Jan Gründling, M.Sc.
Room: H 438
Phone: +49 (0)651 201-2851
Email: gruendling[at]uni-trier.de
Short Bio
Jan Gründling obtained a Master of Science during studies "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" at the TU Chemnitz in 2020. Due to the strongly interdisciplinary nature of his studies, he was able to gain valuable experience in the fields of physics, computer science, mechanical and human perception (sensory and cognitive). In addition, he learned essential basics from the fields of organizational and business psychology as well as human factors. This combination has already been applied in his bachelor and master thesis. In his bachelor thesis, Jan Gründling showed that wearables can be used to conduct questionnaires and show the same relative differences as a paper version. In his master thesis he used this knowledge to develop a system for adaptive task assignment. In the context of Industry 4.0, this can help to increase work satisfaction and performance in the work context in human-machine collaboration. His research interest is to find suitable concepts for the evaluation of VR environments of different, abstract types and the resulting design guidelines for these environments.
EU - BugWright2
EU - The Human Brain Project