
Maria Østerby Elleby, M.a.

Zwischen dem 3. und dem 28. Juni wird sich Maria Østerby Elleby am Lehrstuhl Geschichtliche Landeskunde aufhalten, um an ihr Dissertations- und Ausstellungsprojekt vorzustellen. Das Projekt ist eine Kooperation zwischen der University of Southern Denmark und dem Museum of Southvest Jutland. In dem zukünfitgen Hexen-Museum in Ribe entsteht eine Ausstellung zum Niedergang der dänischen Hexenprozesse, in deren Konzeption die Ergebnisse der Dissertation einfließen werden.

Dissertationsprojekt: Decline of the witch trials: Deconstruction of witchcraft as a crime 1660–1730

In 1693 Denmark witnessed it’s last executed burning of a witch. Anne Palles from Falster was sentenced to the pyre for having practiced maleficium – tortious magic – as well as for having made a pact with the devil. Anne Palles was 74 years old. The decline in sentences towards those accused of witchcraft was visible before the trial against Anne Palles, but her execution is among the events marking the end of an era characterised by the belief in pacts with the devil and the fear of bewitchment. In 1698 a similar witchcraft trial was conducted in Thisted, where all the accused was acquitted, and where the central administration subsequently published a book, warning against bringing such cases to court in the future. However, it was not until 1866 that witchcraft as a crime legally vanished from the Danish Law.

The project investigates the deconstruction of witchcraft as a crime, focusing on the Supreme Court. The project examines the Supreme Court judges as actors, and the what differences insured that cases where the accused would previously have been executed now lead to acquittal. Did they stop believing in witchcraft and the possibility of bewitchment? The law itself did not change until much later, so which other parameters changed, and made the acquittals possible?


Prof. Dr. Ismael del Olmo

Zwischen dem 29. Mai und dem 30. Juli 2018 hat sich Prof. Dr. Ismael del Olmo (Universität Buenes Aires, Argentinien) am Fach Geschichtliche Landeskunde aufgehalten (post-doctoral researcher at the National Council of Scientific Investigations, Argentina). Ausgestattet mit einem DAAD short-stay visit grant for post-doctoral research konnte er seine Forschungen zu Dämonologie, Exorzismus und Aufklärung im Austausch mit Dr. Rita Voltmer vertiefen. Die Kooperation soll in weiteren gemeinsamen Projekten (Tagung, Publikationen) fortgesetzt werden. Ismael del Olmo hat 2015 seine Dissertation verfasst zum Thema Demonic possession, exorcism, and the boundaries of the sacred in Early Modern Europe. Cultural scenarios of a contested paradigm (Spain, France and England, XVIth-XVIIth centuries). Zur Zeit ist er Professor für Early Modern History an der Universität in Buenes Aires. Sein aktuelles Projekt lautet The Spirit in the Letter: Demonic Possession, Biblical Exegesis and the Resignification of the Sacred in the Waning of Early Modern Europe (c.1650 – 1750).

aktuelle Publikationen sind (siehe auch

‘A Savage Conversion’. Unbelief and Demonic Possession in Pierre de Bérulle’s traité des Énergumènes (1599), in: Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique 113, 2018, S. 189–210.

‘Outsiders of Hagnopolis’: Unbelief, Fear, and Religion in Thomas More’s Utopia”, Moreana 54, 1, 2017, S. 57–70.


Dr. Raisa Maria Toivo

Zwischen dem 20. Februar und dem 19. März 2017 wird Frau Dr. Raisa Maria Toivo (Academy Research Fellow, History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, Finland; sich in Trier am Fach Geschichtliche Landeskunde aufhalten, um mit unserem Team unter anderem Fragen der Reformation und der Jesuiten-Mission in Skandinavien und der europäischen Hexenverfolgungen zu diskutieren sowie weitere Forschungskooperationen zu planen.

Neuere Publikationen von Frau Toivo sind:

  • Raisa Maria Toivo, Witchcraft and Gender in Early modern Society. Finland and the wider European experience, 2008;
  • Writing Witch-Hunt Histories. Challenging the Paradigm, hg. v. Marko Nenonen und Raisa Maria Toivo, 2014
  • Raisa Mari Toivo, Faith and Magic in Early Modern Finland, 2016;
  • Lived Religion and the Long Reformation in Northern Europe, hg. v. Sari Katajala-Peltomaa und Raisa Maria Toivo, 2017.


János Incze (DAAD - Stipendiat)

János Incze obtained a BA degree in History and an MA in Protection and evaluation of the cultural heritage at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, and another MA degree in Medieval Studies at Central European University (CEU), Budapest. János is currently a PhD candidate of the Medieval Studies program at the CEU. His main research interest lies in King Sigismund of Luxemburg’s finances in Hungary. Since King Sigismund later became king of the Romans and emperor too, his financial dealings in Hungary cannot be studied separately from the imperial one, often the revenues of the two polities were managed and spent together. Thanks to a DAAD scholarship János will spend three months at the Department of Geschichtliche Landeskunde of the University of Trier, to study the imperial finances of Sigismund of Luxemburg under the guidance of Prof. em. Dr. Franz Irsigler and Prof. Dr. Stephan Laux, and with the research facilities provided by the university.    

His homepage: