Newsletter 1998



January 1998

After a long break, a new Newsletter of the EGS Polar Lows Working Group is in your hands. Printed media may become a little bit old-fashioned considering the increased use of the internet as an actual information platform also for our group. Consequentely, this Newsletter is now also present in the web under the EPLWG home page.

Links to the WG members and their own web pages enable more variety of information sources than in the printed form. But, the printed form of Newsletter will be kept, because it was wished by several members. Both, the EPLWG home page and the Newsletter should contain concentrated information about the main issues of the current polar low research. Therefore, they rely on the input of the members, which should send their information to the chairman and the secretary.

Work on the case studies

Weddell Sea case



KABEG experiment

Current activities and items of interest at BAS

Recent publications of EPLWG members related to PL research