INRECA-II: Information and Knowledge Reengineering for Reasoning from Cases
The central aim of the Inreca Consortium is to establish and promote an experienced-based methodology for guiding case- based decision support (CBDS) application development, validation and maintenance. The consortium has also developed a set of tools that support the methodology.
Case-based Decision Support (CBDS) is a technology that solves problems by storing, retrieving, and adapting past cases. Inreca has delivered:
- Methodological guidelines for supporting the spiral development of a CBDS application
- Generic tools that implement the methodological guidelines; they constitute a suitable base for rapid incorporation into marketable packages
- An application platform (i.e. vertical tools and methodology)
The Consortium has also further contributed to European standards by extending Casuel, the case and knowledge representation language developed by Inreca. Achieving these goals has required a number of new techniques and methods that were adapted to the needs of building and maintaining CBDS systems.
The consortium is present in the major European markets for CBDS and is strongly committed for joint marketing and dissemination efforts with a goal to open new markets for the technology.
INRECA-II was funded by the European Union (ESPRIT-IV Project) and was carried out between June 1996 to May 1999.
The Consortium consisted of five partners.
- AcknoSoft (meanwhile Kaidara)
- DaimlerChrysler (meanwhile part of Mercedes-Benz Group)
- Interactive Multimedia Systems (meanwhile IMS MAXIMS)
- tecInno GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany (meanwhile empolis arvato)
- University of Kaiserslautern (Centre for Learning Systems and Applications)
Research Team
One member of the Wi2-group have been working within INRECA-II.
- Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergmann (Project Leader)
The following list contains only publications that have been written by members of the Wi2-group within the INRECA-II project. A more complete list of INRECA-II related publications can be found at the INRECA-II Homepage.
- Ralph Bergmann, and Mehmet Göker. Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications Using the INRECA Methodology. In IJCAI-99 Workshop on the automatic construction of case-based reasoners, 1999.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, Mehmet Göker, Michel Manago, and Stefan Wess. Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications: The INRECA Methodology. , volume 1612 of LNAI, Springer Verlag, 1999.
- Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Ralph Bergmann, Stefan Wess, Michel Manago, Eric Auriol, O. Larichev, Alexander Bolotov, Yurii I. Zhuravlev, and Serge I. Gurov. Case-Based Reasoning for Medical Decision Support Tasks: The INRECA Approach. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal (AIMJ), 12(1):25-41, 1998.
- Michel Manago, Ralph Bergmann, Armin Stahl, and Wolfgang Wilke. Specification of tools that support the methodology. INRECA-II Deliverable D7, INRECA Consortium. Technical Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, E. Fayol, Mehmet Göker, Roy Johnston, Sascha Schmitt, Jürgen Schumacher, Armin Stahl, Ralph Traphöner, Stefan Wess, and Wolfgang Wilke. Refined methodology for building and maintaining a CBR application. ESPRIT-Project INRECA-II, Deliverable D6, INRECA Consortium. Technical Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1998.
- Wolfgang Wilke, Ralph Bergmann, and Stefan Wess. Negotiation During Intelligent Sales Support with Case-Based Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (GWCBR'98), 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, Mehmet Göker, Michel Manago, Sascha Schmitt, Jürgen Schumacher, Armin Stahl, Emmanuelle Tartarin, Stefan Wess, and Wolfgang Wilke. The INRECA-II Methodology for Building and Maintaining CBR Applications. In Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (GWCBR'98), 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, and Wolfgang Wilke. Towards a New Formal Model of Transformational Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (GWCBR'98), 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann. On the Use of Taxonomies for Representing Case Features and Local Similarity Measures. In Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (GWCBR'98), 1998.
- Wolfgang Wilke, and Ralph Bergmann. Techniques and Knowledge Used for adaptation During Case-Based Problem Solving. In In 11th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA-98, 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, E. Fayol, Mehmet Göker, Michel Manago, Jürgen Schumacher, Sascha Schmitt, Armin Stahl, Stefan Wess, and Wolfgang Wilke. Collecting experience on the systematic development of CBR applications using the INRECA-II Methodology. In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, EWCBR'98, 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, and Armin Stahl. Similarity Measures for Object-Oriented Case Representations. In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, EWCBR'98, 1998.
- Mehmet Göker, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Ralph Bergmann, T. Pantleon, Ralph Traphöner, Stefan Wess, and Wolfgang Wilke. The development of HOMER: A case-based CAD/CAM help-desk support tool. In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, EWCBR'98, pages 346 - 357, 1998, Springer.
- Ralph Bergmann, and Wolfgang Wilke. Towards a New Formal Model of Transformational Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning. In European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'98), 1998.
- Ivo Vollrath, Wolfgang Wilke, and Ralph Bergmann. Case-based reasoning support for online catalog sales. IEEE Internet Computing, 2(4):47-54, 1998.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, Mehmet Göker, Roy Johnston, Jürgen Schumacher, Armin Stahl, Ralph Traphöner, and Wolfgang Wilke. Cookbook for building and maintaining a CBR application. ESPRIT-Project INRECA-II, Deliverable D4. Technical Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1997.
- Ralph Bergmann, Sean Breen, Mehmet Göker, Roy Johnston, Jürgen Schumacher, Armin Stahl, Ralph Traphöner, and Wolfgang Wilke. Initial methodology for building and maintaining a CBR application. ESPRIT-Project INRECA-II, Deliverable D2+3. Technical Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1997.
- Wolfgang Wilke, Ivo Vollrath, and Ralph Bergmann. Using knowledge containers to model a framework for learning adaptation knowledge . In David Aha, and D. Wettschereck, editors, ECML’97 Workshop „Case-Based Learning: Beyond Classification of Feature Vectors", 1997.
- Wolfgang Wilke, Ivo Vollrath, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, and Ralph Bergmann. A framework lor learning adaptation knowledge based on knowledge light approaches. In Ralph Bergmann, and Wolfgang Wilke, editors, Proceedings des 5. Deutschen Workshops „Fallbasiertes Schließen, pages 235-242, Universität Kaiserslautern, Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Anwendungen (LSA), Bericht LSA-97-01E, 1997.
- Ralph Bergmann, Wolfgang Wilke, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Sean Breen, and Roy Johnston. Ingredients for developing a case-based reasoning methodology. In Ralph Bergmann, and Wolfgang Wilke, editors, Proceedings des 5. Deutschen Workshops „Fallbasiertes Schließen, pages 49-58, Universität Kaiserslautern, Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Anwendungen (LSA), Bericht LSA-97-01E , 1997.
- Ralph Bergmann, Wolfgang Wilke, and Jürgen Schumacher. Using Software Process Modeling for Building a Case-Based Reasoning Methodology: Basic Approach and Case Study. In International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR’97, 1997, Springer Verlag.
- Wolfgang Wilke, and Ralph Bergmann. Incremental Adaptation with the INRECA-System. In ECAI 1996 Workshop on Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning, 1996.
- Ralph Bergmann, Wolfgang Wilke, Ivo Vollrath, and Stefan Wess. Integrating General Knowledge with Object-Oriented Case Representation and Reasoning. In 4th German Workshop: Case-Based Reasoning - System Development and Evaluation, 1996.
- Wolfgang Wilke, and Ralph Bergmann. Considering Decision Cost During Learning of Feature Weights. In European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, 1996.
- Wolfgang Wilke, Ralph Bergmann, and Klaus-Dieter Althoff. Fallbasiertes Schließen zur Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 1996.