
Profil photo of the working group lead Julia Affolderbach

Prof Dr Julia Affolderbach

Julia joined the University of Trier to take over the research chair for Sustainable regional and urban development in February 2020. Her research focuses on economy-environment relations ranging from urban climate change policies to resource conflicts.

Email | +49 (0)651 201-4525  |  Room F144

Christin Weil, M.A.

Christin manages the administrative office and organizational processes in the department. She is also the contact point for students regarding programme related questions including general information, certificates or appointments.

Email | +49 (0)651 201-4551  |  Room F176

Profile photograph of colleague Paula Hild

Dr Paula Hild

Paula is a postdoc researcher on the LIVEABLE project focused on lived sustainabilities and green building funded by the German Research Foundation. Her research focus is on the green economy and regional transition processes including green buidling, circular economy, and sustainability indicators.

Email+49 (0)651 201-4697 | Room F140

[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait einer Frau

Dr. Hanna Jäger

Hanna Jäger joined Trier University in October 2023 as teaching fellow in geography (Lehrbeauftragte für besondere Aufgaben), where she is responsible for the methods training in the bachelor geography programmes. She also teaches on a number of modules in human geography including Introduction to human geography and Education for sustainable development.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651 201-1828 | Raum F142

Portrait der Mitarbeiterin

Dipl.-Biol. Angela Jensen

Angela Jensen has been a research assistant at the University of Trier in Department VI since October 2021. Her interests lie in the field of environmental education and she has a large network of actors in the field of education for sustainable development in the Trier region. Since 1.10.2022 she is part of the Plast.Ed. project, where she leads the specialisation module for Master of Education students.

Email  |  +49 (0)651/201-4799  |  Room F155

[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait des Mitarbers

Gaspard Ngendahayo, M.Sc.

Gaspard Ngendahayo joined the the Trier University's Department of Geography as doctoral candidate in February 2025.  His PhD research focuses on the awareness of local communities in Rwanda's western province regarding climate change and climate change adapation measures.

E-Mail | Raum F179

Picture of Jens Niewind

Jens Niewind, MA

Jens Niewind has been a research assistant at Trier University since May 2020 and joined the team in July 2023. As part of his dissertation project, the trained human geographer deals with inter-municipal and cross-border transformation approaches and processes in Rhineland-Palatinate border regions.

Email | +49 (0)651 201-4539 | F139

Photo of Trisanki Saikia

Trisanki Saikia, MSc

Trisanki joined Trier University as PhD researcher in Apr. 2023. She has a background in economics and is interested in economic geography focused on green entrepreneurship, cities and circular economies. She is currently working on developing a research project about waste management practices in Global South cities. 

Email | +49 (0)651 201-4540 | Room F140

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto Katharina Haupenthal

Katharina Haupenthal, MSc

Katharina is scientific research in the Urban Flood Resilience - Smart Tools(FloReST) project at Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld and since Jan. 2023 PhD student at the Uni Trier. As part of her dissertation project, she develops and assesses participatory approaches and their impact on disaster risk perception in the context of flooding.


Student & research assistants

[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait des Mitarbeitenden

Marc Brenneke

Marc Brenneke is studying Geography (B.Sc.) focussing on human geography. Since August 2024, he works as student assistant supporting a project funded by Trier University on Circular Economy and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Waste Management.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild von Julia Krüger

Julia Krüger, B.Ed.

Julia Krüger studies Biology and Geography in the Master of Education programme. As part of the „Plastik Pop-Up-Cycle“ project, she works on the scientific evaluation as well as the organization and implementation of the pop-ups. Additionally she supports educational offers for school classes as part of the Plast.Ed+ project.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134 & F168

[Translate to Englisch:] Annika Hoffmann

Annika Hoffmann

Annika Hoffmann studies Biology and Geography in the Master of Education programme. She is responsible for the development of learning and communication material and supports the organisation and implementation of the pop-ups. Additionally she supports educational offers for school classes as part of the Plast.Ed+ project.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134 & F168

[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait der Mitarbeitenden

Aaliya Jänsch

Aaliya Jänsch is studying Geography (B.Sc.) focussing on physical geography. She supports offers for school classes as part of the Plast.Ed and Plast.Ed+ projects since September 2024.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134 & F168

Photo of a woman

Karen Müller, BSc

Karen Müller studies Geography with a focus on human geography at Trier University. Since October 2023 she works as resaerch assistant for the LIVEABLE project funded by the DFG.

Email | +49 (0)651/201-4468 | Room F134 & F165

[Translate to Englisch:] Robin Hänsli

Robin Hänsli

Robin Hänsli is studying English and Geograpy in the Master of Education Programme at Trier University. He works as student assistant for the Plastik Pop-Up-Cycle project where he supports mashine maintenance, development of learning materials as well as pop-up offers. Julia Krüger studies Biology and Geography in the Master of Education programme. He also supports educational offers for school classes as part of the Plast.Ed+ project.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134 & F168

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto von Lisa Rasch, Sie hat lage gewellte hellbraune Haare und lächelt offen frontal in die Kamera

Lisa Rasch, BSc

Lisa Rasch studies applied human geography in the masters programme at Trier University. She works as research assistant within the DFG-funded LIVEABLE Projekt since January 2025.

E-Mail | +49 (0)651/201-4468  |  Raum F134