No. 11/23 | Jerg Gutmann / Pascal Langer / Matthias Neuenkirch | International Sanctions and Emigration | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization |
No. 10/23 | Darius Lambrecht / Jörn Block / Matthias Neuenkirch / Holger Steinmetz / Tom Willeke | The Interdependence of Intellectual Property and Sales in the Manufacturing Industry: Evidence from the Triangle of Patents, Trademarks, and Sales | |
No. 09/23 | Felix Haase / Matthias Neuenkirch | Macroeconomic Expectations and State-Dependent Factor Returns | |
No. 08/23 | Mehrzad B. Baktash | Overeducation, Performance Pay and Wages: Evidence from Germany | |
No. 07/23 | Mehrzad B. Baktash / Uwe Jirjahn | Are Managers More Machiavellian Than Other Employees? | |
No. 06/23 | Mehrzad B. Baktash / John S. Heywood / Uwe Jirjahn | Does Performance Pay Increase the Risk of Marital Instability? | |
No. 05/23 | Ludwig von Auer / Tu Anh Pham | Imperfect Collusion On Surveilled Markets With Free Entry | Journal of Economics |
No. 04/23 | Victoria Baudisch / Matthias Neuenkirch | Costly, but (Relatively) Ineffective? An Assessment of Germany’s Temporary VAT Rate Reduction During the Covid-19 Pandemic | The Economists' Voice |
No. 03/23 | Matthias Neuenkirch / Maria Repko / Enzo Weber | Hawks and Doves: Financial Market Perception of Western Support for Ukraine | |
No. 02/23 | Uwe Jirjahn / Thi Xuan Thu Le | Works Councils and Workers’ Party Preferences in Germany | |
No. 01/23 | Jan Pablo Burgard / Matthias Neuenkirch / Dennis Umlandt | (Almost) Recursive Shock Identification with Economic Parameter Restrictions | |