German Colonialism

Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Eva Bischoff (Trier University)

Duration: since 2005

Starting from a research project on postcolonial gender history (“Kannibale-Werden. Eine postkoloniale Geschichte deutscher Männlichkeit um 1900”, this research area investigates social, cultural and political aspects of the German colonial project. It focusses on the reconstruction of postcolonial continuities as well as transimperial comparisons and on questions of gender history.

Publications (selected)

Bischoff, Eva (2018): The Goddess and the Beast: African-German Encounters, in: Savage Worlds? German Understandings of Non-European Peoples, 1815-1918. Hg. Matthew Fitzpatrick und Peter Monteath, Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018, 63-85.

Bischoff, Eva (2013): The Cannibal and the Caterpillar: Violence, Pain, and Becoming-Man in Early Twentieth-Century Germany, in: Body Politics. Zeitschrift für Körpergeschichte 1,2 (2013) (Schwerpunktheft: Gewaltverhältnisse, Hg. Pascal Eitler), 199-229, online:, 16.04.2016.

Bischoff, Eva (2011): Kannibale-Werden. Eine postkoloniale Geschichte deutscher Männlichkeit um 1900 (Bielefeld: transcript).

In Preparation: Bischoff, Eva (2021): Imperialism in Modern German History (London: Bloomsbury Academic).