. (2014). Joint response–effect compatibility. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(3), 817–822. | |
30 | Pfister, R., Foerster, A., & Kunde, W. (2014). Pants on fire: The electrophysiological signature of telling a lie. Social Neuroscience, 9(6), 562-572. | |
29 | Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Gressmann, M., Fournier, L. R., & Kunde, W. (2014). Good vibrations? Vibrotactile self-stimulation reveals anticipation of body-related action effects in motor control. Experimental Brain Research, 232(3), 847–854. | |
28 | Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Dignath, D., & Kunde, W. (2014). Thinking with portals: Revisiting kinematic cues to intention. Cognition, 133(2), 464–473. | OSF |
27 | Pfister, R.*, Melcher, T.*, Kiesel, A., Dechent, P., & Gruber, O. (2014). Neural correlates of ideomotor effect anticipations. Neuroscience, 259, 164–171. (* equal author contribution) | |
26 | Pfister, R., Obhi, S. S., Rieger, M., & Wenke, D. (2014). Action and perception in social contexts: Intentional binding for social action effects. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, Article 667. | |
25 | Pfister, R.*, Pfeuffer, C. U.*, & Kunde, W. (2014). Perceiving by proxy: Effect-based action control with unperceivable effects. Cognition, 132(3), 251–261. (* equal author contribution) | |
24 | Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Schmidts, C., Dignath, D., & Kunde, W. (2013). Honesty saves time (and justifications). Frontiers in Psychology, 4, Article 473. | |
23 | Heinemann, A., Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2013). Manipulating number generation: Loud+long=large? Consciousness and Cognition, 22(4), 1332–1339. | |
22 | Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2013). Mice move smoothly: Irrelevant object variation affects perception, but not computer mouse actions. Experimental Brain Research, 231(1), 97–106. | |
21 | Melcher, T., Winter, D., Hommel, B., Pfister, R., Dechent, P., & Gruber, O. (2013). The neural substrate of the ideomotor principle revisited: Evidence for asymmetries in action-effect learning. Neuroscience, 231, 13–27. | |
20 | Pfister, R., Dignath, D., Hommel, B., & Kunde, W. (2013). It takes two to imitate: Anticipation and imitation in social interaction. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2117–2121. | OSF |
19 | Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2013). Confidence intervals for two sample means: Calculation, interpretation, and a few simple rules. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 9(2), 74–80. | OSF |
18 | Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2013). Dissecting the response in response–effect compatibility. Experimental Brain Research, 224(4), 647–655. | |
17 | Pfister, R., Schroeder, P. A., & Kunde, W. (2013). SNARC struggles: Instant control over spatial–numerical associations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(6), 1953–1958. | |
16 | Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Janczyk, M., Dale, R., & Freeman, J. B. (2013). Good things peak in pairs: A note on the bimodality coefficient. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, Article 700. | |
15 | Pfister, R., Schwarz, K., Carson, R., & Jancyzk, M. (2013). Easy methods for extracting individual regression slopes: Comparing SPSS, R, and Excel. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 9(2), 72–78. | |
14 | Waszak, F., Pfister, R., & Kiesel, A. (2013). Top-down versus bottom-up: When instructions overcome automatic retrieval. Psychological Research, 77(5), 611–617. |
13 | Janczyk, M., Heinemann, A., & Pfister, R. (2012). Instant attraction: Immediate action-effect bindings occur for both, stimulus- and goal-driven actions. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, Article 446. | |
12 | Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Crognale, M. A., & Kunde, W. (2012). Effective rotations: Action effects determine the interplay of mental and manual rotations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141(3), 489–501. | |
11 | Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2012). On the persistence of tool-based compatibility effects. Zeitschrift Für Psychologie, 220(1), 16–22. | |
10 | Kunde, W., Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2012). The locus of tool-transformation costs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(3), 703–714. | |
9 | Pfister, R., Heinemann, A., Kiesel, A., Thomaschke, R., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Do endogenous and exogenous action control compete for perception? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(2), 279–284. | |
8 | Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Harleß’ Apparatus of Will: 150 years later. Psychological Research, 76(5), 561–565. | |
7 | Pfister, R., Pohl, C., Kiesel, A., & Kunde, W. (2012). Your unconscious knows your name. PLoS ONE, 7(3), Article e32402. | |
6 | Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Ubi irritatio, ibi affluxus: A 19th century perspective on haemodynamic brain activity. Cortex, 48(8), 1061–1063. | |
5 | Pfister, R. (2011a). Gender effects in gaming research: A case for regression residuals? Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), 603–606. | |
4 | Pfister, R. (2011b). Wardrobe malfunctions and the measurement of internet behaviour. Psychology, 2(3), 266–268. | OSF |
3 | Pfister, R., Kiesel, A., & Hoffmann, J. (2011). Learning at any rate: Action–effect learning for stimulus-based actions. Psychological Research, 75(1), 61–65. |
2010 and before
2 | Pfister, R., Kiesel, A., & Melcher, T. (2010). Adaptive control of ideomotor effect anticipations. Acta Psychologica, 135(3), 316–322. | OSF |
1 | Hoffmann, J., Lenhard, A., Sebald, A., & Pfister, R. (2009). Movements or targets: What makes an action in action–effect learning? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(12), 2433–2449. | OSF |
Books, Book Chapters
2 | Pfister, R. (2023). Operationalization and generalization in experimental psychology: A plea for bold claims. In D. Gozli & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Experimental Psychology: Ambitions and Possibilities (pp. 45–60). Springer International Publishing. | |
1 | Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Schwarz, K. A., & Wirth, R. (2014). Lässt sich ein guter Hochstapler als solcher entlarven? Wenn ja: Wie? In W. Schwanebeck (Eds.), Über Hochstapelei: Perspektiven auf eine kulturelle Praxis (pp 63-72). Berlin: Neofelis Verlag. |
Editorials, Book Reviews, German Papers
8 | Giesen, C. G., Janczyk, M., Dignath, D., Pfister, R., & Moeller, B. (2023). Das Puzzle im Kopf: Wie Wahrnehmungseindrücke und Handlungspläne entstehen. In-Mind Magazine, 1. | Web |
7 | Yang, C.-T., Cousineau, D., & Pfister, R. (2020). Editorial: Are sequential sampling models the future gold standard of cognitive psychology? The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(2), 71-72. | |
6 | Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Camus, T. (2020). Book review: Experimental psychology and human agency. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(7). | |
5 | Frings, C., Koch, I., Rothermund, K., Dignath, D., Giesen, C., Hommel, B., Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Moeller, B., Möller, M., Pfister, R., & Philipp, A. (2020). Merkmalsintegration und Abruf als wichtige Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung – eine Paradigmen-übergreifende Perspektive [Feature integration and retrieval as core processes in action control - a cross-paradigm perspective]. Psychologische Rundschau, 71(1), 1-14. | |
4 | Janczyk, M., & Pfister, R. (2015). Von der Basis zur Anwendung: Kognitionspsychologie und ihre Bedeutung für den Alltag. Teil 2: Lernen und Gedächtnis. In-Mind Magazine, 4. | Web |
3 | Janczyk, M., & Pfister, R. (2014). Von der Basis zur Anwendung: Kognitionspsychologie und ihre Bedeutung für den Alltag. Teil 1: Wahrnehmung und Handlung. In-Mind Magazine, 2. | Web |
2 | Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2013). Editorial: Action effects in perception and action. Frontiers in Cognition, 4, Article 223. | |
1 | Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2010). Los, beweg dich! – Aber wie? Ideen zur Steuerung menschlicher Handlungen. In-Mind Magazine, 4, available online. |