Dare more Global History

[Translate to Englisch:] Vergangenheitsformen

Season 2, Episode 6 of the H-Soz-Kult podcast "Vergangenheitsformen"

In view of the multiple crises in a globalised world that is becoming increasingly painful to experience, even in the Global North, global-historical orientation knowledge is becoming more and more important. While global history content is now widespread in scholarship, the situation is different in public outreach, scientific communication (media, museums) and in schools. Here, the history of global-historical entanglements is still underrepresented, and research findings are only slowly being translated into curricula and school practice. Under the heading ‘’ Dare more Global History‘’, Jan Siefert (University of Duisburg-Essen) and Philipp Bernhard (Centre for the Culture of Remembrance at the University of Regensburg) will join Eva Bischoff to discuss the urgency and difficulties of introducing more global historical perspectives into school lessons.

Trier postkolonial

Stadtrundgang Workshop zu möglichen Themen und Stationen
11. Juli 2024, 18-20 Uhr, Raum B 14

Kolonialgeschichte und ihre Aufarbeitung stehen zurzeit häufig im Zentrum aktueller Berichterstattung. Dabei erscheint es oft so, als ob Kolonialismus eine Angelegenheit der großen Politik und der großen Metropolen wie Berlin oder Hamburg gewesen sei. Doch Kolonialismus und der damit einhergehende Rassismus prägten (und prägen bis heute) die gesamte deutsche Gesellschaft, auch den Alltag in Trier.

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden e.V. Trier, die Afrikanische Community Trier e.V. arbeiten gemeinsam mit dem Arbeitsbereich Internationale Geschichte, vertreten durch PD Dr. Eva Bischoff, an der Entwicklung eines Stadtrundgangs, der diese Geschichte aufzeigen wird. Am Donnerstag, den 11. Juli 2024 werden erste thematische Schwerpunkte des geplanten Rundgangs im Rahmen eines Workshops vorgestellt und mit interessierten Teilnehmer:innen diskutiert. Es ist kein Vorwissen oder Vorbereitung erforderlich. Es zählt das
Interesse und die eigene Perspektive!

Aus organisatorischen Gründen, bitte anmelden bis zum 7. Juli 2024 unter: info@afrikanischecommunitytrier.de.

[Translate to Englisch:] Trier postkolonial 11. Juli 2024

Neuerscheinung: Varianzen des Zusammenhalts

[Translate to Englisch:] Cover Varianzen des Zusammenhalts

An anthology with transregional comparative contributions on the topic of "Variances of Cohesion" ("Varianzen des Zusammenhalts"), edited by Matthias Middell, has been published by Campus Verlag. The concept of ‘social cohesion’ is increasingly becoming a key term in both liberal-democratic and authoritarian societies. The contributions in this volume scrutinise its use from a historical and global perspective. With the help of empirical case studies, they visualise the diversity of concepts and practices of social cohesion and thus reveal their context dependency and historical embedding. This makes it possible to explain the current boom of the term and to counter an unreflected universalisation.


In this volume, Ursula Lehmkuhl discusses the historical foundations and the development of inequality constellations in Canada and discusses the question of how Canada manages to maintain a high degree of social cohesion despite the complexity of social diversity and the challenges that have grown over time.

Black Swans and Australian Elephants: Reading the Gaps on the Trier Coronelli Globe

Lecture Leonie Stevens

The treasury of the Trier City Archive houses two globes by the world-famous artist Vincenzo Maria Coronelli, which were made at the end of the 17th century for the Prince-Bishop of Trier, Johann Hugo von Orsbeck. To create the two works of art, the Italian master drew on the latest maps of his time. This was not always easy, as there was little exchange about new discoveries. Some maps were kept secret, others were only available as manuscripts and still others appeared in print in various cities, sometimes in small editions. Nevertheless, Coronelli succeeded in collecting this knowledge of the world and depicting it in his masterpieces.
Because knowledge of the world was incomplete in many places in Coronelli's time, he filled unknown spaces with fantastic animals, just like other cartographers. In a lecture on 22 February 2024, Australian historian Leonie Stevens will explore one of these gaps: the Swan River region (now the city of Perth) on the west coast of the continent, where Coronelli decorated his globe with deer and an elephant. In her lecture, Stevens will demonstrate that this region was then the territory of Whadjak Noongar. Drawing on research in Dutch archives, Stevens will show that the region around Perth was first mapped in 1697 by Willem de Vlamingh, travelling on behalf of the East India Company. The Noongar hid from the Europeans and watched from afar as the foreigners gazed fearfully at a creature that was commonplace to them: the black swan (Cygnus atratus).

Black Swans and Australian Elephants: Reading the Gaps on the Trier Coronelli Globe
Leonie Stevens (Monash University, Melbourne)
22 February 2024, 5 pm
Weberbach 25, 54290 Trier

An event organised by the Early Modern and International History departments of Trier University together with the Scientific Library of the City of Trier / City Archive as part of the Trier Historical Short Lectures. The lecture will be held in English.

New Podcast Series "International Politics and History"

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild Podcast Ukrainekrieg

The Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Bonn (Prof Kießling) launched a new podcast series in November 2023. Together with the former German ambassador and Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS), Dr Hans-Dieter Heumann, important questions of international politics will be explained and analysed from a historical and current perspective.

In each case, there will also be another guest from the fields of history or political science.

The first episode of the loose series has now been published under the title "Russia's war in Ukraine and the future of the international order" and can be accessed here. Prof Dr Ursula Lehmkuhl from the University of Trier is the episode's guest.

Vergangenheitsformen. The editorial podcast of H-Soz-Kult - New episode with Prof. Dr. Sonja Levsen and PD Dr. Eva Bischoff

[Translate to Englisch:] Podcast Vergangenheitsformen

Season 1 - Episode 10: Old books re-read: Eric Hobsbawm - The Age of Extremes

We all know books that we pick up again and again. When we bring current research questions to the text, they provide new answers. Together with one or more guests, we pursue these ideas. In the tenth episode of the Hsozkult podcast, we turn our attention to Eric Hobsbawm's "The Age of Extremes", first published in 1994. What does the text offer us for our understanding of the "short 20th century" from the perspective of today's multipolar world? What impulses do we take with us for our academic writing? And what do Hobsbawm's work and today's environmental history have in common? We will talk about these and other questions with Sonja Levsen, a scholar of contemporary history.

The episode is available in German only.

About the speakers:

Prof. Dr. Sonja Levsen was appointed Professor of Modern History with a special focus on contemporary history Director of the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Tübingen in April 2023. Her most recent publications include: Beyond Transnationalism. Mapping the Contours of Political Activism in Europe's Long 1970s, a special issue of the European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire 29:3 (2022), which she co-edited with Kiran Patel.

PD Dr. Eva Bischoff is a member of the editorial board of HSozkult since 2020 and works in the field of International History at Trier University. Her most recent publication is: An Elm Tree at the Yarra River? Batman's Treaty as a Nexus of Settler-Colonial Space|Time, in: Comparativ 33:1 (2023), pp. 89-108. doi.org/10.26014/j.comp.2023.01.06.


First Community Forum of the NFDI Consortium 4memory

The first Community Forum of the NFDI Consortium 4memory will take place on Monday, November 20, 2023, from 9:00 h to 12:00 h.

We will meet virtually. You can register via the following link: https://4mem-kt6.sciencesconf.org; you will find further information about the program also as download, by the following links: Timetable CF short & Timetable CF detailed.

Stefan Schmunk (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) and Ursula Lehmkuhl (University of Trier), the speakers of Task Area 4 "Data Literacy", are pleased to announce that the Community Forum will discuss among others the topic "Handling Research Data from Non-European Cultural Areas".  The breakout session "Different Area - Different RDM? Non-Eurocentric Perspectives on FDM", chaired by Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig, will reflect the requirements for research data management of historically relevant research data collected in non-European linguistic and cultural areas. Which discursive, technological, but also which knowledge- and analysis-related demands regarding research data management are formulated by non-European "cultures"? What consequences for digital research in area histories result from the fact that existing ontologies for data indexing and data modeling have been primarily developed against a euro-atlantic background? What are the specific needs of historical research in non-European cultural areas? And what specific competencies in the field of Data Literacy do area historians need to acquire?

We are looking forward to discuss these and other questions with hopefully many interested historians.

Guest Lecture "Global Indigeneity", Carolyn Podruchny, York University

[Translate to Englisch:] Flyer Gastvortrag Global Indigeneity

The Department of International History invites interested students, researchers and guests to a guest lecture on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6 p.m. c.t. in Room P 3.

Early modern historian Carolyn Podruchny, York University, Toronto, will speak on "Global Indigeneity." Carolyn Podruchny is an expert on the history of French settlement in Nouvelle France in the 17th and 18th centuries. She has worked particularly on the relations between French fur traders and aboriginal peoples. She has also published on the history of the Canadian Métis in the 19th and 20th centuries. She has taken the lead in developing and establishing the Metis Studies program at York University. 

The lecture is intended for a general audience interested in the topic of Indigeneity and does not assume any specific expertise.

Information about Carolyn Podruchny can be found on the York University website: www.carolynpodruchny.ca/pages/

Digital History Series "From Books to Bytes"

[Translate to Englisch:] Bücher zu Bytes

Task Area 4 "Data Literacy" of the NFDI Consortium 4memory is organizing a discussion series, entitled: "From Books to Bytes". Every four weeks different experts in the field of digital history and digital humanities will cover different aspects of the challenges of the digital turn for historical research. The opening event on October 27, 2023 started with an introductory lecture by Ursula Lehmkuhl and Stefan Schmunk, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, on "Data in the Service of History. What does research data management mean in historically working disciplines?" 

All events will be recorded and published on the Youtube Channel of Task Area 4: Data Literacy.






Daten im Dienste der Geschichte. Was bedeutet Forschungsdatenmanagement in den historisch arbeitenden Disziplinen?

Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl (Universität Trier),     Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk (Hochschule Darmstadt)


Forschungsdaten präsentieren – aber wie? Erfahrungsbericht und Beratungsangebot

Dr. Anna Menny,
Dr. Anna Neovesky
(Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, Hamburg)


Generationsgegensätze? Ein digitaler Blick über die Schulter zur Analyse qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA

Dr. Katrin Moeller,
Dr. Olaf Simons
(MLU Halle-Wittenberg)


Die digitale Re-Edition gemeinfreier Bücher

Daniel Burckhardt
(MMZ Potsdam)

23.02.2024Analyse und Visualisierung von Netzwerken mit GephiProf. Dr. FrederikElwert (RUB Bochum)
22.03.2024Data modelling and processing for historical Scholarship: How Research Design and Methodolgy affect Data ManagementDr. Jaap Geraerts
(IEG Mainz)
26.04.2024Zotero als Werkzeug zum persönlichen ForschungsdatenmanagementKatharina Hering
(GHI Washington)
24.05.2024Nodegoat als Tool für die historisch arbeitenden WissenschaftenDr. Kathleen Schlütter (Uni Leipzig)
28.06.2024LEAF-Writer: Ein online-Editor zum Annotieren von XML-Dateien und Einbinden von NormdatenDr. Stefan Büdenbender (Hochschule Darmstadt)


Ursula Lehmkuhl elected deputy spokesperson of the NFDI consortium 4memory

[Translate to Englisch:] NFDI 4memory Übersicht Task Areas

As deputy spokesperson, Ursula Lehmkuhl represents the NFDI consortium 4memory in the consortium assembly of the National Research Data Infrastructure Association (Verein Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.).

In the National Research Data Infrastructure Association, valuable data from science and research are systematically made accessible, networked, and made usable in a sustainable and qualitative manner for the entire German science system. In cooperation with the NFDI consortia - associations of different institutions within a research field - the association coordinates the future of research data management in Germany.

The NFDI-consortium 4memory is an association of historically working disciplines with institutions from the GLAM sector, museums, archives, infrastructure facilities. The consortium sees itself as spearheading the development of methods and tools for digital historical work and is also concerned with the epistemological consequences of the "digital turn".

The University of Trier (Ursula Lehmkuhl and Marina Lemaire) together with the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (Stefan Schmunk) leads the work area "Data Literacy". It plays a leading role in the establishment of digital service offerings, the development of curricular and didactic standards for the teaching of "data literacy" skills, and the development of propaedeutic foundations for digital historical source criticism.

Postcolonial Trier

[Translate to Englisch:] Plakat Vortrag Trier Postkolonial 13. Juni 2023

In autumn 2022, a student initiative was founded at the University of Trier, whose members want to investigate Trier's colonial history and its effects, which are still evident today, and develop a postcolonial city tour for Trier. The initiative is supported by PD Dr. Eva Bischoff (International History, University of Trier). Initial results show that Trier is linked in many ways to German, but also European colonial history as a whole. On June 13, 2023, the group will present some its first findings in the form of an evening lecture followed by a discussion. Start of the event: 19:00, Location: Weltladen Trier, Pfützenstraße 1. Presentation and discussion will be in German.

International Workshop: Maritime Labour Practices in Colonial Contexts

[Translate to Englisch:] Flyer Maritime Labour May 2023

Trier University, 19-20 May 2023

Haureh Hussein, PhD Student and research assistant at our department, organizes an international workshop on "Martime Labour Practices in Colonial Contexts" (19-20 May 2023). The topic is closely connected to his research on the interaction between Māori and Quaker whalers as well as to the DFG research project "Family Business: Creating a ‘Maritime Contact Zone’ in the Colonial Anglo-World, 1790-1840". The two day workshop will scope the huge diversity of maritime labour and its colonial conditions. It brings together scholars from diverse disciplines and areas to engage in a dialogue about the results of their research.

The workshop is conducted in a hybrid form. If you are interested in attending in person or online, please send an email to Haureh Hussein (hussein[at]uni-trier.de).

"Vergangenheitsformen": The new H-Soz-Kult Podcast

[Translate to Englisch:] Podcastlogo_Vergangenheitsformen

"Vergangenheitsformen" is the podcast of H-Soz-Kult. Claudia Prinz and Thomas Werneke lead through the individual episodes. The members of the podcast editorial team talk with alternating guests about current developments in the historical sciences and other disciplines related to the field. We discuss changes in the discipline, academic work and current topics in historical studies. The podcast can be found on the H-Soz-Kult website and on all major digital music services and podcast apps.

Just released: Season 1, Episode 1: "Vanishing Point Presence. Eastern European History since the Russian War of Aggression".

The podcast editorial team: Christine Bartlitz (ZZF Potsdam), Eva Bischoff (Trier University), Christoph Classen (ZZF Potsdam), Thomas Meyer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Claudia Prinz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Miriam Rürup (MMZ Potsdam), Janaina Ferreira dos Santos (ZZF Potsdam), Thomas Werneke (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

NFDI4Memory is starting its work

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto: Colourbox

On March 1, 2023, the first five-year funding phase will begin for the NFDI consortium 4memory. It aims to lead historically working subjects and disciplines into the digital future of historical scholarship. The University of Trier has published the following press release:

A big step into the digital future of historical scholarship.

Advancing digitization in various academic disciplines is one of the University of Trier's priority goals. Researchers in history as well as IT and data experts are now making an important contribution to this on a national level. They are involved in the "NFDI4Memory" consortium, which was accepted into the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) last November and is coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for European History in Mainz. The NFDI seeks to systematically opening up and making accessible data inventories and infrastructures, which are often stored in a decentralized, project-based and temporary manner. To this end, a total of 27 NFDI consortia were accepted for funding in three application phases.

The "NFDI4Memory" consortium will begin its work on March 1, 2023. Eleven institutions including universities, research infrastructures, museums and archives with extraordinary expertise in using digital methods are participating as co-spokespersons. They are responsible for the realization of 4memory's ambitious work plan. More than 70 institutions from across the breadth of historical research support their endevour. Together, they address issues of data quality, data connectivity, data literacy, and data culture.

Core historical work

Historian Ursula Lehmkuhl and Marina Lemaire from the eSciences service center lead the Trier Team. Together with Stefan Schmunk from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, the Trier co-spokespersons of the consortium are responsible for the Task Area "Data Literacy". "Our work touches the core of historical research under conditions of digitality," says Professor Ursula Lehmkuhl, emphasizing the dimension of the task. Historians must be enabled to collect, manage and sustainably archive historical research data using with the help of appropriate methods and procedures. The use of digital tools for analyzing historical source material has become more and more part of historical research.

"Our work will also benefit the education of historically working scholars of tomorrow," Professor Ursula Lehmkuhl is convinced. "We want to integrate the teaching of digital skills into the study of history. I am therefore very pleased that in Matthias Busch, our new Vice President for Teaching, we have an outspoken expert in the field of researching the challenges of historical learning and teaching under conditions of digitality," explains Ursula Lehmkuhl. "It won't take long that topics such as algorithm criticism will be taught in historical propaedeutics alongside classical historical source criticism."

Integrating digital methods

In the first five-year funding phase, competence profiles for dealing with data, certified training concepts, and curricular standards for integrating digital methods into history teaching will be developed, and service and advice centers will be established. In cooperation with a broad network of experts, the challenges and methodological effects of digitization on historical scholarship will be mapped and examined. In the long term, the consortium aims to change the culture of historical work. To this end, it has established the Task Area "Data Culture," in which Trier historian Raphael participates as a co-spokesperson in his capacity as president of the German Historical Association.

Those involved at the University of Trier consider themselves well prepared for the challenges of working in the consortium. Researchers from Trier, for example, have been dealing with the topic for a long time as members of professional associations as well as data-related institutions and initiatives on a national and international level. The University of Trier has also been building its own structures, services and applications for the management and publication of research data in the humanities for almost 20 years. It has made them available for research projects beyond its own institution.

Further information:www.4memory.de


Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl
International History
E-mail: lehmkuhl@uni-trier.de
Tel. +49 651 201-4101
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***

International History in the Media

[Translate to Englisch:] SZ Geschichte Daily

PD Dr. Eva Bischoff in conversation with Magdalena Pulz from the SZ Podcast Geschichte Daily on the topic of "Patriarchy: Women as Oppressors" in European colonialism.


Just Published

[Translate to Englisch:] Cover Belonging Across Borders

Belonging Across Borders

The book "Belonging Across Borders. Transnational Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" edited by Levke Harders and Falko Schnicke, was published by Oxford University Press in November 2022. In her essay "Processes of Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization, and Practices of Place-Making and Belonging: The Red River Métis," Ursula Lehmkuhl reconstructs the history of settlement and land-grabbing in Manitoba by looking at indigenous practices of place-making and belonging. 


Berlin’s Australian Archive Addressing the Colonial Legacies of Natural History

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo Zentrum Kulturgutverluste

Project Launch

Effective August 1, 2022, the project "Berlin's Australian Archive: Addressing the Colonial Legacies of Natural History," co-directed by Prof. Dr. Anja Schwarz (University of Potsdam) and PD Dr. Eva Bischoff (Trier University), has begun its work.

The research project is funded by the German Center for the Loss of Cultural Property in the funding area "Colonial Contexts". The funding amounts to 184,000 Euros; the Universities of Potsdam and Trier are providing an additional contribution of 38,800 Euros for the project. The funding period is 24 months with the possibility of an extension for another 12 months (upon application).

The goal of the project is to provide Aboriginal communities with access to collections preserved in Berlin that are significant to their history. Together with (Indigenous) Australian museum practitioners, curators and representatives of Aboriginal communities, collections of German-speaking naturalists who were active in the Australian colonies will be critically reviewed. To this end, the collections will be indexed across institutions, historically classified, and reconstructed across taxonomic boundaries. The focus is on the role of indigenous actors and their knowledge in the past and on the needs of the cooperating communities in the present. The concrete work of the project is guided by consultative Indigenous reference groups, which take the lead in shaping the work process and formulating the research interest.

Eva Bischoff and Anja Schwarz are looking forward to collaborating with the Berlin Museum für Naturkunde/ Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, the Ethnological Museum of the National Museums in Berlin as well as Museums Victoria (Melbourne), the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (Melbourne) and the Australian Museum (Sydney).

Current information about the status of the preparations, the ongoing work of the project and its partners can be found on the research blog Australian Archive.


Job Alert: Looking for Student Research Assistants!

Pending the allocation of funds by the German Center for the Loss of Cultural Property, up to three positions for student research assistants (WHK with B.A.) are open in the research project "Berlin's Australian Archive: Addressing the Colonial Legacies of Natural History" (duration 24 months)", which PD Dr. Eva Bischoff is pursuing together with Prof. Anja Schwarz (University of Potsdam). If you are an M.A. or M.Ed. History student with an interest in museum work, provenance research, and the ongoing restitution debates, we would be particularly pleased to receive your application (deadline is June 30, 2022). Please find all further information in the announcement text deposited for download here (in German).


Nachwuchskolloquium: „Doing History“ in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: Neue Perspektiven zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts


Datum: 21. Mai 2022, 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Robert-Schumann-Haus, Trier
Organisation: Eva Bischoff (Universität Trier) & Klemens Wedekind (Universität Hildesheim)



Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Geschichte und Fragen der Erinnerungskultur stehen heute im Zentrum vieler politischer Debatten. Dazu gehört beispielsweise die Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte gesellschaftlicher Diversität, dem Umgang mit dem kolonialen Erbe des Transatlantik und den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung. Diese Fragen bewegen gleichzeitig aber auch die Geschichtswissenschaft, da sie für diese neue Perspektiven auf die theoretischen und methodischen Grundlagen eröffnet. Damit einher geht die Entwicklung neuer Berufsbilder. Die Veranstaltung wird exemplarisch ausgewählte Aspekte dieser Dynamiken ausleuchten. Dazu bringt es Wissenschaftler:innen unterschiedlicher Karrierestufen aus dem In- und Ausland sowie verschiedener Erfahrungskontexte zusammen, die anhand ausgewählter Themenschwerpunkte die übergeordnete Frage diskutieren: Was heißt „doing history“ in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts? Besonderer Gast dieses Nachwuchskolloquiums ist Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl.

Teilnahme nach Anmeldung bis zum 14.05.2022 bei: bischoff[at]uni-trier.de.

(Vorläufiges) Programm

14:00 Registrierung

14:30-14:45 Eröffnung
Was heißt „doing history“ in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts?
Eva Bischoff (Universität Trier) & Klemens Wedekind (Universität Hildesheim)

14:45-15:15 Panel 1: Wissenschaft & Management
Präsentation: Hanno Scheerer (LMU München) & Klemens Wedekind (Universität Hildesheim)
Kommentar: Anna Xymena Tissot (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, Nürnberg)

15:15-15:45 Panel 2: New Colonial History
Präsentation: Stefan Dixius (Universität Trier) & Tom Schira (Universität Trier)
Kommentar: Norbert Finzsch (Universität zu Köln)

15:45-16:00 Kaffeepause

16:00-16:30 Panel 3: Public History
Präsentation: Eva Bischoff (Universität Trier) & Christoph Laugs (Neumann & Kamp: Historische Projekte Düsseldorf)
Kommentar: Simon Karstens (Universität Trier)

16:30-17:00 Panel 4: Diversity (in engl. Sprache)
Präsentation: Rahab Njeri (Universität zu Köln) & Michelle Stoffel (Universität Trier)
Kommentar: Gilles Dupuis (Université de Montréal)

17:00-17:15 Kaffeepause

17:15-17:45 Panel 5: Transatlantische Geschichte 2.0
Michaela Hampf (Freie Universität Berlin)
Kommentar: Petra Dolata (University of Calgary)

17:45-18:00 Abschlussdiskussion

German Immigrant Letters - Report MDR - 8 April 2022

[Translate to Englisch:] Auswandererbrief aus der Serie Burmeister/Ehlers, DABS, FB Gotha

Der MDR berichtet heute über die Deutsche Auswandererbriefsammlung in der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha. Die Professur für Internationale Geschichte beschäftigt sich im Rahmen der rheinland-pfälzischen "Cultural Heritage"-Förderung mit diesem einzigartigen historischem Kulturgut. Korrespondenzen zwischen Menschen, die aus deutschen Regionen in die USA auswanderten, und Menschen, die daheimblieben, gehören zum materiellen und immateriellen kulturellen Erbe beider Länder. Die Korrespondenzen unterstreichen den Stellenwert, der Migrationsprozessen in der deutschen Geschichte zukommt. Deutsche verließen ihre Heimat aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen - religiösen, politische, vor allem aber wirtschaftlichen. Die Hoffnuntg in der "neuen Welt" bessere Lebensbedingungen zu finden, war allgegenwärtig.


Wenn Sie mehr über die Deutsche Auswandererbrief-Sammlung erfahren wollen, schauen Sie sich die Website "www.auswandererbriefe.de" an. Die migrationsbezogenen Forschungsprojekte der Professur für Internationale Geschichte finden Sie im Forschungsteil dieser Website.

Lecture on the History of German Colonialism

[Translate to Englisch:] Online Seminar Jena

Lecture as part of the online seminar "Discrimination and Racism in Europe: Understanding Reality, Shaping the Future", University of Jena (22.11.2021, 12:15-13:00, zoom)
PD Dr. Eva Bischoff
Like no other form of activism, the potests against the Humboldt Forum and the protests of the international Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, have put Germany's colonial past into the spotlight. In doing so, they also revealed that there are large gaps between the results of historical research and the public culture of remembrance. A critical examination of colonialism is absolutely necessary to understand discrimination and racism in Germany. The lecture therefore deals with the basic lines of German colonial history. The presentation is part of the first of two sessions that Eva Bischoff will teach as a guest lecturer in the online seminar mentioned above. The course is a result of a cooperation between master students of IPK (IWK) and DaF/Z and the lecturer Dr. Luisa Conti (Intercultural Business Communication) of the University of Jena. The lecture will take place in German and via online (zoom).

Registrations until 21.11.2021 to julia.muehlenhof@uni-jena.de

Studying History Abroad: Introductory Event for New Students

On 18 October 2021, PD Dr Eva Bischoff will report on the many opportunities to study history abroad as part of the introductory lectures of the University's History Department. Here are the slides of her presentation to download. The presentation is in German.


17th Biennial Conference of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien | German Association for Australian Studies Trier University, 27 September – 2 October 2021

Australia’s past and present are closely connected to the sea: In coastal regions, maritime areas are an integral part of Country and thus play a vital role for Aboriginal communities. The sea also looms large in Australian cultural memory and imagination in general, as a passageway and connection to other parts of world with images oscillating between fear (migration) and longing (postcolonial melancholia). In addition, it is an important economic factor as the maritime industry, from gas and oil extraction to cruise shipping, currently generates 9 billion AUD of the Australian GDP. As a destination for domestic and international tourism (surfing), the seaside and the Australian maritime world (Great Barrier Reef) plays an important role in creating a sense of identity as well as selling Australia as a ‘brand’ to global consumerism. From this multitude of relations, a multiplicity of seascapes emerges – spaces of knowing, of contact, of negotiation and transition, and of movement (of ideas, goods or people). Seascapes demonstrate Australia’s deep connection to Oceania, the Pacific region and the world. However, in the face of climate change and rising sea levels, many of these connections are becoming tenuous.


The 2021 conference of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien | German Association for Australian Studies will discuss Australian seascapes in an interdisciplinary perspective, including (but not restricted to) contributions from the field of Cultural Studies (literature, performing arts, film, visual arts), History, Political Science, Anthropology, and Geography

The conference will take place online via Zoom, combining online lectures (»webinars«) with panel presentations and discussions. All conference events will take place between 8:00-13:00 CEST/ 16:00-21:00 AEST, giving Australian and German participants the opportunity to attend at their convenience.

There is no conference fee but registration is mandatory. Please register at Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australian-seascapes-2021-tickets-163610422177). If you are new to Eventbrite, please be advised that you need to sign up with the online ticket service first before registering for the conference. You will be guided through the necessary steps after clicking on the conference registration link and it only takes a few steps.

The conference is supported by the DFG, hosted by Trier University and organized by PD Dr. Eva Bischoff, Department of International History (australianseascapes2020gmailcom)

Interdisciplinary CePoG Colloquium 2-3 July 2021: How to Decolonize the Curriculum?

[Translate to Englisch:] CePoG Kolloquium Logo 2021

The Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) is organising an interdisciplinary colloquium on 2 and 3 July 2021, aimed at all those who ask how to decolonise knowledge production knowledge dissemination and education: The aim is to identify problematic areas of knowledge production and scholarship in both academic and school contexts and to discuss strategies and approaches to solutions. Projects and project ideas in the field of civil society engagement, community activism, ideas of existing initiatives as well as academic (master thesis, dissertation or habilitation project) and school projects are welcome. The colloquium is intended to provide a space for exchange and networking. It will set an impulse for developing a new long-term perspective of our Centre, directed towards socio-political, scientific, institutional, didactic and science-political reflection processes of decolonisation.

Convenors are: Prof. Dr. Andrea Geier, Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns, PD Dr. Eva Bischoff, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Bergmann, Dr. Elisa Müller-Adams, Sara Larijani, Njeri Rahab, Emiliano Castillo Jara


25.06.2021 New Publication: Mabo’s Cultural Legacy

[Translate to Englisch:] Titelbild Mabo Legacy

We are very happy to announce the publication of „Mabo’s Cultural Legacy History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia“, edited by Geoff Rodoreda und Eva Bischoff. This book examines the broader impacts on Australian culture and cultural practice of the Australian High Court’s landmark Mabo decision of 1992. It considers how history, linguistics and anthropology as well as film, fiction, poetry and memoir writing have been challenged or transformed by Mabo.

Geoff Rodoreda & Eva Bischoff (eds.): Mabo’s Cultural Legacy. History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia. London: Anthem 2021.

18 May 2021: "German Heritage in Letters" wins prize from the National Genealogical Society

[Translate to Englisch:] Auswandererbrief 1854

Congratulations to the German Historical Institute Washington D.C.! The institute's project "German Heritage in Letters", which cooperates closely with the Deutsche Auswandererbriefsammlung (DABS), received an award from the National Genealogical Society for innovation in family history research.  The project has developed opportunitites for citizen-scholars to conduct and contribute to genealogical research. German Heritage in Letters could serve as a model for other projects and organizations.  If you want to learn more about the two letter projects please visit their websites. If you are interested in migration research you might also want to take a look at the blog  "Migrant Knowledge" of the GHI's Pacific Regional Office Berkeley.


Presentation of the IRTG Diversity as "Best Practice" at the DAAD Networking Event 11.5.2021

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, Laurence McFalls (Université de Montréal) and Ursula Lehmkuhl (Universität Trier) presented the International Research Training Group (IRTG) "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces", funded by the DFG and SSHRC, at a DAAD networking event. The presentation is available on youtube. Here you can learn about who we are, how the program was developed, what are research program is and how we have set up our qualification program. If you like to learn more about our program, visit our website: www.irtg-diversity.com.


[Translate to Englisch:] IRTG Diversity

WDR Zeitzeichen - The "Donner Party" with Ursula Lehmkuhl

The "Donner Pass" in the 1870s; on T. H. Sullivan of the U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (King Survey) - (ID. King, 53), Gemeinfrei, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5795531

On April 14, 1846, under the leadership of farmer George Donner, a trek of 87 settlers set out for California. The supposed shortcut they took turned out to be a death trap. A good portion of the trek members died on the journey. The rest apparently survived only through cannibalism. 

Ursula Lehmkuhl comments on the events on the "American frontier" in conversation with Veronika Bock and Ulrich Biermann from the Westdeutscher Rundfunk.

Want to learn more? Listen to the postcast on  WDR 3, WDR 5 und im SR.

Workshop Public History on 16 April 2021

Public History has been an integral part of teaching and research in History at the University of Trier for many years. On April 16, 2021, researchers, students, and interested laypersons ("citizen scholars") will meet to exchange information about ongoing projects and to discuss current issues in the field of Public History. A special focus will be on the challenges arising from digital communication and research methods (Digital History) and from Citizen Science. In addition, Prof. Christine Gundermann (University of Cologne) will give a guest lecture on "Public History as a new (trans-)discipline". Parts of the conference will be conducted in German.


Registration via Eventbrite


Program Workshop Public History 2021

Interview with Andrea Geier about Cancel Culture, Blackfacing and "Sprechverbote"

Über die Unterschiede zwischen rechter und linker Identitätspolitik, zwischen Rassismus und Rassismuskritik und der Notwendigkeit einer Politik der Anerkennung. Andrea Geier erklärt die schwierige diskursive Gemengelage um Sprechverbote, Blackfacing, Betroffenheit und geschlechtergerechte Sprache im Gespräch mit Stephanie Rohde im Deutschlandfunk (27.2.2021)


Temporalities of Diversity / Temporalités de la diversité / Zeitlichkeiten der Vielfalt

In its third funding phase, the International Research Training Group "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces" is primarily concerned with the topic of "Temporalities of Diversity". Our doctoral students are preparing a thematic anthology on this topic, accompanied by interviews with proven specialists in the field. Three podcasts have been produced so far: Frank Bösch, Leibniz Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam, speaks on the topic of "Historical Events, Turns of Time, and Diversity of Temporalities"; Elahe Haschemi Yekani, Humboldt University Berlin, discusses the topic of "Transition Time on TV: Transing Genre in "Transparent"; and Robert McRuer, George Washington University, explores the topic of "Crip Times: Disability, Globalization, and Resistance". All podcasts are available through the IRTG Diversity's website. We appreciate your interest in our work!

Öffentliche Anhörungen im Rahmen des Besetzungsverfahrens der W3-Professur Neueste Geschichte, 11. und 12. Januar 2021

Das Fach Geschichte lädt herzlich zu den hochschulöffentlichen Probevorträgen im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens zur Besetzung der W3-Professur Neueste Geschichte ein. Die Vorträge und Diskussionen finden per Zoom statt. Es erwarten uns spannende Themen:

Montag, 11. Januar 2021:

12:00 Uhr - Johannes Großmann, Tübingen: "Blaue Bananen: Postkoloniale Geschichte als postnationale Geschichte in einer europäischen Kernregion"

14:15 Uhr - Sonja Levsen, Freiburg: "Die Vermessung der Demokratie in der europäischen Zeitgeschichte"

16:30 Uhr - Silke Mende, Berlin: "Periphere Perspektiven? (Post-)imperiale Ordnung und europäische Integration" 

Dienstag, 12. Januar 2021:

08:30 Uhr - Christiane Reinecke, Osnabrück: "Den Problemen folgen: Überlegungen zu einer nomadischen Gesellschaftsgeschichte"

10:30 Uhr - Martin Rempe, Konstanz: "Europe créative: Überlegungen zu einer Geschichtre der Kulturwirtschaft im langen 20. Jahrhundert"

13:30 Uhr - Korinna Schönhärl, Frankfurt: "Im großen und ganzen eine sehr weit gehende Laxheit": Steuermoral in der katholischen Soziallehre der 1950er Jahre in Spanien und der BRD

Wenn Sie Interesse an der Teilnahme haben, melden Sie sich bitte im Sekretariat Internationale Geschichte. Frau Buchmeier-Zisel wird Ihnen den Zoom-Link zukommen lassen.

Plakat Probevorträge zum Herunterladen als PDF.

Ringvorlesung: Internationale Wissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter, 13. Januar 2021 18:00 Uhr

Wir freuen uns, dass Prof. Dr. Chad Gaffield von der Universität Ottawa und Dr. Dorothea Rüland, Generalsekretärin des DAAD, die öffentliche Ringvorlesung zum Thema "Herzkammer der Wissenschaft - Der Ort der Universität in der Gesellschaft" mit Beiträgen zum Thema "Internationale Wissenschaft im digitalen Zeitalter" bereichern werden. Prof. Dr. Chad Gaffield ist Distinguished Professor of History and Chair for Digital Scholarship und ist dem Zentrum für Kanada-Studien der Universität Trier langjährig verbunden. Die Internationale Geschichte arbeitet mit ihm im Bereich von Digital History und Digital Cultural Heritage Studies zusammen. Chad Gaffield war von 2006 bis 2014 Präsident des kanadischen Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) und von 2016 bis 2019 Präsident der Royal Society of Canada.

Die Teilnahme an dem Zoom-Meeting am Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2021, 18.00 Uhr, ist unter folgendem Link möglich: https://uni-trier.zoom.us/j/83126312616?pwd=WWw4c0ZXYU84TVNyVkRnV3hKaUl3dz09

New Publication 2020: Impfe und Herrsche. Veterinärmedizinisches Wissen und Herrschaft im kolonialen Namibia, 1887-1929

We are pleased to announce the publication of "Vaccinate and Rule". The book is based on the dissertation of Klemens Wedekind and has been published by the renowned publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in the publication series "Transnational History".

Klemens Wedekind examines the history of colonial veterinary medicine in southern Africa. He argues that it illustrates not only the emergence of specific medical knowledge through transimperial knowledge transfers between European experts. It also uses the example of colonial Namibia to highlight the modalities, consequences, and continuities of the production, circulation, and application of veterinary knowledge in the context of the establishment of colonial rule between 1887 and 1929. 

The book contributes to our understanding of the transnational circulation of knowledge in colonial contexts. Focusing on knowledge transfer and knowledge circulation it demonstrates that a colonial history perspective questions established periodizations of the early 20th century. In the case of the history of colonial veterinary medicine World War I did not disrupt established networks and transfer processes but was a period of continuity. 

New Publication 2020: Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia

We are proud to announce a new book publication by Eva Bischoff: "Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia. Quaker Lives and Ideals" published by Palgrave Macmillan in the well-known publication series "Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies".

This book reconstructs the history of a group of British Quaker families and their involvement in the process of settler colonialism in early nineteenth-century Australia. Their everyday actions contributed to the multiplicity of practices that displaced and annihilated Aboriginal communities. Simultaneously, early nineteenth-century Friends were members of a translocal, transatlantic community characterized by pacifism and an involvement in transnational humanitarian efforts, such as the abolitionist and the prison reform movements as well as the Aborigines Protection Society. Considering these ideals, how did Quaker negotiate the violence of the frontier? To answer this question, the book looks at Tasmanian and South Australian Quakers' lives and experiences, their journeys and their writings. Building on recent scholarship on the entanglement between the local and the global, each chapter adopts a different historical perspective in terms of breadth and focused time period. The study combines these different approaches to capture the complexities of this topic and era.

Lecture 8 Dec 2020: Dr. Eva Nowotny "Internationales Krisenmanagement und die Rolle von Diplomaten" (per Zoom)

Date: 8.12.2020, 18:00 Uhr

Eva Nowotny ist eine österreichische Diplomatin. Sie war u.a. Botschafterin in Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA. Sie wird im Rahmen der Veranstaltung IBID Dialog des neu eingerichteten Masterstudiengangs „Internationale Beziehungen & Diplomatie“ über die Bedeutung von Diplomat*innen in internationalen Krisensituation sprechen. Moderiert wird der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl, Internationale Geschichte.

Kontakt: Professur Internationale Geschichte, Susanne Buchmeier-Zisel

Anmeldung erforderlich: ja (zum Erhalt des Zoom-Links bitte "buchmei@uni-trier.de" kontaktieren. Bis 08.12.2020, 13 Uhr.)

30.9.2020: NFDI4memory consortium funding proposal submitted with DFG

Digital Public History Workshop, 10 July 2020

Neben zahlreichen praxisorientierten Beispielen aus dem Bereich der Digital Public History, hält Prof. Rosalind Beiler von der University of Central Florida, Orlando einen programmatischen Vortrag zum Thema: "Digital Public History: Challenges and Rewards."

Zu Ihren Forschungsinteressen gehören: Early American History, Atlantic History, Early Modern German History, Public History. Sie beschäftigt sich gegenwärtig mit der Analyse von Korrespondenznetzwerken zwischen Europäischen Quakern, Mennoniten und Pietisten und wie diese frühneuzeitliche Migrationsmuster prägten.

February 2020: NFDI Consortia 4Memory established - Trier University is among the Co-Applicant

Trier University, represented by Ursula Lehmkuhl, supports the NFDI consortium 4Memory as a Co-applicant. Together with Marina Lemaire from the Servicecenter eSciences Trier and Stefan Schmunk from the university of applied science Darmstadt, she will be responsible for the Task Area "Data Literacy". Want to learn more about "Data Literacy". Listen to what Ursula Lehmkuhl, Marina Lemaire and Stefan Schmunk have to say.


New Publication 2020: 150 Years of Canada - Grappling with Diversity since 1867

Lehmkuhl, Ursula/Elisabeth Tutschek (eds.) (2020): 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity since 1867 (Münster: Waxmann Verlag)

On July 1, 2017, Canada celebrated the 150th anniversary of Confederation. The nation-wide festivities prompted ambiguous reactions and contradictory responses since they officially proclaimed to celebrate “what it means to be Canadian. “Canada 150’s” focus on identity. The contributions touch upon issues of Canada’s French and English dualism; of its settler colonial past and present and the role of Indigenous Peoples in Canada’s identity narrative; of Canada’s religious, cultural, ethnic and racial diversity; and of the challenge of forging a “Canadian” identity.