Dr. Moritz Gobbert
Room: H 437
Phone: +49 (0)651 201-2850
Email: gobbert[at]uni-trier.de
Short Bio
Moritz Gobbert is working as a postdoc in the HCI group at Trier University since July 2022. He finished his PhD in the same year at Trier University—the dissertation is called "Memory Distance: A Different Metric for Analyzing Algorithm Performance" and introduces an alternative complexity measure which yields more precise predictions for real world performance of algorithms than the usual time measurement.
In cooperation with Dominique Bohrmann, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Trier, he is conducting research in the interdisciplinary project "FlexiTeams," which focuses on how to use artificial intelligence to assist managers in staff allocation decisions during crisis situations (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic). His main focus lies in designing an interface between the artificial intelligence and the human decision makers.
Moritz Gobbert and Henning Fernau. “Latrunculi - on the Complexity of Roman Chess.” In Sixth Workshop on Non-Classical Models for Automata and Applications - NCMA 2014, Kassel, Germany, July 28-29, 2014. Proceedings, edited by Suna Bensch, Rudolf Freund, and Friedrich Otto, 304:115–30. BooksocgAt. Kassel: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2014.
Moritz Gobbert. “Edge Hop: A Framework to Show NP-Hardness of Combinatorial Games,” 2018. https://eccc.weizmann.ac.il/report/2018/080/.
Katrin Casel, Jan Dreier, Henning Fernau, Moritz Gobbert, Philipp Kuinke, Fernando Sánchez Villaamil, Markus L. Schmid, and Erik Jan van Leeuwen. “Complexity of Independency and Cliquy Trees.” Discret. Appl. Math. 272 (2020): 2–15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2018.08.011.