Winter Semester 2024 / 2025

Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data (Statistische Analyse unvollständiger Daten)

Course Number:14402816
Lecturer:Dr. Florian Meinfelder
Time:Monday, 10:00 -14:00
Start Date:21/10/2024
Room:Online (Bamberg)

MA4SUS2008 - Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data (M.Sc. Survey Statistics)
MA4SUS004 - Survey Statistics: Spezialisierung
MA4SUS002 - Survey Statistics: Vertiefung
MA4AST1009/1010/1011/1012/1013/1014 -
Applied Statistics, Specialisation Module - Survey Statistics #1 - #5  (M.Sc. Applied Statistics)


In order to get access to the course and the documents you have to create an account in the Virtual Campus of the University of Bamberg at You will find assistance here
After successfully creating an account, you will be enrolled in the VC course "Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data" by the University of Bamberg in time before the course starts.
In case of problems please contact the mail address

Please note that it is mandatory to registrate in PORTA (Trier) as well.

Monte Carlo Simulation Methods

Course Number:Lecture: 14402739

Dr. Florian Ertz (Lecture)
M.Sc. Abrar Ahmed (Tutorial)

Time:Lecture: Monday, 14:00 - 18:00
Tutorial: Monday, 16:00 - 18:00
Start Date:21/10/2024
Room:C 304
Classification:MA4SUS2003 - Monte Carlo Simulation Methods (M.Sc. Survey Statistics)                                                                                                               
MA4SUS001 - Survey Statistics: Basis
MA4AST1002 - Monte Carlo Simulation Methods (M.Sc. Applied Statistics)

A separate programming course (Statistical Programming with R) is a MANDATORY part
of this lecture. You have to participate in this programming course in order to achieve
creditpoints for this lecture (Prüfungsrelevante Studienleistung).
For the schedule of the programming course see its overview on this website.

Please make sure that you register for the correct lecture in PORTA as they differ
depending on your courses of study (please refer to the course number)!

Elements of Statistics and Econometrics (Elemente der Statistik und Ökonometrie)

Course Number:Lecture: 14402783
Tutorial: 14402782
Lecturer:PD Dr. Jan Pablo Burgard                                                                                                                                                        
Time:Tuesday, 08:00 - 12:00 (Lecture)
Thursday, 10:00 - 12:00 (Tutorial)
Room:HS 4 and C 304
Start Date:22/10/2024
Classification:MA4SUS2002 - Elements of Statistics and Econometrics (M.Sc. Survey Statistics)
MA4SUS003 - Survey Statistics: Statistik
MA4SUS005 - Survey Statistics: Quantitative Methoden
MA4AST1001 - Elements of Statistics and Econometrics (M.Sc. Applied Statistics)

Survey Sampling (Stichprobenverfahren)

Course Number:14402819
Lecturer:Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich (Lecture)
M.Sc. Johannes Straubinger (Tutorial)
Time:Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (Lecture)
Tuesday, 16:00 - 18:00 (Tutorial)                                                                            
Start Date:22/10/2024
Room:C 304
Classification:MA4SUS2001 - Survey Sampling (M.Sc. Survey Statistics)
MA4SUS001 - Survey Statistics: Basis
MA4AST1008 - Survey Sampling (M.Sc. Applied Statistics)
Note:This lecture is offered as a video conference from Trier and transferred to Bamberg.

Research Project

Course Number:14402821
Lecturer:M.Sc. Christopher Caratiola
Time:Normally: Wednesday, 10:00 -12:00 C304
First Lecture: 6.11. in C432 -> see StudIP                                                                                                                                                              
Start Date:23/10/2024
Room:C 304

MA4SUS2004 - Research Project (M.Sc. Survey Statistics)
MA4SUS008 - Survey Statistics: Forschungsprojekt
MA4AST1006 - Research Project (M.Sc. Applied Statistics)

Microsimulation Methods

Course Number:14402926

Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich (Lecture)
M.Sc. Jan Weymeirsch & M.Sc. Julian Ernst (Tutorial)


Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (Lecture)
Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 (Tutorial)                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Start Date:23/10/2024

C 304

C 106d

Elements of Statistics (Data Science)

Course Number:14402917

M.Sc. Abrar Ahmed                                                                                                                                                                                       

Time:Thursday, 14:00 - 18:00
Room:C 106d
Start Date:24/10/2024
For updates:

Please check your university e-mail address as well as our announcements on this website regularly.

Classification:MA4DSC010 Elements of Statistics (M.Sc. Data Science)

Statistical Programming with R

Course Number:14402818
Lecturer:Dr. Florian Ertz
Time:Friday, 14:00 - 16:00                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Start Date:25/10/2024
Room:C 106d

Statistical Modeling

Course Number:14402817
Lecturer:Joscha Krause
Time:Fridays 12:00 - 16:00
Start Date:25/10/2024