Svenja Kohnemann, MSc Environmental Assessment and Management

Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiterin

Mitarbeit im laufenden BMBF-Projekt:

  • Cats: The Changing Arctic Transpolar System (BMBF), 2017-2020
  • Laptew-See Transdrift 2013-2016

F 44 , fon: +49 651 2014633

E-Mail: Svenja Kohnemann


Poster und Vorträge

Kohnemann, S., G.Heinemann, D. Bromwich, O. Gutjahr (2017): Extreme warming in the Kara Sea and Barents Sea during the winter period 2002-2012. Journal of Climate (in review)

April 2017 A model-based climatology of wintertime low-level jets in the Nares Strait, Arctic Summit Science Week, Prag, Tschechien

Kohnemann, S., Heinemann, G., Gutjahr, O., Bromwich, D., 2016: Extreme warming in the NE Atlantic in the winter period 2002-2012 – an analysis with the regional atmospheric model COSMO CLM and the Arctic System Reanalysis. EGU General Assembly April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Kohnemann, S., G. Heinemann, R. Zentek, C. Drüe (2015): Messungen der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht der Arktis mit einem Doppler Wind LIDAR. 26th Congress on Polar Research, Munich, Germany, September 06-11, 2015. Posterpreis

Kohnemann, S., G. Heinemann: Low-Level Jets and Orographic Effects in the Nares Strait: Model simulations of the ABL over the North Water polynya and comparison with aircraft data. High Latitude Dynamics Workshop:Dynamics of Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Interactions in the High-Latitudes, Bergen, Norwegen, 23-27/03/2015

Kohnemann, S., L. Ebner and G. Heinemann, 2014: Simulation of the ABL over the North Water polynya and comparison with aircraft data. European Geoscience Union (EGU), general Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27.04-2.05.2014

Kohnemann, S., G. Heinemann, D. Schröder, S. Willmes and C. Koeberle, 2012: Investigation of regional sea ice budgets in the Arctic: the sea ice/ocean model NAOSIM compared with different CMIPS global climate models. Konferenz: Laptev Sea System 17.12-20.12.2012.

Kohnemann, S., G. Heinemann, D. Schröder, S. Willmes und C. Koeberle: Investigation of regional sea ice budgets in the Arctic using the sea ice/ocean model NAOSIM. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 03-08, 2011

Kohnemann, S., D. Schröder, G. Heinemann und C. Koeberle: Abschätzung der Meereisproduktion in der Laptev-See mit dem Ozean-Meereismodell NAOSIM. German-Austrian-Swiss Meteorology-Conference DACH, Bonn, Germany, September 20-24, 2010