
in press

  1. Böhm, M., Hochkirch, A., Wilkins, V.(2024): Insect Species Conservation. In: Pryke, J. S., Samways, M. J., New, T. R., Cardoso, P., Gaigher, R. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Insect Conservation
  2. Hochkirch, A. (2024): Assessing the Red List status and Green Status for insect species. In: Pryke, J. S., Samways, M. J., New, T. R., Cardoso, P., Gaigher, R. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Insect Conservation
  3. Hochkirch, A., Dey, L.-S., Husemann, M. (in press): Splitters versus Lumpers? Subspecies designations must rely on robust morphological and/or genetic data - a response to Nabholz et al. (2024). Zootaxa
  4. Huth, S., B. Krebs, K. Kirst & Wagner, N. (in press): Die Gelbbauchunke im Schutzgebiet Binsfeldhammer: Gewässernutzung, Populationsgröße, demographische und morphologische Parameter. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie.
  5. Kröner, L., S. Lötters & M.-T. Hopp (2024): Insights into caudate amphibian skin secretions with a focus on the chemistry and bioactivity of derived peptides. Biological Chemistry, in press.
  6. Plewnia, A., S. Lötters & S.E. Lobos-Parreño (2024): Description of the tadpole of Hyloxalusnexipus Frost, 1986 (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with comments on geographic variation. Salamandra, 60: in press.
  7. Ivković, S., Dey, L.-S., Horvat, L., Iorgu, S.I., Buzzetti, F.M., & Hochkirch, A. (in press): The taxonomic status of recently described Isophya taxa from Serbia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). European Journal of Taxonomy 
  8. Spiliopoulou, K., Rigal, F., Plumptre, A., Trigas, P., Paragamian, K., Hochkirch, A., Lymberakis, P., Portolou, D., Stoumboudi, M., Triantis, K. (in press): KBAscope: Key Biodiversity Area identification in R. Ecography, in press.
  9. Veith, M. & Barrot, E. (2024, in press): The evolution of Lissamphibia – a molecular phylogenetic perspective. Chapter 4 in Viertel, B. (Hrsg.): Anuran larvae, S. ##-##. Chimaira.
  10. Viertel, B., Veith, M., Schulze, A. & Lötters, A. (2024, in press): Special habitats. Larvae from lotic waters. Chapter 6 in Viertel, B. (Hrsg.): Anuran larvae, S. ##-##. Chimaira.


  1. Böning, P., Lötters, S., Barzaghi, B., Bock, M., Bok, B., Bonato, L., Ficetola, G.F., Glaser, F., Griese, J., Grabher, M., Leroux, C., Munimanda, G., Manenti, R., Ludwig, G., Preininger, D., Rödel, M.-O., Seibold, S., Smith, S., Tiemann, L., Thein, J., Veith, M. & Plewnia, A.: Alpine salamanders at risk? The current status of an emerging fungal pathogen. Plos ONE 19(5): e0298591.
  2. Böning, P., A. Plewnia, J. Virgo, J. Adam, N. Banowski, S. Bleidißel, N. Dabbagh5, L. Dalbeck, H. Düssel, S. Ellwart, L. Feiler, V. Ferner, M. Fischer, L. Gemeinhardt, M. Guschal, A. Geiger, G. Hansbauer, M. Hechinger, T. Hildwein, A. Hirz, M. Hoppe, L. Jung, M. Jurczyk, K. Kirst, D. Werner Melville, G. Odenwälder, D. Ohloff, M. Peters, K. Preissler, M. Prietzel, T. Reinhardt, M. Schlüpmann, M. Schneider, R. Schreiber, U. Schulte, V. Schulz, M. Schweinsberg, H. Schwemmer, S. Sommmer, S. Steinfartz, J. Thein, S. Twietmeyer, M. Vences, F. Vogt-Pokrant, N. Wagner, J. Wegge, H.-P. Ziemek, M. Veith & S. Lötters (2024): Die Salamanderpest: Charakterisierung, aktuelle Situation in Deutschland, Handlungsempfehlungen. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, 31: 1-38.
  3. Peter, M., Bakanov, N., Mathgen, X., Brühl, C.A., Veith, M. & Müller, C. (2024): Multiresidue analysis of bat guano using GC-MS/MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
  4. Poniatowski, D., Detzel, P., Drews, A., Hochkirch, A., Hundertmark, I., Husemann, M., Klatt, R., Klugkist, H., Köhler, G., Kronshage, A., Maas, S., Moritz, R., Pfeifer, M.A., Stübing, S., Voith, J., Winkler, C., Wranik, W., Helbing, F. & Fartmann, T. (2024): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Heuschrecken und Fangschrecken (Orthoptera et Mantodea) Deutschlands. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 170 (7): 88 S.
  5. Plewnia, A., S. Lötters, S. Gomides, M. De Agrò & D.C. Rößler (2024): Sex-specific ventral dichromatism and melanization in harlequin toads (Atelopus): a common but overlooked character of unknown function. Evolutionary Ecology, 6: in press.
  6. Schieler, M., Riemer, N. Kleinhenz, B., Saucke, H., Veith, M. & Racca, P. (2024): SIMONTO-Pea: phenological models to predict crop growth stages in BBCH of grain and green peas (Pisum sativum) for a temporal pest. Agriculture 2024, 14, 15.
  7. Schieler, M., Riemer, N., Racca, ., Kleinhenz, B., Saucke, H., Veith, M. & Meese, B. (2024): GIS-based tool for pest specific area-wide planning of crop rotation distance with land use data. Insects 2024, 15, 249.
  8. Schulte, L., Faul, C., Oswald, P., Preißler, K., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M. & Caspers, B.A. (2024): Performance of different automatic photographic identification software for larvae and adults of the European fire salamander. Plos ONE 19(4): e0298285.
  9. Silveira, P., F. Gonçalves de Sousa, P. Böning, N.M. Maciel, J. Stropp & S. Lötters (2024): Do aposematic species have larger range sizes? A case study with Neotropical poison frogs. Journal of Biogeography, 51: 1481-1489.
  10. Velásquez-Trujillo, D.A., F. Castro-Herrera, S. Lötters & A. Plewnia (2024): A new species of harlequin toad from the Western Cordillera of Colombia (Bufonidae: Atelopus), with comments on other forms. Salamandra, 60: 67-81.
  11. Weimann, E., Hochkirch, A., & Schneider, S. (2024): Blütenbesuchende Insekten in Wildpflanzenfeldern. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 56: 24-33


  1. Akçakaya, H.R., K. Neam, L. Hobin, S. Lötters, A. Martel & F. Pasmans (2023): Assessing the extinction risks of amphibians impacted by infectious diseases. — Biological Conservation, 284: 110205.
  2. Böning, P., Plewnia, A., Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2023): Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der durch die Salamanderpest bedrohten Amphibien in Rheinland-Pfalz. ZGAP-Mitteilungen 2023(1): 16-18.
  3. Böning, P., J. Virgo, S. Bleidißel, N. Dabbagh, L. Dalbeck, S. Ellwart, L. Feiler, V. Ferner, T. Fleck, L. Gemeinhardt, M. Guschal, G. Hansbauer, K. Kirst, T. Kordges, L. Kühnle, S. Neumann, A. Plewnia, K. Preissler, M. Schlüpmann, M. Schneider, R. Schreiber, J. Thein, R. Thielen, S. Twietmeyer, M. Veith, S. Lötters & M. Schweinsberg (2023): Key questions about the impact of the salamander plague on the Northern crested newt, Triturus cristatus – a German perspective. Salamandra 59: 107-116.
  4. Bröder, L., Tatin, L., Hochkirch, A. (2023): Quantifying predation to insects: an experimental approach. Global Ecology and Conservation 44: e02485
  5. Culebras, J., A. Novales, A. B. Quezada Riera, D. Medina & A. Plewnia (2023): New records of Hyalinobatrachium iaspidiense (Anura: Centrolenidae) in western Amazonia. Herpetology Notes 16: 179-182.
  6. Eichert, C., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Krehenwinkel, H. (2023): Ökologie oder Evolution? Zur Zusammensetzung des Darmmikrobioms bei reinen und Hybrid-Mauereidechsen. Elaphe 2023 (4): 86-87.
  7. Elle, O. & Lanfer, M. (2023): Welche Standortfaktoren beeinflussen die Besiedlung von Mehlschwalbentürmen in Ortslage? Natur und Landschaft 98: 2-9
  8. Erhardt, S., Koch, M., Kiefer, A., Veith, M., Weigel, R. & Koelpin, A. (2023): Mobile-BAT – A novel ultra-low power wildlife tracking system. Sensors 2023, 5236.
  9. Graham, N. R., Krehenwinkel, H., Lim, J. Y., Staniczenko, P., Callaghan, J., Andersen, J. C., ... & Gillespie, R. G. (2023). Ecological network structure in response to community assembly processes over evolutionary time. Molecular Ecology.
  10. Harvey, J., Tougeron, K., Gols, R., Heinen, R., Abarca, M., Abram, P., Basset, Y., Berg, M., Boggs, C., Brodeur, J., Cardoso, P., de Boer, J., de Snoo, G., Deacon, C., Dell, J., Desneux, N., Dillon, M., Duffy, G., Dyer, L., Jacintha, E., Espíndola, A., Fordyce, J., Forister, M., Fukushima, C., Gage, M., Garcia-Robledo, C., Gely, C., Gobbi, M., Hallmann, C., Hance, T., Harte, J., Hochkirch, A., Hof, C., Hoffman, A., Kingsolver, J., Lamarre, G., Laurance, W., Lavandero, B., Leather, S., Lehmann, P., Le Lann, C., López-Uribe, M., Ma, C.-S., Ma, G., Moiroux, J., Monticelli, L., Nice, C., Ode, P., Pincebourde, S., Ripple, W., Rowe, M., Samways, M., Sentis, A., Shah, A., Stork, N., Terblanche, J., Thakur, M., Thomas, M., Tylianakis, J., van Baaren, J., Van de Pol, M., van der Putten, W., van Dyck, H., Verberk, W., Wagner, D., Weisser, W., Wetzel, W., Woods, H.A., Wyckhuys, K., Chown, S. (2023): Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects. Ecological Monographs 93: e1553
  11. Hochkirch, A., Bilz, M., Ferreira, C.C., Danielczak, A., Allen, D., Nieto, A., Rondinini, C., Harding, K., Hilton-Taylor, C., Pollock, C.M., Seddon, M., Vié, J.-C., Alexander, K.N.A., Beech, E., Biscoito, M., Braud, Y., Burfield, I.J., Buzzetti, F.M., Cálix, M., Carpenter, K.E., Chao, N.L., Chobanov, D., Christenhusz, J.M., Collette, B.B., Comeros-Raynal, M.T., Cox, N., Craig, M., Cuttelod, A., Darwall, W.R.T., Dodelin, B., Dulvy, N.K., Englefield, E., Fay, M.F., Harvey, M., Hodgetts, N., Ieronymidou, C., Kalkmann, V.J., Kell, S.P., Kemp, J., Khela, S., Lansdown, R.V., Lawson, J.M., Leaman, D.J., Magos Brehm, J., Maxted, N., Miller, R.M., Neubert, E., Odé, B., Pollard, D., Pollom, R., Pople, R., Presa Asensio, J.J., Ralph, G.M., Rankou, H., Rivers, M., Roberts, S.P.M., Russell, B., Sennikov, A., Soldati, F., Staneva, A., Stump, E., Symes, A., Telnov, D., Temple, H., Terry, A., Timoshyna, A., van Swaay, C., Väre, H., Walls, R.H.L., Willemse, L., Wilson, B., Window, J., Wright, E.G.E., Zuna-Kratky, T. (2023) A multi-taxon analysis of European Red Lists reveals major threats to biodiversity. PLOS One 18: e0193083
  12. Hochkirch, A., Dey, L.-S., Husemann, M. (2023): Phylogeography of the grasshopper genus Oedipoda (Acrididae: Oedipodinae) in the Mediterranean: classic refugia and cryptic lineages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 85-95.
  13. Hochkirch, A., Franzen, A., Blümel-Zimmermann, E., Brozio, J., Brozowski, F., Füldner, K., Guggemoos, T., Hodges, S., Lehmeier, S., Mähler, M., Paulus, C., Mehesz, P., Richter, W., Supperl, F., Thiess, L., Türk, N., Winter, A., Sändig, S. (2023): Heuschrecken in Deutschland 2022/2023 - Interessante Heuschreckennachweise auf aus den Jahren 2022 und 2023. Articulata 38: 1-24. 
  14. Ivković, S., Dey, L.-S., Buzzetti, F.M., Puskás, G., Warchałowska‑Śliwa, E., Horvat, L., Chobanov, D. & Hochkirch, A. (2023): Strong intraspecific phylogenetic and karyotypic diversification in Isophya modestior (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 138: 194-203.
  15. Koch, M., Manecke, J., Burgard, J.P., Münnich, R., Kugelschafter, K., Kiefer, A. & Veith, M. (2023): How weather triggers the emergence of bats from their subterranean hibernacula. Scientific Reports 13: 6344.
  16. Köhler, J., M. Vences, J.M. Padial, A. Plewnia & S. Lötters (2023): Misjudged for long: a new toad of the Rhinella veraguensis species group (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Yungas forests of Bolivia. — Salamandra, 59: 307-326.
  17. Lindemann, C., Koch, M., Kiefer, A., Proelß, A. & Veith, M. (2023): Is the ‘bat population’ an operational concept for statutory protection? Global Ecology and Conservation 46, 202571.
  18. Lötters, S., A. Plewnia, A. Catenazzi, K. Neam, A.R. Acosta-Galvis, Y. Alarcon Vela, J.P. Allen, J.O. Alfaro Segundo, A. de Lourdes Almendáriz Cabezas, G. Alvarado Barboza, K.R. Alves-Silva, M. Anganoy-Criollo, E. Arbeláez Ortiz, J.D. Arpi L., A. Arteaga, O. Ballestas, D. Barrera Moscoso, J.D. Barros-Castañeda, A. Batista, M.H. Bernal, E. Betancourt, Y.O. da Cunha Bitar, P. Böning, L. Bravo-Valencia, J.F. Cáceres Andrade, D. Cadenas, J.C. Chaparro Auza, G.A. Chaves-Portilla, G. Chávez, L.A. Coloma, C.F. Cortez-Fernandez, E.A. Courtois, J. Culebras, I. De la Riva, V. Diaz, L.C. Elizondo Lara, R. Ernst, S.V. Flechas, T. Foch, A. Fouquet, C.Z. García Méndez, J. E. García-Pérez, D.A. Gómez-Hoyos, S.C. Gomides, J. Guerrel, B. Gratwicke, J.M. Guayasamin, E. Griffith, V. Herrera-Alva, R. Ibáñez, C.I. Idrovo, A. Jiménez Monge, R.F. Jorge, A. Jung, B. Klocke, M. Lampo, E. Lehr, C.H.R. Lewis, E.D. Lindquist, Y.R. López-Perilla, G. Mazepa, G.F. Medina-Rangel, A. Merino Viteri, K. Mulder, M. Pacheco-Suarez, A. Pereira-Muñoz, J.L. Pérez-González, M.A. Pinto Erazo, A.G. Pisso Florez, M. Ponce, V. Poole, A.B. Quezada Riera, A.J. Quiroz, M. Quiroz-Espinoza, A. Ramírez Guerra, J.P. Ramírez, S. Reichle, H. Reizine, M. Rivera-Correa, B. Roca-Rey Ross, A. Rocha-Usuga, M.T. Rodrigues, S. Rojas Montaño, D.C. Rößler, L.A. Rueda Solano, C. Señaris, A. Shepack, F.R. Siavichay Pesántez, A. Sorokin, A. Terán-Valdez, G. Torres-Ccasani, P.C. Tovar-Siso, L.M. Valencia, D.A. Velásquez-Trujillo, M. Veith, P.J. Venegas, J. Villalba-Fuentes, R. von May, J.F. Webster Bernal & E. La Marca (2023): Ongoing harlequin toad declines suggest the amphibian extinction crisis is still an emergency. — Communications Earth and Environment, 4, 412.
  19. Mayer, M., P. Böning, A.P. Lima, H. Krehenwinkel, Y.O.C. Bitar, P.S. Bernarde, M. Veith, M.B. de Souza & S. Lötters (2023): Disentangling the biogeographic history of a truly pan-Amazonian amphibian – the case of the three-striped poison frog (Dendrobatidae: Colostethinae).  Salamandra, 59: 63-77.
  20. Onofre Soares, A., Haelewaters, D., Ameixa, O.M.C.C., Borges, I., Brown, P.M.J., Cardoso, P., de Groot, M.D., Evans, E.W., Grez, A.A., Hochkirch, A., Holecová, M., Honěk, A., Kulfan, J., Lillebø, A.I., Martinková, Z., Michaud, J.P., Nedvěd, O., Omkar, Ol., Roy, H.E., Saxena, S., Shandilya, A., Sentis, A., Skuhrovec, J., Viglášová, S., Zach, P., Zaviezo, T., Losey, J.E. (2023): A roadmap for ladybird conservation and recovery. Conservation Biology 37: e13965 
  21. Plewina, A.P., P. Böning & S. Lötters (2023): Mitigate diseases to protect biodiversity. Science, 379: 1098.
  22. Plewina, A., S. Lötters, M. Veith, M. Peters & P. Böning (2023): Successful drug-mediated host clearance of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29: 411-414.
  23. Rhee, H., Hauth, K., Greis, K., Elle, O., Dellinger, T., Miller, A., Hochkirch, A. (2023): Strong negative effects of recent wildfires on two endemic Macaronesian Bush-Crickets. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 243-253.
  24. Rhee, H., Hochkirch, A. (2023): Soil moisture reduces egg mortality during wildfires in the Madeiran green bush-cricket. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 917-925.
  25. Steffen, J.; Elle, O. (2023): Quo vadis, landschaftsprägender Streuobstbau? - Zum Auftreten der Weißbeerigen Mistel (Viscum album L.) in Streuobstwiesen im Landkreis Trier-Saarburg. Dendrocopos 50: 21-38
  26. Veith, M., Lindemann, C., Kiefer, A. & Koch, M. (2023): Windkraft und Fledermausschutz im Wald – eine kritische Betrachtung der Planungs- und Zulassungspraxis. In: Voigt, C.C. (Hrsg.), Evidenzbasiertes Wildtiermanagement, S. 149-197. Springer, Heidelberg.
  27. Wagner, N., Dzafic, M., Ruf, S. & Veith, M. (2023): Bestandssituation der Gelbbauchunke Bombina variegata (LINNAEUS, 1758) auf dem ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatz „Schadall“ vor dem Start des Projekts „Halboffene Weidelandschaft Saarburg“. Dendrocopos 50: 159‐171.
  28. Weber, S., Junk, I., Brink, L., Wörner, M., Künzel, S., Veith, M., Teubner, D., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Krehenwinkel, H. (2023). Molecular diet analysis in mussels and other metazoan filter feeders and an assessment of their utility as natural eDNA samplers. Molecular Ecology Resources 23: 471– 485. 
  29. Gajski, D., Wolff, J. O., Melcher, A., Weber, S., Prost, S., Krehenwinkel, H., & Kennedy, S. R. (2023). Facilitating taxonomy and phylogenetics: An informative and cost-effective protocol integrating long amplicon PCRs and third-generation sequencing. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107988.


  1. Chichorro, F., Urbano, F., Teixeira, D., Väre, H., Pinto, T., Brummitt, N., He, X., Hochkirch, A., Hyvönen, J., Kaila, L., Juslén, A., Cardoso, P. (2022): Trait-based prediction of extinction risk across terrestrial taxa. Biological Conservation 274: 109738
  2. Dey, L., Hochkirch, A., Moussi, A., Simoes, M. & Husemann, M. (2022): Diversification in and around the Atlas Mountains: insights into the systematics and biogeography of the genus Thalpomena (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Systematic Entomology 47: 402-419.
  3. Dey, L., Hochkirch, A., Moussi, A., Simoes, M. & Husemann, M. (2022): Taxonomic review of the genus Thalpomena Saussure, 1884 with new synonyms. Zootaxa 5100: 129-136.
  4. Engelhardt, E.K., Biber M.F., Dolek, M., Fartmann, T., Hochkirch, A., Leidinger, J., Löffler, F., Pinkert, S., Poniatowski, D., Voith, J., Winterholler, M., Zeuss, D., Bowler, D.E., Hof, C. (2022): Consistent signals of a warming climate in occupancy changes of three insect taxa over 40 years in central Europe. Global Change Biology 28: 3998-4012.
  5. Faul, C., Wagner, N. & Veith, M. (2022): Successful automated photographic identification of larvae of the European fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)). Salamandra 58: 52–63.
  6. Fichera, G., Mucedda, M., Russo, D., Tomassini, A., Kiefer, A., Veith, M. & Ancillotto, L. (2023): Pantelleria island (Sicily, Italy): a biogeographic crossroad for bats between Africa and Europe. Hystrix 33 (2): 134–137
  7. Hochkirch, A., Franzen, A., Bähr, H., Boczki, R., Bohn, K., Brauner, O., Deiters, G., Froehlich-Schmitt, B., Harzdorf, M., Jilg, J., Koslowski, S., Lauruschkus, H., Pahl, J., Schmitz, M. (2022): Heuschrecken in Deutschland 2021 - Interessante Heuschreckennachweise auf der Meldeplattform aus dem Jahr 2021. Articulata 37: 67-82.
  8. Ivković, S., Chobanov, D., Horvat, L., Iorgu, I.S., Hochkirch, A. (2022): Geographic differentiation in male calling song of Isophya modestior (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). ZooKeys 1122: 107-123
  9. Kennedy, S., Calaor, J., Zurapiti, Y., Hans, J., Yoshimura, M., Choo, J., Andersen, J.C., Callaghan, J., Roderick, G.K., Krehenwinkel, H. and Rogers, H.(2022). Richness and resilience in the Pacific: DNA metabarcoding enables parallelized evaluation of biogeographic patterns. Molecular Ecology.
  10. Kennedy, S. R., Lim, J. Y., Adams, S. A., Krehenwinkel, H., & Gillespie, R. G. (2022). What is adaptive radiation? Many manifestations of the phenomenon in an iconic lineage of Hawaiian spiders. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 175, 107564.
  11. Krehenwinkel, H., Weber, S., Broekmann, R., Melcher, A., Hans, J., Wolf, R., Hochkirch, A., Kennedy S.R., Koschorrek J., Künzel, S., Müller, C., Retzlaff, R., Teubner, D., Schanzer, S., Klein, R., Paulus, M., Udelhoven, T., Veith, M. (2022): Environmental DNA from archived leaves reveals widespread temporal turnover and biotic homogenization in forest arthropod communities. eLife 11: e78521.
  12. Krehenwinkel, H., Weber, S., Künzel, S., & Kennedy, S. R. (2022). The bug in a teacup—monitoring arthropod–plant associations with environmental DNA from dried plant material. Biology Letters 18: 20220091.
  13. Lötters, S., A. Plewnia, A. Hönig, A. Jung, J. Laudor & T. Ziegler (2022): The gastromyzophorous tadpole of the pink harlequin frog from Suriname with comments on the taxonomy of Guianan Clade Atelopus (Amphibia, Bufonidae). Zootaxa, 5087: 591-598.
  14. Muller, J., A. Plewnia, P. Böning, A. C. Frantz & R. Stassen (2022): Quantitative larval monitoring of Salamandra salamandra as an early warning system for Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans detection in Luxembourg. – Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois, 124: 167-178.
  15. Ogan, S., Paulus, C., Frohelich, C., Renker, C., Kolwelter, C., Schendzielorz, M., Danielczak, A., Müller, K. Schürmann, H., Hochkirch, A. (2022): Re-surveys reveal biotic homogenization of Orthoptera assemblages as a consequence of environmental change. Diversity and Distributions 28: 1795-1809.
  16. Perez-Lamarque, B., Krehenwinkel, H., Gillespie, R. G., & Morlon, H. (2022). Limited Evidence for Microbial Transmission in the phylosymbiosis between Hawaiian Spiders and Their Microbiota. mSystems 7: e01104-21.
  17. Plewnia, A. & P. Böning (2022): Oophaga anchicayensis (Anura: Dendrobatidae) as a novel host for ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). – Herpetology Notes, 15: 653-655.
  18. Plewnia, A., Böning, P. & Veith, M. (2022): Bedroht die Salamanderpest den Alpensalamander? Aufbau eines Bsal-Screenings im Alpenraum. Elaphe 2022(4): 84-85.
  19. Ringler, M., T. Himmel, P. Werner, M. Luger, D. C. Rößler, E. Ringler & S. Lötters (2022): Male life history of a harlequin toad population in French Guiana. — Salamandra 58: 171-186.
  20. Schafft, M., Schütz, T., Wagner, N. & Veith, M. (2022): A near-natural experiment on factors influencing larval drift in Salamandra salamandra. Scientific Reports 12:3275.
  21. Schanzer, S., Koch, M., Kiefer. A., Jentke, T., Veith, M., Bracher, F. Bracher, J. & Müller, C. (2022): Pesticide and persistent organic pollutant exposure of bats in Germany. Chemosphere 305: 135342.
  22. Siebenaler, L., Wolff, C., Herrera-Mesías, F., Weigand, A., Hochkirch, A., Hellers, M., Schneider, S. (2022): Entomologische Untersuchungen von zwei Pfeifengraswiesen (Molinion caeruleae) im Südwesten Luxemburgs. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 124: 77-105
  23. Veith, M., Buglowski, S., Frohn, F., Kiefer, A. & Runkel, V. (2022): Wie sensibel reagiert ProBat auf Änderungen der Windgeschwindigkeit und der festgelegten Schlagopferzahl von Fledermäusen? Ein Vergleich der Programmversionen 5.4, 6.2 und 7.0. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 54: 24-31.
  24. Veith, M., Geimer, L., Wagner, N. & Thiesmeier, B. (2022): Ökologie der Larven des Europäischen Feuersalamanders (Salamandra salamandra) – eine Übersicht. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 29: 1-42.


  1. Akçakaya, H.R., Hochkirch, A., Bried, J.T., van Grunsven, R.A.H., Simaika, J.P., De Knijf, G. & Henriques, S. (2021): Calculating Population Reductions of Invertebrate Species for IUCN Red List Assessments. Journal of Insect Conservation 25: 377-382.
  2. Armstrong, E. E., Perez‐Lamarque, B., Bi, K., Chen, C., Becking, L. E., Lim, J. Y., ... Krehenwinkel, H. & Gillespie, R. G. (2021). A holobiont view of island biogeography: Unravelling patterns driving the nascent diversification of a Hawaiian spider and its microbial associates. Molecular Ecology.
  3. Arribas, P., Andujar, C., Bidartondo, M., Bohmann, K., Coissac, E., Creer, S., deWaard, J., Elbrecht, V., Ficetola, G. F., Goberna, M., Kennedy, S., Krehenwinkel, H., Leese, F., Novotny, V., Ronquist, F., Yu, D. W., Zinger, L., Creedy, T., Meramveliotakis, E., Noguerales, V., Overcast, I., Morlon, H., Vogler, A., Papadopoulou​, A., & Emerson, B. (2021). Connecting high-throughput biodiversity inventories – Opportunities for a site-based genomic framework for global integration and synthesis. Molecular Ecology.
  4. Ancillotto, L., Fichera, G., Pidinchedda, E., Veith, M., Kiefer, A., Mucedda, M. & Russo, D. (2021): Wildfires, heatwaves and human disturbance threaten insular endemic bats. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 4401-4416.
  5. Beninde, J., Keltsch, F., Veith, M., Hochkirch, A., Wagner, N. (2021): Connectivity of Alpine newt populations (Ichthyosaura alpestris) exacerbates the risk of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans outbreaks in European fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra). Conservation Genetics  22:653–659. 
  6. Dey, L.-S., Husemann, M., Hochkirch, A., Simoes, M.V.P. (2021): Species distribution modeling sheds light on the widespread distribution of Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) rubescens (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132:912-924
  7. Fichera, G., Mucedda, M., Pidinchedda, E., Catalano, P. & Sperlinga, G. (2021): Attuali conoscenze sulla chirotterofauna dell’Etna (Catania, Sicilia). Naturalista siciliana 45: 165-180.
  8. Foley, S., Krehenwinkel, H., Cheng, D. Q., & Piel, W. H. (2021). Phylogenomic analyses reveal a Gondwanan origin and repeated out of India colonizations into Asia by tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae). PeerJ.
  9. Grace, M.K., Akçakaya, H.R., Bennett, E.L., Brooks, T.M., Heath, A., Hedges, S., Hilton-Taylor, C., Hoffmann, M., Hochkirch, A., Jenkins, R., Keith, D.A., Long, B., Mallon, D.P., Meijaard, E., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Rodriguez, J.P., Stephenson, P.J., Stuart, S.N., Young, R. et al. (2021) Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology 35: 1833-1849
  10. Graham, N. R., Gillespie, R. G., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2021). Towards eradicating the nuisance of NUMTs and noise in molecular biodiversity assessment. Molecular Ecology Resources.
  11. Hochkirch, A., Andreä, J., Franzen, A., Jung, C., Klosinski, V., Manz, A., Paulus, C., Rautenberg, T., Sander, U., Schädler, M. & Stalling, T. (2021): Heuschrecken in Deutschland 2020 - Interessante Heuschreckennachweise auf der Meldeplattform aus dem Jahr 2020. Articulata 36: 61-76
  12. Hochkirch, A., Bhaskar, D. (2021): Minimize collateral damage in locust control. Science 371: 1214-1215
  13. Hochkirch, A., Samyways, M.J., Gerlach, J., Böhm, M., Williams, P., Cardoso, P., Cumberlidge, N., Stephenson, P.J., Seddon, M.B., Clausnitzer, V., Borges, P.A.V., Mueller, G.M., Pearce-Kelly, P., Raimondo, D.C, Danielczak, A. & Dijkstra, K.-D.B. (2021) A strategy for the next decade to address data deficiency in neglected biodiversity. Conservation Biology 35: 502-509.
  14. Laudor, J., Schulze, A., Veith, M., Viertel, B., Elle, O. & Lötters, L. (2021): Morphology of lentic and lotic tadpoles from Madagascar. BMC Zoology6: 28.
  15. Lim, J. Y., Patiño, J., Noriyuki, S., Cayetano, L., Gillespie, R. G., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2021). Semi‐quantitative metabarcoding reveals how climate shapes arthropod community assembly along elevation gradients on Hawaii Island. Molecular Ecology.
  16. Löbbert, A., Schanzer, S., Krehenwinkel, H., Bracher, F., & Müller, C. (2021). Determination of multi pesticide residues in leaf and needle samples using a modified QuEChERS approach and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods.
  17. Marin da Fonte, L.F., G. Latombe, M. Gordo, M. Menin, A. Pinheiro de Almeida, C. Hui & S. Lötters (2021): Amphibian diversity in the Amazonian floating meadows: a Hanski core-satellite species system. — Ecography, 44: 1325-1340
  18. Mezzasalma, M., Odierna, G., Petraccioli, A., Veith, M. & Maria Guarino, F.M. (2021): Karyological diversification in the genus Lyciasalamandra. Animals 11: 1709 (special issue: Chromosomal variations in amphibians and reptiles).
  19. Najibzadeh, M., Ehl, S., Feldmeier, S., Pesarakloo, A. & Veith, M. (2021): Unequal sisters – past and potential future range development of Anatolian and Hyrcanian Mountain frogs. Zoology 144: 125873.
  20. Ngwava, J.M., C.D. Barratt, E. Boakes, B.A. Bwong, A. Channing, O. Couchman, S. Lötters, P.K. Malonza, V. Muchai, J.K. Nguku, J. Nyamache, N. Owen, V. Wasonga & S.P. Loader (2021): Species specific or assemblage wide decline? The case of Arthroleptides dutoiti Loveridge, 1935 and the amphibian assemblage of Mount Elgon, Kenya. — African Journal of Herpetology, 70: 53-60.
  21. Neu, A., S. Lötters, L. Nörenberg, M. Wiemers & K. Fischer (2021): Reduced host-plant specialization is associated with the rapid range expansion of a Mediterranean butterfly. — Journal of Biogeography, 48: 3016-3031.
  22. Overcast, I., Ruffley, M., Rosindell, J., Harmon, L., Borges, P., Emerson, B., Etienne, R., Gillespie, R., Krehenwinkel, H., Mahler, D. L., Massol, F., Parent, C., Patiño, J., Peter, B., Week, B., Wagner, C., Hickerson, M., & Rominger, A. (2021). A unified model of species abundance, genetic diversity, and functional diversity reveals the mechanisms structuring ecological communities. Molecular Ecology Resources
  23. Pasmans, F., Veith, M. & Bogaerts, S. (2021): 3.6 Lyciasalamandra helverseni Pieper, 1963 - Karpathos Lycian Salamander. Mertensiella, Supplement 30: 56-65.
  24. Rancilhac, L., Irisarri, I., Angelini, C., Arntzen, J.W.E., Babik, W., Bossuyt, F., Künzel, S., Lüddecke, T., Pasmans, F., Sanchez, E., Weisrock, D., Veith, M., Wielstra, B., Steinfartz, S., Hofreiter, M., Philippe, H. & Vences, M. (2021): Phylotranscriptomic evidence for pervasive ancient hybridization among Old World salamanders. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 155: 106967.
  25. Schanzer, S., Kröner, E., Wibbelt, G., Koch, M., Kiefer, A., Bracher, F. & Müller, C. (2021): Miniaturized multiresidue method for the analysis of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in non-target wildlife animal liver tissues using GC-MS/MS. Chemosphere 279: 130434.
  26. Sheffer, M. M., Hoppe, A., Krehenwinkel, H., Uhl, G., Kuss, A. W., Jensen, L., Jensen, C., Gillespie, R. G., Hoff, K. J., & Prost, S. (2021). Chromosome-level reference genome of the European wasp spider Argiope bruennichi: A resource for studies on range expansion and evolutionary adaptation. Gigascience.
  27. Weifenbach, N., A. Jung & S. Lötters (2021): COVID-19 infection in CVID patients: what we know so far. Immunity, Inflammation & Disease, 2021: 1-3.
  28. Wiedenfeld, D.A., Alberts, A.C., Angulo, A., Bennett, E.L., Byers, O., Contreras-MacBeath, T., Drummond, G., da Fonseca, G.A.B., Gascon, C., Harrison, I., Heard, N., Hochkirch, A., Konstant, W., Langhammer, P.F., Langrand, O., Launay, F., Lebbin, D.J., Lieberman, S., Long, B., Lu, Z., Maunder, M., Mittermeier, R.A., Molur, S., Khalifa al Mubarak, R., Parr, M.J., Ratsimbazafy, J., Rhodin, A.G.J., Rylands, A.B., Sanderson, J., Sechrest, W., Soorae, P., Supriatna, J., Upgren, A., Vié, J.-C. & Zhang, L. (2021) Conservation resource allocation, small population resiliency, and the fallacy of conservation triage. Conservation Biology 35: 1388-1395


  1. Bellmann, H., Rutschmann, F., Roesti, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2020): Sauterelles, grillons et criquets d’Europe occidentale. Delachaut et Niestlé, 320 pp.
  2. Bellmann, H., Rutschmann, F., Roesti, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2020): Veldgids Sprinkhanen en Krekels van Europa. KNNV Uitgeverij, 430 pp. 
  3. Bellmann, H., Rutschmann, F., Roesti, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2020): Grilli e cavallete d’Europa. Ricca editore, 432 pp.
  4. Bellmann, H., Rutschmann, F., Roesti, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2020): Saltamontes, Grillos y Langostas. Omega, 432 pp.
  5. Bröder, L., Tatin, L., Hochkirch, A., Schuld, A., Pabst, L., Besnard, A. (2020): Optimization of capture-recapture monitoring of elusive species illustrated with a threatened grasshopper. Conservation Biology 34: 743-753.
  6. Böhm, M., Henriques, S., Hochkirch, A., Rodríguez, J.P. (2020): Conservationists deserve protection. Science 367: 861
  7. Cardoso, P., Barton, P., Birkhofer, K., Chichorro, F., Deacon, C., Fartmann, T., Fukushima, C., Gaigher, R., Habel, J., Hallmann, C., Hill, M., Hochkirch, A., Kwak, M., Mammola, S., Noriega, J.A., Orfinger, A., Pedraza, F., Pryke, J., Roque, F., Settele, J., Simaika, J., Stork, N., Suhling, F., Vorster, C., Samways, M. (2020): Scientists' warning to humanity on insect extinctions. Biological Conservation 242: 108426.
  8. Dey, L.-S., Hochkirch, A., Husemann, M. (2020): Vergleich von Einzel-Gen DNA Barcoding und Multi-Gen Analysen in der Gattung Sphingonotus (Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Articulata 35: 47-59.
  9. Elle, O. & Nagel, V. (2020): Brücken als konfliktarme Standorte für kompensatorische Maßnahmen des Artenschutzes – dargestellt am Beispiel der Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum) im Moseltal. Natur und Landschaft 95: 532-538
  10. Elle, O.,  Wiesenthal, A., Idir, S., Braun, L., Faul, C., Dünzen, K., Nikolai, L. & Lenert, J. (2020): Bestandsentwicklung der Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum) in Trier 2011 bis 2020. Dendrocopos 47: 7-36
  11. Feldmeier, S., B.R. Schmidt, N.E. Zimmermann, M. Veith, G.F. Ficetola & S. Lötters (2020): Shifting aspect or elevation? The climate change response of ectotherms in a complex mountain topography. — Diversity and Distributions, 11: 1483-1495.
  12. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Lohmann, N., Paulus, M., Jud, M., Pirntke, U. & Koschorreck, J. (2018): Assessment of seafood contamination under the marine strategy framework directive: contributions of the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5: 26939-26956.
  13. Gilbert M.J., Spitzen–van der Sluijs, A.M., Canessa, S., Bosch, J., Cunningham, A., Grasselli, E., Laudelout, A., Lötters, S., Miaud, C., Salvidio, S., Veith, M., Martel, A. & Pasmans, F. (2020): Mitigating Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe. Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans emergency action plan for European urodeles. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  14. Harvey J., Heinen R., Ambrecht I., Basset Y., Baxter-Gilbert J., Bezemer T., Böhm M., Bommarco R., Borges P., Cardoso P., Clausnitzer V., Cornelisse T., Crone E., Dicke M., Dijkstra K.-D., Dyer L., Ellers J., Fartmann T., Forister M., Furlong M., Garcia A., Gerlach J., Gols R., Goulson D., Habel J.C., Haddad N., Hallmann C.A., Henriques S., Herberstein M., Hochkirch A., Hughes A., Jespen S., Jones T.H., Kaydan M., Kleijn D., Klein A.-M., Latty T., Leather S., Lewis B., Lister B., Losey J., Lowe E., Macadam C., Montoya-Lerma J., Nagano C., Ogan S., Orr M., Painting C., Pham T., Potts S., Rauf A., Roslin T., Samways M., Sanchez-Bayo F., Sar S., Schultz C., Soares A., Thancharoen A., Tscharntke T., Tylianakis J., Umbers K., Vet L., Visser M., Vujic A., Wagner D., Walis de Vries M., Westphal C., White T., Wilkins V., Williams P., Wyckhuys C., Zhu Z.-R., de Kroon H. (2020): International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 174-176.
  15. Hochkirch, A. (2020): Anwendung genetischer Methoden im Biodiversitätsmonitoring. In Züghardt, W., Stenzel S., Fritsche, B. (Hrsg.): Umfassendes bundesweites Biodiversitätsmonitoring. BfN-Skripten 585: 91-106.
  16. Hochkirch, A., Andreä, J., Bodingbauer, S., Jacobi, B., Klein, R., Paulus, C., Pittius, U., Rautenberg, T., Sändig, S., & Sattler, J. (2020): Heuschrecken in Deutschland 2019 - Interessante Heuschreckennachweise auf der Meldeplattform aus dem Jahr 2019. Articulata 35: 95-103.
  17. Hochkirch A., Twietmeyer S. (2020a): Der Warzenbeißer im Nationalpark Eifel – Schutz einer imposanten Heuschreckenart. Die Eifel 1/2020: 35-46
  18. Hochkirch A., Twietmeyer S. (2020b): Der Warzenbeißer im Nationalpark Eifel – Schutz einer imposanten Heuschreckenart. Natur & Umwelt 2/2020: 10-13
  19. Howard-McCombe, J., Banfield, L., Kitchener, A.C., Al Qahtani, H., Toosy, A., Al Qarqas, M., Craig, M., Abramov, A.V., Veron, G., Brito, J.C., Azizi, S., Ghazali, M., Breton, G., Sliwa, A., Kaltwaßer, K., Hochkirch, A. & Senn, H. (2020): A mitochondrial phylogeny of the sand cat (Felis margarita Loche, 1858). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 27: 525-534.
  20. Kennedy, S. R., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2020): DNA barcoding and community assembly—A simple solution to a complex problem. Molecular Ecology, 29(13), 2318-2320.
  21. Kennedy, S. R., Tsau, S., Gillespie, R., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2020): Are you what you eat? A highly transient and prey‐influenced gut microbiome in the grey house spider Badumna longinqua. Molecular Ecology.
  22. Kennedy, S. R., Prost, S., Overcast, I., Rominger, A. J., Gillespie, R. G., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2020): High-throughput sequencing for community analysis: the promise of DNA barcoding to uncover diversity, relatedness, abundances and interactions in spider communities. Development Genes and Evolution, 1-17.
  23. de Kerdrel, G. A., Andersen, J. C., Kennedy, S. R., Gillespie, R., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2020): Rapid and cost-effective generation of single specimen multilocus barcoding data from whole arthropod communities by multiple levels of multiplexing. Scientific Reports 10: 1-12.
  24. Knopf, B., Fliedner, A., Rademacher, G., Rüdel, H., Paulus, M., Pirntke, U. and Koschorreck, J. (2020): Seasonal variability in metal and metalloid burdens of mussels: using data from the German Environmental Specimen Bank to evaluate implications for long‑term mussel monitoring programs. Environmental Sciences Europe 32:7.
  25. Li, Z., Martel, A., Bogaerts, S., Göçmen, B., Pafilis, P., Lymberakis, P., Woeltjes, T., Veith, M., Pasmans, F. (2000): Landscape connectivity limits the predicted impact of fungal pathogen invasion. Journal of Fungi 6, 205; doi:10.3390/jof6040205.
  26. Lötters, S. N. Wagner, M. Veith, A. Martel & N. Wagner (2020): Bsal-driven salamander mortality pre-dates the European index outbreak. — Salamandra, 56: 239-242.
  27. Lötters, S. N. Wagner, G. Albaladejo, P. Böning, L. Dalbeck, H. Düssel, S. Feldmeier, M. Guschal, K. Kirst, D. Ohlhoff, K. Preißler, T. Reinhardt, M. Schlüpmann, U. Schulte, V. Schulz, S. Steinfartz, S. Twietmeyer, M. Veith, M. Vences & J. Wegge (2020): The amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in the hotspot of its European invasive range: past - present - future. — Salamandra, 56: 173-188.
  28. Lowe, E. J., Wolff, J., Aceves-Aparicio, A., Birkhofer, K., Branco, V. V., Cardoso, P., Isaia, M., Krehenwinkel H., et al.  (2020): Towards establishment of a centralized spider traits database. Journal of Arachnology, 42.
  29. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Veith, M., Corti, C., Ficetola, G. & Mancinelli, G. (2020): Inter-specific and inter-population variation in individual diet specialization: do bioclimatic factors have a role? Ecology 101(8), c03088.
  30. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Veith, M., Corti, C., Ficetola, G. & Mancinelli, G. (2020): Inter-specific and inter-population variation in individual diet specialization: do bioclimatic factors have a role? Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 101(3):e01728.
  31. Lunghi, E., Corti, C., Mulargia, M., Zhao, Y., Manenti, R., Ficetola, G.F. & Veith, M. (2020): Cave morphology, microclimate and abundance of five cave predators from the Monte Albo (Sardinia, Italy). Biodiversity Data Journal (
  32. Oğuz, M.A., Göçmen, B., Karış, M., Ehl, S. & Veith, M. (2020): Two new populations of Lyciasalamandra flavimembris substantially extend the genus’ distribution range. Biharean Biologist 14: 36-40.
  33. Overcast, I., Ruffley, M., Rosindell, J., Harmon, L., Borges, P. A., Emerson, B. C., ... & Massol, F. (2020): A unified model of species abundance, genetic diversity, and functional diversity reveals the mechanisms structuring ecological communities. BioRxiv.
  34. Rößler, D. C., Lötters, S., Veith, M., Fugmann, M., Peters, C., Künzel, S. & Krehenwinkel, H. (2020): An amplicon sequencing protocol for attacker identification from DNA traces left on artificial prey. — Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1338-1347.
  35. Rößler, D.C., S. Lötters & L.F. Marin da Fonte (2020): Author declaration: Have you considered equity, diversity and inclusion? — Nature, 584: 525.
  36. Samways, M.J., Barton, P., Birkhofer, K., Chichorro, F., Deacon, C., Fartmann, T., Fukushima, C., Gaigher, R., Habel, J.C., Hallmann, C., Hil, M., Hochkirch, A., Kaila, L., Kwak, M., Maes, D., Mammola, S., Noriega, J.A., Orfinger, A., Pedraza, F., Pryke, J.S., Roque, F., Settele, J., Simaika, J., Stork, N., Suhling, F., Vorster, C., Cardoso, P. (2020): Solutions for humanity on how to conserve insects. Biological Conservation 242: 108427.
  37. Sandvoß, M., N. Wagner, Lötters, S. Feldmeier, V. Schulz, S. Steinfartz & M. Veith (2020): Spread of the pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans and large-scale absence of larvae suggest unnoticed declines of the European fire salamander in the Southern Eifel Mountains. — Salamandra, 56: 215-226.
  38. Schulz, V., A. Schulz, M. Klamke, K. Preißler, J. Sabino-Pinto, M. Müsken, M. Schlüpmann, L. Heldt, F. Kamprad, J. Enß, M. Schweinsberg, J. Virgo, H. Rau, M. Veith, S. Lötters, N. Wagner, S. Steinfartz & M. Vences (2020): Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in the Ruhr District, Germany: history, distribution, decline dynamics and disease symptoms of the salamander plague. — Salamandra, 56: 189-214.
  39. Schlüpmann, M. & Veith, M. (2020): Feuersalamander. In: Rote-Liste-Gremium Amphibien und Reptilien (2020): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Amphibien (Amphibia) Deutschlands. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 170 (4): 30–31.
  40. Siebenaler, L., Wolff, C., Steinbach-Zoldan, A., Zoldan, J.-W., Hochkirch, A., Steinmetz, M., & Schneider, S. (2020): Insektenfauna der Feuchtwiesenkomplexe um die “Bartringer Houbaach” - Entwicklung innerhalb 25 Jahren. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 122 : 163-196.
  41. Török, E., Hochkirch, A., Soltész, Z., Tscharntke, T. & Batáry, P. (2020): Unmeasured side effects of mosquito control on biodiversity. European Journal of Ecology 6: 71-76.
  42. Veith, M., Göçmen, B., Sotiropoulos, K., Eleftherakos, K., Godmann, O., Lötters, S., Karış, M., Oğuz, A. & Ehl, S. (2020): Phylogeographic analyses point to long-term survival on the spot in micro-endemic Lycian salamanders. PlosONE 15(1). journal.pone.0226326
  43. Vences, M. & S. Lötters (2020): The salamander plague in Europe – a German perspective. — Salamandra, 56: 169-171.
  44. Wagner, N., W. Harms, F. Hildebrandt, A. Martens, S.L. Ong, K. Wallrich, S. Lötters & M. Veith (2020): Do habitat preferences of European fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larvae differ among landscapes? A case study from Western Germany. — Salamandra, 56: 254-264.
  45. Wagner, N., S. Lötters, L. Dalbeck, H. Düssel, M. Guschal, K. Kirst, D. Ohlhoff, J. Wegge, T. Reinhardt & M. Veith (2020): Long-term monitoring of European fire salamander populations (Salamandra salamandra) in the Eifel Mountains (Germany): five years of removal sampling of larvae. — Salamandra, 56: 243-253.
  46. Wagner, N., Pfrommer, J. & Veith, M. (2020): Comparison of different methods to estimate abundance of larval European fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)) in first-order creeks. Salamandra56: 265-274.
  47. Weber, T., Koschorreck, J., Rüther, M., Körner, A., Knopf, B., Kotthoff, M., Rüdel, H., Lermen, D., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Göen, T., Paulus, M., Klein, R., Veith, M., Kolossa-Gehring, M. (2020): Die Umweltprobenbank des Bundes – Umwelt- und Humanproben. Umweltmedizin - Hygiene - Arbeitsmedizin 25(3): 109-131.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Andersen, J. C., Oboyski, P., Davies, N., Charlat, S., Ewing, C., Meyer, C., ... & Gillespie, R. G. (2019). Categorization of species as native or non‐native using DNA sequence signatures without a complete reference library. Ecological Applications,e01914.
  2. Bauer, T., Feldmeier, S., Krehenwinkel, H., Wieczorrek, C., Reiser, N. & Breitling, R. 2019. Steatoda nobilis, a false widow on the rise: A synthesis of past and current distribution trends. Neobiota 42: 19-43. doi: 10.3897/neobiota.42.31582
  3. Batsleer, F., Portelli, E., Borg, J.J., Kiefer, A., Veith, M. & Dekeukeleire, D. (2019): Cryptic diversity in Maltese bats reveals links with North African bat fauna: implications for conservation. Hystrix 30: 172-177.
  4. Bellmann, H., Rutschmann, F., Roesti, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2019). Der Kosmos-Heuschreckenführer. Franckh-Kosmos.
  5. Bhaskar, D., Easa, P.S., Sreejith, K.A., Skejo, J. & Hochkirch, A. (2019) Large scale burning for a threatened ungulate in a biodiversity hotspot is detrimental for grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Caelifera). Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 3221-3237
  6. Borges, P.A.V., Lamelas-López, Amorim, I.R., Danielczak, A., Boieiro, M., Rego, C., Wallon, S., Nunes, R., Cardoso, P. & Hochkirch, A. (2019). Species conservation profile of cave dwelling arthropods from Azores, Portugal. Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e32530
  7. Bröder, L., Tatin, L., Danielczak, A., Seibel, T. & Hochkirch, A. (2019): Intensive grazing as a threat in protected areas: the need for adaptive management to protect the Critically Endangered Crau plain grasshopper Prionotropis rhodanica. Oryx 53: 239-246.
  8. Ehl, S., Vences, M. & Veith, M. (2019): Reconstructing evolution at the community level: a case study on Mediterranean amphibians. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 134: 211-225.
  9. Feldmeier, S., Lötters, S., & Veith, M. (2019): The importance of biological plausibility for data poor models in the face of an immediate threat by an emerging infectious disease – a reply to Katz and Zellmer (2019). Biological Invasions21: 2789–2793. DOI:10.1007/s10530-019-02035-4
  10. Ficetola, G.F., Lunghi, E., Cimmaruta, R. & Manenti, R. (2019): Transgressive niche across a salamander hybrid zone revealed by microhabitat analyses. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1342-1354.
  11. Foley, S., Lüddecke, T., Cheng, D. Q., Krehenwinkel, H., Künzel, S., Longhorn, S. J., ... & Piel, W. H. (2019). Tarantula phylogenomics: A robust phylogeny of deep theraphosid clades inferred from transcriptome data sheds light on the prickly issue of urticating setae evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 140, 106573.
  12. Gray, A., Wilkins, V., Pryce, D., Fowler, L., Key, R.S., Mendel, H., Jervois, M., Hochkirch, A., Cairns-Wicks, R., Dutton, A.-J., Malan, L. (2019): The status of the invertebrate fauna on the South Atlantic island of St Helena: problems, analysis, and recommendations. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 275-296.
  13. Guillory, W., C. French, E. Twomey, G. Chávez, I. Prates, R. von May, I. de La Riva, S. Lötters, S. Reichle, S. Serrano-Rojas, A. Whitworth & J.L. Brown (2019): Phylogenetic relationships and systematics of the Amazonian poison frog genus Ameerega using ultraconserved genomic elements. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 142: 106638.
  14. Hochkirch, A. (2019) Gentechnik im Naturschutz - die Büche der Pandora? BfN-Skripten 546: 37-42.
  15. Hochkirch, A. & Twietmeyer, S. (2019) Der Warzenbeißer im Nationalpark Eifel. Natur in NRW 3/2019: 18-21.
  16. Hochkirch, A. & Twietmeyer, S. (2019) Der Warzenbeißer im Nationalpark Eifel. Die Eifel 1/2020: 35-46.
  17. Holderegger, R., Balkenhol, N., Bolliger, J., Engler, J.O., Gugerli, F., Hochkirch, A., Nowak, C., Segelbacher, G., Widmer, A. & Zachos, F.E. (2019) Conservation genetics: linking science with practice. Molecular Ecology 28: 3848-3856.
  18. Krehenwinkel, H., Pomerantz, A., & Prost, S. (2019). Genetic Biomonitoring and Biodiversity Assessment Using Portable Sequencing Technologies: Current Uses and Future Directions. Genes, 10(11), 858.
  19. Krehenwinkel, H., Meese S., Mayer, C., Ruch, J., Schneider, J., Bilde T., Künzel S., Henderson J., Russack J., Simison, W.B., Gillespie R.G., Uhl G. (2019) A guide to cost efficient microsatellite isolation and genotyping by next generation sequencing. Journal of Arachnology.
  20. Krehenwinkel, H., Pomerantz, A., Henderson, J. B., Kennedy, S. R., Lim, J. Y., Swamy, V., ... & Prost, S. (2019). Nanopore sequencing of long ribosomal DNA amplicons enables portable and simple biodiversity assessments with high phylogenetic resolution across broad taxonomic scale. GigaScience, 8(5), giz006.
  21. Krehenwinkel, H., Kennedy, S. R., Adams, S. A., Stephenson, G. T., Roy, K., & Gillespie, R. G. (2019). Multiplex PCR targeting lineage specific SNP s‐A highly efficient and simple approach to block out predator sequences in molecular gut content analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  22. Kennedy, S., Lim, J. Y., Clavel, J., Krehenwinkel, H., & Gillespie, R. G. (2019). Spider webs, stable isotopes and molecular gut content analysis: Multiple lines of evidence support trophic niche differentiation in a community of Hawaiian spiders.Functional Ecology.
  23. Lötters, S., D. Mebs, G. Köhler, J. Vargas & E. La Marca (2019): The voice from the hereafter: vocalisations in three species of Atelopus from the Venezuelan Andes, likely to be extinct. Herpetozoa, 32: 267-275.
  24. Lunghi, E., Romeo, D., Mulargia, M., Cogoni, R., Manenti, R., Corti, C., Ficetola, G.F. & Veith, M. (2019): On the stability of the dorsal pattern of the European cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes). Herpetozoa 32: 249-253.
  25. Marin da Fonte, L.F., M. Mayer & S. Lötters (2019): Review: Long-distance dispersal in amphibians. Frontiers in Biogeography, 11.4: e44577.
  26. Mayer, M., L.F. Marin da Fonte & S. Lötters (2019): Mind the gap! A review of Amazonian anurans in GenBank. Salamandra, 55: 89-96.
  27. Mingo, V., C. Leeb, A.-K. Fahl, C. Brühl, S. Lötters & N. Wagner (2019): Validating buccal swabbing as a minimal-invasive method to detect pesticide exposure in squamate reptiles. Chemosphere, 229: 529-537.
  28. Pfeifer, M.A., Renker, C., Hochkirch, A., Braun, M., Braun, U., Schlotmann, F., Weitzel, M. & Simon, L. (2019) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Geradflügler (Heuschrecken, Fangschrecken, Ohrwürmer und Schaben in Rheinland-Pfalz). Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Ernährung und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz. 56 pp.
  29. Portik, D.M., Bell, R.C., Blackburn, D.C., Bauer, A.M., Barratt, C.D., Branch, W.R., Burger, M., Channing, A., Colston, T.J., Conradie, W., Dehling, J.M., Drewes, R.C., Ernst, R., Greenbaum, E., Gvoždík, V., Harvey, J., Hillers, A., Hirschfeld, M., Jongsma, G.F.M., Kielgast, J., Kouete, M.T., Lawson, L., Leaché, A.D., Loader, S.P., Lötters, S., Meijden, A. van der, Menegon, M., Müller, S., Nagy, Z.T., Boateng, C.O., Ohler, A., Papenfuss, T.J., Rössler, D., Sinsch, U., Rödel, M.-O., Veith, M., Vindum, J., Zassi-Boulou, A.-G. & McGuire, M.A. (2019): Sexual dichromatism drives diversification within a major radiation of African amphibians. Systematic Biology 68: 859-875.
  30. Rößler, D.C., Lötters, S., Mappes, J., Valkonen, J.K., Menin, M., Lima, A.P.  & Pröhl, H. (2019): Sole coloration as an unusual aposematic signal in a Neotropical toad. Scientific Reports 9: 1128.
  31. Rößler, D. C., Ogan, S., Curio, E., & Krehenwinkel, H. (2019). Ability makes a thief: vision, learning, and swift escape help kleptoparasitic hover wasps not to fall prey to their spider hosts. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 73(11), 152.
  32. Sanchez, E., A. Rodríguez, J. Grau, S. Lötters, S. Künzel, R.A. Saporito, E. Ringler, S. Schulz, K.C. Wollenberg Valero & M. Vences (2019): Transcriptomic signatures of experimental alkaloid consumption by poison frogs. Genes, 10: 733.
  33. Schmidt, J. M., Whitehouse, T. S., Green, K., Krehenwinkel, H., Schmidt-Jeffris, R., & Sial, A. A. (2019). Local and landscape-scale heterogeneity shape spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) activity and natural enemy abundance: Implications for trophic interactions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 272, 86-94.
  34. Teubner, D., Klein, R., Paulus, M. & Wesch, C. (2019): Changes of fish growth in German rivers. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 11: 59-64.
  35. Thomas, V., Wang, Y., Van Rooij, P., Verbrugghe, E., Baláz, V., Bosch, J., Cunningham, A.A., Fisher, M.C., Garner, T.W.J., Gilbert, M.J., Grasselli, E., Kinet, T., Laudelout, A., Lötters, S., Loyau, A., Miaud, C., Salvidio, S., Schmeller, D.S., Schmidt, B.R., Spitzen-van der Sluijs, A., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M., Vences, M., Wagner, N., Canessa, S., Martel, A. & Pasmans, F. (2019): Mitigating Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe. Amphibia-Reptilia 40: 265-290.
  36. Veith, M., Baubkus, M., Kugel, S., Kulpa, K., Reifenrath, T., Schafft, M. & Wagner, N. (2019): Drift compensation in larval fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra)? Hydrobiologia 828: 315-325.
  37. Wagner, N., Schulz, V., Steinfartz, S., Reinhardt, T., Vences, M., Lötters, S., Dalbeck, L., Düssel-Siebert, H., Guschal, M., Kirst, K., Ohlhoff, D., Wegge, J. & Veith, M. (2019): Aktuelle Erkenntnisse zum Status der Salamanderpest in Deutschland. Natur und Landschaft 94: 463-471.
  38. Wagner, N., Backes, L., Dierking, S., Gussone, L., Heiglauer, A.A., Jacob, J., Junk, L.,  Klemmer, C., Lanfer, M.J.L., Merten, F.B., Raubuch, G., Reinhardt, N., Richter, N., Römer, M., Schafft, M., Segschneider, A., Seibert, M., Sterk, M., Thiel, N., Zoller, J. & Veith, M. (2019): Überprüfung der Bestände streng geschützter Amphibienarten im Kreis Trier-Saarburg und der Stadt Trier. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 26: 41-68.
  39. Weber, T., Koschorreck, J., Rüther, M., Körner, A., Knopf, B., Kotthoff, M., Rüdel, H., Lermen, D., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Göen, T., Paulus, M., Klein, R., Veith, M. & Kolossa-Gehring, M. (2019): Die Umweltprobenbank des Bundes – Umwelt- und Humanproben. In: Handbuch der Umweltmedizin - 65. Erg.Lfg. Kapitel IV – 7.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Allgeier, S., Frombold, B., Mingo, V. & Brühl, C.A. (2018): European common frog Rana temporaria (Anura: Ranidae) larvae shwo subcellular responses under field-relevant Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) exposure levels. Environmental Research 162: 271-279.
  2. Andreä, J., Michaeli, A., Danielczak, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2018) Freilandbeobachtungen an der Kleinen Buckelschrecke (Dericorys minutus Chopard, 1954). Entomologie heute 30: 9-16.
  3. Beninde, J., Feldmeier, S., Veith, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2018): Admixture of hybrid swarms of native and introduced lizards in cities is determined by the cityscape structure and invasion history. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180143
  4. Berger, G., Graef, F., Pallut, B., Hoffmann, J., Brühl, C.A. & Wagner, N. (2018): How does changing pesticide usage over time affect migrating amphibians: A case study on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides in German agriculture over 20 years. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6: 6.
  5. Borges, P.A.V., Pérez Santa Rita, J.V., Nunes, R., Danielczak, A., Hochkirch, A., Amorim, I.R., Lamelas-López, L., Karsholt, O., Vieira, V. (2018): Species conservation profile of moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) from Azores, Portugal. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: e23311
  6. Canessa, S., C. Bozzuto, E.H. Campbell Grant, S.S. Cruickshank, M.C. Fisher, J.C. Koella, S. Lötters, A. Martel, F. Pasmans, B.C. Scheele, A. Spitzen-van der Sluijs, S. Steinfartz & B.R. Schmidt (2018): Decision making for mitigating emerging wildlife diseases: from theory to practice. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 1987-1996.
  7. Dalbeck, L., Düssel-Siebert, H., Kerres, A., Kirst, K., Koch, A., Lötters, S., Ohlhoff, D., Sabino-Pinto, J., Schulte, U., Schulz, V., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M., Vences, M., Wagner, N. & Wegge, J. (2018): Die Salamanderpest und ihr Erreger Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal): aktueller Stand in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 25: 1-22.
  8. Dijkstra, K.-D. B., Schrama, M.J.J., Gorsich, E.E. & Hochkirch, A. (2018) “Deadly mosquito” or “living freshwater”? Science 361: 341.
  9. Elle, O., M. Fugmann & Kühnl, A. (2018): Abriss einer Moselbrücke vernichtet regional bedeutsame Brutkolonie der Mehlschwalbe. Übertragbare Erkenntnisse aus einem sehr speziellen Fall. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 50: 69-75.
  10. Elle, O. & Twietmeyer, S. (2018): Orpheusspötter Hippolais polyglotta (Vieillot, 1817). In: Dietzen, C. et al.: Die Vogelwelt von Rheinland-Pfalz. Band 4 Singvögel (Passeriformes). - Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, Beiheft 49: 390-399.
  11. Feldmeier, S., L. Schefczyk, A. Hochkirch, S. Lötters, M.A. Pfeiffer, G. Heinemann & Veith,M. (2018): Climate vs weather extremes: Temporal predictor resolution matters for future rather than current regional species distribution models. Diversity and Distributions 24: 1047-1060
  12. Ficetola, G.F., Barzaghi, B., Melotto, A., Muraro, M., Lunghi, E., Canedoli, C., Parrino, E.L., Nanni, V., Silva-Rocha, I., Urso, A., Carretero, M.A., Salvi, D., Scali, S., Scarì, G., Pennati, R., Andreone, F. & Manenti, R.: (2018): N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates. Scientific Reports 8: 10357. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28432-8.
  13. Ficetola, G.F., Lunghi, E., Canedoli, C., Padoa-Schioppa, E., .Pennati, R., & Manenti, R.: (2018): Differences between microhabitat and broad-scale patterns of niche evolution in terrestrial salamanders.Scientific Reports 8: 10575. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28796-x
  14. Filz, K.J., Bohr, A. & Lötters, S. (2018): Abandoned foreigners: is the stage set for exotic pet reptiles to invade Central Europe? Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 417-435.
  15. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Lohmann, N., Paulus, M., Jud, M., Pirntke, U. & Koschorreck, J.: Assessment of seafood contamination under the marine strategy framework directive: contributions of the German emnvironmental specimen bank. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5: 26939-26956
  16. Hochkirch, A., Beninde, J., Fischer, M., Krahner, A., Lindemann, C., Matenaar, D., Rohde, K., Wagner, N., Wesch, C., Wirtz, S., Zink, A., Lötters, S., Proelss, A. & Veith, M. (2018): Licence to kill? - Disease eradication programs may not be in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity. Conservation Letters 11: 1-6.
  17. Hochkirch, A., Kleukers, R., de Vries, H. (2018) Die Erfassung von Heuschrecken im digitalen Zeitalter. Articulata 33: 141-146
  18. Kieren, S., Sparreboom, M., Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2018): A biogeographic and ecological perspective to the evolution of reproductive behaviour in the family Salamandridae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 121: 98-109.
  19. Krehenwinkel, H., Kennedy, S. R., Rueda, A., Lam, A., & Gillespie, R. G. (2018): Scaling up DNA barcoding–Primer sets for simple and cost efficient arthropod systematics by multiplex PCR and Illumina amplicon sequencing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
  20. Krehenwinkel H., Fong M., Huang E.G., Kennedy S.R., Suzuki N., Cayetano L., Gillespie R. (2018): DNA degradation bias in metabarcoding studies of arthropod communities and their associated microbiota collected by passive sampling devices. PlosOne
  21. Lindemann, C., Runkel, V., Kiefer, A., Lukas, A. & Veith, M. (2018): Abschaltalgo- rithmen für Fledermäuse an Windenergieanlagen – Eine naturschutzfachliche Bewertung. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung.50: 418-425.
  22. Lötters, S., Wagner, N., Kerres, A., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S., Sabino Pinto, J. & Veith, M. (2018): First report of host co-infection of parasitic amphibian chytrid fungi (Bd, Bsal). Salamandra 54: 287-290.
  23. Lüddecke T., Krehenwinkel H., Canning G., Glaw F., Longhorn SJ, Tänzler R., Ingo Wendt I., Vences M. (2018): Discovering the silk road: Nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data resolve the evolutionary history of theraphosid spiders (Araneae: Mygalomorphae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
  24. Lunghi, E. (2018): Ecology and life history of Meta bourneti (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) from Monte Albo. PeerJ. DOI 10.7717/peerj.6049.
  25. Lunghi, E., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Mulargia, M., Cogoni, R., Barzaghi, B., Cornago, L., Avitabile, D., Veith, M., Manenti, R., Ficetola, G.F. & Corti, C. (2018): Field-recorded data on the diet of six species of European Hydromantes cave salamanders. Scientific Data 5: 180083.
  26. Lunghi, E., Cianferoni, F., Ceccolini, F., Veith, M., Manenti, R., Mancinelli, G., Corti, C., Ficetola, G.F (2018): What shapes the trophic niche of European plethodontid salamanders? PLoS ONE.
  27. Lunghi, E., Corti, C., Manenti, R., Barzaghi, B., Buschettu, S., Canedoli, C., Cogoni, R., De Falco, G., Fais, F., Manca, A., Mirimin, V., Mulargia, M., Mulas, C., Muraro, M., Murgia, R., Veith, M. & Ficetola, G.F. (2018): Comparative reproductive biology of European cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes): nesting selection and multiple annual breeding. Salamandra 54: 101-108.
  28. Lunghi, E., Ficetola, G.F., Mulargia, M., Cogoni, R., Veith, M., Corti, C. & Manenti, R. (2018): Batracobdella leeches, environmental features and Hydromantes salamanders. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife7: 48-53.
  29. Lunghi, E., Guillaume, O., Blaimont, P. & Manenti, R. (2018): The first ecological study on the oldes allochthonous population of European cave salamanders (Hydromantes sp.). Amphibia-Reptilia 39: 113-119.
  30. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Mulargia, M., Corti, C., Veith, M. & Ficetola, G.F. (2018): Environmental suitability models predict population density, performance and body condition for microendemic salamanders. Scientific Reports 8: 7527.
  31. Lunghi, E., Mascia, C., Mulargia, M. & Corti, C. (2018): Is the Sardinian grass snake (Natrix natrix cetti) an active hunter in underground environments? Spixiana 41: 160.
  32. Marin da Fonte, L.F. (2018): 3D print unique specimens. Nature 563: 325.
  33. Matenaar, D., Fingerle, M., Heym, E., Wirtz, S. & Hochkirch, A. (2018): Phylogeography of the endemic grasshopper genus Betiscoides (Lentulidae) in the South African Cape Floristic Region. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 118: 318-329.
  34. Mebs, D., Lorentz, M., Yotsu-Yamashita, M., Rößler, D.C., Ernst, R. & Lötters, S. (2018): Geographic range expansion of tetrodotoxin in amphibians – first record in Atelopushoogmoedi from the Guiana Shield. Toxicon 150: 175-179.
  35. Mulargia, M., Corti, C. & Lunghi, E. (2018): The herpetofauna of the Monte Albo, Sardinia (Italy): Russian Joural of Herpetology 25: 172-176.
  36. Nothacker, J.A., Neu, C.P., Mayer, M., Wagner, N. & Lötters, S. (2018): Homing behavior in the Neotropical poison frog Ameerega trivittata. Salamandra 54: 30-36.
  37. Oğuz, M.A., Kariş, M., Göçmen, B., Veith, M. & Godmann, O. (2018): An additional population of Lyciasalamandra atifi veithi. Biharean Biologist 12: 118-120.
  38. Piry, S., Berthier, K., Streiff, R., Cros-Arteil, S., Foucart, A., Tatin, L., Bröder, L., Hochkirch, A. & Chapuis, M.-P. (2018): Fine-scale interactions between habitat and genetic variation suggest an impact of grazing on the critically endangered Crau Plain grasshopper (Pamphagidae: Prionotropis rhodanica). Journal of Orthoptera Research 27: 61-73.
  39. Rößler, D.C., Pröhl, H. & Lötters, S. (2018): Commentary: the future of clay model studies. BMC Zoology, 3: 6. s40850-018-0033-6
  40. Sabino-Pinto, J., Veith, M., Vences, M. & Steinfartz, S. (2018): Asymptomatic infection of the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in captivity. Scientific Reports 8: 11767.
  41. Schulz, V., Steinfartz, S., Geiger, A., Preißler, K., Sabino Pinto, J., Wagner, N. & Schlüpmann, M. (2018): Aktueller Kenntnisstand zur Ausbreitung der Salamanderpest (Batrachochytrium salamandrivoransBsal) in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Natur in NRW 2018 (4): 26-30.
  42. Sittig, L., Römer, U., Gilleman, C., Torres, N.G.G. (2018): Population numbers of Amazon river dolphins Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis (Mammalia: Cetaceae: Delphinidae) in the lower Río Tigre region, Loreto, Perú. Vertebrate Zoology 68: 213 – 224.
  43. Veith, M., Bogaerts, S., Pasmans, F. & Kieren, S. (2018): The changing views on the evolutionary relationships of extant Salamandridae (Amphibia: Urodela). PLoS ONE 13: e0198237.
  44. Viertel, B. (2018): Gesunde Kinder dank Ratten und Kaninchen - Reproduktions- toxikologie. Biologie in unserer Zeit 48(5): 318-323. doi: 10.1002/buiz.201810655.
  45. Wagner, N., Feldmeier, S., Backes, L., Dierking, S., Heiglauer, A.A., Jacob, J., Junk, L.,  Klemmer, C., Lanfer, M.J.L., Merten, F.B., Raubuch, G., Reinhardt, N., Richter, N., Römer, M., Segschneider, A., Seibert, M., Sterk, M., Thiel, N., Zoller, J. & Schulte, U. (2018): Überprüfung ehemals bekannter Vorkommen der Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758) im Stadtgebiet von Trier und im Landkreis Trier-Saarburg (Reptilia: Squamata: Lacertidae). Dendrocopos 45: 39-63.
  46. Wirtz, S., Böhm, C., Fritz, J., Kotrschal, K., Veith, M., Hochkirch, A. (2018): Optimizing the genetic management of reintroduction projects: Genetic population structure of the captive Northern Bald Ibis population. Conservation Genetics 19: 853-864

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Bell, R.C., J.L. Parra, G. Badjedjea, M. Barej, D. Blackburn, M. Burger, A. Channing, J.M. Dehling, E. Greenbaum, V. Gvoždík, J. Kielgast, C. Kusumba, S. Lötters, P.J. McLaughlin, Z. Nagy, M.-O. Rödel, D.M. Portik, J. VanDerWal, B. Stuart & K.R. Zamudio (2017): Idiosyncratic responses to climate-driven forest fragmentation and marine incursions in reed frogs from Central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea Islands. Molecular Ecology, 26: 5223-5244.
  2. Blakemore, R. & Hochkirch, A. (2017): Restore earthworms to rebuild topsoil. Nature 545: 30 
  3. Böning, P., Wolf, S., Upton, K., Menin, M., Venegas, P.J. & Lötters, S. (2017): Amphibian diversity and its turnover in floating meadows along the Amazon River. Salamandra 53: 379-388.
  4. Borges, P.A.V., Lamelas-López, L., Amorim, I.R., Danielczak, A., Nunes, R., Serrano, A.R.M., Boieiro, M., Rego, C., Hochkirch, A., Vieira, V. (2017): Conservation status of the forest beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) from Azores, Portugal. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e14557.
  5. Budenz, T., Gessner, B., Lüttmann, J., Molitor, F., Servatius, K. & Veith, M. (2017): Up and down – B. barbastellus explore lattice towers. Hystrix 28: 272-276.
  6. Carpio, A.J., López, J.C., Mingo, V. & Tortosa, F.S. (2017): Herbaceous cover enhances the squamate reptile community in woody crops. Journal for Nature Conservation 37: 31-38.
  7. Ellis-Soto, D., S. Blake, A. Soultaan, A. Guézou, F. Cabrera & S. Lötters (2017): Plant species dispersed by Galapagos tortoises surf the wave of habitat suitability under anthropogenic climate change. PLoS ONE, 12: e0181333.
  8. Fischer, M.L., Salgado, I., Beninde, J., Klein, R., Frantz, A.C., Heddergott, M., Cullingham, C.I., Kyle, C.J. & Hochkirch, A. (2017): Multiple founder effects are followed by range expansion and admixture during the invasion process of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Europe. Diversity & Distributions 23: 409-420.
  9. Fritz, J., Wirtz, S., & Unsöld, M. (2017): Aspekte der Nahrungsökologie und Genetik des Waldrapps: Reply zu Bauer et al. (2016) Vogelneozoen in Deutschland - Revision der nationalen Statuseinstufungen. Vogelwarte 55: 141-145
  10. Guicking, D., Finke, L., Wittich, M., Pfeiffer, I., Veith, M., Geske, C., Braukmann, U., Weising, K., & Neubeck, C. (2017): Conservation genetics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina v. variegata) in Northern Hesse, Germany. Salamandra 53: 201-211.
  11. Hochkirch, A. (2017): Fossil data lacking for insects and fungi. Science 335: 1033.
  12. Hochkirch, A. (2017): Factor in species’ conservation value. Nature 547: 403.
  13. Hochkirch, A. (2017): Strategische Naturschutzplanung für Insekten. Entomologie heute 29: 137-145
  14. Hochkirch, A. & Pina, S. (2017) Invest in insects. Science 356: 1131
  15. Kariş, M., Veith, M., Göçmen, B., Oguz, M.A., Şener, D. & Kurt, B. (2017): Genetic confirmation of the occurrence and notes on the ecology of the yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata (L., 1758) (Amphibia: Bombinatoridae) in the European part of Turkey. The Herpetological Bulletin 139: 25-27.
  16. Kühne, G., Kosuch, J., Hochkirch, A. & Schmitt, T. (2017): Extra-Mediterranean glacial refugia in a Mediterranean faunal element: the phylogeography of the chalk-hill blue Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Scientific Reports 7: 43533.
  17. Lehmann, A., Devriese, H., Tumbrinck, J., Skejo, J., Lehmann, G.U.C., Hochkirch, A. (2017): The importance of validated alpha taxonomy for phylogenetic and DNA barcoding studies: a comment on species identification of pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae). Zookeys 679: 139-144
  18. Lunghi, E., Guillaume, O., Blaimont, P., Manenti, R. (2017): The first ecological study on the oldest allochthonous population of European cave salamanders (Hydromantes sp.). Amphiia-Reptilia. DOI:10.1163/15685381-0000313
  19. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Ficetola, G.F. (2017): Cave features, seasonality and subterranean distribution of non-obligate cave dwellers. PeerJ 5:e3169
  20. Lunghi, E., Monti, A., Binda, A., Piazzi, I., Salvadori, M., Cogoni, R., Riefolo, L.A., Biancardi, C., Mezzadri, S., Avitabile, D., Ficetola, G.F., Mulargia, M., Manca, S., Blaimont, P., Di Cerbo, A.R., Manenti, R. (2017): Cases of albinism and leucism in amphibians in Italy: new reports. Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 4: 73-80.
  21. Lunghi, E., & Veith, M. (2017): Are Visual Implant Alpha tags adequate for individually marking European cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes)? Amphibia-Reptilia 53: 541-544.
  22. Lyra, M.L., E. Sanchez, S. Künzel, S. Lötters, C.F.B. Haddad & M. Vences (2017): The mitochondrial genomes of three species of poison frogs (Dendrobates). — Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2: 397-399.
  23. Manenti, R., Lunghi, E. & Ficetola, G.F. (2017): Cave exploitation by an usual epigean species: a review on the current knowledge on fire salamander breeding in cave. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography 32: 31–46.
  24. Mingo, V. & Wagner, N. (2017): Der Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Deutschland: Auswirkungen auf Enzymaktivitäten und Populationsstruktur einheimischer Reptilienarten am Beispiel der Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis). Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 24: 167-186.
  25. Mingo, V.,Lötters, S. & Wagner, N. (2017): The use of buccal swabs as a minimal-invasive method for detecting effects of pesticide exposure on enzymatic activity in common wall lizards. Environmental Pollution 220: 53-62.
  26. Mingo, V., Lötters, S. & Wagner, N. (2017): The impact of land use intensity and associated pesticide applications on fitness and enzymatic activity rates in reptiles - A field study. Science of the Total Environment 590-591: 114-124.
  27. Najibzadeh, M., Veith, M., Rastegar-Pouyani, E., Gharzi, M., Rastegar-Pouyani, N., Kieren, S. & Pesarakloo, A. (2017): Molecular phylogenetic relationships among Anatolian-Hyrcanian brown frog taxa (Ranidae: Rana). Amphibia-Reptilia 38: 339-350.
  28. Rodriguez, R., Burgon, J., Lyra, M., Irisarri, I., Baurain, D., Blaustein, L., Göҫmen, B., Künzel, S., Nolte, A., Veith, M., Steinfartz, S., Elmer, K., Philippe, H. & Vences, M. (2017): Inferring the shallow phylogeny of true salamanders (Salamandra) by multiple phylogenomic approaches. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 115: 16-26.
  29. Römer, U., Römer, C.I., Estivals, G., Díaz, A.V., Duponchelle, F., García Dávila, C.R., Hahn, I. & Renno, F. (2017): Description of a new maternal larvophilic mouth-brooding cichlid species, Apistogramma megastoma sp. n. (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae), from Loreto, Peru. Vertebrate Zoology 67(2).
  30. Rohde, K., Hau, Y., Kranz, N., Weinberger, J., Elle, O. & Hochkirch, A. (2017): Climatic effects on population declines of a rare wetland species and the role of spatial and temporal isolation as barriers to hybridization. Functional Ecology 31: 1262-1274
  31. Schmidt, B.R., Bozzuto, C., Lötters, S. & Steinfartz, S. (2017): Dynamics of host populations affected by the emerging fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160801. 
  32. Sinsch, U., Böcking, H., Leskovar, C., Öz, M. & Veith, M. (2017): Demography and lifetime growth patterns in Lyciasalamandra spp.: Living underground attenuates among-species variation. Zoologischer Anzeiger 269: 48-56.
  33. Stöckelhuber, M., Müller, C., Vetter, F., Mingo, V., Lötters, S., Wagner, N. & Bracher, F. (2017): Determination of pesticides adsorbed on arthropods and gastropods by a micro-QuEChERS approach and GC-MS/MS. Chromatographia 80: 825-829.
  34. Viertel, B. & Channing, A. (2017): The larva of Schismaderma carens (Smith, 1849) (Anura: Bufonidae) - a redescription. Alytes 33: 38-46.
  35. Wagner, N. (2017): Welchen Einfluss hat der Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf Amphibienlarven? Terraria/elaphe 2017: 58-61. 
  36. Wagner, N. & Brühl, C.A. (2017): The Use of Terrestrial Life-stages of European Amphibians in Toxicological Studies. In: Larramendy, M. L. (ed.): Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology: Non-traditional Terrestrial Models. Issues in Toxicology No. 32. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge: 143-162.
  37. Wagner, N. & Viertel, B. (2017): The Use of Aquatic Life-stages of European Amphibians in Toxicological Studies. In: Larramendy, M. L. (ed.): Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology: Non-traditional Aquatic Models. Issues in Toxicology No. 33. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge: 371-406.
  38. Wagner, N., Müller, H. & Viertel, B. (2017): Effects of a commonly used glyphosate-based herbicide formulation on early developmental stages of two anuran species. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24: 1495-1508.
  39. Wagner, N., Veith, M., Lötters, S. & Viertel, B. (2017): Population and life-stage specific effects of two herbicide formulations on the aquatic development of European common frogs (Rana temporaria). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36: 190-200.
  40. Wagner, N., Neubeck, C., Guicking, D., Finke, L., Wittich, M., Weising, K., Geske, C. & Veith, M. (2017): No evidence for effects of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus on populations of yellow-bellied toads. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 123: 55-65.
  41. Wagner, N.Hochkirch, A., Martin, H., Matenaar, D.Rohde, K., Wacht, F., Wesch, C.Wirtz, S.Klein, R.Lötters, S., Proelss, A. & Veith, M. (2017) De-extinction, nomenclature, and the law. Science 356: 1016-1017 (Reprint)
  42. Wagner, N., Lötters, S., Bauer, S.D., Beninde, J., Ewen, J., Fichera, G., Feiler, L., Feldmeier, S., Fontaine, B., Göb, D., Gussone, L., Harms, W., Harzheim, M., Hassenjürgen, L., Kolwelter, C., Krone, S., Lambing, A., Marin da Fonte, L.F., Martens, A., Peters, J., Pfeifer, L., Pfrommer, J., Reinhardt, N., Sandvoß, M., Schafft, M., Schulte, U., Tull, F., Unterberg, K. & Veith, M. (2017): Zur Verbreitung des Gebänderten Feuersalamanders (Salamandra salamandra terrestris LACÉPÈDE, 1788) im Naturpark Südeifel sowie im rheinland-pfälzischen Teil des Naturparks Nordeifel (Amphibia Urodela Salamandridae). Dendrocopos 44: 7-20.
  43. Werner, P., B.R. Schmidt & S. Lötters (2017): Microhabitat use within a contact zone of parapatric land salamanders in the Swiss Alps. Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 307-314.
  44. Wesch, C., Elert, A.M., Wörner, M., Braun, U., Klein, R., Paulus, M. (2017): Assuring quality in microplastic monitoring: About the value of clean-air devices as essentials for verified data. Scientific Reports 7: 5424.
  45. Zimkus, B.M., Lawson, L.P., Barej, M.F., Barratt, C.D. Channing, A., Dash, K.M., Dehling, J.M., Du Preez, L., Gehring, P.-S., Greenbaum, E., Gvoždík, V., Harvey, J., Kielgast, J., Kusamba, C., Nagy, Z.T., Pabijan, M., Penner, J., Rödel, M.-O., Vences, M. & Lötters, S. (2017): Leapfrogging into new territory: How Mascarene ridged frogs diversified across Africa and Madagascar to maintain their ecological niche. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 254-269.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Angetter, L.-S. (2016): Fledermausfang im Rahmen der Eingriffsplanung von Windkraftanlagen - Empfehlungen für eine Standardisierung der Methoden. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 48: 73-79.
  2. Beninde J., Feldmeier S., Werner M., Peroverde D., Schulte U., Hochkirch A., Veith M. (2016): Cityscape Genetics: Structural versus Functional connectivity of an urban wall lizard population. Molecular Ecology 25: 49847-5000.
  3. Beninde, J., Hochkirch, A., Veith, M. & Proelß, A. (2016): Artenschutz, genetische Diversität und die Mauereidechse in Deutschland. In: Korn, H. & Bockmühl, K. (eds.): Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XV - Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. BfN-Skripten 436: 133-137. Bonn-Bad Godesberg.
  4. Bosso, L., Mucedda, M., Fichera, G., Kiefer, A. & Russo, D. (2016): A gap analysis for threatened bat populations on Sardinia. Hystrix 27(2).
  5. Channing, A., Dehling, J.M., Lötters, S. & Ernst, R. (2016): Species boundaries and taxonomy of the African River Frogs (Anura: Pyxicephalidae: Amietia). Zootaxa, 4155: 1-76 
  6. Dondini, G., Vergari, S., Fichera, G. & Kiefer, A., (2016): First record of Hypsugo cf darwinii (Tomes, 1859) in Tuscany, Italy. Barbastella 9, doi: 10.14709/BarbJ.9.1.2016.
  7. Engler, J.O., Secondi, J., Dawson, D.A., Elle, O. & Hochkirch, A. (2016): Range expansion and retraction along a moving contact zone has no effect on the genetic diversity of two passerine birds. Ecography 39: 884-893
  8. Engler, J.O., Böhm, N., Twietmeyer,S.  & Elle, O. (2016): Die Arealexpansion des Orpheusspötters Hippolais polyglotta: ein Modell für Biogeographie und Populationsgenetik. Ornithologischer Beobachter 113: 121-132.
  9. Feldmeier, S., Schefczyk, L., Wagner, N., Heinemann, G., Veith, M. & Lotters, S. 2016. Exploring the distribution of the spreading lethal salamander chytrid fungus in its invasive range in Europe - a macroecological approach. – PLOS ONE 11: e0165682. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165682
  10. Fischer, M.L., Sullivan, M.J.P., Greiser, G., Guerrero-Casado, J., Heddergott, M., Hohmann, U., Keuling, O, Lang, J., Martin, I., Michler, F.-U., Winter, A. & Klein, R. (2016): Assessing and predicting the spread of non-native raccoons in Germany using hunting bag data and dispersal weighted models. Biological Invasions 18: 57-71.
  11. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Teubner, D., Buchmeier, G., Lowis, J., Heiss, C., Wellmitz, J. & Koschorreck, J. (2016): Biota monitoring and the Water Framework Directive – can normalization overcome shortcomings in sampling strategies? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 21927-21939.
  12. Fliedner A., Lohmann N., Rüdel H., Teubner D., Wellmitz J. and Koschorreck J. (2016): Current levels and trends of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority substances in freshwater fish from the German environmental specimen bank. Environmental Pollution 216: 866-876
  13. Gebhard, F., Kötteritzsch, A., Lüttmann, J., Kiefer, A., Hendler, R. & Veith, M. (2016): Bewirken Arbeitshilfen eine Qualitätssteigerung von Fachgutachten zu Fledermäusen bei der Planung von Windenergieanlagen? Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 48: 177-183. 
  14. Gereau, R.E., Cumberlidge, N., Hemp, C., Hochkirch, A., Jones, T., Kariuki, M., Lange, C.N., Loader, S.P., Malonza, P.K., Menegon, M., Ndang’ang’a, P.K., Rovero, F. & Shirk, P. (2016): Globally threatened biodiversity of the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania. Journal of East African Natural History 105: 115-201
  15. Habel, J.C., Hillen, J., Schmitt, T. & Fischer, C. (2016): Restricted movements and high site fidelity in three East African cloud-forest birds. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32: 83-87.
  16. Hochkirch, A. (2016): The insect crisis we can’t ignore. Nature 359: 141
  17. Hochkirch, A. (2016): 6 Geografische Strukturen. In: Holderegger R. & Segelbacher G. (eds.): Naturschutzgenetik – Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Haupt Verlag, Bern: 89-106
  18. Hochkirch, A. (2016): 8 Hybridisierung. In: Holderegger R. & Segelbacher G. (eds.): Naturschutzgenetik – Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Haupt Verlag, Bern: 129-146
  19. Hochkirch, A., Nieto, A., García Criado, M., Cálix, M., Braud, Y., Buzzetti, F.M., Chobanov, D., Odé, B., Presa Asensio, J.J., Willemse, L., Zuna-Kratky, T. et al. (2016) European Red List of Grasshoppers, Crickets and Bush-crickets. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 94 pp.
  20. Holderegger, R., Segelbacher, G., Balkenhol, N., Biebach, I., Bolliger, J., Gugerli, F., Hochkirch, A., Keller, L., Widmer, A. & Zachos, F. (2016): Naturschutzgenetik – Ein Handbuch für die Praxis. Haupt Verlag, Bern. 258 S.
  21. Kahn, T.R, E. La Marca, S. Lötters, J.L. Brown, E. Twomey & A. Amézquita (2016): Aposemtaic poison frogs (Anura; Dendrobatidae) of the Andean countries Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Conservation International, Washington D.C. (USA), 582 pp.
  22. Lorentz, M.N., Stokes, A.N., Rößler, D.C.  & Lötters, S.  (2016): Tetrodotoxin in animals. Current Biology, 26: R870-R872.
  23. Lunghi, E., Deschandol, F., Cornago, L. & Cogoni, R. (2016): Dark coloration in Sardinian grass snakes (Natrix natrix cetti). The Herpetological Bulletin 137: 28-29.
  24. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R., Canciani, G., Scarì, G., Pennati, R. & Ficetola, G.F. (2016): Thermal equilibrium and temperature differences among body regions in European plethodontid salamanders. Journal of Thermal Biology 60: 78-85.
  25. Lunghi, E., Mulargia, Mar. & Mulargia, Man. (2016): Evidence of malformation in the European cave salamander, Hydromantes flavus. The Herpetological Bulletin 135: 34-35.
  26. Matenaar, D., Bröder, L. & Hochkirch, A. (2016): A preliminary phylogeny of the South African Lentulidae. Hereditas 153: 1.
  27. Mingo, V., Lötters, S. & Wagner, N. (2016): Risk of pesticide exposure for reptile species in the European Union. Environmental Pollution, 215: 164-169.
  28. Neu, C.P., S.S. Bisanz, J.A. Nothacker, M. Mayer & S. Lötters (2016): Male and female home range behavior in the Neotropical poison frog Ameerega trivittata (Anura, Dendrobatidae) over two consecutive years. South American Journal of Herpetology 11: 149-156.
  29. Schulte, U., Alfermann, D., Böhme, W., Joger, U., Sound, P., Veith, M., Wagner, N. & Heym, A. (2016): Vernetzung und Autochthonie nördlicher Arealrandpopulationen der Westlichen Smaragdeidechse (Lacerta bilineata). Natur und Landschaft 91: 66-72.
  30. Spitzen-van der Sluys, A., Martel, A., Asselberghs, J.,  Bales, E.K., Beukema, W., Bletz, M.C., Dalbeck, L., Goverse, E., Kerres, A., Kinet, T., Kirst, K., Laudelout, A., Marin da Fonte, L.F., Nöllert, A., Ohlhoff, D., Sabino-Pinto, J.,  Schmidt, B.R., Speybroeck, J., Spikmans, F., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M., Vences, M., Wagner, N.,  Pasmans, F. & Lötters, S. (2016): Expanding distribution of lethal amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 22: 1286-1288.
  31. Teubner, D., Wesslein, A.-K., Rønne, P.B., Veith, M., Frings, C. & Paulus, M. (2016): Is a visuo-haptic differentiation of zebra mussel and quagga mussel based on a single external morphometric shell character possible? Aquatic Invasions 11: 145-154.
  32. Veith, M., Göçmen, B., Sotiropoulos, K., Kieren, S., Godmann, O. & Steinfartz, S.: Seven at one blow (2016): The origin of major lineages of the viviparous Lycian salamanders (Lyciasalamandra) was triggered by a single paleo-historic event. Amphibia-Reptilia 37: 373-387.
  33. Wagner, N. & Viertel, B. (2016): Was ist über die Effekte von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf einheimische Amphibienlarven bekannt? – Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 23: 159-180.
  34. Wakil, W. & Schmitt, T. (2016): Field trials on the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana, diatomaceous earth and Imidacloprid for the protection of wheat grains from four major stored grain insect pests. Journal of Stored Products Research 64: 160-167.
  35. Wesch, C., Klein, R. & Paulus, M. (2016): Quality assurance in microplastic detection. In: Baztan/ Jorgensen / Pahl / Thompson (eds.): MICRO 2016 - Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems. From the Coastline to the Open Sea. Elsevier: p. 95.
  36. Wesch, C., Barthel, A.-K., Braun, U., Klein, R. & Paulus, M. (2016): No microplastik in benthic eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): An urgent need for spectroscopic analyses in microplastic detection. Environmental Research 148: 36-38.
  37. Wesch, C., Bredimus, K., Paulus, M. & Klein, R. (2016): Towards the suitable monitoring of ingestion of microplastics by marine biota: A review. Environmental Pollution 218: 1200-1208. 
  38. Wirtz, S., Böhm, C., Fritz, J., Hankeln, T. & Hochkirch, A. (2016): Isolation of microsatellite loci by next-generation sequencing of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis, Geronticus eremita. Journal of Heredity 107: 363-366.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Bell, R.C., Drewes, R.C., Channing, A., Gvoždík, V., Kielgast, J., Lötters, S. , Malonza, P.K., Stuart, B.L & Zamudio, K.R. (2015): Over-seas dispersal of Hyperolius reedfrogs from Central Africa to the oceanic islands of São Tomé and Príncipe. Journal of Biogeography 42: 65-75.
  2. Beninde, J.,Fischer, M.L., Hochkirch, A. & Zink, A. (2015): Ambitious advances of the European Union in the legislation of invasive alien species. Conservation Letters 8: 199-205.
  3. Beninde, J., Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2015): Biodiversität in Städten braucht (mehr) Platz. ANLiegen Natur 37: 54-57.
  4. Beninde, J., Veith, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2015): Biodiversity in cities needs space: A meta-analysis of factors determining intra-urban biodiversity variation. Ecology Letters 18: 581-592.
  5. Besold, J. & Schmitt, T. (2015): More northern than ever thought: Refugia of the Woodland Ringlet butterfly Erebia medusa (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in Northern Central Europe. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 53: 67-75.
  6. Brinke, A., Buchinger, S., Reifferscheid, G., Klein, R. & Feiler, U.(2015): Development of a sediment-contact test with rice for the assessment of sediment-bound pollutants. Environ. Sci.Pollut.Res. 22:12664-12675. DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4452-4.
  7. Filz, K.J. & Schmitt, T. (2015): Niche overlap and host specificity in parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) as a measure for potential extinction risks under climate change. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 15: 555-565.
  8. Fischer, M.L., Hochkirch, A., Heddergott, M., Schulze, C., Anheyer-Behmenburg, H.E., Lang, J., Michler, F.-U., Hohmann, U., Ansorge, H., Hoffmann, L., Klein, R. & Frantz, A.C. (2015): Historical invasion records can be misleading: Genetic evidence for multiple introductions of invasive raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany. PLOS One 10: e0125441.
  9. Habel, J.C., Zachos, F.E., Dapporto, L., Rödder, D., Radespiel, U., Tellier, A. & Schmitt, T. (2015): Population genetics revisited – towards a multidisciplinary research field. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115: 1-12.
  10. Hochkirch A., Tatin L., Stanley Price M. (2015) Crau Plain Grasshopper – A Strategy for its Conservation 2015-2020. IUCN-SSC & CEN PACA, Saint-Martin-de-Crau. 50 S
  11. Husemann, M., Habel, J.-C., Namkung, S., Hochkirch, A., Otte, D. & Danley, P. (2015): Molecular evidence for an Old World origin of Galapagos and Caribbean band-winged grasshoppers (Acrididae: Oedipodinae: Sphingonotus). PLOS One 10: e0118208.
  12. Junker, M., Zimmermann, M., Ramos, A.A., Gros, P., Konvička, M., Nève, G., Rákosy, L., Tammaru, T., Castilho, R. & Schmitt, T. (2015) Three in one – multiple faunal elements within an endangered European butterfly species. PLoS One 10: e0142282.
  13. Klein, R., Braunbeck, T., Gercken, J., Guhl, B., Löffler, R., Triebskorn, R. & von der Trenck, T. (2015): Fische als Akkumulations- und Wirkungsindikatoren im Monitoring – zwei VDI-Richtlinien für eine sachgerechte Probenahme. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 75(4): 143-145.
  14. Lötters, S., Geiger, A., Kerres, A., Krebs, B., Ohlhoff, D., Schmeller, D.S., Schmidt, B.R., Steinfartz, S., Veith, M., Vences, M. & Wagner, N. (2015): Handlungsbedarf und anlaufende Aktivitäten vor dem Hintergrund der Bedrohung einheimischer Schwanzlurche durch einen neuen Salamander-Chytridpilz. Feldherpetologisches Magazin 3: 39-40.
  15. Lohmann, N., Rolle, S., Paepke, O., Ruedel, H., Teubner, D., Koschorreck, J. (2015): Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) and Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) in Fish of German Waters: A Study in the Context of the EU Water Framework Directive. Organohalogen Compounds 77: 538-541.
  16. Lunghi, E., Corti, C. & Cencetti, T. (2015): Oophagy in the Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). The Herpetological Bulletin 134: 35-36.
  17. Lunghi, E., Manenti, R. & Ficetola, F. (2015): Seasonal variation in microhabitat of salamanders: environmental variation or shift of habitat selection? PeerJ 3:e1122; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1122.
  18. Lunghi, E., Murgia, R., De Falco, G., Buschettu, S., Mulas, C., Mulargia, M., Canedoli, C., Manenti, R. & Ficetola, G.F. (2015): First data on nesting ecology and behaviour in the Imperial cave salamander Hydromantes imperialis. North-Western Journal of Zoology 11(2): 324-330. 
  19. Manenti, R., Lunghi, E. & Ficetola, G.F. (2015): The distribution of cave twilight-zone spiders depends on microclimatic features and trophic supply. Invertebrate Biology 134: 242-251.
  20. Matenaar, D., Bazelet, C.D. & Hochkirch, A. (2015): Simple tools for the evaluation of protected areas for the conservation of grasshoppers. Biological Conservation 192: 192-199.
  21. Mingo, V., Modica, C., Hochkirch, A., Veith, M. & Schulte, U. (2015): Rekonstruktion der Ausbreitungshistorie langjährig etablierter eingeschleppter Mauereidechsen-Vorkommen in Deutschland. In: Laufer, H. & Schulte, U., Verbreitung (eds.), Biologie und Schutz der Mauereidechse Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768). Mertensiella 22: 94-100.
  22. Paulus, M., Teubner, D., Rüdel, H. & Klein, R. (2015): Bioaccumulation and long-term monitoring in freshwater ecosystems - Knowledge gained from 20 years of zebra mussel analysis by the German Environmental Specimen Bank. In: Amon, R., Hänninen, O. (Eds.): Environmental Indicators. Springer, Science+ Business Media, Dodrecht. Pp 781-803.
  23. Rohde, K., Dreher, E. & Hochkirch, A. (2015): Sex-specific phenotypic plasticity in response to the trade-off between developmental time and body size supports the dimorphic niche hypothesis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115: 48-57.
  24. Rohde, K., Hau, Y., Weyer, J. & Hochkirch, A. (2015): Wide prevalence of hybridization in two sympatric grasshopper species may be shaped by their relative abundances. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 191
  25. Sabino-Pinto, J., Bletz, M., Hendrix, R., Bina Perl, R.G., Martel, A., Pasmans, F., Lötters, F., Mutschmann, F., Schmeller, D., Schmidt, B., Veith, M., Wagner, N., Vences, M., Steinfartz, S. (2015): First evidence of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Germany. Amphibia-Reptilia 36: 411-416. 
  26. Schulte, U., Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2015): Intraspezifische Hybridisierungen zwischen eingeschleppten und heimischen Mauereidechsen als Gefahr für autochthone Bestände in Südwest-Deutschland. In: Laufer, H. & Schulte, U. (eds.), Verbreitung, Biologie und Schutz der Mauereidechse Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768). Mertensiella 22: 101-113.
  27. Schulte, L.M., M. Krauss, S. Lötters, T. Schulze & W. Brack (2015): Decoding and discrimination of chemical cues and signals: Avoidance of predation and competition during parental care behavior in sympatric poison frogs. PLoS ONE, 10: e0129929.
  28. Tarricone, K., Wagner, G. & Klein, R. (2015): Toward standardization of sample collection and preservation for the quality of results in biomonitoring with trees – A critical review, pp. 341-359 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.05.012.
  29. Teubner, D., Paulus, M., Veith, M. & Klein, R. (2015): Biometric parameters of the bream (Abramis brama) as indicators for long-term changes in fish health and environmental quality – Data from the German ESB Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22: 1620–1627 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3008-3.
  30. Twomey, E., Mayer, M. & Summers, K. (2015): Intraspecific call variation in the mimic poison frog Ranitomeya imitator. Herpetologica 71: 252–259.
  31. Wagner, N. & Hendler, R. (2015): Schutz von Amphibienlaichgewässern vor Pestizideinträgen durch Gewässerrandstreifen. Natur und Landschaft 90: 224-229.
  32. Wagner, N., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Viertel, B. (2015): Effects of an environmentally relevant temporal application scheme of low herbicide concentrations on larvae of two anuran species. Chemosphere 135: 175-181.
  33. Wagner, N., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Viertel, B. (2015): Acute toxic effects of the herbicide formulation and the active incredient used in cycloxydim-tolerant maize cultivation on embryos and larvae of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 94: 412-418.
  34. Wagner, N., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Viertel, B. (2015): Acute toxic effects of the herbicide formulation Focus Ultra® on embryos and larvae of the Moroccan painted frog, Discoglossus scovazzi. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 69: 535-544.
  35. Wagner, N., Mingo,V., Schulte, U. & Lötters, S. (2015): Risk evaluation of pesticide use to protected European reptile species. Biological Conservation 191: 667-673.
  36. Wagner, N., Schulte, U. & Beninde, J. (2015): Schutzmöglichkeiten alter Trockenmauern für streng geschützte Reptilienarten in Trier und Rheinland-Pfalz. Dendrocopos 42: 23-31.
  37. While, G.M., Michaelides, S., Heathcote, R.J.P., MacGregor, H.E.A., Zajac, N., Beninde, J., Carazo, P., Pérez i de Lanuza, G., Sacchi, R., Zuffi, M.A.L., Horváthová, T., Fresnillo, B., Schulte, U., Veith, M., Hochkirch, A. & Uller, T. (2015): Sexual selection drives asymmetric introgression in wall lizards. Ecology Letters 18: 1366-1375.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Ashoff, M. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Are different allozyme genotypes of the butterfly Polyommatus coridon adapted to resist cold and heat shocks? Annales Zoologici Fennici 51: 413-422.
  2. Elle, O. , Engler, J., Lemke, H., Böhm, N., Mertes, T., Boetzel, M., Korschefsky, T., Thien, N. & Twietmeyer, S. (2014): Sieben Jahre Integriertes Monitoring von Singvogelpopulationen (IMS) im Untersuchungsgebiet „Trier-Brettenbachtal“ – Auswertung der Fangzahlen von 2007 bis 2013 und Beitrag der Trierer Untersuchungen zum IMS in Deutschland. Dendrocopos 41: 13-28.
  3. Engler J.O., Sacher T., Elle O., Coppack T. & Bairlein F.(2014). No evidence of sex-biased dispersal in an island population of Common Blackbirds Turdus merula.Ibis 156: 885-891.
  4. Engler, J.O., Secondi, J., Dawson, D.A., Roderus, D., Elle, O. & Hochkirch, A. (2014): Cross-species utility of 22 microsatellite markers in the Melodious warbler (Hippolais polyglotta). Avian Biology Research 7: 91-98.
  5. Fliedner, A., Rüdel, H., Knopf, B., Weinfurtner, K., Paulus, M., Ricking, M., Schröter-Kermani, C. & Koschorreck, J. (2014): Spatial and temporal trends of metals and arsenic in German freshwater compartments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 21: 5521-5536.
  6. Gehara, M., Crawford, A.J., Orrico, V.G.D., Rodríguez, A., Lötters, S., Fouquet, A., Barrientos, L.S., Brusquetti, F., De la Riva, I., Ernst, R., Faivovich, J., Gagliardi Urrutia, G., Glaw, F., Guayasamin, J., Hölting, M., Jansen, M., Kok, P., Kwet, A., Lingnau, R., Lyra, M., Moravec, J., Pombal Jr., J., Rojas-Runjaic, F.J.M., Schulze, A., Señaris, J.C., Solé, M., Trefaut Rodriguez, M., Twomey, E., Haddad, C.F.B., Vences, M. & Köhler, J. (2014): High levels of diversity uncovered in a widespread nominal taxon: continental phylogeography of the Neotropical tree frog Dendropsophus minutus. PLoS One, 9: e103958. 
  7. Gerlach, J., Samways, M.J., Hochkirch, A., Seddon, M., Cardoso, P., Clausnitzer, V., Cumberlidge, N., Daniel, B.A., Hoffman Black, S., Ott, J. & Williams, P. (2014): Prioritizing non-marine invertebrate taxa for red listing. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 573-586.
  8. Greiser, G., Arnoold, J.M., Winter, W., Martin, I., Klein,R., Wenzelides, L., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Keuling, O., Strauß, E. (2014): Verbreitung der Nilgans (Alopochen aegyptiacus) in Deutschland und die aktuelle Jagdrechtslage – Erfassungen im Rahmen des Projektes “Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands“ (WILD). Beiträge zur Jagd- & Wildforschung 39: 307-315.
  9. Habel, J.C. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Towards more evidence-based nature conservation: Additional thoughts to Müller & Opgenoorth. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 379-384.
  10. Habel, J.C. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Why protecting relict populations? In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): Jewels in the mist - A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 231-235.
  11. Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds) (2014): Jewels in the mist - A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia, 235 pp.
  12. Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Editorial. In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 1-2.
  13. Habel, J.C., Finger, A., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Isolated and unique: The conservation value of extant populations of Lycaena helle at the species’ western distribution edge. In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): Jewels in the mist - A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 127-136.
  14. Habel, J.C., Mattern, S., Meyer, M., Schmitt T. (2014): Morphologic variability and signals of environmental stress: Wing-shape analyses in the Violet Copper Lycaena helle. In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 141-159.
  15. Habel, J.C., Meyer, M., Schmitt, T., Husemann, M., Varga, Z. (2014): The molecular biogeography of the Violet Copper Lycaena helle. In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): Jewels in the mist - A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 111-124.
  16. Heiser, M., Dapporto, L. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Coupling impoverishment analyses and partitioning of beta diversity allows a comprehensive description of Odonata biogeography in the Western Mediterranean. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 14: 203-214.
  17. Herrig, A., Schmitt, T., Weitzel, M. & Filz, K.J. (2014): Zusammensetzung und Bestandsentwicklung von Tagfalterzönosen (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) auf Brachflächen im Raum Trier über 40 Jahre. Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 51: 357-392. 
  18. Hahn, I., Vergara, P. M., Baumeister, J., Soto, G. E., & Römer, U. (2014): Tsunami impact on the population development of a critically endangered hummingbird species of a Pacific island. Population Ecology 57: 143-149.
  19. Hochkirch, A. (2014): Biodiversity: broaden the search. Science 343: 248.
  20. Hochkirch, A., McGowan, P.J.K. & van der Sluijs J. (2014): Biodiversity reports need author rules. Nature 516: 170
  21. Husemann, M., Deppermann, J. & Hochkirch, A. (2014): Multiple independent colonization of the Canary Islands by the winged grasshopper genus Sphingonotus Fieber, 1852. Molecular Phylogenets & Evolution 81:174-81.
  22. Husemann, M., Schmitt, T., Zachos, F.E., Ulrich, W. & Habel, J.C. (2014): Palaearctic biogeography revisited: Evidence for the existence of a North African refugium for western Palaearctic biota. Journal of Biogeography 41: 81-94.
  23. Konvicka, M., Mihali, C.V., Rakosy, L., Benes, J., Schmitt, T. (2014): Survival of cold-adapted species in isolated mountains: the population genetics of the Sudeten ringlet, Erebia sudeticasudetica, in the Jeseník Mts., Czech Republic. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 153-161.
  24. Louy, D., Habel, J.C., Abadjev, S., Rakosy, L., Varga, Z., Rödder, D. & Schmitt T. (2014): Molecules and models indicate diverging evolutionary effects from parallel altitudinal range shifts in two mountain Ringlet butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 569-583.
  25. Louy, D., Habel, J.C., Ulrich, W. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Out of the Alps: The biogeography of a disjunctly distributed mountain butterfly, the Almond eyed ringlet Erebia alberganus (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae). Journal of Heredity 105: 28-38.
  26. Lötters, S., Filz, K.J., Wagner, N., Schmidt, B.R., Emmerling, C. & Veith, M. (2014): Hypothesizing if responses to climate change affect herbicide exposure risk for amphibians. Environmental Sciences Europe 26: 1-5.
  27. Martel, A., Blooi, M., Adriaensen, C., Van Rooij, P., Beukema, W., Fisher, M.C., Farrer, R., Schmidt, B.R., Tobler, U., Goka, K, Lips, K., Muletz, C., Zamudio, K., Bosch, J., Lötters, S., Wombwell, E., Garner, T.W.J., Spitzen-van der Sluijs, A., Salvidio, S., Ducatelle, R., Nishikawa, K., Nguyen, T.T., Van Bocxlaer, I., Bossuyt, F. & Pasmans, F. (2014): Recent introduction of a chytrid fungus endangers Western Palearctic salamanders. Science 346: 630-631. 
  28. Matenaar, D., Bröder, L., Bazelet, C.S. & Hochkirch, A. (2014): Persisting in a windy habitat: population ecology & behavioral adaptations of two endemic grasshopper species in the Cape region (South Africa). Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 447-456.
  29. Mayer, M., Schulte, L.M., Twomey, E. & Lötters, S. (2014): Do male poison frogs respond to modified calls of a Müllerian mimic. Animal Behaviour 89: 45-51.
  30. Paulus, M., Teubner, D.; Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2014): Journey into the past: Using cryogenically stored samples to reconstruct the invasion history of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis) in German river systems. Biological Invasions 16: 2591–2597.
  31. Pennekamp, F., Pereira, P. & Schmitt, T. (2014): Habitat requirements and dispersal ability of the Spanish Fritillary (Euphydryas desfontainii) in southern Portugal: evidence-based conservation suggestions for an endangered taxon. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 497-508.
  32. Pohlová, L., Schepsky, P., Lehmann, T., Hochkirch, A., Masopustová, R., Simek, J., Schoo, W., Vodička, R. & Robovský, J. (2014): Defining management units for European captive aardvarks. Zoo Biology 33:433-9. 
  33. Razgour, O., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S. J., Juste, J., Ibáñez, C., Kiefer, A., ... & Jones, G. (2014): Scale‐dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow & population structure in bats. Diversity & Distributions 20: 1173–1185.
  34. Schmitt, T. & Habel, J.C. (2014): Biogeography: From the analysis of distributions to the distribution of genetic variants. In: Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (eds): A synopsis on the highly endangered butterfly species Violet Copper, Lycaena helle. Pensoft, Sofia: 107-109.
  35. Schmitt, T., Habel, J.C., Rödder, D. & Louy, D. (2014): Effects of recent & past climatic shifts on the genetic structure of the high mountain Yellow-spotted ringlet butterfly Erebia manto (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae): a conservation problem. Global Change Biology 20: 2045-2061.
  36. Schmitt, T. (2014): Molecular biogeography of terrestrial insects in Europe: case studies in butterflies. In: Ujvárosi, L. & Marko, B. (eds.): Romanian Carpathians, genetic centres or barriers in the process of postglacial isolation & speciation. Case studies in selected organisms. University Press, Cluj-Napoca.
  37. Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2014): A danger foreseen is a danger avoided: how chemical cues of different tadpoles influence parental decisions of a Neotropical poison frog. Animal Cognition, 17: 267-275.
  38. Schulte, L.M., & Veith, M. (2014): Is the response of a Neotropical poison frog (Ranitomeya variabilis) to larval chemical cues influenced by relatedness? The Herpetological Journal, 24: 189-192.
  39. Schulte, U. & Veith, M. (2014): Kann man Reptilien-Populationen erfolgreich umsiedeln? Eine populationsbiologische Betrachtung. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 21: 219–235.
  40. Schulte, U. & Kolling, M. (2014): Aktionsraumgrößen, Wanderdistanzen, Thermoregulation und Biometrie von Schlingnattern in einer Weinbergsbrache. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 21: 195-206.
  41. Teubner, D., Paulus, M., Veith, M. & Klein, R. (2014): Biometric parameters of the bream (Abramis brama) as indicators for long-term changes in fish health & environmental quality - data from the German ESB. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 1620-1627.
  42. Vences, M., Sanchez, E., Hauswaldt, J.S., Eikelmann, D., Rodríguez, A., Carranza, S., Donaire, D., Gehara, M., Helfer, V., Lötters, S., Werner, P., Schulz, S. & Steinfartz, S. (2014): Nuclear & mitochondrial multilocus phylogeny & survey of alkaloid content in true salamanders of the genus Salamandra. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 73: 208-216.
  43. Wagner, N. (2014): Artenrückgang und Abundanzverschiebung in einer Amphibiengemeinschaft durch eingeführte Sonnenbarsche, Lepomis gibbosus (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Perciformes: Centrarchidae). Abhandlungen der Delattinia 40: 321-323.
  44. Wagner, N. & Mingo, V. (2014): Reproduktionsnachweis der Geburtshelferkröte (Alytes obstetricans) auf einer Feuchtwiese bei Mandern (Kreis Trier-Saarburg). Dendrocopos 41: 49-56.
  45. Wagner, N., Züghart, W., Mingo, V. & Lötters, S. (2014): Are deformation rates of anuran developmental stages suitable indicators for environmental pollution? Possibilities & limitations. Ecological Indicators 45: 394-401.
  46. Wagner, N., Rödder, D., Veith, M., Brühl, C.A., Lenhardt, P.P. & Lötters, S. (2014): Evaluating the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibian species listed in Annex II of the European Union Habitats Directive. Biological Conservation 176: 64-70.
  47. Werner, P., Lötters, S. & Schmidt, B.R. (2014): Analysis of habitat determinants in a contact zone of parapatric European salamanders. Journal of Zoology 292: 31-38.
  48. Werner, P., Lötters, S. & Schmidt, B.R. (2014): Absence of variation in body size of the Alpine salamander between allotopic & syntopic populations in a contact zone with the Fire salamander. Amphibia-Reptilia, 35: 361-365.
  49. Wesch, C., Stöfen, A., Klein, R. & Paulus, M. (2014): Microplastics in freshwater environments: A need for scientific research and legal regulation in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. - Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 4: 275-278.
  50. Weyer, J., Jorgensen, D, Schmitt, T., Maxwell, T.J & Anderson, C.D. (2014): Lack of detectable genetic differentiation between den populations of the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) in a fragmented landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 837-846.
  51. Witzenberger, K.A. & Hochkirch, A. (2014): The genetic integrity of the ex situ population of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) is seriously threatened by introgression from domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus). PLoS ONE 9: e106083.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Akman, B., Göçmen, B., Veith, M., Oğuz, M.A. & Yalçinkaya, D. (2013): New localities of Lyciasalamandra luschani luschani (Steindachner, 1891) (Amphibia: Urodela: Salamandridae). Herpetologica Romanica 7: 29-39.
  2. Beninde, J., Haensch, M., Hiery, M.,  Kinitz, T., Kirschey, J., Matenaar, D., Rohde,K., Stoefen, A.,  Wagner, N. & Zink, A. (2013): Workshop-Bericht: „Anthropogene Störungen mariner Ökosysteme in Deutschland – eine natur- und rechtswissenschaftliche Bewertung“. – Natur und Recht 35: 410-412.
  3. Böll, S., Schmidt, B.R., Veith, M., Wagner, N., Rödder, D., Weimann, C., Kirschey, T. & Lötters, S. (2013): Anuran amphibians as indicators of changes in aquatic & terrestrial ecosystems following GM crop cultivation: a monitoring guideline. BioRisk 8: 39-51.
  4. Channing, A., Hillers, A., Lötters, S., Rödel, M.-O., Schick, S., Conradie, W., Rödder, D., Mercurio, V., Wagner, P., Dehling, J.M., du Preez, L.H., Kielgast, J. & Burger, M.  (2013): Taxonomy of the super-cryptic Hyperolius nasutus group of long reed frogs of Africa (Anura: Hyperoliidae), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa, 3620: 301-350.
  5. Chiari, Y., Van der Meijden, A., Mucedda, M., Wagner, N. & Veith, M. (2013): No detection of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Sardinian cave salamanders, genus Hydromantes. Amphibia-Reptilia 34: 136-141.
  6. Dieker, P., Drees, C., Schmitt, T. & Assmann, T. (2013): Low genetic diversity of a high mountain burnet moth species in the Pyrenees. Conservation Genetics 14: 231-236.
  7. Elle, O., Weerts, F., Schneider, C., Blankenburg, J., Anders, C., Hach, C. & Lebowski, T. (2013): Vogelschlagrisiko an spiegelnden oder transparenten Glasscheiben in der Stadt: Unterschätzt, überschätzt oder unkalkulierbar? Berichte zum Vogelschutz 49/50.
  8. Elle, O. & Wiesenthal, A. (2013): Räumliche Verteilung und Stabilität der Brutkolonien der Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum) in Trier 2006 bis 2011 – Welche Rolle spielt der Mensch? Dendrocopos 40:19-32.
  9. Engler, J.O., Rödder, D., Elle, O., Hochkirch, A. & Secondi, J. (2013): Species distribution models contribute to determine the effect of climate & interspecific interactions in moving hybrid zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2487-2496.
  10. Engler, J.O., Roderus, D., Elle, O., Secondi, J. & Hochkirch, A. (2013): Zeitlicher Vergleich der genetischen Struktur von Arealrandpopulationen beim expansiven Orpheusspötter Hipploais polyglotta. Vogelwarte 51: 179-184.
  11. Filz, K.J. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Untersuchung der Arealdynamik des Kurzschwänzigen Bläulings (Cupido argiades, Pallas 1771) unter Klimawandelbedingungen mit Artverbreitungsmodellen in Europa (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Abhandlungen der Delattinia 38: 215-228.
  12. Filz, K.J., Schmitt, T. & Engler, J.O. (2013): How fine is fine-scale? Questioning the use of fine-scale bioclimatic data in species distribution models used for forecasting abundance patterns in butterflies. European Journal of Entomology 110: 311-317.
  13. Filz, K.J., Engler, J.O., Stoffels, J., Weitzel, M. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Missing the target? A critical view on butterfly conservation efforts on calcareous grasslands in south-western Germany. Biodiversity & Conservation 22: 2223-2241.
  14. Filz, K.J., Jänicke, D., Schmitt, T., Frede, M. & Weitzel, M. (2013): Untersuchungen zur Bestandsentwicklung der Tagfalterzönosen auf Kalkmagerrasen im Saar-Mosel-Gebiet. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 50: 383-397.
  15. Filz, K.J., Wiemers, M., Herrig, A., Weitzel, M. & Schmitt, T. (2013): A question of adaptability - Climate & habitat change lower trait diversity in butterfly communities in south-western Germany. European Journal of Entomology 110: 633-642.
  16. García-Dávila, C., Duponchelle, F., Castro-Ruiz, D. Villacorta, J., Quérouil, S., Chota-Macuyama, W.,Núñez, J., Römer, U., Carvajal-Vallejos, F. & Renno, J.-F. (2013): Molecular identification of a cryptic species in the Amazonian predatory catfish genus Pseudoplatystoma (Bleeker, 1962) from Peru. Genetica 141:347–358.
  17. Gassert, F., Schulte, U., Husemann, M., Ulrich, W., Rödder, D., Hochkirch, A., Engel, E., Meyer, J. & Habel, J.C. (2013): From southern refugia to the northern range margin: Genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1475-1489.
  18. Göçmen, B., Veith, M., Akman, B., Godmann, O., İğci, N. & Oğuz, M.A. (2013): New records of the Turkish Lycian salamanders (Lyciasalamandra, Salamandridae). Northwestern Journal of Zoology 9.
  19. Göçmen, B., Veith, M., İğci, N., Akman, B., Godmann, O. & Wagner, N. (2013): No detection of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in in terrestrial Turkish salamanders (Lyciasalamandra) despite its occurrence in syntopic frogs (Pelophylax bedriagae). Salamandra 49: 51-55.
  20. Hahn, I.J., Vergara, P.M., Baumeister, J., Soto, G.E. & Römer, U. (2013): Impact of the 2010 tsunami on an endangered insular soil–plant system. Nat Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0904-7.
  21. Habel, J.C. & Zachos, F.E. (2013): Past population history versus recent population decline - founder effects in island species & their genetic signature. J. Biogeography 40: 206-207.
  22. Habel, J.C., Husemann, M., Schmitt, T., Dapporto, L., Rödder, D. & Vandewoestijne, S. (2013): A forest butterfly in Sahara desert oases: isolation does not matter. Journal of Heredity 104: 234-247.
  23. Habel, J.C., Rödder, D. Lens, L. & Schmitt, T. (2013): The genetic signature of ecologically different grassland lepidopterans. Biodiversity & Converation 22: 2401-2411.
  24. Heiser, M. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Tracking the boundary between the Palaearctic & the Oriental region: New insights from dragonflies & damselflies (Odonata). Journal of Biogeography 40: 2047-2058.
  25. Heym, A., Deichsel, G., Hochkirch, A., Veith, M. & Schulte, U. (2013): Do introduced wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) cause niche shifts in a native sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) population? A case study from south-western Germany. Salmandra 49: 97-104.
  26. Hillen, J. & Veith, M. (2013): Resource partitioning in three syntopic forest-dwelling European bat species (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Mammalia 77: 71-80.
  27. Hochkirch, A. (2013) Bestandstrends von Heuschrecken und die notwendigen Naturschutzmaßnahmen. Entomologie heute 25: 47-55
  28. Hochkirch, A. (2013): Hybridization & the Origin of Species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 247-251.
  29. Hochkirch, A., Schmitt, T., Beninde, J., Hiery, M., Kinitz, T., Kirschey, J., Matenaar, D., Rohde, K., Stoefen, A., Wagner, N., Zink, A., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Proelß, A. (2013): Europe needs a new vision for a Natura 2020 network. Conservation Letters DOI: 10.1111/conl.12006.
  30. Hochkirch, A., Schmitt, T., Beninde, J., Hiery, M., Kinitz, T., Kirschey, J., Matenaar, D., Rohde, K., Stoefen, A., Wagner, N., Zink, A., Lötters, S., Veith, M. & Proelß, A. (2013): How much biodiversity does Nature 2000 cover?.Conservation Letters DOI: 10.1111/conl.12006.
  31. Husemann, M., Llucià-Pomares, D. & Hochkirch, A. (2013): A review of the Iberian Sphingonotini with description of two new species (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168: 29-60.
  32. Husemann, M., Schmitt, T., Zachos, F.E., Ulrich, W. & Habel, J.C. (2013): Palaearctic biogeography revisited: Evidence for the existence of a North African refugium for western Palaearctic biota. Journal of Biogeography 41: 81-94.
  33. Jacoby, P., Wagner, N. & Schulte, U. (2013): Populationsökologie der Schlingnatter (Coronella austriaca) in Trier-Filsch. - Dendrocopos 40: 61-64.
  34. Jeltsch, F., Blaum, N., Brose, U., Chipperfield, J. D., Clough, Y., Farwig, N., Geissler, K., Graham, C. H., Grimm, V., Hickler, T., Huth, A., May, F., Meyer, K. M., Pagel, J., Reineking, B., Rillig, M. C,, Shea, K., Schurr, F. M., Schröder, B., Tielbörger, K., Weiss, L., Wiegand, K., Wiegand, T., Wirth, C. & Zurell, D. (2013): How can we bring together empiricists & modellers in functional biodiversity research? Basic & Applied Ecology 14: 93-101.
  35. Kinitz, T., Quack, M., Paulus, M., Veith, M., Bergek, S., Strand, J., Tuvikened, A., Soirinsuoe, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2013): Strong isolation-by-distance in the absence of genetic population structure in the eelpout (Zoarces viviparus, Linnaeus 1758). Ecological Indicators 27: 116-122.
  36. Kirschey, J. & Wagner, N. (2013): Abbaugebiete als Sekundärlebensraum streng geschützter Amphibienarten – Rekultivierung im Licht des europäischen Artenschutzrechtes. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 4: 282-289.
  37. Langer, M.R., Weinmann, A.E., Lötters, S., Bernhard, J.M. & Rödder, D. (2013): Climate-driven range extension of Amphistegina (Protista, Foraminiferida): models of current & predicted future ranges. PLoS One, 8: e54443. 
  38. Lenz, S., Laufer, H. & Schulte, U. (2013): Artenschutzrechtliche Aspekte zur Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis). - Herausgeber: Landesamt für Umwelt, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewerbeaufsicht Rheinland-Pfalz (LUWG).
  39. Louy, D., Habel, J.C., Abadjiev, S. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Genetic legacy from past panmixia: High genetic variability & low differentiation in disjunct populations of the Eastern Large Heath butterfly. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 281-290.
  40. Louy, D., Habel, J.C., Ulrich, W. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Out of the Alps: The biogeography of a disjunctly distributed mountain butterfly, the Almond eyed ringlet Erebia alberganus (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae). Journal of Heredity 105: 28-38.
  41. Müller, J., R. Brandl, J. Buchner, H. Pretzsch, S. Seifert, C. Strätz, M. Veith & B. Fenton (2013): From ground to above canopy—Bat activity in mature forests is driven by vegetation density and height. Forest Ecology and Management 306: 179-184.
  42. Pennekamp, F., Monteiro, E. & Schmitt, T. (2013): The larval ecology of the butterfly Euphydryas desfontainii (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in SW-Portugal: food plant quantity & quality as main predictors of habitat quality. Journal of Insect Conservation 17: 195-206.
  43. Rákosy, L., Heiser, M., Manci, C.-O. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Strong divergences in regional distributions in Romania: recent ecological constraints in dragonflies (Odonata) versus ancient biogeographical patterns in butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Insect Conservation & Diversity 6: 145-154.
  44. Rödder, D., Schulte, U. & L. F. Toledo (2013): High environmental niche overlap between the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis & invasive bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) enhance the potential of disease transmission in the Americas. - North-Western Journal of Zoology 9: art.131509.
  45. Römer, U. & Hahn, I. (2013): Apistogramma aguarico sp. n.: A new species of geophagine cichlid fish (Teleostei: Perciformes) from the Ecuadorian & Peruvian río Napo system. Vertebrate Zoology, 63 (2): 171-181.
  46. Rüdel, H., Böhmer, W., Müller, M., Fliedner, A., Ricking, M., Teubner, D. & Schröter-Kermani, C. (2013): Retrospective study of triclosan & methyl-triclosan residues in fish & suspended particulate matter: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Chemosphere 91:1517-1524.
  47. Schulte, L.M. (2013): Feeding or avoiding? Facultative egg-feeding in a Peruvian poison frog (Ranitomeya variabilis). Ethology Ecology & Evolution - online first.
  48. Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2013): A danger foreseen is a danger avoided: how chemical cues of different tadpoles influence parental decisions of a Neotropical poison frog. Animal Cognition.
  49. Schulte, L.M. & Lötters, S. (2013): The power of the seasons: rainfall triggers parental care in poison frogs. Evolutionary Ecology 27, 711-723.
  50. Schulte, L.M. & Rössler, D.C. (2013): Do poison frogs recognize chemical cues of the other sex or do they react to cues of stressed conspecifics? Behavioural Processes 100, 32-35.
  51. Schulte, L.M., Schulte, R. & Lötters, S. (2013): Avoiding predation: the importance of chemical & visual cues in poison frog reproductive behaviour. In: East, M.L. & Dehnhard, M. (eds): Chemical signals in vertebrates 12. Springer Verlag, New York etc. (Germany), 466 pp.: 309-324.
  52. Schulte, U. (2013): Autotomieraten und Zeckenbefall in Mauereidechsen-Populationen unterschiedlicher Herkunft. - Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 98-101.
  53. Schulte, U. (2013): Wie oft verpaaren sich Eidechsenweibchen? - Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 127.
  54. Schulte, U., Geiger, A., Podloucky, R., Alfermann, A. & D. Dick (2013): Das F & E Projekt: Vorbereitung der Roten Listen 2020 der Amphibien und Reptilien Deutschlands – Aufbau einer bundesweiten Datenbank. - Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 132.
  55. Schulte, U., Hochkirch A., Wagner, N. & Jacoby, P. (2013): Witterungsbedingte Antreffwahrscheinlichkeit der Schlingnatter (Coronella austriaca). Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 1-12.
  56. Schulte, U., Idelberger, S., Lenz, S. & Schleich, S. (2013): Allochthone Mauereidechsen auch in Rheinland-Pfalz? - GNORinfo 116: 19-20. 
  57. Schulte, U., Veith, M., Mingo, V., Modica, C. & Hochkirch, A. (2013): Strong genetic differentiation due to multiple founder effects during a range expansion of an introduced wall lizard population. Biological Invasions DOI: 10.1007/s10530-013-0480-5.
  58. Schulte, U., Alfermann, D., Wagner, N., Joger, U. & Veith, M. (2013): Überprüfung von Isolation und Autochthonie der Westlichen Smaragdeidechse (Lacerta bilineata) an der Untermosel sowie im hessischen Lahntal. Terraria/elaphe 2013: 102-103.
  59. Schulte, U. & Beninde, J. (2013): Polymorphismus der Bauchfärbung evolutionärer Linien der Mauereidechse. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 209-213.
  60. Schulte, U. & Teufert, S. (2013): Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis). – In: Teufert, S., Berger, H. & V. Kuschka: Atlas der Reptilien Sachsens. – Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Hrsg.), Dresden.
  61. Schulte, U., Idelberger, S., Lenz, S. & Schleich, S. (2013): Heimisch oder gebietsfremd? - Anleitung zur Bestimmung und zum Umgang mit allochthonen Mauereidechsen in Rheinland-Pfalz. - Herausgeber: Landesamt für Umwelt, Wasserwirtschaft und Gewerbeaufsicht Rheinland-Pfalz (LUWG).
  62. Teubner, D., Müller, P. (†) & Paulus, M. (2013): Derivation of dynamic reference values for the classification of contaminant concentrations in bream (Abramis brama) of German rivers & lakes using data of the Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 25: 162-165.
  63. Thiesmeier, B., Kordges, T. & Wagner, N. (2013): Phänologie und Morphometrie einer Blindschleichen-Population (Anguis fragilis) in Hattingen (NRW). – Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 20: 65-78.
  64. Veith, M. & Schulte, U. (2013): Zur Problematik von Umsiedlungen am Beispiel von Eidechsenpopulationen. - Tagungsband: Artenschutz in der Praxis - Erfahrungen mit Ersatzquartieren und der Umsiedlung von streng geschützten Arten, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (bfg), Koblenz.
  65. Wagner, G. (2013): Biomonitoring. In: Fischer-Stabel (Hrsg.): Umweltinformationssysteme – Grundlegende Konzepte und Anwendungen (2. Aufl.), Wichmann-Verlag, Berlin, S. 68-77.
  66. Wagner, N. (2013): Bestandstrends der Erdkröte Bufo bufo (LINNAEUS, 1758) im Saarland (Anura: Bufonidae). Abhandlungen der Delattinia 39: 195-206.
  67. Wagner, N. & Lötters, S. (2013): Effects of water contamination on site selection by amphibians: experiences from an arena approach with European frogs & newts. Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology.
  68. Wagner, N. & Lötters, S. (2013): Possible correlation of the worldwide amphibian decline & the increasing use of glyphosate in the agrarian industry. – BfN-Skripten 343, Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn. 202 pp.
  69. Wagner, N. & Schulte, U. (2013): Neuer Nachweis eines Vorkommens der Geburtshelferkröte (Alytes obstetricans) im Meulenwald bei Trier: Primär- oder Sekundärhabitat? - Dendrocopos 40: 55-60.
  70. Wagner, N., Reichenbecher, W., Tappeser, B., Teichmann, H. & Lötters,S. (2013): Questions concerning the potential impact of glyphosate-based herbicides on amphibians. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 32: 1688-1700.
  71. Wagner, N., Reichenbercher, W., Teichmann, H., Tappeser, B. & Lötters,S. (2013): Are frogs & toads affected by complementary herbicides of GM crops? In: Breckling, B. & R. Verhoeven (eds): Large-area effects of GM-crop cultivation. Proceedings of the Third GMLS-Conference 2012 in Bremen. Theorie in der Ökologie 17. Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt (Germany), 159 pp.: 125-129.
  72. Weinmann, A.E., Rödder, D., Lötters,S. & Langer, M. (2013): Heading for new shores: Projecting marine distribution ranges of selected larger foraminifera. PLoS One, 8: e2182.
  73. Weiss, N., Zucchi, H. & Hochkirch, A. (2013): The effects of grassland management & aspect on Orthoptera diversity & abundance: Site conditions are as important as management. Biodiversity & Conservation 22: 2167-2178.
  74. Werner, P., Lötters, S. & Schmidt, B.R. (2013): Analysis of habitat determinants in a contact zone of parapatric European salamanders. Journal of Zoology 292: 31-38.
  75. Werner, P., Lötters, S., Schmidt, B.R., Engler, J.O. & Rödder, D. (2013): The role of climate for the range limits of parapatric European land salamanders. Ecography 36: 1127-1137.
  76. Weyer, J. & Schmitt, T. (2013): Knowing the way home: strong philopatry of a highly mobile insect species, Brenthis ino. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:1197-1208.
  77. Witzenberger, K.A., Hochkirch, A. (2013): Evaluating ex situ conservation projects: Genetic structure of the captive population of the Arabian sand cat. Mammalian Biology 78: 379-382.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Alvarez, N., Manel, S., Schmitt, T. & the IntraBioDiv Consortium (2012): Contrasting diffusion of Quaternary gene pools across Europe: The case of the arctic–alpine Gentiana nivalis L. (Gentianaceae). Flora 207: 408-413.
  2. Backes, K., Wesch, C. & Paulus, M. (2012): Die Entwicklung der Laufkäferzönosen an der Kyllmündung bei Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz). Dendrocopos 39: 77-86.
  3. Bergek, S., Franzén, F., Quack, M., Hochkirch, A., Kinitz, T., Prestegaard, T. & Appelberg, M. (2012): Panmixia in Zoarces viviparus: Implications for environmental monitoring studies. Journal of Fish Biology 80: 2302-2316.
  4. Bidinger, K., Lötters, S., Rödder, D. & Veith, M. (2012): Species distribution models for the alien invasive Asian Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Journal of Applied Entomology 136: 109-123.
  5. Chiari, Y., Van der Meijden, A., Mucedda, M., Lourenco, J., Hochkirch, A. & Veith, M. (2012): Phylogeography of Sardinian cave salamanders (genus Hydromantes) is mainly determined by geomorphology. PLosOne 7(3): e32332.
  6. Dänicke, C. & Weyer, J. (2012): Schutz des Grünlands durch Biotopverbund und -vernetzung in Zeiten des Landnutzungswandels. Natur und Recht 34: 153-161.
  7. De Keyser, R., Shreeve, T.G., Breuker, C.J., Hails, R. & Schmitt, T. (2012): Polyommatus icarus butterflies in the British Isles: evidence for a bottleneck. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107: 123-136.
  8. Elle, O. & Klein, N. (2012): Der Neuntöter Lanius collurio als Auslöser von Mobbing-Verhalten bei Singvögeln. Vogelwelt 133: 133-142.
  9. Falk, S., Brunn, H., Schröter-Kermani, C., Failing, K., Georgii, S., Tarricone, K. & Stahl, T. (2012): Temporal and spatial trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in liver of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Environ Poll 171: 1-8.
  10. Friedrichs, K. & Elle, O. (2012): Bruterfolg der Feldlerchen durch optimiertes Grünlandmanagement: Auswirkungen des Managementwandels durch die Eingliederung der Hochflächen des ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatzes "Vogelsang" in den Nationalpark Eifel. Natur in NRW 4/12: 38-42.
  11. Flecks, M., Weinsheimer, F., Böhme, W., Chenga, J., Lötters,S. &Rödder, D. (2012): Watching extinction: the dramatic population status of the Critically Endangered Tanzanian Turquoise Dwarf Gecko, Lygodactylus williamsi. Salamandra 48: 12-20.
  12. Gawor, A., Rauhaus, A., Karbe, D., van der Straeten, K., Lötters, S. & Ziegler, T. (2012): Is there a chance for conservation breeding? Ex situ management, reproduction and early life stages of the harlequin toad Atelopus flavescens Duméril & Bibron, 1841 (Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae). Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 5: 29-44.
  13. Gascon, C., Collins, J.P., Church, D.R., Moore, R.D., Andreone, F., Bishop, P., Biju, S.D., Bolaños, F., Xie, F., Li, P., Li, Z., Haitao, S., Lötters, S., Matamoros, Y., Meegaskumbura, M., Molur, S., Mitchell, P.N., Mora-Benavides, J.M., Garcia-Moreno, J., Randriamahazo, H., Reardon, J.T., Molina Rodriguez, C., Ron, S., Rowley, J.J.L., Silvano, D., Valdujo, P.H. & Verdade, V.K. (2012): Scaling a global plan into regional strategies for amphibian conservation. Alytes 29: 15-27.
  14. Gerlach J., Hoffman Black, S., Hochkirch, A., Jepsen, S., Seddon, M., Spector, S.& Williams, P. (2012): Terrestrial Invertebrate Life. In: Collen B., Böhm M., Kemp R., Baillie J.E.M. (eds.): Spineless - Status and trends of the world’s invertebrates. Zoological Society of London, UK: 46-56.
  15. Gillingham, P. K., Palmer, S. C. F., Huntley, B., Kunin, W. E., Chipperfield, J. D. & Thomas, C. D. (2012): The relative importance of climate and habitat in determining the distributions of species at different spatial scales: a case study with ground beetles in Great Britain. Ecography 35: 831-838.
  16. Habel, J.C. & Schmitt, T. (2012): The burden of genetic diversity. Biological Conservation 147: 270-274.
  17. Habel, J.C., Engler, J.O., Rödder, D. & Schmitt, T. (2012): Contrasting genetic and morphologic responses on recent population decline in two burnet moths (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Conservation Genetics 13: 1293-1304.
  18. Habel, J.C., Engler, J.O., Rödder, D. & Schmitt, T. (2012): Landscape genetics of a recent population extirpation in a burnet moth species. Conservation Genetics 13: 247-255.
  19. Habel, J.C., Husemann, M., Schmitt, T., Zachos, F.E., Honnen, A.-C., Petersen, B., Parmakelis, A. & Stathi, I. (2012): Microallopatry caused strong diversification in Buthus scorpions (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Atlas Mountains (NW Africa). PLoS ONE 7: e29403.
  20. Hahn, I.J., Hogeback, S., Römer, U. & Vergara, P.M. (2012): Biodiversity and biogeography of birds in Pacific Mexico along an isolation gradient from mainland Chamela via coastal Marias to oceanic Revillagigedo Islands. Vertebrate Zoology 62: 123-144.
  21. Hillen, J. & Veith, M. (2012): Mopsfledermäuse am Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn: Ergebnisse aus sieben Jahren Monitoring. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 128: 63-80.
  22. Hochkirch, A. & Gröning, J. (2012): Niche overlap in allotopic and syntopic populations of sexually interacting ground-hopper species. Insect Science 19: 391-402.
  23. Hochkirch, A., Mertes, T. & Rautenberg, J. (2012): Conspecific flowers of Sinapis arvensis are stronger competitors for pollinators than those of the invasive weed Bunias orientalis. Naturwissenschaften99: 217-224.
  24. Huck, S., Büdel, B. & Schmitt, T. (2012): Ice-age isolation, postglacial hybridization and recent population bottlenecks shape the genetic structure of Meum athamanticum in Central Europe. Flora 207: 399-407.
  25. Husemann, M., Schmitt, T., Stathi, I. & Habel, J.C. (2012): Evolution and radiation in the scorpion Buthus elmoutaouakili Lourenço & Qi, 2006 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains (North Africa). Journal of Heredity 103: 221-229.
  26. Husemann, M., Namkung, S., Habel, J.C., Danley, P.D. & Hochkirch, A. (2012): Phylogenetic analyses of band-winged grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Oedipodinae) reveal convergence of wing morphology. Zoological Scripta 41: 515-526.
  27. Ihlow, F., Dambach, J., Engler, J.O., Flecks, M., Hartmann, T., Nekum, S., Rajaei, H. & Rödder, D. (2012): On the brink to extinction: How climate change threatens global turtle diversity. Global Change Biology 18: 1520-1530.
  28. Klein, R., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Koschorreck, J., Paulus, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D., Wagner, G., Weimann, T. & Veith, M. (2012): Standardization of egg collection from aquatic birds for biomonitoring - a critical review. Environmental Science and Technology 46, 5273−5284.
  29. Kögel, S., Schieler, M. & Hoffmann, C., (2012): The ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) as a possible predator of grape phylloxera Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae). Eur. J. Entomol. 110(1): 123–128.
  30. Lange, R., Gerlach, T., Beninde, J., Werminghausen, J., Reichel, V. & Anthes, N. (2012): Female fitness optimum at intermediate mating rates under traumatic mating. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43234.
  31. Langer, M.R., Weinmann, A.E., Lötters, S., & Rödder, D. (2012): “Strangers” in paradise: modeling the biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. Foraminiferal Research 42: 234-244.
  32. Lötters, S., Kielgast, J., Sztatecsny, M., Wagner, N., Schulte, U., Werner, P., Rödder, D., Dambach, J., Reissner, T., Hochkirch, A. &Schmidt, B.R. (2012): Absence of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus in the terrestrial Alpine salamander, Salamandra atra. Salamandra 48: 58-62.
  33. Malonza, P.K. & Veith, M. (2012): Amphibian community along elevational and habitat disturbance gradients in the Taita Hills, Kenya. Herpetotropicos 7: 7-16.
  34. Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, …, Hochkirch, A., …, Kinitz, T., …, Quack, M.,… Veith, M. …et al. (2012): Permanent genetic resources added to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 October 2011 - 30 November 2011. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 374-376.
  35. Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Altmann, C.,…, Hochkirch, A., …, Schmitt, T., …, Weyer, J.,… Veith, M. …et al. (2012): Permanent genetic resources added to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 March 2012 - 30 April 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 972-974.
  36. Pabijan, M., Wollenberg, K.C. & Vences, M. (2012): Small body size increases the regional differentiation of populations of tropical mantellid frogs (Anura: Mantellidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2310-2324.
  37. Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Quack, M. & Klein, R. (2012): Monitoring of hexabromocyclododecane diastereomers in fish from European freshwaters and estuaries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19: 772-783.
  38. Römer, U., Beninde, J., Duponchelle, F., Vela Díaz, A., Ortega, H., Hahn, I., Soares, D.P., Díaz Cachay, C., García Dávila, C.R., Sirvas Cornejo, S. & Renno, J.-F- (2012): Description of Apistogramma allpahuayo sp. n., a new dwarf cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from in and around the Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, Loreto, Peru. Vertebrate Zoology 62: 189-212.
  39. Sandy, S., Brunn, H., Schröter-Kermani, C., Failing, K., Georgii, S., Tarricone, K. & Stahl, T. (2012): Temporal and spatial trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in liver of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Environmental Pollution 171: 1-8.
  40. Schmitt, T. & Varga, Z. (2012): Extra-Mediterranean refugia: The rule and not the exception? Frontiers in Zoology 9: 22.
  41. Schmitt, T. & Zimmermann, M. (2012): To hybridise or not to hybridise: what separates two genetic lineages of the Chalk-hill Blue Polyommatus coridon (Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera) along their secondary contact zone throughout eastern Central Europe? Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 50: 106-115.
  42. Schulte, U., Gassert, F., Geniez, P., Veith, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2012): Origin and genetic diversity of an invasive wall lizard population and its cryptic congener. Amphibia-Reptilia 33: 129-140.
  43. Schulte, U., Hochkirch, A., Lötters, S., Rödder, D., Schweiger, S., Weimann, T. & Veith,M. (2012): Cryptic niche conservatism among evolutionary lineages of an invasive lizard. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 198-211.
  44. Schulte, U., Kirchhof, S., Wagner, N. (2012): Populationsgröße, Abundanzen und Habitatnutzung einer Schlingnatter-Population (Coronella austriaca) bei Trier. - Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 19: 185-200.
  45. Schulte, U., Veith, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2012): Rapid genetic assimilation of native wall lizard populations (Podarcis muralis) through extensive hybridization with introduced lineages. Molecular Ecology 21: 4313-4326.
  46. Strunk, H., Hochkirch, A., Veith, M., Hankeln, T. & Emmerling, C. (2012): Isolation and characterization of eleven polymorphic microsatellite markers for the earthworm Aporrectodea longa (Ude). European Journal of Soil Biology 48: 56-58.
  47. Subedi, B., Du, B., Chambliss, C.K., Koschorreck, J., Rüdel, H., Quack, M., Brooks, B.W., Usenko, S. (2012): Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in German Fish Tissue: A National Study. Environmental Science & Technology 46 (16): 9047-9054.
  48. Trautmann, S., Lötters, S., Ott, J., Buse, J., Filz, K., Rödder, D., Wagner, N., Jaeschke, A., Schulte, U., Veith, M., Griebeler, E.-M., Böhning-Gaese, K. (2012): Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten. In: Stribrny B., Krohmer B., Schaller M. (eds.): Statusreport „Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland“, pp. 260-289. WBG Press.
  49. Viertel, B., M. Veith, S. Schick, A. Channing, S. Kigoolo, O. Baeza-Urrea, U. Sinsch & Lötters, S. (2012): The stream-dwelling larva of the Ruwenzori river frog, Amietia ruwenzorica, its oral cavity and pathology of chytridiomycosis. Zootaxa 3400: 43-57.
  50. Veith, M., Baumgart, A., Dubois, A., Ohler, A., Galán, P., Vieites, D.R., Nieto-Román, S. & Vences, M. (2012): Discordant patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial introgression in Iberian populations of the Common frog. Journal of Heredity 103: 240-249.
  51. Veith, M., Bonn, S., Sander, U., Albrech, J. & Poschlod, P. (2012): Nachhaltige Entwicklung xerothermer Hanglagen am Beispiel des Mittelrheintals. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 121, 357 S. Bonn.
  52. Wagner, N. (2012): Occupation of Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta manachus) nest cavities by House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Boletín SAO 20: 72-78.
  53. Weyer, J., Weinberger, J. & Hochkirch,A. (2012): Mobility and microhabitat utilization in a flightless wetland grasshopper, Chorthippus montanus (Charpentier, 1825). Journal of Insect Conservation16: 379-390.
  54. Wollenberg, K.C., Glaw, F. & Vences, M. (2012): Revision of the little brown frogs in the Gephyromantis decaryi complex with description of a new species. Zootaxa 3421: 32–60.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Angetter, L.-S., Rödder, D. & Lötters, S. (2011): Climate niche shift in invasive species: the case of the brown anole. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104: 943-954.
  2. Beierkuhnlein, C., Jentsch, A., Hahn, I. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Natürliche Laboratorien der Biogeographie – Inseln: Ursprung der Vielfalt. Biologie in unserer Zeit, 41: 384-394.
  3. Bernard R., Heiser, M., Hochkirch A. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Genetic homogeneity of the sedgling Nehalennia speciosa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) indicates a single East Asian Würm glacial refugium and trans-Palaearctic postglacial expansion. Journal ofZoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 49: 292-297.
  4. Bidinger, K., S. Lötters, M. Veith, D. Rödder, C. Krahmer, J. Amelong, P. Reiff & Hendler, R. (2011): Wer haftet für Folgeschäden von Neozoen? Das Problem des Asiatischen Marienkäfers. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 43: 133-137.
  5. Brown, J.L., Twomey, E., Amézquita, A., Barbosa de Souza, M., Caldwell, J.P., Lötters, S., von May, R., Melo-Sampaio, P.R., Mejia-Vargas, D., Perez-Peña, P., Pepper, M., Poelman, E.H., Sanchez-Rodriguez, M. & Summers, K. (2011): A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical poison frog genus Ranitomeya (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae). Zootaxa, 3083: 1-120.
  6. Dapporto, L., Habel, J.C., Dennis, R.L.H. & Schmitt, T. (2011): The biogeography of the western Mediterranean: elucidating contradictory distribution patterns of differentiation in Maniola jurtina (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103: 571-577.
  7. Dapporto, L., Schmitt, T., Vila, V., Scalercio, S., Biermann, H., Dinca, V., Gayubo, S.F., González, J.A., Lo Cascio, P. & Dennis, R.L.H. (2011): The phylogeographic island disequilibrium: Evidence for macroecology dynamics in Mediterranean butterflies. Journal of Biogeography 38: 854-867.
  8. Drees, C., Brandmayr, P., Buse, J., Dieker, P., Gürlich, S., Habel, J., Harry, I., Härdtle, W., Matern, A., Meyer, H., Pizzolotto, R., Quante, M., Schäfer, K., Schuldt, A., Taboada, A. & Assmann, T. (2011): Poleward range expansion without southern contraction in Agonumviridicupreum (Coleoptera: Carabidae). ZooKeys 100: 333-352.
  9. Elle, O.,Engler, J., Lemke, H., Böhm, N. & Twietmeyer, S. (2011): Biogeographische Grundlagenforschung: Das Orpheusspötterprojekt Trier. Der Falke 58: 454-456.
  10. Engler, J. & Heyne, K-H. (2011): Seltener Gruß aus dem Osten! Erstnachweis eines Steppenkiebitzes ( Vanellus gregarius) für die Region Trier. Dendrocopos 38: 85-90.
  11. Engler, J., Abt, K. & Buhk, C. (2011): Seed characteristics and germination limitations in the highly invasive Fallopia japonica s.l. (Polygonaceae). Ecological Research 26: 555-562.
  12. Greiser, G., Martin, I., Keuling, O., Strauss, E., Wenezelides, L., Klein, R., Bartel-Steinbach, M. & Winter, A. (2011): Erfassungen von Rotfuchs (Vulpes vulpes) und Dachs (Meles meles) im Rahmen des Projektes „Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands“ (WILD). Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 36: 287-295.
  13. Habel, J., Finger, A., Schmitt, T. & Nève, G. (2011): Changing over time: 15 years of isolation influence the population genetic structure of the endangered butterfly Lycaenahelle. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 49: 25-31.
  14. Habel, J.C., Lens, L., Rödder, D. & Schmitt, T. (2011): From Africa to Europe and back: refugia and range shifts cause high genetic differentiation in the Marbled White butterfly Melanargia galathea. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 215.
  15. Habel, J.C., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Der biologische Wert peripherer Populationen am Beispiel der Tagfalterarten Lycaena helle und Parnassius apollo. Entomologie heute, 23: 93-102.
  16. Habel, J., Rödder, D., Schmitt, T. & Nève, G. (2011): Global warming will affect genetic diversity of Lycaenahelle populations. Global Change Biology 17: 194-205.
  17. Habel, J.C., Engler, J., Rödder, D. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Biogeographical dynamics of the Spanish Marbled White Melanargia ines (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) in the western Mediterranean: does the Atlanto-Mediterranean refuge exist? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104: 828-837.
  18. Heym, A., Deichsel, G., Hochkirch, A., Werner, G., Veith, M. & Schulte, U. (2011): Etablierung eingeschleppter Mauereidechsen (Podarcis muralis) zu Lasten heimischer Zauneidechsen? Elaphe 19(4): 26-29.
  19. Hillen, J., Kaster, T., Pahle, J., Kiefer, A., Elle, O., Griebeler, E.-M. & Veith, M. (2011): Sex-specific habitat selection in an edge specialist, the western barbastelle bat. Annales Zoologici Fennici 48: 180-190.
  20. Hochkirch, A. & Lemke, I. (2011): Asymmetric mate choice and hybrid fitness in two sympatric grasshopper species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 1637-1645.
  21. Husemann, M., Ray, J. & Hochkirch,A. (2011): A revision of the subgenus Parasphingonotus Benediktov & Husemann, 2009 (Orthoptera: Oedipodinae: Sphingonotini). Zootaxa 2916: 51-61.
  22. Keuling, O., Greiser, G., Grauer, A., Strauß, E., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R., Wenzelides, L. & Winter, A. (2011): The German wildlife information system (WILD): population densities and den use of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and badgers (Meles meles) during 2003–2007 in Germany. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 95-105.
  23. Lötters, S., van der Meijden, A., Coloma, L.A., Boistel, R., Cloetens, P., Ernst, R., Lehr, E. & Veith, M. (2011): Assessing the molecular phylogeny of a near extinct group of vertebrates: the Neotropical harlequin frogs (Bufonidae; Atelopus). Systematics and Biodiversity 9: 45-57.
  24. Lötters, S., Ellwein, D., Karbe, D., van der Straeten, K., Luger, M., Rautenberg, J., Rödder, D., Venegas, P.J., Werner,P. & Ziegler, T. (2011): Erforschung und Schutz der letzten Harlekinfrösche. Elaphe 19: 6-11.
  25. Lötters, S., Rödder, D., Kielgast, J. & Glaw, F. (2011): Hotspots, conservation and diseases: Madagascar's megadiverse amphibians and the potential impact of chytridiomycosis. In: Zachos, F. & J. Habel (eds): Biodiversity hotspots. Distribution and protection of conservation. Springer Verlag, Berlin etc. (Germany), 546 pp.: 255-274.
  26. Nagel, P. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Nachruf auf Paul Müller 11.10.1940 – 30.05.2010. Zoologie 2011: 46-50.
  27. Rákosy, L. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Are butterflies and moths suitable ecological indicator systems for restoration measures of semi-natural calcareous grassland habitats? Ecological Indicators 11: 1040-1045.
  28. Rödder, D., Böhme, W. & Lötters,S. (2011): ‘Chamaliens’ on the Hawaiian Islands: spatial risk assessment for the invasive Jackson's chameleon (Chamaeleonidae). Salamandra 47: 36-42.
  29. Rödder, D. & Engler, J. (2011): Quantitative metrics of overlaps in Grinnellian niches: advances and possible drawbacks. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 915-927.
  30. Rödder, D., Lötters, S., Öz, M., Bogaerts, S., Eleftherakos, K. & Veith, M. (2011): A novel method to calculate climatic niche similarity among species with restricted ranges – the case of terrestrial Lycian salamanders. Organism, Diversity & Evolution, 11:409-423.
  31. Rödder, D., Schmidtlein, S., Schick, S. & Lötters, S. (2011): Climate envelope models in systematics and evolutionary research: theory and practice. In: Hodkinson, T., M.B. Jones, S. Waldren & J.A.N. Parnell (eds): Climate change, ecology and systematics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 524 pp.: 243-264.
  32. Römer, U., Beninde, J. & Hahn, I. (2011): Apistogramma playayacu sp. n.: Description of a new cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from the Rio Napo system, Ecuador. Vertebrate Zoology 61: 321-333.
  33. Römer, U., Duponchelle, F., Vela Diaz, A., Garcia Davilla, C., Sirvas, S., Diaz Catchay, C. & Renno, J.-F. (2011): Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n.: Description of a potentially endangered endemic cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) from the Departamento Loreto, Peru. Vertebrate Zoology 61: 3-23.
  34. Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Bartel-Steinbach, M. & Koschorreck, J. (2011): Survey of patterns, levels, and trends of perfluorinated compounds in aquatic organisms and bird eggs from representative German ecosystems. Environmetnal Science and Pollution Research DOI 10.1007/s11356-011-0501-9.
  35. Schmitt, T. (2011): Schmetterlinge – wer kommt, wer geht? Einwanderungsrouten nach Mitteleuropa. Biologie in unserer Zeit 41: 324-332.
  36. Schulte, U., Bidinger, K., Deichsel, G., Hochkirch, A., Thiesmeier, B. & Veith, M. (2011): Verbreitung, geografische Herkunft und naturschutzrechtliche Aspekte allochthoner Vorkommen der Mauereidechse(Podarcis muralis) in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie18: 161-180.
  37. Schulte, U., Gebhard, F., Heinz, L., Veith, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2011): Buccal swabs as a reliable non-invasive tissue sampling method for DNA analysis in lacertid lizards. Northwestern Journal of Zoology 7: 325-328.
  38. Schulte, U., Hochkirch, A., Mayer, W., Schweiger, S. & Veith, M. (2011): Multipler Ursprung allochthoner Mauereidechsen (Podarcismuralis) in Kamenz. Veröff. Mus. Westlausitz Kamenz 30 (2010): 65-68.
  39. Schulte, L.M., Yaeger, J., Schulte, R., Veith, M.,Werner, P., Beck, L.A. & Lötters, S. (2011): The smell of success: choice of larva rearing sites by means of chemical cues in a Peruvian poison frog (Ranitomeya variabilis). Animal Behaviour 81: 1147-1154.
  40. Schulte, L.M., Yeager, J., Schulte, R., Veith, M., Werner, P., Beck, L.A. & Lötters,S. (2011): The smell of success: choice of larval rearing sites by means of chemical cues in a Peruvian poison frog. FrogLog 96: 38-39.
  41. Sinama, M., Dubut, V., Costedoat, C., Gilles, A., Junker, M., Malausa, T., Martin, J.-F., Nève, G., Pech, N., Schmitt, T., Zimmermann, M. & Meglécz, E. (2011): Challenge for microsatellite development in Lepidoptera: Euphydryas aurinia Rottemburg, 1775 (Nymphalidae) as a case study. European Journal of Entomology 108: 261-266.
  42. Stiels, D., Schidelko, K., Engler, J.O., van den Elzen, R. & Rödder, D. (2011): Predicting the potential distribution of the invasive common waxbill Estrildaastrild (Passeriformes: Estrildidae). Journal of Ornithology 152: 769-780.
  43. Teubner, D., Tarricone, K., Veith, M., Wagner, G., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R., Körner, A., Quack, M. & Paulus, M. (2011): Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank. Ecological Indicators 11: 1487-1489.
  44. Twietmeyer, S., Lemke, H., Engler, J., Böhm, N. & Elle, O. (2011): Vogelberingung und Ringfunde in der Region Trier. Bericht über die Aktivitäten der Beringergemeinschaft Trier in den Jahren 2007-2010, sowie Ringfunde aus den Jahren 2002 bis einschließlich Februar 2011. Dendrocopos 38: 111-126.
  45. Veith, M., Mucedda, M., Kiefer, A. & Pidinchedda, E. (2011): On the presence of pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus and Hypsugo; Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Sardinia. Acta Chiropterologica13: 89-99.
  46. Vila, M., Marí-Mena, N., Guerrero, A. & Schmitt, T. (2011): Some butterflies do not care much about topography: a single genetic lineage of Erebia euryale (Nymphalidae) along the N Iberian mountains. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 49: 114-132.
  47. Wagner, N., Pellet, J., Lötters, S., Schmidt, B.R. & Schmitt, T. (2011): The superpopulation approach for estimating the population size of 'prolonged' breeding amphibians: Examples from Europe. Amphibia-Reptilia 32: 323-332.
  48. Werner, P., Elle, O., Schulte, L.M. & Lötters,S. (2011): Home range behaviour in male and female poison frogs in Amazonian Peru (Dendrobatidae: Ranitomeya reticulata). Journal of Natural History 45: 15-27.
  49. Witzenberger, K.A. & Hochkirch,A. (2011): Ex situ conservation genetics: A review of molecular studies on the genetic consequences of captive breeding programmes for endangered animal species. Biodiversity and Conservation20: 1843-1861.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Barbosa Ferreira, R., Silva-Soares, T. & Rödder, D. (2010): Amphibians of Vitória, an urban area in south-eastern Brazil: first approximation. Salamandra 46: 187-196.
  2. Bernard, R. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Genetic poverty of an extremely specialized wetland species, Nehalenniaspeciosa: implications for conservation (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 100: 405-413.
  3. Engelking, B., Römer, U. & Beisenherz, W. (2012): Intraspecific colour preference in mate choice by female Apistogramma cacatuoides Hoedeman, 1951 (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae). Vertebrate Zoology 60: 199-208.
  4. Exeler, N., Kratochwil, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2010): Does recent habitat fragmentation affect the population genetics of a heathland specialist, Andrenafuscipes (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae)? Conservation Genetics 11: 1679-1687.
  5. Grein, G., u. M. v. Hochkirch, A., Schröder, K. & Clausnitzer, H.-J. (2010): Fauna der Heuschrecken (Caelifera & Ensifera) in Niedersachsen. Naturschutz und Landschafts­pflege in Niedersachsen 46: 184.
  6. Greiser, G., Keuling, O., Nösel, H., Wenzelides, L., Klein, R., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Strauss, E. & Winter, A. (2010): Fuchs- und Dachserhebungen im Rahmen des „Wildtier-Informationsystems der Länder Deutschlands“ (WILD). Artenschutzreport 26: 7- 11.
  7. Habel, J. & Assmann, T. (2010): Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology. Springer, Heidelberg.
  8. Habel, J., Assmann, T., Schmitt, T. & Avise, J. (2010): Relict species: from past to future In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 1-5. Springer, Heidelberg.
  9. Habel, J., Augenstein, B., Nève, G., Rödder, D. & Assmann, T. (2010): Population genetics and ecological niche modelling reveal high fragmentation and potential future extinction of the endangered relict butterfly Lycaenahelle. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 417-440. Springer, Heidelberg.
  10. Habel, J., Drees, C., Schmitt, T. & Assmann, T. (2010): Review: Refugial areas and postglacial colonisations in the Western Palearctic In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 189-197 Springer, Heidelberg.
  11. Habel, J., Ivinskis, P. & Schmitt, T. (2010): On the limit of altitudinal range shifts - population genetics of relict butterfly populations. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56: 383-393.
  12. Habel, J., Rödder, D., Stefano, S., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Strong genetic cohesiveness between Italy and the Maghreb in four butterfly species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99: 818-830.
  13. Habel, J., Schmitt, T. & Assmann, T. (2010) Relict species: Some concluding remarks. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 441-442. Springer, Heidelberg.
  14. Habel, J. C., Junker, M. & Schmitt, T. (2010): High dispersal ability and low genetic differentiation in the widespread butterfly species Melanargiagalathea. Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 467–478.
  15. Habel, J. C., Schmitt, T., Meyer, M., Finger, A., Rödder, D., Assmann, T. & Zachos, F. E. (2010): Biogeography meets conservation: the genetic structure of the endangered lycaenid butterfly Lycaenahelle (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101: 155-168.
  16. Hahn, I., Römer, U. & Vergara, P. (2010): Conserving Chile’s most critically endangered bird species: First data on foraging, feeding, and food items of the Másafuera Rayadito (Aves: Furnariidae. Vertebrate Zoology 60: 233-242.
  17. Hahn, I., Römer, U. & Vergara, P. (2010): Description of Dicrossus foirni sp. n. and Dicrossus warzeli n. sp. (Teleosti: Perciformes: Cichlidae), two new cichlid species from the Rio Negro and the Rio Tapajós, Amazone drainage, Brazil. Vertebrate Zoology 60: 123-138.
  18. Hammouti, N., Schmitt, T., Seitz, A., Kosuch, J. & Veith, M. (2010): Combining mitochondrial and nuclear evidences: A refined evolutionary history of Erebiamedusa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in Central Europe based on the COI gene. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 48: 115 - 125.
  19. Heiser, M. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Do different dispersal capacities influence the biogeography of the western Palearctic dragonflies (Odonata)? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99: 177-195.
  20. Hendler, R., Rödder, D. & Veith, M. (2010): Flexibilisierung des Schutzgebietsnetzes Natura 2000 vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Natur und Recht 32: 685-692.
  21. Hendrix, R., Hauswaldt, J., Veith, M. & Steinfartz, S. (2010): Strong correlation between cross amplification success and genetic distance across all members of ‘True Salamanders’ (Amphibia: Salamandridae) revealed by Salamandrasalamandra-specific microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 1038-1047.
  22. Hillen, J., Angetter, L., Günther, L. & Molitor, F. (2010): Habitatnutzung einer Kolonie der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotisbechsteinii) im NSG "Wawerner Bruch". Dendrocopos 37: 19-42.
  23. Hillen, J., Kiefer, A. & Veith, M. (2010): Interannual fidelity to roosting habitat and flight paths by female western barbastelle bats. Acta Chiropterologica 12: 187-195.
  24. Hochkirch, A. (2010): Niche conservatism among allopatric species of the grasshopper genus Afrophlaeoba Jago, 1983 in the Eastern Arc Mountains (Tanzania). In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 145-158. Springer, Heidelberg.
  25. Jakob, S.S., Heibl, C., Rödder, D. & Blattner, F.R. (2010): Population demography influences climatic niche evolution: evidence from diploid American Hordeum species (Poaceae). Molecular Ecology 19: 1423-1438.
  26. Junker, M. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Demography, dispersal and movement pattern of Euphydryasaurinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) at the Iberian Peninsula: An alarming example in an increasingly fragmented landscape? Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 237-246.
  27. Junker, M., Wagner, S., Gros, P. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Changing demography and dispersal behaviour: ecological adaptations in an alpine butterfly. Oecologia 164: 971-980.
  28. Kadlec, T., Vrba, P., Kepka, P., Schmitt, T. & Konvička, M. (2010): Tracking the decline of once-common butterfly: delayed oviposition, demography and population genetics in the Hermit, Chazarabriseis. Animal Conservation 13: 172-183.
  29. Keuling, O., Greiser, G., Grauer, A., Strauß, E., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R. Wenzelides, L. & Winter, A. (2011): The German wildlife information system (WILD): population densities and den use of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and badgers (Meles meles) during 2003–2007 in Germany. Eur. J. Wildl. Res. 57: 95–105.
  30. Kielgast, J., Rödder, D.,Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2010): Widespread occurrence of the amphibian chytrid fungus in Kenya. Animal Conservation 13: 1-8.
  31. Kirchhof, S., Krämer, M., Linden, J. & Richter, K. (2010): The reptile species assemblage of the Soutpansberg (Limpopo Province, South Africa) and its characteristics. Salamandra 46: 147-166.
  32. Klein, R. (2010): Das Graduiertenkolleg „Verbesserung von Normsetzung und Normanwendung im integrierten Umweltschutz durch naturwissenschaftliche Kooperation“ an der Universität Trier - Ein erster Erfahrungsbericht. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff- Forschung 22: 91-93.
  33. Kohlmann, B., Roderus, D., Elle, O., Solís, A., Soto, X. & Russo, R. (2010): Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identified hotspots (Araceae, Bromeliaceae, and Scarabaeinae) and conservation priority life zones. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 81: 511-559.
  34. Konvička, M., Benes, J. & Schmitt, T. (2010) Ecological limits vis-à-vis changing climate: relic Erebia butterflies in insular Sudetan mountains. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 341-355 Springer, Heidelberg.
  35. Kühne, G. & Schmitt, T. (2010): Genotype shifts along one generation of the blue butterfly Polyommatuscoridon without changes in allele frequencies. Annales Zoologici Fennici 47: 278-286.
  36. Lötters, S., van der Meijden, A.,Rödder, D., Köster, T., Kraus, T., La Marca, E., Haddad, C. & Veith, M. (2010): Reinforcing and expanding the predictions of the disturbance vicariance hypothesis in Amazonian harlequin frogs: a molecular phylogenetic and climate envelope modelling approach. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 2125-2146.
  37. Malonza, P.K., Lötters, S. & Measey, G.J. (2010): The montane forest associated amphibian species of the Taita Hills, Kenya. Journal of East African Natural History 99: 47-63.
  38. Michl, T., Dengler, J. & Huck, S. (2010): Montane-subalpine tall-herb vegetation (Mulgedio-Aconitetea) in central Europe: large-scale synthesis and comparison with northern Europe. Phytocoenologia 40: 117-154.
  39. Michl, T., Huck, S., Schmitt, T., Liebrich, A., Haase, P. & Büdel, B. (2010): The molecular population structure of the tall forb Cicerbitaalpina (Asteraceae) supports the idea of cryptic glacial refugia in central Europe. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164: 142-154.
  40. Paula Lima, J., Rödder, D. & Solé, M. (2010): Diet of two sympatric species of Phyllomedusa (Anura: Hylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 6: 13-24.
  41. Paulus, M., Quack, M., Teubner, D., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Klein, R., Tarricone, K., Wagner, G., Körner, A. & Veith, M. (2010): Climate impact research - contributions and options of the German ESB. In: Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Specimen Bank, (Isobe, T., Nomiyama, K., Subramanian, A. & Tanabe, S., eds.). pp. 95-101. Terrapub.
  42. Rödder, D. & Dambach, J. (2010): Bioclimatic models as predictive GIS tools for the identification of potential refugia and possible migration pathways. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 373-384. Springer, Heidelberg.
  43. Rödder, D. & Dambach, J. (2010): Review: Modelling future trends of relict species. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 373-384. Springer, Heidelberg.
  44. Rödder, D., Engler, J. O., Bonke, R., Weinsheimer, F. & Pertel, W. (2010): Fading of the last giants: an assessment of habitat availability of the Sunda gharial Tomistomaschlegelii and coverage with protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20: 678-684.
  45. Rödder, D., Hawlitschek, O. & Glaw, F. (2010): Environmental niche plasticity of Phelsumaparkeri from Pemba Island, Tanzania: implications for conservation. Tropical Zoology 23: 35-49.
  46. Rödder, D., Kielgast, J. & Lötters, S. (2010): Future potential distribution of the emerging amphibian chytrid fungus under anthropogenic climate change. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 92: 201-207
  47. Rödder, D. & Lötters, S. (2010): Explanative power of variables used in species distribution modelling: an issue of general model transferability or niche shift in the invasive Greenhouse frog (Eleutherodactylusplanirostris). Naturwissenschaften 97: 781-796.
  48. Rödder, D. & Lötters, S. (2010): Potential distribution of the alien invasive Brown tree snake, Boigairregularis (Reptilia: Colubridae). Pacific Science 64: 11-22.
  49. Rödder, D., Schlüter, A. & Lötters, S. (2010): Is the ‘Lost World’ lost? High endemism of the South American tepuis in a changing climate. In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 401-416. Springer, Heidelberg.
  50. Rödder, D. & Schulte, U. (2010): Amphibien und Reptilien im anthropogenen Klimawandel: Was wissen wir und was erwarten wir? Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 17: 1-22.
  51. Rödder, D. & Schulte, U. (2010): Potential loss of genetic variability despite well established network of reserves: the case of the Iberian endemic lizard Lacertaschreiberi. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 2651–2666.
  52. Rödder, D., Weinsheimer, F. & Lötters, S. (2010): Molecules meet macroecology - combining Species Distribution Models and phylogeographic studies. Zootaxa 2426: 54-60.
  53. Römer, U., Hahn, I. J. & Vergara, P. M. (2010): Description of Dicrossus foirni sp. n. and Dicrossuswarzeli sp. n. (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae), two new cichlid species from the Rio Negro and the Rio Tapajós, Amazon drainage, Brazil. Vertebrate Zoology 60: 123-138.
  54. Rüdel, H., Müller, J., Jürling, H., Paulus, M. & Schröter-Kermani, C. (2010): Retrospektives Monitoring von Perfluorierten Verbindungen (PFCs) in archivierten Silbermöweneiern. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie 16: 64-66.
  55. Schick, S., Kielgast, J., Rödder, D., Muchai, V., Burger, M. & Lötters, S. (2010): New species of reed frog from the Congo basin with discussion of paraphyly in Cinnamon-belly reed frogs. Zootaxa 2501: 23-36.
  56. Schick, S., Zimkus, B. M., Channing, A., Köhler, J. & Lötters, S. (2010): Systematics of 'Little Brown Frogs' from East Africa: recognition of Phrynobatrachusscheffleri and description of a new species from the Kakamega Forest, Kenya (Amphibia: Phrynobatrachidae). Salamandra 46: 24-36.
  57. Schmitt, T. & Besold, J. (2010): Up-slope movements and large scale expansions: The taxonomy and biogeography of the Coenonymphaarcania-darwiniana-gardetta butterfly species complex. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 159: 890-904.
  58. Schmitt, T., Muster, C. & Schönswetter, P. (2010): Are disjunct alpine and arctic-alpine animal and plant species in the western Palaearctic really 'relics of a cold past'? In: Relict species - phylogeography and conservation biology, (Habel, J. & Assmann, T., eds.). pp. 239-252 Springer, Heidelberg.
  59. Schmitt, T. & Schreiber, H. 2010. Nachruf Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Paul Müller (1940-2010). Abhandlungen der Delattinia 35/36: 585-591.
  60. Schulte, L. M., Rödder, D., Schulte, R. & Lötters, S. (2010): Preference and competition for breeding plants in coexisting Ranitomeya species (Dendrobatidae): does height play a role? Salamandra 46: 180-184.
  61. Schulte, U. & Köhler, G. (2010): Microhabitat selection in the spiny-tailed iguana Ctenosaurabakeri on Utila Island, Honduras. Salamandra 46: 141-146.
  62. Ujvárosi, L., Bálint, M., Schmitt, T., Mészáros, N., Ujvárosi, T. & Popescu, O. (2010): Divergence and speciation in the Carpathians area: patterns of morphological and genetic diversity of the crane fly Pediciaocculta (Diptera: Pediciidae). Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 1075-1088.
  63. Weimann, C., Klein, R., Emmermacher, C. & Marburger, P. (2010): Beobachtung möglicher Umweltauswirkungen durch gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen: Monitoring als Frühwarnsystem zur Vermeidung von Umweltschäden? Natur und Recht 32: 229-236.
  64. Weinsheimer, F., Mengistu, A. & Rödder, D. (2010): Potential distribution of threatened Leptopelis ssp. (Anura, Arthroleptidae) in Ethiopia derived from climate and land-cover data. Endangered Species Research 9: 117-124.
  65. Werner, P. (2010): Habitatnutzung bei Pfeilgiftfröschen im amazonischen Tieflandregenwald in Peru. Elaphe 18: 15-19.
  66. Wibbelt, G., Kurth, A., Hellmann, D., Weishaar, M., Barlow, A., Veith, M., Prüger, J., Görföl, T., Grosche, L., Bontadina, F., Zöphel, U., Seidl, H.-P., Cryan, P. M. & Blehert, D.S. (2010): White-nose syndrome fungus (Geomycesdestructans) in bats, Europe. Emerging Infectious Diseases 16: 1237-1242.
  67. Zimkus, B. & Schick, S. (2010): Light at the end of the tunnel: insights into the molecular systematics of East African puddle frogs (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae). Systematics and Biodiversity 8: 39-47.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Abt, K. & Engler, J. (2009): Rapid increase of the grey seal (Halichoerusgrypus) breeding stock at Helgoland. Helgoland Marine Research 63: 177-180.
  2. Bonn, S., Albrech, J., Bylebyl, K., Driessen, N., Poschlod, P., Sander, U. & Veith, M. (2009): Mechanische Störungen als Ersatz für natürliche Dynamik? Jahrbuch für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 57: 306-314.
  3. Bonn, S., Albrech, J., Bylebyl, K., Driessen, N., Poschlod, P., Sander, U. & Veith, M. (2009) Offenlandmanagement mit Panzerketten. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 73: 189-205.
  4. Bwong, B. A., Chira, R., Schick, S., Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2009): Diversity of Ridged frogs (Ptychadenidae: Ptychadena) in the easternmost remnant of the Guineo-Congolian rain forest: an analysis using morphology, bioacoustics and molecular genetics. Salamandra 45: 129-146.
  5. Dennis, R. & Schmitt, T. (2009): Faunal structures, phylogeography and historical inference. In: Ecology of Butterflies in Europe, (Settele, J., Shreeve, T. G., Konvicka, M. & van Dyck, H., eds.). pp. 250-280. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  6. Elle, O., Twietmeyer, S., Lemke, H., Engler, J. & Roderus, D. (2009): Gibt es eine spezifisch periphere Arealdynamik? Konzeption und erste Ergebnisse einer Studie an südwestdeutschen Orpheusspöttern Hippolais polyglotta. Vogelwarte 47: 312-313.
  7. Engler, J. (2009): Neuer Nachweis einer Population der Geburtshelferkröte (Alytes obstreticans) im Kreis Trier-Saarburg. Dendrocopos 36: 49-52.
  8. Engler, J. & Twietmeyer, S. (2009): Nachweis einer Buchenkeulhornblattwespe (Cimbex fagi) im Hunsrück. Dendrocopos 36: 87-94.
  9. Exeler, N., Kratochwil, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2009): Restoration of riverine inland sand dunes: Implications for the conservation of wild bees (Apoidea). Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 1097-1105.
  10. Finger, A., Schmitt, T., Zachos, F., Meyer, M., Assmann, T. & Habel, J. (2009): Surviving on mountain islands: the genetic status of the endangered boreal relict butterfly Lycaenahelle in Central Europe. Ecography 32: 382-390.
  11. Grauer, A., Greiser, G., Keuling, O., Klein, R., Strauß, E., Wenzelides, L. & Winter, A. (2009): Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands. Status und Entwicklung ausgewählter Wildtierarten in Deutschland. Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband e.V. Bonn: 78.
  12. Habel, J., Dieker, P. & Schmitt, T. (2009): Biogeographical connections between the Maghreb and the Mediterranean peninsulas of southern Europe. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 693-703.
  13. Habel, J., Meyer, M. & Schmitt, T. (2009): The genetic consequence of differing ecological demands of a generalist and a specialist butterfly species. Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 1895-1908.
  14. Habel, J. & Schmitt, T. (2009): The genetic consequences of different dispersal behaviours in Lycaenid butterfly species. Bulletin of Entomological Research 99: 513-523.
  15. Habel, J., Zachos, F., Finger, A., Meyer, M., Louy, D., Assmann, T. & Schmitt, T. (2009): Unprecedented long-term genetic monomorphism in an endangered relict butterfly species. Conservation Genetics 10: 1659–1665.
  16. Hahn, I., Römer, U., Vergara, P. & Walter, H. (2009): Biogeography, diversity, and conservation of the birds of the Juan Fernández Island, Chile. Vertebrate Zoology 59: 103-114.
  17. Hillen, J., Kiefer, A. & Veith, M. (2009): Foraging site fidelity shapes the spatial organisation of a population of female western barbastelle bats. Biological Conservation 142: 817-823.
  18. Hochkirch, A. & Damerau, M. (2009): Rapid range expansion of a wing-dimorphic bush-cricket after the 2003 climatic anomaly. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97: 118-127.
  19. Hochkirch, A. & Görzig, Y. (2009): Colonization and speciation on volcanic islands: phylogeography of the flightless grasshopper genus Arminda (Orthoptera, Acrididae) on the Canary Islands. Systematic Entomology 34: 188-197.
  20. Huck, S., Büdel, B., Kadereit, J. & Printzen, C. (2009): Range-wide phylogeography of the European temperate-montane herbaceous plant Meumathamanticum Jacq.: evidence for periglacial persistence. Journal of Biogeography 36: 1588-1599.
  21. Karl, I., Schmitt, T. & Fischer, K. (2009): Genetic differentiation between alpine and lowland populations of a butterfly is related to PGI enzyme genotype. Ecography 32: 488-496.
  22. Kielgast, J. & Lötters, S. (2009): Forest weaverbird nest utilization by foam-nest frogs (Rhacophoridae: Chiromantis) in Central Africa. Salamandra 45: 170-171.
  23. Klein, R., Koschorreck, J., Bartel-Steinbach, M., Naulin, A., Paulus, M., Quack, M., Tarricone, K., Teubner, D. & Wagner, G. (2009): Ergebnisse des Workshops "Vogelei-Monitoring" der Umweltprobenbank. Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 15.
  24. Kramp, K., Huck, S., Niketić , M., Tomović , G. & Schmitt, T. (2009): Multiple glacial refugia and complex postglacial range shifts of the obligatory woodland plant Polygonatumverticillatum (Convallariaceae). Plant Biology 11: 392-404.
  25. Lermen, D., Bloemeke, B., Browne, R., Clarke, A., Dyce, P., Fixemer, T., Fuhr, G., Holt, W., Jewgenow, K., Lloyd, R., Lötters, S., Paulus, M., McGregor Reid, G., Rapoport, D., Rawson, D., Ringleb, J., Ryder, O. A., Spörl, G., Schmitt, T., Veith, M. & Müller, P. (2009): Cryobanking of viable biomaterials: implementation of new strategies for conservation purposes. Molecular Ecology 18: 1030-1033.
  26. Lötters, S., Kielgast, J., Bielby, J., Schmidtlein, S., Bosch, J., Garner, T., Veith, M., Walker, S., Fisher, M. & Rödder, D. (2009): The link between rapid enigmatic amphibian decline and the worldwide emerging chytrid fungus. EcoHealth 6: 358–372.
  27. Lötters, S., Schmitz, A., Reichle, S., Rödder, D. & Quennet, V. (2009): Another case of cryptic diversity in poison frogs (Dendrobatidae: Ameerega) – description of a new species from Bolivia. Zootaxa 2028: 20-30.
  28. Luger, M., W. Hödl & S. Lötters (2009): Site fidelity, home range behaviour and habitat utilization of male harlequin toads (Amphibia: Atelopus hoogmoedi) from Suriname: important aspects for conservation breeding. Salamandra 45: 211-218.
  29. Rödder, D. (2009): ‘Sleepless in Hawaii’–does anthropogenic climate change enhance ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the alien invasive Eleutherodactyluscoqui Thomas 1966 (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae)? North-Western Journal of Zoology 5: 16-25.
  30. Rödder, D. & Böhme, W. (2009): Who‘s who? Comparison of the advertisement calls of two East African sister species of Hyperolius (Anura: Hyperoliidae). Salamandra 45: 180-185.
  31. Rödder, D., Kielgast, J., Bielby, J., Schmidtlein, S., Bosch, J., Garner, T., Veith, M., Walker, S., Fisher, M. & Lötters, S. (2009): Global amphibian extinction risk assessment for the panzootic chytrid fungus. Diversity 1: 52-66.
  32. Rödder, D., Kwet, A. & Lötters, S. (2009): Translating natural history into geographic space: a macroecological perspective on the North American Slider, Trachemysscripta (Reptilia, Cryptodira, Emydidae). Journal of Natural History 43: 2525-2536.
  33. Rödder, D. & Lötters, S. (2009): Niche shift versus niche conservatism? Climatic characteristics of the native and invasive ranges of the Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylusturcicus). Global Ecology and Biogeography 18: 674-687.
  34. Rödder, D. & Schlüter, A. (2009): Pristimantisminutulus Duellman & Hedges, 2007 (Anura: Strabomantidae): geographic range extension and colour polymorphism. Salamandra 45: 53-56.
  35. Rödder, D., Schmidtlein, S., Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2009): Alien invasive slider turtle in unpredicted habitat: a matter of niche shift or of predictors studied. PloS ONE 4: e7843.
  36. Rödder, D. & Schmitz, A. (2009): Two new Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) belonging to the myersi group from the Andean slopes of Ecuador. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 116: 275-288.
  37. Rödder, D., Trautmann, D. & Böhme, W. (2009): Notes on the reproductive mode of Melanosepsemmrichi Broadley 2006. Herpetology Notes 2: 17-19.
  38. Rödder, D. & Weinsheimer, F. (2009): Will future anthropogenic climate change increase the potential distribution of the alien invasive Cuban treefrog (Anura: Hylidae)? Journal of Natural History 43: 1207-1217.
  39. Rödel, M., Kosuch, J., Grafe, T. U., Boistel, R., Assemian, N. E., Kouamé, N. G., Tohé, B., Gourène, G., Perret, J.-L., Henle, K., Tafforeau, P., Pollet, N. & Veith, M. (2009): A new tree-frog genus and species from Ivory Coast, West Africa (Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae). Zootaxa 2044: 23-45.
  40. Rüdel, H., Schmallenberg; W. Schröder, Vechta; K. T. von der Trenck, Karlsruhe; G. A. Wiesmüller, Münster; K. Bester, Essen; A. Eisenträger, Dessau; J. Franzaring, Hohenheim; M. Haarich, Hamburg; J. Köhler, Kulmbach; W. Körner, Augsburg; J. Oehlmann, Frankfurt; A. Paschke, Leipzig; M. Ricking, Berlin; Ch. Schröter-Kermani, Berlin; T. Schulze, Leipzig; J. Schwarzbauer, Aachen; N. Theobald, Hamburg; G. Wagner, Trier (2009): Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring Submission: October 2008; published: Environ Sci Pollut Res 16(5):486-498.
  41. Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., von der Trenck, Th., Wagner, G., Wiesmüller, G.A. (Arbeitskreis Umweltmonitoring in der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie) (2007): Stoffbezogenes Umweltmonitoring. In: Handbuch der Umweltmedizin, Loseblattwerk, 37. Ergänzungslieferung, Oktober 2007, ecomed MEDIZIN, Landsberg, Band 2, Kapitel IV-7.1, S. 1-48.
  42. Schmidt, B., Furrer, S., Kwet, A., Lötters, S., Rödder, D., Sztatecsny, M., Tobler, U. & Zumbach, S. (2009): Desinfektion als Maßnahme gegen die Verbreitung von Krankheitserregern von Amphibien. In: Methoden der Feldherpetologie. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, Vol. Suppl. 15 (Hachtel, M., Schlüpmann, M., Thiesmeier, B. & Weddeling, K., eds.). pp. 229-241.
  43. Schmitt, T. (2009): Biogeographical and evolutionary importance of the European high mountain systems. Frontiers in Zoology 6: 9.
  44. Schmitt, T. (2009): Gene als Berichterstatter der Evolution: Die molekulare Biogeografie der europäischen Schmetterlinge. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie in der Schule 58/3: 30-34.
  45. Schmitt, T. (2009): Mediterran, kontinental und arkto-alpin: Die drei biogeographischen Grundmuster Europas und des Mittelmeerraumes am Beispiel von Schmetterlingen. Entomologie heute 21: 3-19.
  46. Schmitt, T. (2009): Phylogeography of terrestrial insects in Europe: case studies in butterflies. In: Romanian Carpathians, genetic centres or barriers in the process of postglacial isolation and speciation. Case studies in selected organisms, (Ujvárosi, L. & Marko, B., eds.). pp. University Press, Cluj-Napoca.
  47. Schmitt, T. & Varga, Z. (2009): Biogeography of the butterflies of the Carpathian Basin and the Balkan Peninsula. In: Vývoj prírody Slovenska, (Stloukal, E., Hensel, K., Holec, P., Illyová, M., Jandzík, D., Jedlička, L., Joniak, P., Juráni, B., Kocian, Ľ., Košel, V., Krno, I., Kúdela, M., Miklós, P., Mikulíček, P., Obuch, J., Schmitt, T., Stankoviansky, M., Stloukalová, V., Varga, Z. S. & Žiak, D., eds.). pp. 143-166. Faunima, Bratislava.
  48. Solé, M., Ribeiro Dias, I., Santos Rodrigues, E., Santos-Silva Jr, E., Martins de Jesus Branco, S., Pereira Cavalcante, K. & Rödder, D. (2009): Diet of Leptodactylusocellatus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 2: 9-15.
  49. Solé, M. & Rödder, D. (2009): Dietary assessments in adult amphibians. In: Amphibian Ecology and Conservation. A handbook of techniques, (Dodd Jr, C., ed.). pp. 167-184. Oxford University Press.
  50. Stloukal, E., Hensel, K., Holec, P., Illyová, M., Jandzík, D., Jedlička, L., Joniak, P., Juráni, B., Kocian, Ľ., Košel, V., Krno, I., Kúdela, M., Miklós, P., Mikulíček, P., Obuch, J., Schmitt, T., Stankoviansky, M., Stloukalová, V., Varga, Z. S. & Žiak, D. (2009): Vývoj prírody Slovenska. Faunima, Bratislava.
  51. Twietmeyer S, Lemke H, Engler J, Roderus D & Elle O (2009): Aufgepasst! Farbberingte Orpheusspötter ( Hippolais polyglotta) an Mosel und Saar. Dendrocopos 36: 21-26.
  52. van der Meijden, A., Chiari, Y., Mucedda, M., Carranza, S., Corti, C. & Veith, M. (2009): Phylogenetic relationships of Sardinian cave salamanders, genus Hydromantes, based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51: 399-404.
  53. Veith, M., Kosuch, J., Rödel, M., Hillers, A., Schmitz, A., Burger, M. & Lötters, S. (2009): Multiple evolution of sexual dichromatism in African reed frogs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51: 388-393.
  54. Veith, M. & Schmitt, T. (2009): Naturschutzgenetik bei Amphibien: Von der Theorie zur Praxis. In: Methoden der Feldherpetologie. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie, Vol. Suppl. 15 (Hachtel, M., Schlüpmann, M., Thiesmeier, B. & Weddeling, K., eds.). pp. 153-184.
  55. Wagner, G., Wellmitz, J. (2009): Die Probenahme von Umweltproben als Gegenstand von Qualitätsmanagement und Akkreditierung. in: Rasemann, W. (Hrsg.) (2009): 14. Freiberger Probenahmetagung - Probenahme und Qualitätssicherung – Arbeitsschwerpunkte in Industrie, Forschung und Entwicklung, S. 9-1 bis 9-11, ISBN 978-3-938390-06-1.
  56. Wagner, P., Townsend, E., Barej, M., Rödder, D. & Spawls, S. (2009): First record of human envenomation by Atractaspis congica Peters, 1877 (Squamata: Atractaspididae). Toxicon 54: 368–372.

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  1. Andreone, F., Channing, A., Drewes, R., Gerlach, J., Glaw, F., Howell, K., Largen, M., Loader, S., Lötters, S., Minter, L., Pickersgill, M., Raxworthy, C., Rödel, M.-O., Schiøtz, A., Vallan, D. & Vences, M. (2008): Amphibians of the Afrotropical realm. In: Threatened amphibians of the world, (Stuart, S. N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J. S., Cox, N. A., Berridge, R. J., Ramani, P. & Young, B. E., eds.). pp. 53-58. Lynx Edicions, in association with IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe, Washington D.C.
  2. Bálint, M., Barnard, P., Schmitt, T., Ujvárosi, L. & Popescu, O. (2008): Differentiation and speciation in mountain streams: a case study in the caddisfly Rhyacophilaaquitanica (Trichoptera) Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 46: 340-345.
  3. Besold, J.,Huck, S. & Schmitt, T. (2008): Allozyme polymorphisms in the small heath, Coenonymphapamphilus: recent ecological selection or old biogeographical signal? Annales Zoologici Fennici 45: 217-228.
  4. Besold, J.,Schmitt, T., Tammaru, T. & Cassel-Lundhagen, A. (2008): Strong genetic impoverishment from the centre of distribution in southern Europe to peripheral Baltic and isolated Scandinavian populations of the pearly heath butterfly. Journal of Biogeography 35: 2090-2101.
  5. Blackburn, D., Kosuch, J., Schmitz, A., Burger, M., Wagner, P., Gonwouo, L., Hillers, A. & Rödel, M. (2008): A new species of Cardioglossa (Anura: Arthroleptidae) from the upper Guinean forests of West Africa. Copeia 2008: 603-612.
  6. Böhme, W. & Rödder, D. (2008): Amphibien und Reptilien: Verbreitungs- und Verhaltensänderungen aufgrund von Erderwärmung. In: Warnsignal Klima: Erderwärmung, (Lozán, J., Graß, H., Jendritzky, G., Karbe, L. & Reise, K., eds.). pp. 77-81. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg.
  7. Bolaños, F., Castro, F., Cortez, C., De la Riva, I., Grant, T., Hedges, B., Heyer, R., Ibáñez. R., La Marca, E., Lavilla, E., Leite Silvano, D., Lötters, S., Parra Olea, G., Reichle, S., Reynolds, R., Rodríguez, L., Santos Barrera, G., Scott., N., Ubeda, C., Veloso, A., Wilkinson, M. & Young, B. (2008): Amphibians of the Neotropical realm. In: Threatened amphibians of the world, (Stuart, S. N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J. S., Cox, N. A., Berridge, R. J., Ramani, P. & Young, B. E., eds.). pp. 92-99. Lynx Edicions, in association with IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe, Washington D.C.
  8. Coppack, T., Sacher, T., Engler, J. & Elle, O. (2008): Zur Dispersion erstjähriger Amseln Turdus merula auf Helgoland. Jber. Institut für Vogelforschung 8.
  9. Exeler, N., Kratochwil, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2008): Strong genetic exchange among populations of a specialist bee, Andrenavaga (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Conservation Genetics 9: 1233-1241.
  10. Grauer, A., Greiser, G., Heyen, B., Klein, R., Muchin, A., Strauß, E., Wenzelides, L. & Winter, A. (2008): Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands. Status und Entwicklung ausgewählter Wildtierarten in Deutschland. Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband e.V. Bonn (Hrsg.). pp,. 72. ISSN 1863-7582.
  11. Griebeler, E.-M., Maas, H. & Veith, M. (2008): Enhanced survival in a dynamic landscape due to artificial ephemeral source habitats. In: Insect Ecology and Conservation, (Fattorini, S., ed.). pp. 115-134.
  12. Gröning, J. & Hochkirch, A. (2008): Reproductive interference between animal species. The Quarterly Review of Biology 83: 257-282.
  13. Grünfelder (geb. Alt), S. (2008): Zu Ökologie und Schutz des Großen Feuerfalters, Lycaenadispar (HAWORTH, 1803), im Saarland (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Delattinia 34: 65-75.
  14. Habel, J., Finger, A., Meyer, M., Schmitt, T. & Assmann, T. (2008): Polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered butterfly Lycaenahelle (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). European Journal of Entomology 105: 361-362.
  15. Habel, J., Meyer, M., Mousadik, A. & Schmitt, T. (2008): Africa goes Europe: The complete phylogeography of the marbled white butterfly species complex Melanargiagalathea/ lachesis (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 8: 121-129.
  16. Hillers, A., Veith, M. & Rödel, M. (2008): Effects of forest fragmentation and habitat degradation on west African leaf-litter frogs. Conservation Biology 22: 762-772.
  17. Hochkirch, A., Bücker, A. & Gröning, J. (2008): Reproductive interference between the common ground-hopper Tetrix undulata and the slender ground-hopper Tetrixsubulata (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 98: 605-612.
  18. Hochkirch, A., Deppermann, J. & Gröning, J. (2008): Phenotypic plasticity in insects: the effects of substrate color on the coloration of two ground-hopper species. Evolution and Development 10: 350-359.
  19. Hochkirch, A., Gärtner, A.-C. & Brandt, T. (2008): Effects of management of degraded inland dunes on the endangered heath grasshopper, Chorthippusvagans (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 98: 449-456.
  20. Hochkirch, A. & Gröning, J. (2008): Sexual size dimorphism in Orthoptera (sens. str.) - a review. Journal of Orthoptera Research 17: 189-196.
  21. Hochkirch, A. & Husemann, M. (2008): A review of the Canarian Sphingonotini with description of a new species from Fuerteventura (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Zoological Studies 47: 495-506.
  22. Husemann, M., Michalik, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2008): Erstnachweis der Südlichen Eichenschrecke, Meconemameridionale (Costa, 1860), in Osnabrück (Niedersachsen). Articulata 23: 77-80.
  23. Karl, I., Schmitt, T. & Fischer, K. (2008): Phosphoglucose isomerase genotype affects life history traits and temperature stress resistance in a Copper butterfly. Functional Ecology 22: 887-894.
  24. Konvička, M., Kuras, T., Beneš, J., Čižek, O. & Schmitt, T. (2008): Endemičtí okáči vysokých Sudet - Vliv změn klimatu a hospodaření na populace vysokohorských motýlů. Vesmír 87: 516-521.
  25. La Marca, E. & Lötters, S. (2008): The extraordinary case of the Neotropical harlequin frogs (Atelopus): extinction at the genus level. In: Threatened amphibians of the world, (Stuart, S. N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J. S., Cox, N. A., Berridge, R. J., Ramani, P. & Young, B. E., eds.). pp. 100. Lynx Edicions, in association with IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe, Washington D.C.
  26. Lehr, E., Lötters, S. & Lundberg, M. (2008): A new species of Atelopus (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Cordillera Oriental of Central Peru. Herpetologica 64: 368-378.
  27. Lötters, S. (2008): Afrotropical amphibians in zoos and aquariums: will they be on the ark? International Zoo Yearbook 42: 136-142.
  28. Lötters, S., Rödder, D., Bielby, J., Bosch, J., Garner, T. W. J., Kielgast, J., Schmidtlein, S., Veith, M., Walker, S., Weldon, C., Aanensen, D. & Fisher, M. C. (2008): Meeting the challenge of conserving Madagascar's megadiverse ampibians: addition of a risk assessment for the chytrid fungus. PLoS Biology 6: ePub.
  29. Lötters, S. & Schick, S. (2008): Amphibian conservation: new perspectives through DNA barcoding. In: Threatened amphibians of the world, (Stuart, S. N., Hoffmann, M., Chanson, J. S., Cox, N. A., Berridge, R. J., Ramani, P. & Young, B. E., eds.). pp. 133-134. Lynx Edicions, in association with IUCN, Conservation International and NatureServe, Washington D.C.
  30. Luger, M., Garner, T., Ernst, R., Hödl, W. & Lötters, S. (2008): No evidence for precipitous declines of harlequin frogs (Atelopus) in the Guyanas. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 43: 177-180.
  31. Mandery, K., Kosuch, J. & Schuberth, J. (2008): Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Artstatus von Andrenadecipiens SCHENCK, 1861, Andrenaflavilabris SCHENCK, 1874, und ihrem gemeinsamen Brutparasiten Nomada stigma FABRICIUS, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 57: 30–41.
  32. Pagano, A., Lesbarreres, D., O’Hara, R., Crivelli, A., Veith, M., Lodé, T., Schmeller, D.S. (2008): Geographical and ecological distributions of frog hemiclones suggest occurrence of both "General-Purpose Genotype" and "Frozen Niche Variation" clones. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. 46(2): 162–168.
  33. Rödder, D. & Jungfer, K.-H. (2008): A new Pristimantis (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Yuruaní-tepui, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1814: 58-68.
  34. Rödder, D., Solé, M. & Böhme, W. (2008): Predicting the potential distributions of two alien invasive housegeckos (Gekkonidae: Hemidactylusfrenatus, Hemidactylusmabouia). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4: 236-246.
  35. Rödder, D., Veith, M. & Lötters, S. (2008): Environmental gradients explaining the prevalence and intensity of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus: the host's perspective Animal Conservation 11: 513-517.
  36. Römer, U. & Hahn, I. (2008): Apistogrammabarlowi sp. n.: Description of a new facultative mouth-breeding cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from Northern Peru. Vertebrate Zoology 58: 49-66.
  37. Schmitt, T.,Augenstein, B. & Finger, A. (2008): The influence of changes in viticulture management on the butterfly (Lepidoptera) diversity in a wine growing region of southwestern Germany. European Journal of Entomology 105: 249-255.
  38. Schmitt, T. & Haubrich, K. (2008): The genetic structure of the mountain forest butterfly Erebiaeuryale unravels the late Pleistocene and Postglacial history of the mountain coniferous forest biome in Europe. Molecular Ecology 17: 2194-2207.
  39. Schönhofer, A. & Hillen, J. (2008): Leiobunumreligiosum: neu für Deutschland (Arachnida: Opiliones). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 35: 29-34.
  40. Strauß, E., Grauer, A., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Wenzelides, L., Greiser, G., Muchin, A., Nösel, H. & Winter, A. (2008): The German wildlife information system: population densities and development of European Hare (Lepus europaeus PALLAS) during 2002-2005 in Germany. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 142-147.
  41. Varga, Z. & Schmitt, T. (2008): Types of oreal and oreotundral disjunction in the western Palearctic. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 415-430.
  42. Veith, M., Lipscher, E., Öz, M., Kiefer, A., Baran, I., Polymeni, R. & Steinfartz, S. (2008): Cracking the nut: Geographical adjacency of sister taxa supports vicariance in a polytomic salamander clade in the absence of node support. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47: 916-931.
  43. Veith, M. & Schmitt, T. (2008): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Naturschutzgenetik. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 15: 119-138.
  44. Witzenberger, K. & Hochkirch, A. (2008): Genetic consequences of animal translocations: A case study using the field cricket, Grylluscampestris L. Biological Conservation 141: 3059-3068.
  45. Wollenberg, K., Lötters, S., Mora-Ferrer, C. & Veith, M. (2008): Disentangling composite colour patterns in a poison frog species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 433-444.

in press | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 


  1. Bartel, T., Grauer, A., Greiser, G., Heyen, B., Klein, R., Muchin, A., Strauß, E., Wenzelides, L. & Winter, A. (2007): Status und Entwicklung ausgewählter Wildtierarten in Deutschland. Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband e.V. Bonn (Hrsg.). 98 pp. ISSN 1863-7582.
  2. Bujnoch W. (2007): Cystopteris dickieana R.SIM in der Eifel (Rheinland-Pfalz/Deutschland) – Standort, mikroskopische Messungen, Cytologie. Dendrocopos (Trier) 34: 111-119.
  3. Coloma, L.A., Lötters, S., Duellman, W.E. & Miranda-Leiva, A. (2007): A taxonomic revision of Atelopus pachydermus, and description of two new (extinct?) species of Atelopus from Ecuador (Anura: Bufonidae). Zootaxa 1557: 1-32.
  4. Crottini, A., Andreone, F., Kosuch, J., Borkin, L., Litvinchuk, S.N., Eggert, C. & Veith, M. (2007): Fossorial but widespread: the phylogeography of the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus), and the role of the Po Valley as a major source of genetic variability. Molecular Ecology 16: 2734-2754.
  5. Gies, A., Schröter-Kermani, C., Rüdel, H., Paulus, M. & Wiesmüller, G. (2007): Frozen environmental history: The German environmental specimen bank. Organohal. Comp. 69: 504-507.
  6. Grauer, A., Strauß E., Bartel, M., Klein, R., Wenzelides, L., Greiser, G., Muchin, A., Nösel, H. & Winter, A. (2007): The German Wildlife Information System: Population densities and development of European Hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas) during 2002 – 2005 in Germany. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 142-147.
  7. Gröning, J., Krause, S. & Hochkirch, A. (2007): Habitat preferences of an endangered insect species, Cepero’s ground-hopper (Tetrix ceperoi). EcologicalResearch 22: 767-773.
  8. Gröning, J., Lücke, N., Finger, A. & Hochkirch, A. (2007): Reproductive interference in two ground-hopper species: Testing hypotheses of coexistence in the field. Oikos 116: 1449-1460.
  9. Grünitz, K. & Hochkirch, A. (2007): Erst-Nachweis der Südlichen Eichenschrecke, Meconema meridionale (Costa, 1860), in Bremen. Articulata 22: 77-79.
  10. Habel, J.C., Schmitt, T., Härdtle, W., Lütkepohl, M. & Assmann, T. (2007): Habitat quality and turn-over dynamics of the endangered Alcon Blue Butterfly Maculinea alcon in northern Germany (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). EcologicalEntomology 32: 536-543.
  11. Hand, R., Bujnoch, W., Kottke, U. & Reichert, H. (2007): Prioritätenliste für den Schutz von Farn- und Blütenpflanzen in der Region Trier. Dendrocopos (Trier) 34: 89-106.
  12. Haubrich, K. & Schmitt, T. (2007): Cryptic differentiation in alpine-endemic, high-altitude butterflies reveals down-slope glacial refugia. MolecularEcology 16: 3643-3658.
  13. Hochkirch, A. & Adorf, F. (2007): Effects of prescribed burning and wildfires on Orthoptera in Central European peat bogs. Environmental Conservation 34: 225-235.
  14. Hochkirch, A., Gröning, J. & Bücker, A. (2007): Sympatry with the devil – Reproductive interference could hamper species coexistence. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 633-642.
  15. Hochkirch, A., Gröning, J. & Krause, S. (2007): Intersexual niche segregation in Cepero’s Ground-hopper, Tetrix ceperoi. Evolutionary Ecology 21: 727-738.
  16. Hochkirch, A., Witzenberger, K. A., Teerling, A. & Niemeyer, F. (2007): Translocation of an endangered insect species, the field cricket (Gryllus campestris Linnaeus, 1758) in northern Germany. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 3597-3607.
  17. Hochkirch, A., Witzenberger, K.A., Teerling, A. & Niemeyer, F. (2007): Translocation of an endangered insect species, the field cricket (Gryllus campestris Linnaeus, 1758) in northern Germany. In: Hawksworth D. & A. Bull (eds.): Biodiversity and Conservation in Europe. Springer, Berlin: 355-365.
  18. Husemann, M. & Hochkirch, A. (2007): Notizen zur Heuschreckenfauna (Insecta, Orthoptera) von Fuerteventura (Kanarische Inseln, Spanien). Entomologie heute 19: 59-74.
  19. Jung, K. & Huck, S. (2007): Sumpflöwenzähne (Taraxacum sect. Palustria) in Hessen. Botanik und Naturschutz in Hessen19: 5-17.
  20. Kautenburger, R. & Beck, H.P. (2007): Complexation studies with lanthanides and humic acids analysed by ultrafiltration and capillary electrophoresis - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1159: 75-80.
  21. Kazmaier, U., Hähn, S., Weiss, T.D., Kautenburger, R. & Maier, W.F. (2007): Palladium-doped Mixed Oxides as “Slow Release” Catalysts for Suzuki Couplings. Synlett 16: 2579-2583.
  22. Kohlmann, B., Solís, A., Elle, O., Soto, X. & Russo, R. (2007): Biodiversity and conservation atlas of Costa Rica. A dung beetle perspective (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Zootaxa 1457: 1-34.
  23. Lötters, S. (2007): The fate of the harlequin toads – help through a synchronous multidisciplinary approach and the IUCN ‘Amphibian Conservation Action Plan’. Mitteilungen des Museums für Naturkunde Berlin, Zoologische Reihe 83 (Suppl): 69-73.
  24. Lötters, S., Jungfer, K.-H., Henkel, H.-W. & Schmidt, W. (2007): Pfeilgiftfrösche. Biologie, Haltung, Arten. Chimaira, Frankfurt/M.
  25. Lötters, S., Jungfer, K.-H., Henkel, H.-W. & Schmidt, W. (2007): Poison frogs. Biology, species & captive husbandary. - Chimaira, Frankfurt/M.
  26. Lötters, S., Wagner, P., Bwong, B.A., Schick, S., Malonza, P.K., Muchai, V., Wasonga, D.V. & Veith, M. (2007): A field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of the Kakamega Forest (Kielezo cha amfibia na reptilia wanaopatikana Msitu wa Kakamega). Chimaira, Frankfurt.112 S.
  27. Louy, D., Habel, J.C., Schmitt, T., Meyer, M., Assmann, T. & Müller P. (2007): Strongly diverging population genetic patterns of three skipper species: isolation, restricted gene flow and panmixis. ConservationGenetics 8: 671-681.
  28. Louy, D., Haubrich, K., Becker, C., Borrmann, L., Claußen, A., Kögel, S., Ossen, S. & Stenert, V. (2007): Nachweis der Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata) auf dem Bundeswehrtestgelände „Grüneberg" in Trier. Dendrocopos 34.
  29. Michl, T., Huck, S., Haase, P. & Büdel, B. (2007): Genetic differentiation among Populations of Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallroth (Asteraceae) in the Western Alps. Z. Naturforschung 62c: 747-756.
  30. Richarz, F., Elle, O. & Zimmermann, M. (2007): Massenhaftes Auftreten der Südlichen Eichenschrecke (Meconema meridionale) in Trier als Erstnachweis einer etablierten Population im rheinland-pfälzischen Moseltal. Articulata 22: 81-90.
  31. Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., Trenck, T.v.d., Wagner, G. & Wiesmüller, G. A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring (Teil 2). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 72-79.
  32. Rüdel, H., Bester, K., Eisenträger, A., Franzaring, J., Haarich, M., Köhler, J., Körner, W., Oehlmann, J., Paschke, A., Ricking, M., Schröder, W., Schröter-Kermani, Ch., Schulze, T., Schwarzbauer, J., Theobald, N., Trenck, T.v.d., Wagner, G. & Wiesmüller, G. A. (2007): Positionspapier zum stoffbezogenen Umweltmonitoring, Arbeitskreis Umweltmonitoring in der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Teil 1). Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 13: 34-41.
  33. Schmeller, D., Schregel, J. & Veith, M. (2007): The importance of heterozygosity in a frog’s life. Naturwissenschaften 94: 360-366.
  34. Schmeller, D.S., Pagano, A., Plenet, S. & Veith, M. (2007): Introducing water frogs - Is there a risk for indigenous species in France? Comptes Rendus Biologies 330: 684-690.
  35. Schmitt, T. (2007): Gene berichten über die Vergangenheit: Die molekulare Biogeographie europäischer Tagfalterarten. EntomologicaRomanica 12: 31-39.
  36. Schmitt, T. (2007): Molecular Biogeography of Europe: Pleistocene cycles and Postglacial trends. Frontiers in Zoology 4: 11.
  37. Schmitt, T. & Müller, P. (2007): Limited hybridization along a large contact zone between two genetic lineages of the butterfly Erebia medusa (Satyrinae, Lepidoptera) in Central Europe. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 45: 39-46.
  38. Schmitt, T. & Rákosy, L. (2007): Changes of traditional agrarian landscapes and their conservation implications: a case study of butterflies in Romania. Diversity and Distributions 13: 855-862.
  39. Schmitt, T., Rákosy, L., Abadjiev, S. & Müller, P. (2007): Multiple differentiation centres of a non-Mediterranean butterfly species in south-eastern Europe. Journal ofBiogeography 34: 939-950.
  40. Viertel, B., Lötters, S., Baumgart, A., Oberst, M., Eisenbeis, G. & Veith, M. (2007): Larval morphology of reed frogs, Hyperolius kivuensis and H. viridiflavus, from western Kenya (Anura: Hyperoliidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 114: 825-837.
  41. Witzenberger, K.A. & Hochkirch, A. (2007): Free Grilly - Umsiedlung der Feldgrille (Gryllus campestris L.) in der Diepholzer Moorniederung (Niedersachsen). Entomologie heute 19: 75-86.

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