Dozenten der FFA Anglo-Amerikanisches Recht
Frau Amy Kouznetsov
English Legal System & Terminology (FFA I)
US Legal Research & Legal Writing (FFA I)
English Law & Terminology (FFA I)
US Constitutional Law - Hot Topics (FFA II)
American Business Law (FFA II)
Amy Kouznetsov teaches Hot Topics in U.S. Constitutional Law. For the past seven years, she has taught American and common law and writing for foreign lawyers. Her courses have included Introduction to U.S. Law, U.S. Constitutional Law, Legal Writing, and English for Lawyers. Amy has also been an instructor at Jessup summer school programs and has served as a judge for the Jessop Moot Court Competition in Moscow, Russia. Amy started her legal career at Chadbourne & Parke. Before becoming a lawyer, she worked as a court reporter in Miami, FL and Washington, DC.
Amy received her B.S. from the University of Mississippi, and her J.D. from the University of Baltimore School of Law. She is a member of the New York State Bar Association.
Herr Dr. Nick Scharf, LL.M.
- Intellectual Property Law (FFA II)
Gastdozent von der Partneruniversität Norwich
Nick was born and raised in Northern Ireland and graduated from Queen's University, Belfast in 2005 with an LLB in Law and Politics before coming to UEA in 2005/06 to study an LLM in International Commercial and Business Law. Having grown up in the Napster era, he became especially interested in copyright issues which led him to return to UEA to undertake a PhD in the area of digital copyright law. He joined the Law School as a full time lecturer in August 2011. Nick completed his doctoral thesis in 2012 entitled, 'Digital Copyright Law: exploring the changing interface between copyright and regulation in the digital environment'. His interests include digital copyright law, technology and Internet regulation generally, and with specific regard to the music industry. He has also presented his research extensively at BILETA, SLSA, MeCSSA and ORGCon conferences as well as having published articles in the field. Nick is also a self-confessed Star Wars fan and he enjoys playing the drums. If he wasn't an academic, he would like to be a rock star.
Herr Kristian Schnittger, LL.M., B.L. (King’s Inns)
- British Commercial & Company Law (FFA II)
- English Legal System & Terminology (FFA I)
- English Law & Terminology (FFA I)
Kristian Schnittger is a visiting lecturer at the University of Trier. He received his LL.M. in American law from the University of Virginia and completed his barrister-at-law degree at the King’s Inns in Dublin.
In 2002, he was awarded a Masters in Entrepreneurship from HEC Paris. His interests include entrepreneurship, international commercial and business law. In his spare time he enjoys reading, playing golf and travelling.
Herr Dr. Lawrence Siry
- Contract Law (FFA II)
- Law of Torts (FFA II)
- Legal Research (FFA I)
- US Legal System & Moot Court (FFA I)
Lawrence Siry has joined the faculty of Law at University College Cork in 2017 where he serves as a lecturer and director of the Law and French programme, previously he was at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg as a collaboratuer de reserche. He conducts research in the fields of freedom of expression, criminal law, international, law media law and comparative law. His thesis “Knowing it when it is seen: the Regulation of Sexualized Speech in Europe and the United States”, was completed in 2013 and was published by Nomos and Hart under the title “The Regulation of Sexualized Speech in Europe and the United States.”
- Stathis Banakas
- Adrian F.H. Barnett
- Joost Blom
- Elissa Bommes
- Patricia Boyle
- Emma Bullivant
- Carolyn Elizabeth Burlingame
- Andrew J. Cannon
- Helen S. Campbell
- Alexandrine Cerfontaine
- Hilary Cole
- Justine Collins
- Nancy Daspit
- Michael Doupé
- Lourens M. du Plessis
- Philip Elliott
- Rachel Fenton
- Paul Flodman
- Nigel Foster
- David Fox
- Patrick Glenn
- Peggy Gornall-Thode
- Mark Gerard Hanly
- Ann-Marie Harper
- Victoria Hanley-Emilsson
- Edward Ian Hyslop
- Deborah Ives
- Stephanie Nicola Hepburn
- Judith Holdsworth-Pick
- Sven Gallasch
- Ian Jackson
- David James
- Michael John Jewell
- Jackie Jones
- Andis Kaulins
- Peter Kaye
- William M. Kuimelis
- Florian Kutzbach
- Julia Philomena Lane
- Stephanie Law
- Pierre Legrand
- Gilbert Leung
- Richard Lyle
- Eóin Mac Domhnaill
- Amber Maggio
- Paul Malpas
- Peter May
- Charles McAleer
- Conor Brian McLaughlin
- Marc E. Montalbine
- Caroline Janet Morgan
- Stephanie Mary Padilla
- Richard Mailey
- Seán O'Mahony
- Georgia Percival
- Lawrence G. Price
- Michael Radford
- Íde Ní Riagáin
- Christa Rautenbach
- Siraj Sait
- Geoffrey Samuel
- Richard Schumaker
- Andrew Scott
- Michael Scott
- Nancy Lou Shawn
- Vanessa Sims
- Peter Smith
- Robert Craig Steenkamp
- David Sugarman
- Jacqueline Alison C. Suter
- Raymond J. Toney
- Diana Torrens
- Rachel Voss
- Johan van der Vyver
- Nathan Walters
- Allan Robert Walker
- Regan Frances Wylie-Otte
- James Young