Further Funding

In addition to the GUT Publication Award and the TriGUT and PhD Candidate and Parent funding programs, Trier University offers numerous other funding opportunities. Of course, there are also grants from our cooperation partners as well as national and international grants from which you can benefit. Below you will find an overview of these other funding programs.



Doctoral Candidates

Start-up funding for research and qualification projects

Within the framework of intra-university research funding, funding of up to €5,000 can be applied for from the research fund budget for the start-up funding of third-party funded projects and for the funding of qualification projects (doctorate, habilitation, “second book”). The funding decision is made by the Senate Research Committee.


Travel allowances for active participation in international conferences abroad

Doctoral and habilitation students can apply for a travel allowance of up to €500 from the research fund budget to attend international conferences or congresses abroad, provided that they are invited to participate with their own presentation or poster.


Publication Project

Funding for publications in genuine Open Access journals can be applied for from the Open Access Publication Fund, which is financed with the support of the DFG.


Subsidies for Scientific Events

Grants of up to € 3,000 per event can be applied for from the research fund budget for the preparation and organization of workshops, conferences and congresses at Trier University. The grants are advertised separately twice a year with application deadlines of April 1 and October 1. The funding decision is made by the Presidential Board.


Scholarships for talented students and doctoral candidates who demonstrate a particular commitment to society

With funds from the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation, Trier University's Scholarship Advisory Service is offering four scholarships for talented students who have shown particular social commitment.

Who can apply and be supported?

Students and doctoral candidates who

  • are enrolled at Trier University and
  • who does not receive any other talent- and performance-related material support from one of the measures or institutions listed in § 1 para. 3 of the Scholarship Program Act or from another domestic or foreign institution or
  • who do not carry out any paid work that is not conducive to the achievement of the study objective in terms of type and scope.

Type and duration of the scholarship

  • Amount of the scholarship: € 300 per month (monthly, non-repayable grant)
  • Funding period: 1 year (October to September inclusive)
  • The maximum funding period depends on the standard period of study in the respective degree program. (If the studies are extended for serious reasons such as a disability, pregnancy, care or nursing of a family member or a study-related stay abroad, the maximum funding period can be extended upon application).

Eligibility criteria

Applications are decided by the university's own awards committee on the basis of the following criteria:

Basic selection criteria:

  • For first-year students:
    the average grades of the university entrance qualification or - the special qualification that entitles the applicant to study in the respective degree program or - the academic achievements of any previous university studies;
  • For students already enrolled and doctoral candidates:
    the academic achievements to date, - for students on a Master's degree course also the final grade of the previous degree course, - for doctoral students the final grade of the previous degree course.

If the basic selection criteria are met, the further award procedure is aimed at students who are particularly committed to society, especially if they have distinguished themselves by holding an honorary position.

Selection criteria for social commitment can be, for example, the following activities:

  • Involvement at the university, e.g. student councils, student parliament, student projects, provided these activities are not remunerated
  • Commitment outside the university, e.g. long-term voluntary work and/or taking on responsibility in associations and initiatives.

An expense allowance of up to 50 euros per month is not harmful. Please describe your voluntary commitment (area of responsibility/function, amount of time) in the letter of motivation. Non-institutionalized voluntary work may also be considered under certain circumstances, but also requires suitable proof from a neutral person or body.

Re-applications are possible after funding has already been granted.

Application documents

The following application documents must be submitted in digital form as a PDF document by e-mail to the Scholarship Advisory Service of Trier University, Attn: Dr. Agnes Schindler, stipendienuni-trierde:

  • Letter of motivation (maximum length one DIN A4 page),
  • curriculum vitae in tabular form,
  • the certificate of higher education entrance qualification, in the case of foreign certificates a translation that can be transferred to the German system and converted into the German grading system,
  • For students from the 2nd semester onwards: overview of grades with ECTS points, or proof of previous achievements, commitment outside the university, e.g. long-term voluntary work and/or assumption of responsibility in associations and initiatives.
  • For students or first-year students in Master's degree programs: Certificates of the first university degree that qualifies for the Master's degree program;
  • Certificate of enrollment; applicants should submit proof of enrollment immediately;
  • Evidence to support the information provided in the application regarding the other selection criteria (e.g. social commitment, family responsibilities, etc.). For students or first-year students in Master's degree programs: Certificates of the first university degree that qualifies for the Master's program;

The application documents must be written in German or English. Applications in other languages must be accompanied by a translation from a certified translator.

Applications should be submitted by June 15 by e-mail to the scholarship advisory service at Trier University stipendienuni-trierde.

Dr. Agnes Schindler and Tara Partetzke will also answer questions at stipendienuni-trierde.

Information about the decision on the application will be provided in writing.

Scholarships and funding during the PhD

Doctoral students have various opportunities to raise funds for their research projects and to earn a living during their doctorate through scholarships and individual funding programs. Some funding programs relate to certain phases (entry, completion), others to the entire duration of the doctorate (so-called full doctoral scholarships). There are also programs that provide funding for a specific objective, such as a stay abroad or active participation in a conference.

The Scholarship Advisory Service at Trier University provides advice on all aspects of (doctoral) scholarships:

Scholarship officers: Dr. Agnes Schindler & Tara Partetzke, M.Sc.
Room: DM 10 & 11
E-mail: stipendienuni-trierde
Phone: +49 651 201-1826

University of the Greater Region (UniGR) - Promotion of scientific events

The University of Trier is one of the member universities of the University of the Greater Region network, therefore doctoral candidates of the University of Trier can apply for financial support for the organization of scientific events (from conferences, colloquia, workshops to summer schools). The financial support granted by the UniGR covers a maximum of 30% of the total budget of the event with an upper limit of € 2,000 per event.



Start-up funding for research and qualification projects

Within the framework of intra-university research funding, funding of up to €5,000 can be applied for from the research fund budget for the start-up funding of third-party funded projects and for the funding of qualification projects (doctorate, habilitation, “second book”). The funding decision is made by the Senate Research Committee.

Trier University is also offering start-up funding from the Rhineland-Palatinate 2024 - 2028 research initiative to prepare a qualification project in the postdoc phase at Trier University.
The primary aim of the funding program is to enable outstanding postdocs to prepare an exposé for the application to research funding institutions. Further information can be found on the homepage of the research department.

Stays Abroad

The International Office advises on the financing of research and teaching stays abroad.


Travel allowances for active participation in international conferences abroad

Doctoral and habilitation students can apply for a travel allowance of up to €500 from the research fund budget to attend international conferences or congresses abroad, provided that they are invited to participate with their own presentation or poster.


Publication Project

Funding for publications in genuine Open Access journals can be applied for from the Open Access Publication Fund, which is financed with the support of the DFG.


Subsidies for Scientific Events

Grants of up to € 3,000 per event can be applied for from the research fund budget for the preparation and organization of workshops, conferences and congresses at Trier University. The grants are advertised separately twice a year with application deadlines of April 1 and October 1. The funding decision is made by the Presidential Board.


University of the Greater Region (UniGR) - Promotion of scientific events

The UniGR supports the organization of scientific events with a cross-border character. The format of the scientific events can vary from conferences, colloquia and workshops to summer schools.


Junior Professors

Start-up funding for research and qualification projects

Within the framework of intra-university research funding, funding of up to €5,000 can be applied for from the research fund budget for the start-up funding of third-party funded projects and for the funding of qualification projects (doctorate, habilitation, “second book”). The funding decision is made by the Senate Research Committee.


Stays Abroad

The International Office advises on the financing of research and teaching stays abroad.


Publication Project

Funding for publications in genuine Open Access journals can be applied for from the Open Access Publication Fund, which is financed with the support of the DFG.


Subsidies for Scientific Events

Grants of up to € 3,000 per event can be applied for from the research fund budget for the preparation and organization of workshops, conferences and congresses at Trier University. The grants are advertised separately twice a year with application deadlines of April 1 and October 1. The funding decision is made by the Presidential Board.


University of the Greater Region (UniGR) - Promotion of scientific events

The UniGR supports the organization of scientific events with a cross-border character. The format of the scientific events can vary from conferences, colloquia and workshops to summer schools.