Dr. Frank Hälsig
Research focus
- Retail Branding
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Julia Weindel and Frank Hälsig (2016), „Predictors and effects of retail brand equity – A cross-sector analysis,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31(4), 265-276 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Julia Weindel, Frank Hälsig and Marion Brandstätter (2016), „Predictors of Retail Brand Equity and the Effect on Intentional Loyalty – A Cross-Sectoral Analysis,” EIRASS – 23rd Advances in Retailing & Services Science Annual Conference 2015 Proceedings, Edinburgh 11.-14.7 (accepted November 22, 2015).
- Puchert, Cathrin, Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Hälsig (2015), „Do External and Internal Factors Determine Corporate Reputation Across Nations,” European Academy of Marketing (EMAC), Leuven, May 26-29, 2015 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D). Award for the conference best paper on International Marketing: The Susan P. Douglas Award.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Julia Weindel and Frank Hälsig (2015), “Investigating Reciprocal Effects between Retail Brand and Perceived Value,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, San Antonio, February 13-15, 2015 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Hälsig, Frank, Bernhard Swoboda, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett (2014), „It is all about the Perceived Consistency of the Retail Marketing Instruments when Creating a Strong Retail Brand,” European Academy of Marketing (EMAC), Valencia, June 3-6, 2014 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Schu, Matthias, Dirk Morschett, Frank Hälsig and Bernhard Swoboda (2014), „Is the decision of SMEs to establish an online shop influenced by institutional pressure?,” European Academy of Marketing (EMAC), Valencia, June 3-6, 2014 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Karin Pennemann and Frank Hälsig (2013), “Being Global Brands Within a Local Business? Lessons Learned from International Retailers,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, August 9-11, 2013 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E) Awarded as the best paper in the “Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing Issues Track”.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett (2013), „Building a Strong Retail Brand: A Comparative Analysis of Non-Food-Retail Sectors,” European Academy of Marketing (EMAC), Istanbul, June 4-7, 2013 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Hälsig, Frank (2009), „Branchenübergreifende Analyse des Aufbaus einer starken Retail Brand- Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse in fünf Einzelhandelsbranchen unter Anwendung der Mehrgruppenkausalanalyse,“ in der Reihe "Handel und Internationales Marketing", Swoboda, Bernhard und Foscht Thomas (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett (2009), „Moderating role of involvement in building a retail brand,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 37 (11), 952-974 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: D).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Bettina Berg and Frank Hälsig (2009), „Perceptions of Grocery Retail Formats in Emerging Countries,” in The New Millennium, Evans, Joel R. (Eds.), Retailing 2009: Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium, Proceedings of the AMS/ACRA 9th Triennial Retailing Conference, New Orleans, 345-351.
- Swoboda, Bernhard and Frank Hälsig (2009), „Store communication of family-owned retailers: A field experiment,” BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, Bratianu, Constantin, Dorin Lixandroiu and Nocolae A. Pop (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference 16.-27.10., Brasov, Bucaresi: ICBE, 212-219.
- Hälsig, Frank (2008), „Branchenübergreifende Analyse des Aufbaus einer starken Retail Brand – Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse in fünf Einzelhandelsbranchen unter Anwendung der Mehrgruppenkausalanalyse,” Wiesbaden: Gabler.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2008), „Neuere Vertriebswege,“ in Das neue Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Häberle, Siegfried Georg (Hrsg.), München: Oldenburg, 1331-1333 und andere Stichworte.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer und Frank Hälsig (2008), „Aufbau einer multinationalen Corporate Identity als Bestandteil der Unternehmenspersönlichkeit – Das Beispiel der Henkel-Gruppe,“ in Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management, Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Dirk Morschett, 3 Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler, 723-740.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2008), „Determinants of retail brand strength: a comparative analysis of different retail sectors based on multi-group structural equitation modelling,” Proceedings of the 37th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Brighton, 182 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Hälsig, Frank, Dirk Morschett und Hanna Schramm-Klein (2007), „The Influence of Self-Congruity, Brand Personality and Brand Performance on Store Loyalty,“ in European Advances in Consumer Research, Borghini Stefania; McGrath Mary Ann, Otnes Cele (Hrsg.).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig and Dirk Morschett (2007), „Intersectoral Analysis of the Relevance of Service Quality in Retailing”, Australian New Zealand Marketing Association (ANZMAC) 2007 Conference Proceedings, Otago University, Dunedi, 339-348.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2007), „An intersector analysis of the relevance of service in building a strong retail brand,” Managing Service Quality Journal, 17 (4), 428-448 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C).
- Hälsig, Frank, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett and Thomas Foscht (2007), „The Importance of the Retail Marketing Instruments and of their Perceived Conceptual Coherence in Creating Customer-Brand Retail Brand Equity,” 14th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades (EAERCD), Saarbrücken, 750-775.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Sandra Schwarz and Frank Hälsig (2007), „Towards a Conceptual Model of Country Market Selection – A Look at the Selection Processes of Retailers and C&C Wholesalers,” 14th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades (EAERCD), Saarbrücken, 1636-1638.
- Schröder, Christoph, Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Hälsig (2007), „Potentials of RFID: A Conjoint-Based Preference Analysis Regarding Buying Groups,” 14th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades (EAERCD), Saarbrücken, 1480-1505.
- Swoboda, Bernhard and Frank Hälsig (2007), „Building a Strong Retail Brand: An Integrated Model and an Empirical Comparison between Different Retail Sectors,” Proceedings of the 36th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Reykjavik, 260-267 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Hälsig, Frank, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2007), „Enhancing Customer-Based Retail Brand Equity: A Comparison of the Influence of Different Retail Marketing Instruments in DIY and Textile Retailing,” Proceedings of the 14th World Marketing Congress of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Verona, 256.
- Hälsig, Frank, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2007), „Analysis of the Influence of Customer’s Shopping Motives on the Impact of Retailer Attributes on Customer-Based Retail Brand Equity,” Proceedings of the 14th World Marketing Congress of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Verona, 366.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Sandra Schwarz, Frank Hälsig (2007), „Towards a Conceptual Model of Country Market Selection: Selection Processes of Retailer and C&C Wholesaler,” The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 17 (3), 253-282 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: C).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig und Dirk Morschett (2007), „Einfluss von Einkaufsmotiven auf den Aufbau einer Händlermarke – Eine Mehrgruppenkausalbetrachtung,“ in Shopper Research – Kundenverhalten im Handel, Jahrbuch Vertriebs- und Handelsmanagement, Ahlert, Dieter, Reiner Olbrich und Hendrik Schröder (Hrsg.), Frankfurt/Main: Deutscher Fachverlag, 19-38.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig und Thomas Foscht (2007), „Kundenbindung durch den Aufbau einer starken Retail Brand und den Einsatz spezifischer Kundenbindungsinstrumente“ in Handbuch Praxis Kundenbindungs-Management, Reimann, Eckhard und Hagen J. Sexauer (Hrsg.), Königswinter: Denk!Institut, 523-544.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2007), „Spannendes Pilot-Projekt im Max-Weber-Berufskolleg zu Marken und deren Bedeutung für den Konsumenten,“ Henkel-Life, Düsseldorf 11. Mai 2007.
- Swoboda, Bernhard. Frank Hälsig und Markus Meierer (2007). „Kooperationsstrategien in veränderten Wettbewerbsarenen – Dynamik klassischer Formen und Optionen für mittelständische Fashion-Händler,“ in Faszination Handel – 50 Jahre Saarbrücker Handelsforschung, Zentes, Joachim (Hrsg.),Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag, 189-210.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Frank Hälsig and Dirk Morschett (2006), „Intersectoral Analysis of the Impact of Retailer Attributes on Customer-Based Retail Brand Equity: An Integrated Model and an Empirical Comparison between Different Retail Sectors,” Retailing 2006: Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium, Evans, Joel R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the AMS/ACR 8th Triennial Retailing Conference, Orlando, 249-256.
- Hälsig, Frank, Bernhard Swoboda and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2006), „Analysis of the Retail/Corporate Brand of Retail Companies and their Relation to Perceptions of Store Attributes – A Theoretical Model and a Comparison of Empirical Results in Different Retailing Industries,” EIRASS – 13th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Annual Conference 2006 Proceedings, Budapest, 82.
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht and Frank Hälsig (2006), „Change of foreign operation method: analysis of mode increases and reductions,” Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Association (EMAC), Athens, 112 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
- Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht and Frank Hälsig (2005), „Forms of and Reasons for Strategy Changes as Adoptions to Foreign Markets – Empirical Evidence from European Companies,” Proceedings of the 12th World Marketing Congress of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Muenster, 381-389.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2004). „Aufbau einer multinationalen Corporate Identity als Bestandteil der Unternehmenspersönlichkeit – Das Beispiel der Henkel-Gruppe,“ in Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management, Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (Hrsg.), 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler, 685-700.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2004), „Innovationen im Handel – Status und Ausblick,“ Essmann`s ESSpertise, 1, 6-15.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2004), „Aufbau einer multinationalen Corporate Identity als Bestandteil der Unternehmenspersönlichkeit – Das Beispiel der Henkel-Gruppe – Lösung,“ in Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management. Instructor´s Manual, Zentes, Joachim und Bernhard Swoboda (Hrsg.), Saarbrücken/Trier: Institute für Handel und Internationales Marketing an der Universität des Saarlandes und für Marketing und Handel an der Universität Trier, 2. Aufl., 483-493.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2003), „Konzeption einer Corporate Identity am Beispiel der Henkel KGaA,“ in Absatzwirtschaft, Burchert, Heiko, Thomas Hering und Hans Pechtl (Hrsg.), München: Oldenbourg, 270-281.
- Swoboda, Bernhard und Frank Hälsig (2003), „Zukunft des Handels – Teil X: Kommunikationspolitik im Handel,“ Essmann`s ESSpertise, 1, 6-16.