Research projects
This page lists and describes research projects that are currently being conducted, or have been conducted in the past, by the professorship for Digitat Humanities. Several of these projects are conducted jointly with the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.
Current projects
LODinG – Linked Open Data in the Humanities (RLP, 2024–2028)
LODinG is dedicated to the use of Linked Open Data (LOD) in the humanities, with a focus on linguistics, literature, cultural studies and media studies. The basic intention is to collect, model, link and make freely available information in a machine-readable, standardized form. Entities such as persons, places, organizations and topics are provided with unique identifiers through standard data in order to record rich, contextualized information in machine-readable statements and to be able to expand them collaboratively. Further information on the project page.
Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CLS INFRA | Horizon 2020, 2021-2025)
Computational Literary Studies (CLS) as a sub-field of Digital Humanities has a long tradition, but has also opened up numerous new fields of activity and new methods in the last 5-10 years. The aim of the European joint project CLS INFRA is to support the development of this innovative field of work, particularly in its European, multilingual dimension. The project promotes the consolidation, integration and further development of national, regional and institutional efforts to achieve joint and sustainable access to high-quality data, tools and knowledge for CLS. Within the joint project, Trier is in charge of work package 3 on Methodological Considerations of CLS. The project is coordinated by Christof Schöch and is based at the TCDH. Further information can be found on the project homepage.
Beyond Words. Semantische und mehrteilige distinktive Merkmale für die Untersuchung literarischer Untergattungen (DFG, 2024-2026)
Beyond Words aims to advance the study of literature by using computational techniques to analyze contemporary French novels, focusing on science fiction, crime fiction, and sentimental novels, but also considering English texts. The aim is to bridge the gap between the statistical features that define these literary sub-genres and a more nuanced, interpretative understanding of their unique qualities. This will be achieved by extracting complex linguistic features from the texts that provide a richer semantic insight than mere word analysis, by creating detailed, flexible profiles of these subgenres, and by using both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the relevance and interpretability of the identified features. With this innovative approach, we aim to contribute to computational literary studies by improving methods for analyzing texts and deepening the conceptual understanding of literary subgenres. – The project is based at the Chair of Digital Humanities and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities and is part of the DFG Priority Program "Computational Literary Studies" (SPP 2207) . It is funded by the DFG from June 2020 to May 2023 (project number 424211690). Further information on the project can be found at and on the priority program at
NFDI Consortium Text+ (GWK / DFG, 2021-2026)
The "Text+" network within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) includes more than 30 partners from university and non-university research and memory institutions. The applicant Leibniz Institute for the German Language Mannheim is coordinating the project together with the four co-applicant institutions: the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the German National Library Frankfurt/Leipzig, the Göttingen State and University Library of Lower Saxony and the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. The NFDI is intended to systematically index, secure, make accessible and link research-relevant data stocks in the form of a science-driven process. In total, the federal and state governments intend to fund up to 30 consortia across all scientific disciplines.
The "Trier Center for Digital Humanities" (TCDH) at the University of Trier contributes its many years of expertise to the Text+ consortium as a participating institution in two areas. Firstly, in the area of digital lexical resources: Here we are developing solutions for the further networking of digitally available or emerging dictionaries and reference works, in particular with regard to the historical, dialectal and literary vocabulary indexing of dictionaries of Modern High German. Secondly, in the area of collections: Here, our work will focus on the principle of "derived text formats" for the use and publication of copyrighted textual materials.
HERMES – Humanities Education in Research, Datra and Methods (BMBF, 2023–2026)
HERMES establishes places for learning, research and networking where data skills in the humanities and cultural studies are taught, developed and critically reflected upon. HERMES is designing and testing a range of different formats for this purpose.
In Trier, the partners Servicezentrum eSciences and Trier Center for Digital Humanities are helping to develop and implement the following offers:
Bring-your-own-data labs: Advanced researchers who have access to specific datasets need data skills and exchange opportunities tailored to their individual research projects. In the bring-your-own-data labs, this advice and mediation is therefore practice- and research-oriented, either individually or in small groups. The format enables researchers to deepen their knowledge of certain methods or learn about new approaches and apply them directly and with support to their research topic. As an advisory and support format that can be used at the beginning or further on in the research cycle, this offer is ideal for post-graduate students with research questions and data sets for specific research projects.
Hermes Hub: The HERMES Hub will be the central communication platform of the Data Competence Center. As a central facility, it is both a technical and a social platform that serves to provide information about the activities and offers of the DKZ, but above all to network and exchange ideas with all stakeholders in the field of teaching and developing data skills in the humanities. The platform is intended to do justice to the open science understanding of HERMES in order to strengthen the networking of all actors (producers as well as consumers of HERMES services) and to bring them into a lively, mutually beneficial exchange on data science methods and research data management in the humanities and their communication.
More information on the project page!
Jewish Personal Data of the 15th-16th centuries: Computer-aided Modeling and Analysis (DFG, 2025–2029)
The project is dedicated to the problem of modeling pre-modern Jewish personal data. The solution is based on the systematic differentiation of name (reference) and reconstructed person in the data model. The first aim of the project is to develop and implement such a model and make it available to the FOR as a user-friendly tool. At the same time, the data model must comply with the international standards of the DH and offer a meaningful extension of existing ontologies. In the long term, the project aims to analyze the collected personal data with regard to their network structures and to develop an algorithmic heuristic that supports the reconstruction of personal profiles from a set of names. In this way, the project will contribute both to the refined modeling of personal data in the digital humanities as a whole and to the reconstruction of Jewish lifeworlds in the pre-modern period.
This project is lead by Christoph Cluse and Christof Schöch and is part of the DFG Research Group Aschkenas in neuen Lebenswelten led by Stephan Laux.
Completed research projects
Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST, 2017-2021)
The COST Action "Distant Reading for European Literary History" (CA 16204) aims to create a lively and diverse network of researchers who will jointly develop the resources and methods to enable new perspectives on European literary history. In particular, an extensive, multilingual collection of literary texts is being established for this purpose (European Literary Text Collection / ELTeC). The project is coordinated by Christof Schöch and funded by the COST Association with EU funds from Horizon 2020, running from December 2017 to November 2021. Further information on the Action website at
Zeta and Company: Distinktivitätsmaße für die Digitalen Literaturwissenschaften (Zeta and Company | DFG, 2020-2023)
Keyness measures are used to identify those words (or other features) of a group of texts that are characteristic of this group in comparison to a second group of texts. This project deals with the modeling, implementation, evaluation, use and dissemination of different types of distinctiveness measures that can be used in digital literary studies. The project is part of the DFG Priority Program "Computational Literary Studies" (SPP 2207). The project is based at the Chair of Digital Humanities and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. It is funded by the DFG from June 2020 to May 2023 (project number 424211690). Further information on the project at and on the priority program at
Computergestützte literarische Gattungsstilistik (CLiGS | BMBF, 2014-2020)
The e-Humanities junior research group used quantitative methods of text analysis to work with French, Spanish and Italian literary texts. The group was based at the Chair of Computer Philology at the University of Würzburg and is funded by the BMBF from April 2014 to March 2020 (FKZ 01UG1408 and 01UG1508).
Strategien für die Nutzbarmachung urheberrechtlich geschützter Textbestände für die Forschung durch Dritte (DFG, 2019-2020)
Die Workshop-Reihe „Strategien für die Nutzbarmachung urheberrechtlich geschützter Textbestände für die Forschung durch Dritte“ wird von Prof. Benjamin Raue (IRDT) und Prof. Christof Schöch (TCDH) organisiert und schließt an die Tagung zum Thema "Text und Data Mining in Wissenschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft vom Mai 2018 an. Die Workshops haben am 28.11.2019 und 17.01.2020 in Trier stattgefunden und wurden durch die DFG im Rahmen des LIS-Programms gefördert.
Enhanced Metadata for Improved Precision and Validation in Analytical Sylometry (DAAD, 2018-2019)
Das internationale Kooperationsprojekt hat zum Ziel, stilometrische Verfahren durch den Einsatz detaillierter Metadaten zu erweitern. Das Projekt wird von Christof Schöch koordiniert, weiterer Beteiligte auf deutscher Seite sind Fotis Jannidis und José Calvo Tello (Universität Würzburg). Die Austauschpartner in Australien sind Hugh Craig und Rebecca Beirne (University of Newcastle). Das Projekt wird vom DAAD im Rahmen des Programmes Personenbezogener Projektaustausch Australien (PPP) gefördert. Die Laufzeit des Projekts ist März 2018-Oktober 2019 (Projekt-ID 57388420).
Mining and Modeling Text: Interdisziplinäre Anwendungen, informatische Weiterentwicklung, rechtliche Perspektiven (MiMoText | Forschungsinitiative, 2019-2022)
The project is concerned with the automatic extraction, structuring and networking of specialist information from text and data collections and with the use of such information networks to answer questions in the humanities. The core objective is to develop interdisciplinary approaches to solutions, whereby conceptual, humanities, computer science, legal and infrastructural issues and processes are interlinked. The first context of application French literary history, but the transferability of the methods to other disciplines is being considered from the outset. The project takes into account different types of texts: from easily structured texts (e.g. bibliographical indexes) to non-fiction texts in the humanities (e.g. specialist literature on literary history) and literary texts (e.g. novels). The project is based at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities at Trier University. It is funded as part of the research initiative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the period from July 2019 to December 2023. The project spokesperson is Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch, deputy spokesperson is Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin. Further information:
Les mots du droit. Lexicographie numérique de Des délits et des peines de Cesare Beccaria et ses traductions en Europe
The project analyzes Beccaria's 1764 treatise Dei delitti e delle pene on the basis of its Italian editions and German, French and English translations in the 18th century. The project is coordinated by Falk Bretschneider, EHESS/CNRS Paris, Rainer Maria Kiesow, EHESS/CNRS Paris and Claudine Moulin, TCDH, University of Trier, with the participation of Christof Schöch, TCDH / University of Trier. Funding is provided by the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (Paris) and the Villa Vigoni - Centro Italo-Tedesco per l'eccellenza Europea (Menaggio).