European Master in Official Statistics

The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) was launched by Eurostat (ESTAT EMOS) and the European Statistical System (ESS) in 2014 to connect producers of official statistics and academia at European level. As a joint project of universities and data producers, EMOS aims at including official statistics in statistical curricula, meeting training and recruitment needs in the ESS and constituting a future recruitment pool of highly educated professional statisticians for the ESS and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
EMOS is a label awarded by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) for four years, renewable upon continued fulfilment of EMOS requirements. In the EMOS governance structure ESSC is the highest decision making body awarding the EMOS label to the Master programmes and appointing members to the EMOS Board. The Board assists the ESSC in developing the project, especially in awarding the EMOS label and in quality monitoring of the EMOS Master programmes. The EMOS Board is chaired by Eurostat and consists of 14 members representing both universities and producers of official statistics.
After two calls for applications, the EMOS network comprises 23 programmes in 15 countries and collaborating partners in statistical offices. The network builds on existing and nationally accredited Master programmes which, in line with the EMOS learning outcomes (Annex 1), familiarise the graduates with the system of official statistics, production models, statistical methods and dissemination. EMOS labelled Master programmes also collaborate actively with the National Statistical Institutes or other producers of official statistics for relevant master thesis topics and internships in the sphere of official statistics. Partners in the EMOS network benefit from each other's experiences and can develop deeper cooperation, e.g. joint degrees or exchange of students. Study visits to Eurostat are considered attractive by the students and EMOS summers schools and webinars offer a relevant mix of skills and knowledge for tomorrow’s official statisticians.
University of Trier: First German University with EMOS Certificate
The University of Trier was the first university (of meanwhile five universities) in Germany where one can acquire the certificate: European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS). Thus, the University of Trier belongs to the circle of altogether 22 European universities where the certificate can be acquired.
The EMOS certificate can be obtained by suitable choice of modules within the M.Sc. Survey Statistics. This concerns in particular:
- Research internship and master thesis with recognizable reference to official statistics.
- Attendance of the EMOS core modules
Further information on the European Master in Official Statistics can be found in the preliminary module handbook and will be communicated at the beginning of the semester.
Additional information about the European Master in Official Statistics: EUROSTAT
Cooperation with the Free University of Berlin and the University of Bamberg
Using modern Internet technology, the lectures offered at the three participating universities are interconnected bidirectionally. This means that students can be provided with an even more diverse range of lectures from which they can choose the individual modules they wish to take.

Interactive broadcast of a lecture at the EMOS Spring School 2015