Dissertation and publication awards
Teaching Awards 2023 of the Student Council of Psychology at the University of Trier in the winter semester 2022/23 awarded to Laura Bastgen (1st place) and Miriam Hehlmann (2nd place).
Publication Award 2023 of the Graduate Center of the University of Trier (GUT), title of the publication 'Movement-based patient-therapist attunement in psychological therapy and its association with early change,' Dr. Brian Schwartz.
Poster Award 2022 at the 53rd International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) in Denver, title of the poster 'Development of Therapeutic Skills in a University Teaching Context,' Jana Bommer.
Dissertation Funding Award 2021 from the Circle of Friends of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation 'Effectiveness and Mechanisms of Change in Imagery-Based Techniques,' Dr. Jessica Prinz
Poster Prize 2020 of the Young Scientist Support Initiative of the European Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (EU-SPR), title of the poster „The best of both worlds: Integrating machine learning and statistical algorithms to recommend cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic therapy in routine care“, Brian Schwartz
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2020 of the Freundeskreis of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "An understudied species: Understanding therapists and their impact on psychotherapy", Dr. Dirk Zimmermann.
Prof. Dr. Julian Rubel (former PhD student and staff member of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, now junior professor at the University of Giessen) received the prestigious Rising Star Award of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). The nominators were Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lutz of the University of Trier and Stefan Hofmann of Boston University.
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2019 of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "On the road to seeing heterogeneity as an opportunity for patient-focused research", Dr. Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer. ► Read more
Förderpreis Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2019 of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs), Dr. Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer. ► See article
Poster Prize (2nd place) 2019 of the 37th Symposium of the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs), title of the poster "Automated Emotion Recognition in Psychotherapy - Pilot Study on the Applicability of the Nonverbal Behavior Analyzer (NOVA)", Sina Clausen.
Adolf-Ernst-Meyer-Prize 2019 of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM), Dr. Julian Rubel ► Read more
Poster Prize 2018 of the Treatment Selection Idea Lab (TSIL), title of the poster „Personalized treatment recommendations in naturalistic settings: Predicting treatment modalities & treatment strategies”, Dr. Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer.
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2018 of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "Do we know what we think we know?-Transferability of findings from randomized controlled trials to routine care treatment settings", Dr. Felix Wucherpfennig ► Read more
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2017 of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "Ecological Momentary Assessment applied in Patient-Focused Psychotherapy Research - Challenges and Changes", Dr. Kristin Husen ► Read more
Publikationspreis 2017, title of the publication "Sudden gains in routine care cognitive behavioral therapy for despression: A replication with extensions", Dr. Felix Wucherpfennig
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2016 of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "Improving decision making in psychotherapy through typical patterns of treatment response", Dr. Julian Amadeus Rubel ► Read more
Dissertations-Förderpreis 2014 of the University of Trier, title of the dissertation "Die Verwendung von Mischverteilungsmodellen zur Optimierung wiederholter Erhebung in Patienten-orientierter Versorgungsforschung und psychotherapeutischer Praxis", Dr. Jan Rassmus Böhnke ► Read more
Dissertation Prize goes to Dr. Dirk Zimmermann, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Dirk Zimmermann received the 2020 Dissertation Prize for his outstanding dissertation. The Dissertation Prize was presented by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V. and the working group of the Sparkassen in the Trier region. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades are nominated, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work linked to it. The dissertation entitled "An understudied species: understanding therapists and their impact on psychotherapy " impressed the committee especially with its strong practical and application orientation. The selection committee is composed of academic staff, alumni, and local representatives of civil society and government.
Dissertation Prize goes to Dr. Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer received the 2019 Dissertation Prize for her outstanding dissertation. The Dissertation Prize was presented by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V. and the working group oft the Sparkassen in the Trier region. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades are nominated, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work linked to it. The dissertation, titled "On the road to seeing heterogeneity as an opportunity for patient-focused research," impressed the committee primarily with its high methodological quality and strong practical relevance with the goal of improving psychotherapy for individual patients. The selection committee is composed of academic staff, alumni, and local representatives of civil society and government.
Adolf-Ernst-Meyer-Prize 2019 goes to Dr. Julian Rubel, research associate of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Julian Rubel was awarded the 2019 Adolf-Ernst-Meyer Prize of the German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM) for his outstanding work in the field of therapy research in psychosomatics and psychotherapy. The prize is awarded in the sense of an "Early Career Award" for the promotion of young scientists to scientists under 38 years of age.
Dissertation Prize goes to Dr. Felix Wucherpfennig, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Felix Wucherpfennig received the 2018 Dissertation Prize for his outstanding dissertation. The Dissertation Prize was presented by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V.. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades are nominated, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work linked to it. The dissertation entitled "Do we know what we think we know? - Transferability of findings from randomized controlled trials to routine care treatment settings" impressed the committee especially with its strong practical and application orientation. The selection committee is composed of academic staff, alumni and local representatives of civil society and government.
Dissertation Prize goes to Dr. Kristin Husen, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Kristin Husen, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, received the 2017 Dissertation Prize for her outstanding dissertation. The Dissertation Prize was presented by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V.. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades are nominated, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work linked to it. The dissertation entitled " Ecological Momentary Assessment applied in Patient-Focused Psychotherapy Research - Challanges and Changes" impressed the committee especially with its strong practical and application orientation. The selection committee is composed of academic staff, alumni, and local representatives of civil society and government.
Dissertation Prize goes to research associate of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Julian Rubel, research associate in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, received the Dr. med. Irmgard Fischer (†) and Dr. med. Herbert Fischer (†), Bitburg, Dissertation Prize for his outstanding dissertation in a ceremony at the Dies Academicus of Trier University on Nov. 23, 2016.
The Dissertation Prize was awarded by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V.. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades are nominated, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work related to it. The dissertation entitled " Improving decision making in psychotherapy through typical patterns of treatment response" impressed the committee especially with its strong practical and application orientation. The selection committee is composed of academic staff, alumni, and local representatives of civil society and government.
Dissertation Prize goes to former member of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Dr. Jan Rasmus Böhnke, former staff member of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy received the Dr. med. Herbert Fischer (†) and Dr. med. Irmgard Fischer (†), Bitburg Dissertation Prize for his outstanding dissertation at the glamorous and multi-faceted opening ceremony of the Dies Academicus of Trier University on Nov. 12, 2014.
The Dissertation Prize was awarded by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e. V.. Only dissertation projects with excellent grades, which are recommended by the supervisors of the thesis with a detailed analysis of the dissertation itself and the work related to it, are eligible for the prize. The dissertation, titled "The Use of Mixed Distribution Models to Optimize Repeated Surveys in Patient-Centered Health Services Research and Psychotherapy Practice," impressed the committee primarily because of its strong practical and application orientation. The selection committee is made up of academic staff, alumni, and local representatives from civil society and government.
"This was a very pleasant surprise! Especially the appreciation of the committee regarding the practical relevance, encourages me to continue with what I have been doing so far - namely linking technical-statistical work with evaluation issues of real application areas!" Jan was pleased.
He is currently working as a research associate and member of the Mental Health and Addictions Research Group at the University of York in the Department of Health Sciences (► more info here). The department congratulates Dr. Böhnke and wishes him all the best for the future!