We invite you to participate in the 27th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2021)!

*** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to hold CollabTech 2021 FULL VIRTUAL! ***

The conference is a major forum for both academics and practitioners to exchange their experiences related to the development and use of collaboration technology, and it has a strong focus on technology design and development. Most published papers propose innovative technical + human + organizational approaches to expand collaboration support, often backed up by theory brought from various disciplines including computer science, management science, design science, cognitive science, and social science. However, the conference also seeks papers with theory, models, design principles, methodologies, and case studies that contribute to a better understanding of the complex interrelations between collaboration and technology. Considering the heterogeneity of research in collaboration and technology, researchers may address the validation of their work through multiple approaches including laboratory experiments, fieldwork, analytic evaluations, case studies, prototyping, and empirical tests.

This year, the conference will be hosted by the University of Trier from Aug. 31 2021 to Sept. 3. We look forward to welcoming you all in Trier, Germany!


Get access to the Proceedings for free the next 4 weeks here!