Recent publications of EPLWG members related to PL research
(several others can be found in the St.Petersburg Extended Abstracts volume and in the two special issues of the Global Atmosphere-Ocean System Vol. 4+5 [1996] and J. of Geophys. Res. Vol. 102 [1997])
Heinemann, G., 1996: A wintertime polar low over the eastern Weddell Sea (Antarctica): A study with AVHRR, TOVS, SSM/I and conventional data. Meteor. Atmosph. Phys. 58, 83-102.
Heinemann, G., Claud, C., 1997: Report of a workshop on "Theoretical and observational studies of polar lows" of the EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY POLAR LOWS WORKING GROUP. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc.,78.
Heinemann, G., 1998: A meso-scale model-based study of the dynamics of a wintertime polar low in the Weddell Sea region of the Antarctic during WWSP86. J. of Geophys. Res., in print.
King, J. C., and J. Turner, 1997, Antarctic Meteorology and Climatology: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 409 p.
Lieder, M., Heinemann, G., 1998: A summertime Antarctic mesocyclone event over the Southern Pacific during FROST SOP3: A meso-scale analysis using AVHRR, SSM/I, ERS and numerical model data. In print by Weather and Forecasting.
Turner, J., D. Bromwich, S. Colwell, S. Dixon, T. Gibson, T. Hart, G. Heinemann, H. Hutchinson, K. Jacka, S. Leonard, M. Lieder, L. Marsh, S. Pendlebury, H. Phillpot, M. Pook, and I. Simmonds, 1996: The Antarctic First Regional Observing Study of the Troposphere (FROST) project. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,77, 2007-2032.