IP Qualification for Efficient Design Reuse

For the design of Systems on Chip (SoC) it is essential to reuse previously developed and verified components, so-called Intellectual Properties (IPs), in order to meet nowadays requirements in reliability, correctness, and time-to-market. On the downside, deciding about reusing a third-party component in a design situation can consume substantial time and resources. This is especially true in situations where many potential candidates exist due to the large amount of functional, non-functional, and quality related aspects of each component. In order to facilitate the search for IPs in large IP assets, e.g. virtual marketplaces, we have developed the IP Broker tool suite that facilitates the development of IP retrieval solutions by making use of Case-based Reasoning technology (CBR). It enables integrators to search for IPs driven by their specific requirements. Applications based on IP Broker can be easily integrated into already existing company sites or portal sites.


"IPQ: IP Qualification for Efficient Design Reuse" was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the related European Medea project "ToolIP: Tools and Methods for IP". The project was carried out between December 2000 to November 2003.


The Consortium consisted of twelve partners.

Research Team

Five members of the Wi2-group have been working within IPQ.

  • Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergmann (Project Leader)
  • Dr. Andrea Freßmann
  • Dr. Rainer Maximini
  • Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Tartakovski
  • Martin Schaaf (Former Group Member)
  • Marco Spinelli (Former Group Member)



  • Alexander Tartakovski, Martin Schaaf, Rainer Maximini, and Ralph Bergmann. MINLP Based Retrieval of Generalized Cases, Proceedings of 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004. In Peter Funk, and Pedro A. González Calero, editors, Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, LNAI 3155, pages 404-418, Madrid, Spain, August 2004, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
  • Rainer Maximini, Andrea Freßmann, and Martin Schaaf. Explanation Service for Complex CBR Applications. In Peter Funk, and Pedro A. González Calero, editors, Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Proceedings of 7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004, LNAI3155, pages 302-316, Madrid, Spain, August 2004, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
  • Martin Schaaf, Andrea Freßmann, Rainer Maximini, Ralph Bergmann, Alexander Tartakovski, and Martin Radetzki. Intelligent IP Retrieval Driven by Application Requirements. Integration, the VLSI Journal, 37(4):253-287, 2004.
  • Andrea Freßmann, Rainer Maximini, Martin Schaaf, Jasmin Franz, and Ralph Traphöner. Intelligent Retrieval for Component Reuse in System-On-Chip Design. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, (2):45-48, 2004.


  • Rainer Maximini, Alexander Tartakovski, and Ralph Bergmann. Investigating different Methods for efficient Retrieval of Generalized Cases. In Ulrich Reimer, Andreas Abecker, Steffen Staab, and Gerd Stumme, editors, Professionelles Wissensmanagement -Erfahrungen und Visionen (WM 2003), pages 303-304, Luzern, Switzerland, April 2003, GI.
  • Martin Schaaf, Andrea Freßmann, Marco Spinelli, Rainer Maximini, and Ralph Bergmann. A Knowledge Representation Format for Virtual IP Marketplaces. In Kevin D. Ashley, and Derek G. Bridge, editors, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Case Base Reasoning (ICCBR'03), Trondheim, Norway, June 2003.
  • Alexander Tartakovski, and Rainer Maximini. Similarity Assessment and Retrieval of Generalized Cases. In Workshop on Knowledge and Experience Management (FGWM 2003), Karlsruhe Germany, October 2003.
  • Marco Spinelli and Martin Schaaf. Towards Explanations for CBR-based Applications. In Proceedings GI-Workshopwoche "Lehren - Lernen - Wissen - Adaptivität", Workshop on Knowledge and Experience Management (FGWM03), Karlsruhe, 2003
  • Kerstin Maximini, Rainer Maximini, and Ralph Bergmann. An Investigation of Generalized Cases. In Kevin D. Ashley, and Derek Bridge, editors, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Case Base Reasoning (ICCBR'03), volume 2689 of LNAI, pages 261-275, Trondheim, Norway, June 2003, Springer.
  • Rainer Maximini, and Alexander Tartakovski. Approximative Retrieval of Attribute Dependent Generalized Cases. In Workshop on Knowledge and Experience Management (FGWM 2003), Karlsruhe Germany, October 2003.


  • Carsten Tautz, Ralph Traphöner, Ralph Bergmann, Rainer Maximini, and Martin Schaaf. Knowledge Representation for IP Retrieval. IPQ Deliverable AP2-T2-Q4. Technical Report, University of Hildesheim, 2002.
  • Carsten Tautz, Ralph Traphöner, Ralph Bergmann, Rainer Maximini, and Martin Schaaf. Prototypical implementation of the Quality Related Retrieval. IPQ Deliverable AP2-T1-Q4. Technical Report, University of Hildesheim, 2002.
  • Martin Schaaf, Rainer Maximini, Ralph Bergmann, Carsten Tautz, and Ralph Traphöner. Supporting Electronic Design Reuse by Integrating Quality-Criteria into CBR-Based IP Selection. In Susan Craw, and Alun Preece, editors, Proceedings 6th European Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ECCBR'02), volume 2416 of LNAI, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, September 2002.
  • Martin Schaaf, Markus Visarius, Ralph Bergmann, Rainer Maximini, Marco Spinelli, J. Lessmann, Wolfram Hardt, Stefan Ihmor, Wolfgang Thronicke, Jasmin Franz, Carsten Tautz, and Ralph Traphöner. IPCHL - A Description Language for Semantic IP Characterization. In Forum on Specification & Design Languages, September 2002.
  • Ralph Bergmann, Rainer Maximini, and Martin Schaaf. Experience Management for Electronic Design Reuse through Quality-Oriented IP Selection. In Mirjam Minor, and Steffen Staab, editors, Proceedings of the 1st German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM 2002), Berlin, Germany, March 2002, LNI vol p-10, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonner Koellen Verlag.


  • Carsten Tautz, Ralph Traphöner, Ralph Bergmann, Rainer Maximini, Martin Schaaf, and Ivo Vollrath. Concepts for the Integration of IP Quality Criteria into IP Characterization and Retrieval. IPQ Deliverable AP2-T1-Q2. Technical Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 2001.
