Workshop Program

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Wednesday, 9 October
From 18:30Get-together at Weinstube Kesselstatt (self-paid)
Thursday, 10 October
9:00-9:30Arrive, register....

Lexical Conservatism as a window into the grammar and lexicon (Canaan Breiss, USC, invited talk)

11:00-11:30Non-Uniformity in Kannada Case Suffixation (Paroma Sanyal; Therese Liam Tom, Delhi)

On the notion of phonological privilege in Turkish (Markus Pöchtrager, Vienna)

12:00-12:30Using ranked schemas to derive non-uniformity of Polish locative adjectives (Bartłomiej Czaplicki, Warsaw)
12:30-13:30Lunch break, coffee&tea in the room from 13:00

Abstract knowledge versus direct experience in processing of Vietnamese coordinative compounds (Phuong Dang, Andrea Sims, Ohio State University)

14:00-14:30Word meaning in context contributes to non-uniformity in the realisation of Mandarin tones (Melanie J. Bell, Anglia Ruskin University; Yu-Ying Chuang, Yu-Hsiang Tseng, and R. Harald Baayen, Tübingen)
15:00-15:30Adapting to your environment - Introducing chameleon affixes (Katie McCann, Leipzig)
15:30-16:00Non-uniformity in phonologically conditioned affix order in Yidiɲ: Evidence for strata (Marie-Luise Popp, Leipzig)
17:00Social program
Friday, 11 October
9:00-9:30Arrive, coffee...
9:30-10:30It's there for the taking: Differential cue use in production and perception of morphophonetic variation (Clara Cohen, Glasgow, invited talk)
11:00-11:30Questioning the Uniformity of Enclisis: An Experimental Study on Czech Pronominal Clitics (Anna Poĺomská, Markéta Ziková, Masaryk University in Brno)
11:30-12:00Compound tensification as a source of phonetic variation in word-medial stops in Korean (Chloe Dokyung Kwon, Sam Tilsen, Cornell University)

You say idéntifiable, I say identifíable. We are not the same. – Individual Differences and the Production of Stress In English Complex Adjectives (Tammy Ganster, Trier )

12:30-13:30Lunch break, coffee&tea in the room from 13:00
13:30-14:00Modeling the role of prefixation in determining stress assignment in English verbs (Ingo Plag, Düsseldorf, and members of the ERSaF team, Université Clermont Auvergne & Trier)
14:00-14:30Variation in the accusative form of Hungarian loanwords ending in coronal consonant clusters (Ákos Blaskovics, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
15:00-15:30Preserving Computational Uniformity in Vedic Sanskrit Stress Assignment (Ryan Sandell, Munich)
15:30-16:00Sufficient and insufficient contrast and nonuniformity (Péter Rebrus & Péter Szigetvári & Miklós Törkenczy, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics & Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
16:00-16:30Business Meeting
17:00-19:00Social program, dinner