Prof. Rieger's former collaborators
Dept of Computational Linguistics, University of Trier & MESY Institution, RWTH Aachen
Dr. phil. Petra Badry, MA
Dr. phil. Hans-Ulrich Block, MA
Dr. rer.nat. Heinz-Martin Dannhauer, Dipl. Phys.
Dr. phil. Christoph Flores, MA
Dr. phil. Kathrin Gieseking, MA
Christiane Hoffmann, MA
Daniel John, Dipl. Math.
Prof. James Kilbury, Dipl. Inform., PhD., MA, BA
Prof. Dr. phil. Edda Leopold, Dipl.Math., MA
Dr. Alfonso Medina Urrea, MSc., BSc
Prof. Dr. phil. Alexander Mehler, MA
Beate Oerder, MA
Dr. phil. Maria Reichert, MA
Jürgen Schrepp, Dipl. Math.
Mathias Shen, geb. Galle, MA
Dr. phil. Constantin Thiopoulos, Dipl. Inform., MA
Ralph Wagner, MA
Dr. phil Heinz-Josef Weber
Dr. phil. Armin Wegner, MA
Priv.Doz. Dr. rer.nat. Dieter Wickmann, Dipl. Phys.