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[16] Krampen, G. (2017). Autogén Tréning a depresszió kezelésében (Autogenous training in the treatment of depressions). In Németh, M. & Stiblá (Eds.), Testtől Lélekig (From Body to Soul): Életelvűség és jövőre irányultság a relaxációs és szimbólumterápiákban (Bionomical concept and future-orientation in relaxation and symboltherapy) (pp.141-150). Budapest: Central Press ’99 Kaposvár (ISSN-L 2343-7073).
[15] Mayer, A.-K., & Krampen, G. (2016). Information literacy as a key to academic success: Results from a longitudinal study. In S. Kurbanoğlu, J. Boustany, S. Špiranec, E. Grassian, D. Mizrachi, L. Roy, & T. Çakmak (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 676: Information literacy: Key to an inclusive society; pp. 598-607). Cham: Springer International. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52162-6_59
[14] Leichner, N., Peter, J., Mayer, A.-K., & Krampen, G. (2015). Fostering information literacy in German psychology students: Objective and subjective evaluation of a blended learning course. In S. Zvacek, M. T. Restivo, J. Uhomoibhi, & M. Helfert (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 510, International Conference on Computer Supported Education 2014, pp. 359-371). Berlin, New York: Springer ("The 24 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 242 submissions."). http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319257679 - doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-25768-6_23
[13] Mayer, A.-K., Peter, J., Leichner, N., & Krampen, G. (2015). One size doesn’t fit all – effectiveness and subjective evaluations of adaptable information literacy instruction. In S. Kurbanoglou, J. Boustany, S. Spiranec, E. Grassian, D. Mizrachi, & L. Roy (Eds.), Information literacy: moving toward sustainability. (= Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 552, pp. 283-292). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28197-1_29
[12] Krampen, G. & Trierweiler, L. (2013). Research on emotions in developmental psychology contexts. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck & S. Bauer (Eds.), Handbook of psychology of emotions (Vol. 1, Chap. 4, pp. 63-80). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
[11] Krampen, G., Schui, G. & Bauer, H.P.W. (2013). Prototypical strategy for high-level citation-analyses. In: J. Gorraiz et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 2099-2101). Vienna (Austria): Facultas.
[10] Trierweiler, L. & Krampen, G. (2013). Significant others in everyday life emotional relationships and health. In C. Mohiyeddini (Ed.), Emotional relationships: Types, challenges, and health (Chap 2, 9-22). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
[09] Bauer, H., Schui, G. & Krampen, G. (2012). From Analog to Digital Psychology: Results from Surveys on Information Behavior among German Psychologists between 1997 and 2010. In A. Tokar, M. Beurskens, S. Keuneke, M. Mahrt, I. Peters, C. Puschmann, T. van Treeck & K. Weller (Eds.), Science and the Internet (pp. 19-29). Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
[08] Schui, G. & Krampen, G. (2008). Computer assisted learning and its impact on educational programs within the past decade: A bibliometric overview of research. In J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, T. Seufert & L. Kester (Eds.), Beyond knowledge: The legacy of competence – Meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 115-116). Berlin: Springer.
[07] Schui, G. & Krampen, G. (2007). Historiography of research on aggression and emotion and its intersection in the last quarter of the 20th century. In G. Steffgen & M. Gollwitzer (Eds.), Emotions and aggressive behavior (pp. 3-16). Cambridge: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
[06] Krampen, G. (2005). Psychology of control and personality. In W. Greve, K. Rothermund & D. Wentura (Eds.), The adaptive self: Personal continuity and intentional self-development (Chap. 7) (pp. 97-115). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
[05] Von Eye, A. & Krampen, G. (1998). Prediction analysis. In N. C. Silver & J.B. Hittner (Eds.), A guidebook of statistical software for the social and behavioral sciences (p. 311). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
[04] Krampen, G. (1996). Perceived childrearing practices and the development of locus of control in early adolescence. In J. Frymier (ed.), Teaching students to be responsible (pp. 79-95). Bloomington, IL: Phi Delta Kappa.
[03] Krampen, G. (1991). Competence and control orientations as predictors of test anxiety in students. In R. Schwarzer & R.A. Wicklund (Eds.), Anxiety and self-focused attention (pp. 111-123). London: Harwood (Republication from "Anxiety Research", 1988, 1, pp. 185-197).
[02] Heil, F.E. & Krampen, G. (1989). Action-theoretical approaches to the development of control orientations in the aged. In P.S. Fry (Ed.), Psychological perspectives of helplessness and control in the elderly (pp. 99-118). Amsterdam: Elsevier-North Holland.
[01] Brandtstädter, J., Krampen, G. & Heil, F.E. (1986). Personal control and emotional evaluation of devel-opment in partnership relations during adulthood. In M.M. Baltes & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), The psychology of aging and control (pp. 265-296). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.