GI VR/AR Workshop 2020 at the University of Trier
--- All lectures are now online on YouTube ---
The VR/AR specialist group is organizing the 17th GI VR/AR Workshop 2020 on September 24th and 25th, 2020 at the University of Trier in cooperation with the Trier University of Applied Sciences.
The Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) specialist group in the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) aims to advance scientific work in the field of “Virtual and Augmented Reality” and to support the exchange of information among scientists.
The workshop, launched by the GI VR/AR specialist group 17 years ago, is an established platform for the exchange of information and ideas. Interested parties from science and practice traditionally meet here once a year. The workshop offers the ideal setting to discuss current results and projects from research and development with an expert audience. Last but not least, the workshop is an ideal forum for establishing and maintaining contacts or for gaining an insight into the latest work on virtual and augmented reality.
The workshop takes place on Campus II of the University of Trier.
We are very pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker: Thorsten Leimann, Game Designer bei Ubisoft Düsseldorf und Gregor Domes, Professor für Biologische und Klinische Psychologie an der Universität Trier. You can find more information about the keynotes here.
Response to the Corona Pandemic
The GI VR/AR-Workshop will be **completely virtual**! The data remains.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus and the associated restrictions on public life, we also had to deal with the situation. We have now made the following fundamental decisions:
- The workshop will take place *virtually*! We would like to minimize any health risk for everyone involved and still enable the workshop to take place. We currently see no possibility of making a reliable estimate for the period at the end of September. You can find more information about the virtualization of the workshop here.
- There will be a proceedings volume, so the submitted and accepted publications will be published. For this purpose, we have decided to publish the contributions in the Digital Library of the Society for Computer Schience.
Call for Papers
As part of the 17th workshop “Virtual and Augmented Reality” of the GI VR/AR specialist group, we want to give young scientists in particular the opportunity to present their scientific work to an expert audience. This includes, for example, ongoing doctoral projects and outstanding student theses.
Contributions to the workshop are possible in any area of virtual and augmented reality. This includes in particular, but not exclusively:
- 3D input devices and interaction techniques
- Avatars and Agents
- Display technologies and tracking
- (Real-Time )Rendering
- Education and Experiences
- Society and socio-technical aspects
- Human Factors
- Industrial application scenarios
- Innovative & Artistic Applications
- Modeling and simulation
- Multimodal interaction
- System architectures and intelligent environments
- Distributed and collaborative environments
- Web technologies
- Games & Serious Games
Submission forms and conference proceedings
Scientific papers in the categories long article (10-12 pages), short article (6-8 pages), poster and demo (up to 4 pages) are desired in German or English. Contributions must be uploaded in anonymized form and as a PDF file via the submission system. In the case of submitting a demo, we would like to ask you to attach the following data sheet to the PDF of the contribution in addition to your contribution, as only one file can be uploaded via the system.
All further information can be found in the Call for Paper.
VR / AR Gaming Challenge
This year there will be a VR/AR Gaming Challenge for the first time. Games and game prototypes with VR/AR support and a game session time of no more than 5 minutes are permitted. The best submissions will be invited to present their game as part of a Pecha Kucha lecture at the workshop and to present it to the interested audience for testing in a subsequent demo session. At the end of the workshop there will be an award for the best jury rating and the audience favorite. The game will be evaluated primarily based on the innovation and novelty of the game mechanic(s) as well as the use of VR/AR and the associated interaction implementation.
All further information can be found in the Call for Paper.
Important Appointments
Submission deadline for long articles, short articles, Posters, demonstrations, theses and the VR/AR Gaming Challenge | 22.05.2020 (old 04.05.2020) |
Notifications | 01.07.2020 (old 22.06.2020) |
Submission of the Camera Ready Version VR/AR Gaming Challenge | 29.06.2020 |
Submission of the camera ready version all other contributions | 17.07.2020 (old 06.07.2020) |
Registration deadline for workshop | 17.09.2020 (old 10.09.2020) |
GI VR/AR Workshop | 24. & 25.09.2020 |
Workshop Chairs
Benjamin Weyers, Universität Trier
Christoph Lürig, Hochschule Trier
Paul Grimm, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Yvonne Jung, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Best Paper Award Chair
Rolf Kruse, Fachhochschule Erfurt
Sponsor Chair
Jérôme Perret, Haption GmbH
Publication Chair
Daniel Zielasko, Universität Trier
Web & Design Chair
Yuen C. Law, Universität Trier
Program Committee
Manfred Bogen, Fraunhofer
Christian-Arved Bohn
Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology
Gerd Bruder, University of Central Florida
Guido Brunnett, Chemnitz University of Technology
Ralf Doerner, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Bernd Fröhlich, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Arnulph Fuhrmann, TH Köln
Chris Geiger, Universityof Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
Andreas Gerndt, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Jens Grubert, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Stefan Grünvogel, TH Köln
Jens Herder, HS Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences
Andre Hinkenjann, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Bernhard Jung, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Yvonne Jung, Hochschule Fulda
Gudrun Klinker, Technical University of Munich
Ernst Kruijff, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Rolf Kruse, FH Erfurt
Torsten Kuhlen, RWTH Aachen University
Daniela Markov-Vetter, University of Rostock
Carsten Matysczok, UNITY AG
Heinrich Mueller, University of Dortmund
Volker Paelke, Hochschule Bremen
Jerome Perret, Haption GmbH
Thies Pfeiffer, Bielefeld University
Oliver Staadt, University of Rostock
Tom Vierjahn, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences
Rene Weller, University of Bremen
Raphael Zender, University of Potsdam
Gaming Challenge Committee
Christoph Lürig, Hochschule Trier
Lukas Küntzer, Hochschule Trier
Sebastian Genz, Hochschule Trier
Vivien Baguio, Posteo