Proceedings 2003 - Cambridge/UK

Proceedings of the meeting, June 11-13, 2003


The European Polar Low Working Group under the European Geophysical Society (EGS) held the 9th working group meeting at Cambridge (UK) from 11 to 13 June 2003 and was hosted by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

An international group with scientists and students from France, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom and USA attended the workshop. The papers presented several review lectures summarizing the work on polar lows and mesoscale cyclones during the last 25 years and future research perspectives. The workshop showed the progress achieved by new field campaigns, using new satellite data such as MODIS and the role of polar mesocyclones in air-sea-ice interaction.

Extended abstracts

Polar Mesocyclone variability and deep water formation(G. Bigg)

Operational polar low forecast at DNMI (G. Noer)

Impact Parameters on a Baroclinic Mesocyclone Development Considering Atmosphere - Sea Ice Interaction(S. Dierer)

Interaction of katabatic winds, mesocyclones and sea ice formation (G. Heinemann)

Future Priorities for Antarctic Polar Low/Mesocyclone Research: A Personal View(J. Turner)

Polar low "Le Cygne": satellite observations and numerical simulations(C. Claud)

An investigation into the evolution of CAPE during the intensification phase of a model polar low(T. Bracegirdle)