Dr. Markus Meierer

Dr. Markus Meierer

Research focus

  • International Corporate Brand Management 


  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Thomas Foscht, Markus Meierer and Dirk Morschett (2011), „International SME Alliances: The Impact of Alliance Building and Configurational Fit on Success,” Long Range Planning, 44 (4), 271-288 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: B).
  • Meierer, Markus (2010), “International Corporate Brand Management – Evaluating Standardized Corporate Branding Across Countries”, Wiesbaden: Gabler. 
  • Löwenberg, Margot, Markus Meierer, Bernhard Swoboda and Stefan Elsner (2010), „Do Consumers Perceive a Standardised Corporate Brand Consistently Across Countries?,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators´ Conference Proceedings, Boston (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E).
  • Meierer, Markus, Bernhard Swoboda and Margot Löwenberg (2010), „Evaluating Standardized Corporate Branding Across Countries,” INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany, 73.
  • Meierer, Markus, Margot Löwenberg and Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „Standardizing Corporate Brand Management Internationally – Consumers´ Brand Perceptions and Product Response Across Five Countries,” 52nd Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting Proceedings, Rio de Janeiro, June 25-29.
  • Löwenberg, Margot, Markus Meierer and Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „Does Endosing Product Brands by Corporate Branding Pay Off? A Multi-Country Study?,” Proceedings of the 39th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, 1-9 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
  • Meierer, Markus, Margot Löwenberg and Bernhard Swoboda (2010), „Does Standardisation of Corporate Branding Work?,” Proceedings of the 39th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, 1-8 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer and Margot Löwenberg (2010), „The Relevance of Specific Corporate Associations against Overall Corporate Image for Consumer Behavior,”: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Portland, 1-22.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Margot Löwenberg and Markus Meierer (2009), „How do Country Specific Implementation Decisions Influence Internal Corporate Brand Management?,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators? Conference Proceedings, 21 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E).
  • Schramm-Klein, Hanna, Joachim Zentes, Dirk Morschett, Bernhard Swoboda and Markus Meierer (2009), „The Impact of Retailers’ Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators? Conference Proceedings, 21, Chicago (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E).
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer, Dirk Morschett and Margot Löwenberg (2009), „Endorsing Product Brands Through a Standardized Corporate Brand – Cross National Perceptions and Effects,” American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators? Conference Proceedings, 21., Chicago (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: E). Awarded as best paper of the “Global & Cross Cultural Track”.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Margot Löwenberg, Markus Meierer and Martin Jager (2009), „Cross Cultural Effects of International Corporate Brand Management on Employee Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Market Entry and Implementation Decisions,” 51st Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Diego.
  • Meierer, Markus, Bernhard Swoboda and Margot Löwenberg (2009), „Does Endorsing Product Brands Through a Standardized Corporate Brand Pay Off? A Cross National Study,” INFORMS – Proceedings of the Marketing Science Conference, Ann Arbor, USA, 93.
  • Löwenberg, Margot, Bernhard Swoboda and Markus Meierer (2009), „Internal Corporate Brand Management – Analyzing Moderating Effects Across 30 Countries,” INFORMS – Proceedings of the Marketing Science Conference 2009, Ann Arbor, USA, 93.
  • Löwenberg, Margot, Markus Meierer and Bernhard Swoboda (2009), „The Influence of International Corporate Brand Management on Employee Loyalty,” Proceedings of the 38th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Nantes, 1-9 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
  • Meierer, Markus, Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett (2009), „Does Corporate Branding in the FMCG Sector Really Influence Consumers´ Product Loyalty? A Cross-cultural Study,” Proceedings of the 38th European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), Nantes, 1-8 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of conference: D).
  • Löwenberg, Margot, Markus Meierer, Swee-Lim Chia and Thomas Foscht (2009), „Relevance of Corporate Branding to Employee Loyalty – A Cross-Country Survey,” Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) 2009 Annual Conference, Baltimore. (nicht verfügbar)
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer, Bettina Berg and Thomas Foscht (2008), „Effects of Standardised Corporate Branding on Employees – A Multi-country Study,” European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference Proceedings, Tallinn, 1-29.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer, Bettina Berg and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2008), „Relevance of corporate branding in the FMCG sector,” Australian New Zealand Marketing Association (ANZMAC) 2008 Conference Proceedings, Sydney, 45. (nicht verfügbar)
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Martin Jager und Markus Meierer (2008), „Dekonstruktion von Wertschöpfungsketten – Ausprägungen, Strukturierungsoptionen und Entscheidungsschritte,“ Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 37 (10), 532-539 (VHB‐JOURQUAL at time of acceptance: E).
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer, Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett (2008), „Effects of Standardised Corporate Branding on Employees – A Cross-National and Country-Specific Study,” 50th Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting Proceedings, Milan, June 30 – July 3, 104.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer und Judith Giersch (2008), „Worauf müssen Unternehmen bei der länder- und kulturübergreifenden Steuerung einer Corporate Brand achten? – Eine empirische Studie auf Mitarbeiterebene,“ in Impulse für die Markenforschung und Markenführung, Baumgarth, Carsten, Gülpinar Kelemci Schneider und Bahar Ceritoğlu (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler, 131-159.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard, Markus Meierer und Frank Hälsig (2008), „Aufbau einer multinationalen Corporate Identity als Bestandteil der Unternehmenspersönlichkeit – Das Beispiel der Henkel-Gruppe,“ in Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management, Zentes, Joachim, Bernhard Swoboda und Dirk Morschett, 3 Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler, 723-740.
  • Swoboda, Bernhard. Frank Hälsig und Markus Meierer (2007). „Kooperationsstrategien in veränderten Wettbewerbsarenen – Dynamik klassischer Formen und Optionen für mittelständische Fashion-Händler,“ in Faszination Handel – 50 Jahre Saarbrücker Handelsforschung, Zentes, Joachim (Hrsg.),Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Fachverlag, 189-210.
  • Meierer, Markus und Bernhard Swoboda (2007), „Internationalisierung: Neue Entwicklung im Schuheinzelhandel,“ in Kompendium der Schuhwirtschaft 2008, Hämmerling, Anette (Hrsg.), Frankfurt/Main: FAZ Verlag, 62-67.