
Our chair provides thesis supervision for both Bachelor's and Master's students. All the relevant information can be found here.

  • Central assignment process to the chairs: The assignment of both Bachelor’s and Master’s theses is managed centrally by the BWL-department. However, this process only determines the supervising chair and does not influence the specific topic of the thesis. All information about the assignment of Bachelor/Master theses to the chairs can be found here.
  • Topic assignment: If you are assigned to our chair through the central process, we will find together with you a specific thesis topic and assign a supervisor. We will reach out to you directly regarding these details.
  • Scientific focus vs. practical focus: Bachelor's and Master's theses can be conducted from either a scientific-theoretical perspective or as collaborative projects with industry partners. Each approach presents its own set of unique challenges.
  • Colloquium: Part of the supervision process is the regular participation in our colloquium, where you will also give a short presentation of your work.
  • Format guidelines can be downloaded here.

Theses: Overview of grades

Noten bachelor master abschlussarbeiten