Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns (Chairholder)
Antje's research for the past few years has been on urbanisation in intersection to resource and infrastructure governance. Socio-spatial inequalities in (Coastal) Cities and pathways for sustainability transformations are key research interests that are informed by critical approches and theories. Antje is a trained geographer (PhD CAU-Kiel, Diploma Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Her mission for the the lab is to rethink – seemingly given – ordering concepts like human vs nature, urban vs. rural or North vs South. Our research practice can be best described as boundary work.
Contact: brunsauni-trierde| +49 (0)651/201-4550 |Room F177
Christin Weil M.A. (Assistant)
Christin manages the administrative office and takes care of the organizational processes of the department. She is also responsible for answering student questions. Beside that, she is the first contact point for everybody who needs information, certificates or appointments related to the department.
weiluni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4551 | Room F176
M.Sc. Toni Adscheid (Doctoral Researcher)
Toni holds a post-graduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Stockholm University. His research tries to make sense of human-environmental relations in the context of planetary urbanization. Hereby his focus lies on the political and spatial dimensions of uneven urban development processes.
adscheiduni-trierde| +49 (0)651/201-4637 | Room F179
M.Sc. Viviana Wiegleb (Doctoral Researcher)
Viviana is a doctoral researcher and focuses on the politics of knowledge in environmental governance. She explores the roles that different scientific experts play in environmental discourses and at the science-policy interface. Viviana holds a Master’s degree in Physical Geography from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
wieglebuni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4534 | Room F175a
Dr. Sahar Zavareh Hofmann (Postdoctoral Researcher) Sahar is a postdoctoral researcher and completed her PhD in Economic Geography at the University of Munich (LMU Munich). Her research focuses on urban disaster recovery and governance, urban climate finance, and decolonizing urbanism.
zavarehuni-trierde| +49 (0)651/201-4730 | Room F178
M.A. Elena Freund
Elena is a doctoral researcher in human geography. In her PhD-project, she focuses on human-nature relations of capitalist crisis management from a feminist political ecology perspective. Elena holds a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Studies with a minor in Law and a Master’s degree in Cultural Geography. After finishing her studies, she worked for 1,5 years as a research associate in the field of transdisciplinary sustainability research.
freunduni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4730 | Room F178
Dr. Abubakari Ahmed (affiliated Postdoctoral Researcher, Humboldt Research Fellow)
Abu is affiliated post doc researcher, based at University for Development Studies in Wa, Ghana. He has an academic background in geography, planning, environmental governance and sustainability science and conducted his PhD at United Nations University, Tokyo. His research over the past years has focused on the sustainability assessment of biomass energy production by bridging natural science and social science perspectives.
M.A. Emiliano Castillo Jara (Doctoral Researcher, DAAD-Research Scholarship)
Emiliano holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is interested in the politics of land and energy, sustainable energy transitions, and climate change policies. Emiliano´s PhD-project looks at the land use conflicts over large-scale tar sands mining in Canada. His research aims at developing a better understanding of how tar sands pipelines shape society-nature relationships across geographical scales. His research also explores the role of resistance movements in transforming Canada's energy landscape.
s6emcastuni-trierde| +49 (0)651/201-4011 | Room H345
M.A. Rebekka Kanesu (Doctoral Researcher)
Rebekka is a doctoral researcher in human geography and has a background in social and cultural anthropology. She is interested in human-environmental relations, more-than-human geographies and socio-technical intraactions. Her PhD project 'Liquid Lines - on rivers and borders in the Anthropocene' is situated in the Greater Region between Germany, Luxembourg and France. There, she studies the relation between people, fish, infrastructure and the transboundary Moselle River. She uses qualitative research methods like mulit-sited fieldwork, mobile interviews, participant observation, autoethnography and archival research. In her work she combines political ecology of water approaches with feminist STS, new materialist and posthuman theory.
kanesuuni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4560 | Room F179
M.Sc. Sara Larijani (Doctoral Researcher)
Sara works on her Dissertation on Petro-Landscapes and the Karun River Basin in Iran. She holds a doctoral scholarship from Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung. Sara also works as lecturer for the lab and offers courses on Energy Geography. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Tehran University in Iran and holds a MA in Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning from HafenCity University, Hamburg in which her focus was water-related issues in urban areas.
Affiliated Scholars to the Team
M.Sc. David Kuhn (Doctoral Candidate at Trier University)
David is based at ISOE in Frankfurt and is part of the REGULATE project. In his doctoral thesis at Trier University he studies hydrosocial groundwater territories.
Dr. Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky (Affilliated Researcher)
Fanny is a researcher affiliated to the Lab. Fanny is head of the junior research group REGULATE at ISOE (Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung) in Frankfurt/Main. She is also teaching in the field of Socio-Hydrology at Trier University.
Student Assistants
Agnes Feil
Agnes is studying human geography (B.Sc.) at Trier University since 10/2017. She is particularly interested in spatial planning, urban development and human environment relations.
s6agfeiluni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4468 | Room F134
Linda Krämer
Linda is studying human geography (B.Sc.) and Media-Communication-Society (B.A.) at Trier University. She is interested in urban development processes and sustainable tourism, also in terms of communication processes.
s2likraeuni-trierde | +49 (0)651/201-4468 | Room F134
Isis Khali
Isis is studying Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.) at Trier University since 10/2019. She is specializing in Nature Conservation & Restoration and is particularly interested in ecosystem research.
Martha Trigo
Martha is studying Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.) at Trier University. She graduated from La Salle University with a degree in Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.) in Mexico City. She is interested in water-related issues and environmental toxicology.
s6matriguni-trierde | +4917665331056
Sophie Küffner
Sophie is studying Geoinformatics (M.Sc.) at the University of Trier. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Human and Physical Geography at the University of Bayreuth (specialization in biogeography). Her main research interests regard to data-based environmental changes, their interpretation and visualization. Sophie’s current work focuses on the investment part of water-energy relation projects.
Marvin Klingberg
Marvin ist studying applied geography (B.Sc.) since 10/2019. He is interested in economic geography, particulary in practices of sustainable economics and human environment relations. | +4915785968076
Niklas Toresson
Niklas is studying human geography (M.A.) at Trier University. He is especially interested in sustainability and development studies as well as in urban processes.
s6nitoreuni-trierde | +491536271203
RDir Roland Wernig
roland.wernigsgdnordrlpde +49 (0)651/4601-251