Veröffentlichungen 2012-1999 David Schröder

Adams S., S. Willmes, D. Schröder, G. Heinemann, T. Krumpen, 2012: Daily thin-ice thickness maps from MODIS thermal infrared imagery. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012. IGARSS '12. Proceedings. 2012 IEEE International (submitted).

Willmes, S.; S. Adams, D. Schroeder and G. Heinemann, 2011: Spatiotemporal variability of sea-ice coverage, polynya dynamics and ice production in the Laptev Sea between 1979 and 2008. Polar Research 30, 5971. DOI: 10.3402/polar.v30i0.5971.

Ebner, L., D. Schröder and G. Heinemann, 2011: IImpact of Laptev Sea flaw polynyas on the atmospheric boundary layer and ice production using idealized mesoscale simulations. Polar Research2011, 30, 7210, DOI:10.3402/polar.v30i0.7210

Adams, S., Willmes, S., Heinemann, G., Rozman, P., Timmermann, R., and Schröder, D., (2011) Evaluation of simulated sea-ice concentrations from sea ice-ocean models using satellite data and polynya classification methods. Polar Research, 30, 7124, doi: 10.3402/polar.v30i0.7124

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, and S. Willmes, 2011: Implementation of a thermodynamic sea ice module in the NWP model COSMO and its impact on simulations for the Laptev Sea area in the Siberian Arctic. Polar Research 30, 6334, DOI:10.3402/polar.v30i0.6334.

Krumpen, T., S. Willmes, M.A. Morales Maqueda, C. Haas, J.A. Hölemann, R. Gerdes and D. Schröder. Verification of a polynya flux model by means of thermal infrared satellite observations. Annals of Glaciology, submitted. 

Dmitrenko, I.A., S.A. Kirillov, L. B. Tremblay, D. Bauch, J. A., Hölemann, T. Krumpen, H. Kassens, C. Wegner, G. Heinemann, and D. Schröder, 2010:  The Arctic Ocean Atlantic water layer impacts the Siberian shelf hydrography, J. Geophys. Res. 115, doi: 10.1029/2009JC006020,C08010, 1-17.

Dmitrenko, I.A., C. Wegner, H. Kassens, S.A. Kirillov, T. Krumpen, G. Heinemann, A. Helbig, D. Schröder, J.A. Hölemann, T. Klagge, K.P.Tyshko, and T. Busche, 2010: Observations of supercooling and frazil ice formation in the Laptev Sea coastal polynya. Journal of Geophys. - Oceans, in press

Brümmer, B., D. Schröder, G. Müller, G. Spreen, A. Jahnke-Bornemann, and J. Launiainen, 2008: Impact of a Fram Strait cyclone on ice edge, drift, divergence, and concentration: Possibilities and limits of an observational analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C12003, doi:10.1029/2007JC004149

Schröder, D. and W.M. Connolley, 2007: Impact of instantaneous sea ice removal in a coupled general circulation model. Ges. Res. Lett., 34, L14502, doi:10.1029/2007GL030253

Schröder, D., 2005: Wirkung von Zyklonen auf das Meereis in der Framstraße: Modellrechnungen und Beobachtungen. Dissertation, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Univ. Hamburg, 149 pp.,

Brümmer, B., G. Müller und D. Schröder, 2005: In situ observations of cyclones over the Fram Strait. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 14 (6), 721-734.

Schröder, D., T. Vihma, A. Kerber und B. Brümmer, 2003: On the parameterization of turbulent surface fluxes over heterogeneous sea ice surfaces. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (C6), doi:10.1029/2002JC001385.

Brümmer, B., D. Schröder, J. Launiainen, T. Vihma, A.-S. Smedman und M. Magnusson, 2002: Temporal and spatial variability of surface fluxes over the ice edge zone in the northern Baltic Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 107 (C8), doi:10.1029/2001JC000884.

Brümmer, B., A. Kirchgäßner, G. Müller, D. Schröder, J. Launiainen und T. Vihma, 2002: BALTIMOS field campaigns over the Baltic Sea during all four seasons. Boreal Env. Res., 7 (4), 371-378.

Schröder, D., 1999: Vertikalstruktur und Wärmehaushalt der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht über dem Eisrand der Ostsee: Analyse durch Flugzeugmessungen und Vergleich mit dem Europamodell des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst., Univ. Hamburg, 99 pp.