Abgeschlossene Dissertationen
Joscha Krause | Regularization Methods for Statistical Modelling in Small Area Estimation. (2020) |
Patricia Dörr | Variance Estimation of Business Indicators under Complex Survey Designs. (2020) |
Anne Konrad | Consistent Estimation in Household Surveys. (2019) |
Charlotte Articus | Finite Mixture Models for Small Area Estimation in Cases of Unobserved Heterogeneity. (2018) |
Tobias Schoch | On Robust Small Area Estimation. (2018) |
Julian Wagner | Optimization Methods and Large-Scale Algorithms in Small Area Estimation. (2018) |
Martin Rupp | Optimization for Multivariate and Multi-domain Methods in Survey Statistics. (2018) |
Florian Ertz | Regression Modelling with Complex Survey Data: An Investigation Using an Extended Close-to-Reality Simulated Household Population. (2017) |
Esha Mohamed | Design-based and Model-based Estimation in Adaptive Cluster Sampling. (2017) |
Christian Bruch | Varianzschätzung unter Imputation und bei komplexen Stichprobendesigns. (2016) |
Thomas Zimmermann | The interplay between sampling design and statistical modelling in small area estimation. (2015) |
Jan Seger | Measuring welfare and quality of life on regional level: methodology for the estimation of composite indicators. (2015) |
Stefan Zins | Schätzung von Veränderungen über die Zeit mittels koordinierter Stichprobenziehungen. (2015) |
Tobias Enderle | Zum Einfluss von Transformationen schiefer Verteilungen auf die Analyse mit imputierten Daten. (2015) |
Jan Pablo Burgard | Evaluation of Small Area Techniques for Applications in Official Statistics. (2013) |
Jan - Philipp Kolb | Methoden zur Erzeugung von synthetischen Simulationsgesamtheiten. (2012) |
Timo Schmid | Spatial robust small area estimation applied on business data. (2011) |
Lucie Dostal | Alternative Methoden zur Small Area-Schätzung. (2011) |
Martin Vogt | Bayesian Spatial Modeling: Propriety and Applications to Small Area Estimation with Special Focus on the German Census 2011. (2010) |
Matthias Ganninger | Design Effects: Concept, Estimation and Use in Complex Sample Surveys. (2009) |