Research Program
The research program can be broken down into the following three levels:
- Macro-level (evaluation and quality management)
- Meso level (process research)
- Micro-level (psychotherapeutic micro strategies)
The main focus of the research program is on the macro-level. Research projects affiliated at this level investigate the extent to which a therapeutic intervention helps a specific patient in terms of patient-oriented psychotherapy research. Research on the meso-level deals with the investigation of individual discontinuous therapy courses and their connection with therapy outcome. The research group investigates basic principles at the intersection of psychotherapy research and neuroscience and physiology on the micro-level. In particular, the background and specific conditions of change processes in psychotherapy are analyzed.
Research & Practice
Research and psychotherapy are closely linked in the Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic PALF at the University of Trier, with both areas benefiting from a synergetic effect. Patients benefit from a high standard of quality and treatment based on the latest research and technology. At the same time, research benefits from the systematic surveys conducted as part of routine care. Several thousand anonymized data records of patients who have received regular treatment at the PALF psychotherapy outpatient clinic are now available for research. The findings of the research flow back into practice.