5th EnMAP School on hyperspectral remote sensing

4 - 8 April 2016

The EnMAP Science Advisory Group (EnSAG) organizes the 5th EnMAP School at Trier University in April 2016. We are pleased to host the EnMAP School in Trier for the second time. EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program, www.enmap.org) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission to be launched in 2018. It will represent a milestone towards frequent, high quality hyperspectral observation from space. 

The EnMAP school addresses PhD and master course students with hyperspectral remote sensing background. It offers a great opportunity to deepen the own background in imaging spectroscopy, to learn about the EnMAP mission and to exchange experience and knowledge with other students. In addition to thematic lectures on a variety of topics and hyperspectral remote sensing in general, a special focus is set on dealing in practice with research themes related to EnMAP. Five groups will work under the guidance of experienced mentors on hyperspectral data sets covering applications in forestry, agriculture, terrestrial ecosystems, geology/soil and water. Each group will analyse hyperspectral datasets using state of the art methods (e.g. provided through the EnMAP Box) and develop appropriate analysis strategies (see draft programme below). We recommend that you indicate in your application letter your two preferred working groups. In addition to lectures and project work, a field trip to the newly established national park “Hunsrück-Hochwald” will provide the opportunity to discuss research issues related to forest ecosystems. 

The teaching language will be English. Up to 25 students can participate in the school. Priority is given to PhD students from the different EnMAP projects. This group of persons should apply informally using both email contacts given below. All other interested students are requested to submit a short application including (1) contact details, information about academic degrees, research field, state of PhD/MSc thesis and affiliation, (2) specific interests or research projects and (3) expectations from attending the school (altogether max. 2 pages) before 31 December 2015. To follow the practical part of the EnMAP School, each participant is requested to bring his/her own laptop computer. 

Participation in the EnMAP School is free of charge, but accommodation expenses and travel costs have to be paid by the participants. It is possible to receive financial support concerning travel expenses. If you wish to make use of this option please indicate this in your application. 

Saskia Förster      Sandra Dotzler 
