
SS 2018GlawLukasEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieThermal Signatures over Polar Ice Sheets - A Study using MODIS Data
SS 2017KnoppLauraEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieTopographically induced wind and foehn warning effects at the Antarctic Peninsula 
SS 2017KrauseKaiEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieWind field over an urban environment using wind LIDAR measurements
WS 2016HaiderTasneemEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieVerification of regional climate simulations using CMSAF data
SS 2016ReiserFabianEnvirionmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieSea ice floe size distributions in the Weddell Sea as derived from MODIS and Terra SAR-x satellite data and digital image progressing techniques 
WS 1516HoffmannSteffenEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieTuning and evaluation of a fuzzy filter system to detect sea-ice leads in the Arctic from thermal infrared satellite imagery
WS 1516HohlFrederikEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieSea ice properties from aircraft-based laser scanner measurements
WS 1516TasneemSyedaEnvironmental SciencesUmweltmeteorologieVerification of regional climate model simulations using CM SAF data
WS 1314ZentekRolfAngewandte MathematikUmweltmeteorologieSpektralanalyse von regionalen Klimasimulationen
SS 2013KohnemannSvenjaEAM2UmweltmeteorologieSimulation of the flow over Greenland using the mesoscale model COSMO
WS 1213PreußerAndreasEAM2UmweltmeteorologieRemote sensing of polynya characteristics in the Arctic